Do Other Dems Hold Obama’s Views?

Last week Barack Obama made his biggest mistake of the never ending campaign when he stated that small town America turns to guns and religion out of bitterness. The time since he said those things has been filled with Obama apologists telling us that he did not say this and that he chose the wrong words but he was correct about what he said and the damage control folks have been in overdrive trying to convince people that he meant people are angry about their situations.

Let us be perfectly clear; Barack Obama absolutely stated that peole are turn to guns and religions (as well as demonstrate dislike for immigrants) because they are bitter about their economic circumstances. There is no other way to interpret what he said without a willful suspension of disbelief. Obama insulted small town America in front of a group of liberal elitist snobs in San Francisco and then had the audacity to hope people would not take offense.

After the recent debate, a debate that Hillary Clinton won hands down, Obama picked up support from more of the super delegates. Obama picked up support from more of the party’s elite after he insulted the people in small town America. He was taken to task in the debate and his answers about his statements as well as his association with a racist pastor and a member of a domestic terrorist group were elusive and misleading and some of them were lies. He made promises about taxes and gun rights that are inconsistent with his previous views. In other words, he was a typical politician who pandered and lied. He proved that he is nothing more than what he claims to be against in this race.

The sad thing is that more and more Democratic leaders (the super delegates) are jumping on the Obama bandwagon which means that they agree with the things he says. Any who don’t necessarily agree with him completely believe that he can win the White House and that is their goal, at all costs including any modicum of honor they might have actually had. In politics the goal has become winning at all costs, regardless of how it harms the country. Both political parties are guilty but it is more obvious on the left because they are still running a hotly contested race.

Many Democrats are gravitating to Obama now and it is because they support his empty claims of hope and change and they agree with his assessment of America. Most Democrats see Americans as disenchanted members of society who yearn for the leadership that only Democrats can provide. If only we would allow the Democrats to apply their brand of socialism then we could live in ignorant bliss.

Many Democrats are bitter because Hillary Clinton has hung on so long and just as many are bitter that this upstart Senator has taken her rightful place at the seat of power. Yes, the Democratic primary has left a lot of them bitter.

I wonder if they will turn to guns and religion?

Nah, then they will have abandoned the Democratic platform completely.

Vote them ALL out. We need a fresh start.


Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Do Other Dems Hold Obama’s Views?”

  1. TRM says:

    Luckily neither would win in the GE…
    I suspect that a good portion of the lean towards Obama is the liberal infection called white guilt… Hillary and Bill stepped on too many toes along the way….

  2. Bosun says:

    I would not count my chickens before they hatch. The conservatives and republicans threw away the midterm election because they had their heads where the sun does not ever shine and did not vote. What makes you think that same idiots who stayed away in the midterm elections will honor the voting process with their presence? Sorry to sound like such a pessimist, I have little faith in the fair weather sailors and foul weather merchants that abound today.

    Bosuns last blog post..Will Israel live to 100?