Democrats on taxes: You won’t miss your money

The Democrats are proposing an income tax surcharge on people making $500,000 or more (and then saying it is on millionaires) in order to pay for education benefits for veterans. The bill for veteran’s education was shot down last week because it did not have a funding source. The Blue Dog Democrats have decided to enforce pay as you go rather than running up the deficit. Things like that happen in an election year especially with Democrats who are in fairly conservative areas of the country.

I do not like the idea of taxing anyone to pay for these programs. The federal government takes in plenty of money and it needs to get its house in order and reduce spending on BS stuff. They waste money and then pilfer more. It is time for them to get their acts together. If it isn’t bad enough they want to confiscate more of people’s money, here is a demonstration of the attitude they have toward you and your money:

“What we’re talking about is a one-half percent income tax surcharge on incomes above $1 million,” said Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., a leader of the Blue Dog group. “So someone who earns $2 million a year would pay $5,000. … They’re not going to miss it.” Yahoo News

They might be Blue Dogs but they still like to tax people. A couple of things here. Unless I am mistaken a half a percent of 2 million is 10 thousand not 5. Additionally, did you notice the cavalier attitude toward other people’s money? They are not going to miss it. That is the height of arrogance and shows the contempt these people have for us. Who is this puke Congressman to decide whether a person will miss his money or not? It is not up to Congress to decide if we will miss it or not.

This is why they continue to screw us left and right. Their attitude is that they can decide how we should run our lives.

I would not miss Congress if they all suddenly disappeared. Will Congressman Ross be so kind as to take them away somewhere as well? What these “millionaires” ought to do is stop donating money to politicians. They should shut them off completely and not give them one cent. When the politicians ask for donations just tell them; “It’s OK, you won’t miss the money.”

I hate politicians and I especially hate politicians who steal our money. Let’s send all of them packing this year.

Big Dog

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3 Responses to “Democrats on taxes: You won’t miss your money”

  1. Adam says:

    The main people packing this year are Republicans. You’ll see them this time next year either as a lobbyist, working in a think tank, or on the side of the road with a cardboard sign that reads “I’ll hate dark skinned people for food.”

    I don’t think one party should control all branches of government, but now what can I do to stop that when the other major party blows it so bad? Your only hope at this point is that McCain wins the White House, though it will be hard for him to get anything at all useful done since the Democrats will control congress.

    Adams last blog post..A Hillary Clinton Stalwart?

  2. Big Dog says:

    A lot of Republicans are leaving office. Democrats can’t do that because they will otherwise be unemployed. If they cannot live off the gubmint they do not know what to do.

    It would not bother me to see a huge majority of Dems in Congress and a Dem president. People will get to see how bad things get screwed up and they will not be able to blame any of it on Bush or the Republicans. There will come a point when people say enough is enough and stop paying for all the stupidity. Another revolution would be OK.

    Democrats already control Congress. Sine they took office the economy went in the tank. It is not Bush’s fault, it is the Dem’s. The economy was real good in 2006 when they were elected, so much so that they could not make an election issue of it. They went for the war instead (which was not the reason we lost).

    They went into office in Jan 2007 and gas was $2.19 a gallon and inflation and unemployment were very low. They are not that bad now but things keep getting worse while the left is in charge.

    They can only screw it up more because their ideas are bad.

  3. Vic says:

    “They’re not going to miss it.” Embezzlers and Democrats have the same view of other people’s money, the same respect for other people, and the same morality.