Dear Mr. Obama, Very Moving

This is a video that should be viewed by as many people as possible. This soldier lays it on the line for Barack Obama and then lets us know that John McCain knows what it is like to suffer and sacrifice for his country. This soldier knows it as well.

Well done young man.

Big Dog

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9 Responses to “Dear Mr. Obama, Very Moving”

  1. Michele Yancy says:

    This is the kind of political ad we need to see on tv. REAL!!! No more personal attacks on either side, just rest on the facts from those who are in it first hand!!! God bless members of the service for their sacrifice and may God bless America- it needs it!

  2. Chicago Ray says:

    Great find and my bet is you couldn’t get Obama to sit still for this for the minute it would take for him to view it.

    I myself salute he, his brothers and sisters in arms for a job well done in spite of all the attempts by Obama and his ilk to sabotage the effort these brave men and women have put forth in the name of freedom.

    They can all now come with mission accomplished and heads held high. God bless they and the United States I say.

  3. Big Dog says:

    @Chicago Ray: I think it is quite truthful from one man who knows sacrifice to another.

  4. Robert says:

    Funny how a post like this, reeking of patriotic values, and honor only garners 3 comments.. But if you post something like Obama and Rev Wright, you will get tons of comments… Why is that?

    IS there no Obama backers that can look that man in the eye and tell him “sorry”?

  5. Ann says:

    Every soldier returning from Iraq that I have talked with has said the same thing as this young man. Cn they all be wrong and Obama right? Or does experience speak louder that rhetoric/

  6. Eric says:

    1.2 millions Iraqis have died in this war since the invasion. I can assure you that they are not better off now by any means. Their country is ruined and more fractured just because Bush had a personal vendetta against Saddam. I honor your personal sacrifice, but honestly freedom also means to question your government orders when they ask our brave soldiers to go kill and die for some cause.

  7. Big Dog says:

    It is certainly OK to question your government. But prudence would also suggest that you question idiotic numbers like 1.2 million Iraqis killed. Where did the number come from. The partisan organizations that “count” make estimates and they are grossly exaggerated.

    Surely you are not suggesting that Americans killed 1.2 million people? I don’t believe that number is even close but if you subtract the innocent people killed by the bad guys the number gets smaller, regardless.

  8. Eric says:

    No I am not suggesting the Americans caused all the causaulties. I am challanging the basic premise of the “Dear Mr Obama” video. Assertion made in the video is that Iraqis are better off now…their children are better off now etc. Well what I am pointing out is No Iraqis are not better off after the invasion that was led by us.

    Wake up and invest in America, lets stop nation building around the globe. Our people are losing their jobs and getting kicked out of their own homes. We are losing our touch in science and technology.

  9. Eric W says:

    You have no idea of what you are talking about Eric from another Eric, I was there I have been there many times since the first war all those long years ago and I kept going back. In part to help Iraq’s people in part to mentor our younger soldiers to keep as many as I could from harm. You speak from ignorance do not pretend to know what goes on over there until you have been there, what you seen on the news is only a fraction of the truth. Go back to your little cave you just crawled out of and pretend you know you are right.

    Retired Msgt United States of America, as long as there is freedom in the world i will always be there to defend it.