Charlie Rangel’s War

Known tax evader Charlie Rangel has partly satisfied his obligation to pay his taxes in that he wrote checks for the amount of money owed for the taxes he neglected to pay. However, Rangel has not paid any of the fines and penalties that should accompany his remittance to the IRS. The average citizen would be hounded to death with enormous fines and penalties. Rangel is the head of the committee that writes the tax laws. One would think he would know the rules so either he is incompetent and should be removed or he used his position to avoid taxes and he should be removed.

Rangel, true to liberal form, wasted no time in playing the victim in this mess. Rangel wrote a letter to his constituents, those who keep putting this crook in office, explaining that he has done nothing dishonorable and that he has no intention of stepping down from his chairman position, explaining to New Yorkers that he has never “violated the public trust.” I don’t know about anyone else but this seems like things that are dishonorable and violate the public’s trust:

…he didn’t pay taxes on rental income for a beach house in the Dominican Republic; he used three rent-stabilized apartments in Harlem, including one for a campaign office; he used his congressional stationery to drum up private donations to a college center named after him.

Now Rangel’s victim hood comes from his assertion that the Republicans had declared guerrilla war against Democrats and have made every attempt to smear ole Charlie and his fellow Democrats. This is how these deranged idiots think. If they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar then they are victims of an attack and smears but when a Republican gets caught nothing short of a public hanging will satisfy the left.

Charlie Rangel is doing damage control and trying to convince people that he is a victim and deserves to keep his position when in reality he should be booted out the door. We should apply the same standard that was applied to Tom Delay and the other Republicans who have been caught doing something wrong.

Let us keep in mind that Rangel is not the victim of guerrilla warfare. He is the victim of his own criminal acts. He probably assumed that after decades of using public office to get rich he would be immune from scrutiny but it seems that this is not so. If Republicans were responsible for exposing this criminal, good. It is about time they decided to play hardball with the other side’s corruption regardless of how long the left desires to ignore it.

As for Rangel. He was recently very crass when referring to Sarah Palin when he said she was “disabled.” One thing is certain, Rangel might think Palin is disabled but he is just plain stupid.

Yahoo News

Big Dog

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3 Responses to “Charlie Rangel’s War”

  1. Hillman says:

    I wonder how long it will take before he turns to the race card and cries “I’m Black?”

  2. Video Editor says:

    I hope the IRS demands all of the interest and all of the penalties caused by Rangel’s non-payment of taxes.  As someone who has the misfortune of paying the IRS at the usurious rates of “vigorish” they demand, I know how painful it is.  Charlie should feel the pain, he’s responsible for the tax laws as they are now written.