Giuliani to Bow Out, Endorse RINO McCain

Rudy Giuliani placed all his marbles in a sack named Florida and lost them earlier today when John McCain and Mitt Romney placed ahead of him in the winner take all delegate fest. Giuliani ignored the earlier states and concentrated on Florida where a large number of New Yorkers come to spend the winters. It seems to me that Giuliani should have known that a large number of those New Yorkers would be Democrats and therefore could not vote for him. In any event, it looks like he will bow out as early as tomorrow morning and he will throw his support behind John McCain.

There is not a lot of difference between these two. Both are RINOs who embrace ILLEGAL immigrants. Giuliani has had three wives and McCain dumped his first wife after she had a terrible accident and gained weight so he could marry some younger chick. Giuliani and McCain are cut from the same cloth and either would bring the party closer to the liberal points of view. McCain has worked on so many bills with Ted Kennedy that there is probably a McCain room at the Kennedy compound. Each bill was terrible and the one he worked on with Senator Feingold took away the free speech rights of people and strengthened the position of the incumbents.

I guess Giuliani will support McCain and hope for the nod as VP or Attorney General and in order to do that Rudy would have to get on board with the Republican who many people believe could beat any of the Democrats. According to polls, that would be John McCain. Perhaps he could win. He is whiter than Obama and there are some people who are still hung up about color, he has more experience than Hillary and Obama combined and he is less abrasive than Hillary. Maybe he could actually win. The media loves him and the New York Times endorsed him most likely because he has the same liberal views that they do. Of course McCain has some conservative views that they don’t like (like his support for the war) but I have this feeling a President McCain would go to the southern border and invite the illegals in by the truck full. His immigration stance should make everyone worry as should this person who is working with him.

Well Giuliani ran a terrible campaign and spent millions of dollars to give it a run in one state and he came in third. That does not sound like the kind of guy we need running the war or our country. As he departs it tightens up the field a bit and makes tsunami Tuesday that much more meaningful. One other blessing is that we will not have to hear him mention 9/11 or Ronald Reagan again. In the debates it seemed like every other sentence was 9/11 or Ronald Reagan as if Rudy believed he were anything like Reagan or that anyone in the US did not know about him and 9/11.

It should be fun starting tomorrow.

Big Dog

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5 Responses to “Giuliani to Bow Out, Endorse RINO McCain”

  1. Angel says:

    Good Lawd..anyone but Mclame!

  2. Adam says:

    I’ll toast to that, Jim. The media (specially Fox) is absolutely obsessed with Rudy. They wouldn’t think of excluding him from a debate even though he came in behind Ron Paul in most if not all of the states. He’s such a piece of crap that it makes me very very happy to see him fail. Did anybody anywhere think his strategy would work? What an idiot…

  3. Rudy’s campaign displayed an incompetence that should disqualify him for consideration for President

  4. Diatribist says:

    McRINO wil be the death of the Republican Party!!!