Harry Reid Wants Some of the Credit for Rush’s Work

I wrote not long ago that Rush Limbaugh had placed the letter from Senator Reid and 40 other Democrats on eBay and that all proceeds of the auction would go to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Fund. When I wrote that post I wrote that if it was successful Reid would probably try to take credit for it. Today that auction closed and there is no doubt it was successful because the top bid was $2,100,100.00. Someone bid 2.1 million dollars and won the document. Rush Limbaugh, the guy who liberals tried to smear as an unpatriotic non supporter of the troops came up with this idea and then he matched the bid with 2.1 million dollars of his own. Not bad at all.

Harry Reid tried to get in on the action, just as I predicted he would. Reid discussed this auction today as it wound down and he was amazed that it had raised so much. He indicated that he had spoken with Mr. Mays, the CEO he wrote the letter to, and that “we” did not think it would get that much money. Here is what Reid said:

“Never did we think that this letter would bring money of this nature. And, for the cause, Madam President, it is extremely good. Now, everyone knows that Rush Limbaugh and I don’t agree on everything in life and maybe that is kind of an understatement. But without qualification, Mark May — the owner of the network that has Rush Limbaugh — and Rush Limbaugh should know that this letter that they’re auctioning is going to be something that raises money for a worthwhile cause.” Brietbart Video

I want to know where this “WE” came from? Harry Reid was not involved in this auction and he certainly did not write his letter in order for it to be auctioned off. In fact, the auction probably caused him a lot of embarrassment because he was bested by Rush Limbaugh. Reid tried to twist Limbaugh’s words and to get his boss to make him apologize for not supporting the troops and it ends up backfiring while raising a lot of money for the troops. So just how did Harry Reid have anything to do with this? As usual, this little weasel had his rear end handed to him and then he tries to turn it into a victory for him. Now Harry, you lose. It is that plain and simple. You and the other 40 idiots who signed that letter were made to look like the absolute fools that you are.

Reid urges people with the means to bid on the item (that was probably a plea for MoveOn to bid and then burn it up) but did Harry make a bid? He certainly has enough money after all his illegal activities. Did Harry Reid call on the 40 dimwits who signed this to match the winning bid? Limbaugh matched it. If each of these people donated $50,000 they would nearly match the winning bid.

But then again, these jackasses never spend their money, just ours…

Big Dog

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5 Responses to “Harry Reid Wants Some of the Credit for Rush’s Work”

  1. […] Check it out! While looking through the blogosphere we stumbled on an interesting post today.Here’s a quick excerpt… eBay and that all proceeds of the auction would go to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Fund. When I wrote that post I wrote that if it was successful Reid would probably try to […] Visit Big Dog’s Weblog for the rest of the story. … […]

  2. irtexas44 says:


    Of course he wants the credit. In his demented little brain he thinks he has done a great thing. That is just how small minded these idiots are. By next week he will be hawking that it was his idea all a long. Keep patting yourself on the back Harry, what a good little boy you are.

  3. […] Big Dog placed an observative post today on Harry Reid Wants Some of the Credit for Rushâ

  4. M. Simon says:

    I have just received an anonymous e-mail with a link to a site, I Call BS, that purports to have a secret recording of Harry Reid’s Secretary from Friday morning. You can listen to the mp3 and judge for yourself. It seems authentic to me.

    Some one should tell Rush.

  5. […] Big Dogs Weblog » Harry Reid Wants Some of the Credit for Rush’s Work […]