Is Obama Bi or Not?

Bilingual, that is.

On July 11th of this year Barack Obama told people at a Town Hall meeting in Dayton Ohio that he did not speak a foreign language and that he was embarrassed by that.

I don’t speak a foreign language. It’s embarrassing!” Barack Obama exclaimed today at town hall meeting here. Obama, who often touts his time growing up overseas, made the confession while speaking about the importance of teaching foreign languages in schools. [emphasis added] CBS News

As Barack Obama prepares to give his campaign speech in Germany he has been taking questions from reporters. One asked him if his speech would be in German and this was the response:

“My German is not real good,” he said. “I can speak Bahasi Indonesian but I don’t think…there would be a lot of appeal to that.” [emphasis added] ABC Political Punch

So now the question is, which time was he lying. Was he lying at the Town Hall meeting in order to defuse the tense environment surrounding his statement that parents should be ensuring their children learn Spanish (not any foreign language but Spanish) or was he lying when he answered the question in Germany.

The over arching question is, why would he lie about it in the first place? What is the motivation behind his very different answers?

Obama definitely has a problem with the truth. I wonder if any of the fawning media accompanying him will ask him about the contradiction…

Get real, they are too busy having tingles up their legs.

Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Is Obama Bi or Not?”

  1. Reason says:

    I’m at a loss on how to address our news media’s unashamed bias in reporting. They aren’t doing their jobs, they are in effect interfering with the election process by working so hard to “fix” the election, and they are abusing the rights granted to them by the 1st Amendment.

    I’d be for rules ensuring that in order to use the title “News” that they must follow unbiased reporting standards. The rest can call themselves “Infotainment”. However that likely would not fly with the First Amendment. Its like many things in our nation, people can’t be responsible and do the right thing so we end up making laws to make sure they do it or get punished for not doing it. This leads to things like seat belt laws, helmet laws, and even drunk driving laws. Yes I believe that ideally there should be no laws on the books for driving while intoxicated since no reasonable person can deny that when intoxicated they should not operate machinery or drive. However reality is that we need such laws.

  2. Bosun says:

    Liar liar pants on fire. Obama, should shut up and keep it simple.