Did Obama Bite Off More Than He Can Chew?

I have read all the rantings over John McCain’s ads last week and how some people say they are full of lies. People lost their minds when John McCain accurately stated that Barack Obama wanted to teach sex education to kindergarten children. Obama and his supporters claim that it only dealt with inappropriate touching so children would know when someone was doing something wrong. Turns out that the curriculum that Obama wanted followed is absolutely inappropriate for children of that age and goes way beyond protection of children.

But the yappers were out screaming and when Karl Rove said that both campaigns were taking one step too far and distorting the truth the liberals, who live with their heads stuck someplace that blocks their ears, only picked up the part about McCain. Then they actually agreed with Rove, something I never thought I would see. Obama vowed to fight back. He is going to hit hard. Actually, he is just putting out statements taken out of context and telling lies. That is all OK but it would be nice if the same liberals who cried about their perception of McCain lying would go after The One.

I guess they don’t really have to go after him. Barack Obama did something really stupid today. He put out an ad that targeted Hispanics and the ad is in Spanish. The ad criticizes McCain and says he lied to the illegals. One can debate McCain’s record of reaching out to the Hispanic community. His support for amnesty was a major reason people were not enthusiastic with his nomination. If not for Sarah Palin, McCain would be toast. No, Obama can lie, in fact he did, about McCain’s record because this is politics and that is what happens. When a man runs scared he abandons his principles. No, Obama attacked Rush Limbaugh and he used two quotes from Limbaugh completely out of context. The use is so inaccurate that there is no way to look at it except as a deliberate distortion of the record; a lie.

Just so people know, the ad indicates that Limbaugh said “…stupid and unskilled Mexicans” and “You shut your mouth or you get out!”

The problem with this is that they are completely out of context. Here is what was said:

Railing against NAFTA in 1993, Limbaugh said, “If you are unskilled and uneducated, your job is going south. Skilled workers, educated people are going to do fine ’cause those are the kinds of jobs NAFTA is going to create. If we are going to start rewarding no skills and stupid people, I’m serious, let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”

Not one of his most eloquent moments, to be sure, but his larger point was that NAFTA would mean that unskilled stupid Mexicans would be doing the jobs of unskilled stupid Americans.


[while describing Mexican immigration law]
“And another thing: You don’t have the right to protest. You’re allowed no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our President or his policies. You’re a foreigner: shut your mouth or get out! And if you come here illegally, you’re going to jail. ABC

Limbaugh said that if there are jobs for stupid and unskilled people then stupid and unskilled Mexicans can do them rather than stupid and unskilled Americans. The second part is when he is telling people the Mexican immigration law. He is telling people what the Mexican government’s position is. People do not have to agree with the point of view he expressed but Stevie Wonder can see that the Obama ad is a huge, deliberate lie.

Why is this a mistake for Obama? Barack Obama has to pay for airtime when he wants to run an ad. Every time he wants to put up an ad it costs him money. Rush Limbaugh has three hours of airtime each and every workday and he does not have to pay to get it. In fact they pay him to be on. Admittedly, Limbaugh has been on Obama’s case but truth be told, until McCain picked Palin Limbaugh was not on board with him. I don’t think McCain and Limbaugh like each other.

The point though, is that Limbaugh could unleash on Obama for three hours a day and he could have all those authors on for interviews. You know, the ones that Obama supporters try to shut down on orders from The One; the Constitutional lawyer who wants to deny others their right to express their views. Yes, Limbaugh could start taking all kinds of Obama quotes and using them out of context and he could keep playing that stuff for three hours a day, five days a week and it would not cost him a dime.

Obama would be forced to answer some of the allegations especially when they start going on the Internet and become viral. I just don’t think it was smart of Obama to pick a fight with a guy who talks for a living, reaches tens of millions of people a week, and has all the airtime and resources he wants to attack as much as he wants.

It was a boneheaded thing for Obama to do. Before anyone dismisses Limbaugh’s audience as a bunch of conservatives, he attracts a lot of Independents and that is the demographic that will decide the election. He might even convert some of the liberals who listen to him (we know they are there).

Do you suppose the same media that just last week called McCain sleazy will have the same to say about Obama?


Washington Post | Rush Limbaugh | Politico

Big Dog

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7 Responses to “Did Obama Bite Off More Than He Can Chew?”

  1. Barbara A. Orla says:

    Obama cannot open his mouth withoout spewing out a bunch of lies.  I guess this comes from the crooked company he keeps.  What is wrong with the American people? Are they so stupid that they can’t see what he is doing? Many Americans are just voting for him because he is black.  What happened to voting because of the issues and christians voting for righteousness? If the American people put Obama in, I wonder what their reaction will be when we are sitting here like ducks waiting to die because Obama has done away with our nuclear weapons and military and when our taxes are so high that we cannot afford the things we need to survive.  Wake up America!

  2. Adam says:

    “I have read all the rantings over John McCain’s ads last week and how some people say they are full of lies.”

    Funny you should mention Rove again.  For some reason when he said both campaigns that gives you a way to ignore the fact that he did say specifically: “McCain has gone in some of his ads — similarly gone one step too far, and sort of attributing to Obama things that are, you know, beyond the ‘100 percent truth’ test.”

    Some people, indeed. You miss the point entirely over the Rove thing.  McCain’s lies were so obvious and outright that even a scumbag GOP spin doctor like Karl Rove couldn’t weasel out of it on Fox News of all places.  Ouch.

    “Turns out that the curriculum that Obama wanted followed is absolutely inappropriate for children of that age and goes way beyond protection of children.”

    In what respect?

  3. Reason says:

    How can you tell if Barack Obama is lying? His lips are moving.

    In the respect that the bill outlines that instruction will include STDs, contraception, and other inappropriate topics for children 5-6 years old.

    Also the fact that “inappropriate touching” and avoiding predators can be a comprehensive educational bill of its own that doesn’t involve sex education seems to elude liberals. If you want to teach about avoiding sexual predators and such it can include children from K-12 without teaching them about sex. Children & Teens are often targets of sexual predators via the internet, and you can teach a kid about avoiding high risk situations and how to handle & report them without discussing STDs, contraception, abstinence, and the like.

  4. Big Dog says:

    Rove equated both campaigns and gave examples from both.

    I like Rove. He is savvy and intelligent and when he gives his analysis he is pretty fair to both sides. He is brutal if he is working against you. Why should you condemn Rove when he is no worse than Obama and his “we don’t play” Chicago style corrupt politics.

    I know, you were all fooled by the Hopenchange because he has turned out to be the typical politician he rails against.

    As for sex ed, tell me which if you think all these items are appropriate for a kid in Kindergarten:
    • Each body part has a correct name and a specific function.
    • A person’s genitals, reproductive organs, and genes determine whether the person is male or female.
    • A boy/man has nipples, a penis, a scrotum, and testicles.
    • A girl/woman has breasts, nipples, a vulva, a clitoris, a vagina, a uterus, and ovaries.
    • Some sexual or reproductive organs, such as penises and vulvas, are external or on the outside of the body while others, such as ovaries and testicles, are internal or inside the body.
    • Both boys and girls have body parts that feel good when touched.
    • Bodies change as children grow older.
    • Puberty is a time of physical and emotional change that happens as children become teenagers.
    • People are able to have children only after they have reached puberty.
    • Human beings can love people of the same gender and people of another gender.
    • Some people are heterosexual, which means they can be attracted to and fall in love with someone
    of another gender.
    • Some people are homosexual, which means they can be attracted to and fall in love with someone
    of the same gender.
    • Homosexual men and women are also known as gay men and lesbians.
    • People deserve respect regardless of who they are attracted to.
    • Making fun of people by calling them gay (e.g. “homo,” “fag,” “queer”) is disrespectful and hurtful.

    Then tell me how these deal with inappropriate touching.

    More at Stop the ACLU

  5. Obama’s desperation is showing.

    And so is his arrogance.

    I actually know some young high schoolers, some Dems among them, seeing through Obama’s idiotic maneuvers the past few weeks.

  6. Reason says:

    Someone really  needs to photoshop Barack Obama’s face onto Fonzie jumping the Shark tank…

  7. Bill says:

    You were spot on with this one Big Dog. Did you see the op-ed by Rush in the WSJ today? Ouch!