City of Cambridge, mASSachusetts

A Boy Scout troop in Cambridge was forced to stop collecting items for our troops at polling places because some asshat complained that it sent a pro war message. The Boy Scouts were collecting items to send to our warriors in harm’s way as a way to help boost their morale and to support them. As is typical in liberal mASSachusetts, some asshat complained and that was the end of the mission, at least at the polling places. The scouts are continuing their efforts despite the liberal idiot who complained.

The head of elections declined to be interviewed but released a statement saying the troop had not gotten permission. Their scout leader said that is untrue and that he received permission not once, but twice. Unfortunately, some idiot liberal retard in mASSachusetts complained and ended what was a good thing. I imagine if a group from NOW was taking donations to support inner city abortions the asshat would have donated and anyone who complained would have been ignored.

This is typical of the liberals who claim to support the troops. They say that and then they do things that are the opposite of support. They continually do things that undermine our efforts and they support our enemies. The idiot who complained should be taken to the airport and put on a plane to Iraq so they can be close to those who they really support.

This is why liberals are a subhuman form of life that should be eradicated before it festers and infects every fabric of our society.

If you would like to donate to the troops by way of this troop, their address is:
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 45
P.O. Box 38-1241
Cambridge MA 02238

Let’s show these Cambridge asshats what support for the troops really looks like!


Big Dog

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2 Responses to “City of Cambridge, mASSachusetts”

  1. irtexas44 says:


    This makes me sick. It doesn’t surprise me. After being a Brownie, Girl Scout and Weblos leader and my constant run in ‘s with the conusels, who have no guts to stand up for the kids. I don’t have any sons and women aren’t suppose to be den leaders, so of course the dads had a lot to say but would not take any part in helping out either. I got the Weblos because none of the fathers would step up. They were all to busy. There’s really a lot of stupid people running around that need to go a life of some kind and take care of their own business and not everyone else’s.

  2. davenp35 says:

    Cambridge Election Commission
    51 Inman Street
    First Floor
    Cambridge, MA 02139
    Phone: (617) 349-4361
    Monday: 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
    Tuesday to Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Friday: 8:30 a.m. – Noon
