Facebook Fact Checkers Are Not Checking Facts

Heil ZuckerFacebook is an arm of the federal government that helps Democrat causes. One can be fairly certain that whenever there is some information that the swamp does not want to go to the masses, Facebook and the other social media arms of big government go into action to ensure that information does not see the light of day. Mark Zuckerberg is the only true disinformation campaign on Facebook.

In the past year we have seen labels on posts about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, Hunter Biden’s laptop and a myriad of other items that Facebook is told by its partners in government to quash. Now this might lead one to believe that they are only stopping the spread of bad information but that is not true. The items listed above are now being demonstrated as true statements. Of course, this comes after the election to ensure the left and the swamp RINOs can maintain control.

To be clear, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin work. This was known before the pandemic as Fauci’s people showed it was effective against SARS CoV1. The major reason Fauci said it did not work and to follow the science that he neglected to follow is because if there are effective treatments then Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) cannot be granted for a drug. This would mean Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson would have to go through the regular process to get their drugs approved and that would take years. Fauci and the swamp creatures along with their partners at Facebook can’t allow that to happen when they have a fortune to make in stock in those companies, now can they?

As for Hunter Biden’s laptop, it has been demonstrated that it is indeed his, it was not Russian disinformation and that he (and possibly his father) engaged in inappropriate sexual contact with children and that they have business dealings with other nations that are illegal and leave Joe Biden open to blackmail. This would probably have derailed his campaign so Zuckerberg had to step in to help.

So what about these “Fact” checkers? I recently shared a post questioning the efficacy of masks and lockdowns. Facebook was quick to do the master’s bidding and flag it as false. They proceeded to attach a tag to inform me that:

Scientific evidence demonstrates that wearing face masks and implementing lockdowns reduce the spread of COVID-19 – Health Feedback

The link goes to a review of one or two sources that conducted retrospective assessments. They claim that since there are fewer deaths and cases after masking and lockdowns than the computer models predicted then those actions MUST be effective.

This is what passes as science. Obviously they can’t ethically do studies that denies certain people masks or lockdowns (if they wanted them) and possibly expose them to a virus BUT if they are going to look around perhaps they should include many observations. Perhaps they can explain why Switzerland is 45th in the world in deaths per million when they did not have a country wide lockdown and masks were not mandated. However, this too can be misleading because not all countries behaved unilaterally within their own borders. The US is a prime example. We have fifty different states and DC (I will leave out our territories). The way this was handled varies widely among these states and the District.

If Lockdowns and masks are effective or give you a better chance then one would expect to see better numbers in states that had strict measures and high numbers in those that did not. The top three states in the US for deaths per million are New Jersey, York York and Massachusetts and they are states with tough lockdown and mask mandates throughout the pandemic. The states that weigh in above the US average are a mixture of states that did things to differing degrees. Given this data one could just as easily conclude that the lockdowns and mask mandates had no effect on the spread of disease and the associated deaths.

There are plenty of things to look at and conclude one way or the other and that is just what the alleged fact checkers at Facebook do. They look for one study or one instance to use as the basis in fact while ignoring anything to the contrary. These fact checkers have even used such scientific methods as “it is unlikely that it could happen” as the basis for a tag on a post.

What is really going on is that Facebook is using a group of people that receive paychecks from Mark Zuckerberg to come to a predetermined conclusion and mask (pun intended) that process with the words “Independent Fact Checker”. These people are far from independent and they are far from fact checkers. Facebook is not the only one either. The Twitter fact checkers labeled what the Mike Lindell symposium pointed out about elections as false BEFORE the symposium ever started…

In addition to falsely demonstrating that people are incorrect the fact checkers provide ammunition for Facebook to throttle down a person’s feed. They specifically state that continuing to spread false information (but only false if their people say so) can result in your feed being pushed down where others will not see it. They also use the fact checkers as a reason to restrict your account. My account has been restricted twice in the past two weeks and I traced it back to something I shared that they said was false. They say in order to prevent you from spreading disinformation your access to account features has been temporarily restricted.

In any event, if you see one of these tags do not assume that they are actually correct or that something was actually fact checked. I have seen the tags show up nearly instantly when it would have been impossible to look at the post and determine it was false in that amount of time. I maintain a high index of suspicion when I see any of these tags because Facebook and the Nazi running it have demonstrated time and again that they have an agenda and they will silence anyone to advance that agenda. It is also obvious that the agenda is driven by their partners in the swampy federal government.

As for me, I can post here. Mark Zuckerberg has no say at this site. He can’t put tags on this site. He can’t restrict my features of this site and he cannot prohibit me from posting here. Do I have as broad a reach as he? No way and I never will but I have a reach and it is an honest one.

I, unlike Judas Zuckerberg, did not sell out to government for the 30 pieces of silver.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Joe Biden Has Exceeded His Authority

Suppose for a moment that the federal government said that they would not allocate federal money (read confiscated citizen’s tax dollars) or provide modern equipment to any police department in any state that turned illegal aliens in to ICE for deportation. Then imagine that the state of Texas said they would provide funding and equipment to any state that ignored the federal government.

Now tell me how much uproar there would be from the feds. They would scream that immigration is an item specifically granted to the federal government and that states should not be interfering. Biden and his minions would be screaming about how a state (in this example Texas) was going beyond what it is allowed and involving itself in a federal matter. The US Attorney General would be making threats and trying to bully Texas into stopping its overreach.

Joe Biden has promised school systems in Florida that ignore the legal mandates of the Florida governor regarding masking of children in school will receive federal dollars to make up for the money Governor DeSantis has threatened to withhold from any system that defies his orders.

The federal government has no authority to interfere in state matters. The Governor of the State runs the state, not the President or any other person in DC. This is a blatant overreach and another example of how Biden has exceeded his authority.

This comes on the heels of Biden stating that it would be UNCONSTITUIONAL for him to extend the eviction moratorium and then doing just that while stating he knows it is illegal but if it buys them time to do as they wish while it winds its way through the court then it is worth it.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a violation of his oath of office and it is an overreach of his authority. No one can violate the Constitution or ignore laws in order to achieve a political goal no matter how noble it might be. To be clear, I do not think it is noble or legal for the federal (or state) government to say a landlord can’t collect rent and evict people who do not pay it. The people involved have a contract and they should honor that contract. What will happen is the federal government will use our tax dollars to pay these things for some landlords while others will lose their properties. It is wrong and the Supreme Court stated it was wrong and could not be extended. Biden did it anyway to achieve a goal.

It is likely the demented old fool got an earful from the socialists in his party and capitulated.

If Nancy Pelosi and the democrat communists are still looking for a reason to impeach this is it.

This is not a one off or a two off. Biden praised jurisdictions in Texas and Florida that disobeyed the lawful orders of the governors of those states. Biden made these people out to beheroes for ignoring the lawful orders of the governors.

As an aside, keep this in mind when I and many like me ignore anything Biden puts out that we do not want to do. I think most mandates violate my rights (the Constitution is not void during an emergency) so I expect Joe to praise me when I ignore him.

So folks, these are just two examples of Biden exceeding his authority. If you are liberal please ask yourself how you would have reacted had President Trump stated he knew what he was doing was unconstitutional but he did it anyway. Ask yourself how you would act if Trump used federal tax dollars to usurp the authority of the states as Joe Biden has offered to do.

We all know how you would have acted and we know you would be screaming for impeachment. If you are not doing that now then you are a political shill and not a patriot. You statements about Trump or any future Republican president MUST be ignored.

Joe Biden must go. In six months he has ruined our nation. He was an inept Senator. He was a bumbling Vice President and now he is a doddering old fool occupying a seat he is not prepared to be in and a position he is nowhere near qualified to have.

He, in all honesty, is a post turtle.

An old Virginia farmer sat in his doctor’s office when the doc asked him his opinion about Joe Biden and his role as our new president.

The farmer said, “Well, ya know, Biden is a ‘Post Turtle.’”

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, “What is a ‘post turtle’?”

The old man said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle’.”

The doc looked puzzled, so the farmer explained, “Well, you know he didn’t get up there by himself. He doesn’t belong up there. He doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there. He‘s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there in the first place.”

That my friends, is President Post Turtle Biden. ~ News with Views

Time for this senile man to go.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Joe Biden Provided Support To The Enemy, That Is Treason

The demented fool pretending to be the President, Chairman Joe Biden, withdrew our troops from Afghanistan without a plan. He pulled them out in the middle of the night and had them slither away in the darkness. Then, as anyone with a brain could figure, the Taliban showed up and started taking over the country. The Taliban used blitzkrieg like precision to take over and along the way they managed to gather up a whole slew of American made firearms.

Not only that, they also got hundreds of HUMVEES and MRAPS. Yes, Joe Biden’s incompetence allowed those terrorists to obtain a whole lot of American military equipment. He is totally responsible for this and any deaths caused by the use of those weapons is on his hands, not that he would care or even know.

Joe Biden wants to take the firearms that Americans have. He says we should not have “weapons of war” and that they (the government) need to take these weapons away. First of al, good luck with that skippy. The Brits tried that some time ago and we kicked their asses and sent that packing. Be perfectly OK with me if we did the same to you. Keep in mind lunch box Joe, the federal government is no match for the armed citizenry.

So Joe says that we are irresponsible and should not have these firearms but he allowed the Taliban, a terrorist group, to gain access to tons of weapons that they will most certainly use to murder people.

Biden is hapless. His actions have caused many military folks to have great despair over the death and destruction that resulted from his feckless policy. The real soldiers at the Pentagon (not he woke warriors like the COS) are very upset.

It is a shame that the election was stolen and this idiot is allowed to mess up the world.

Biden’s actions are treason and we know what happens to those who commit that act…

Grim Reaper, where are you…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


I Do Not Want To Hear Blip From Biden

Chairman Joe Biden has been working on ways to force people to vaccinate, or should I say those who are running the show are trying to. I think it is long past time for people to realize Biden’s pilot light is out and has been for some time. He is demented. He suffers from severe cognitive decline and people are pretending that he is with it. The man got lost at the White House, a building he lives and works in and was at for eight years under Obama. Joe Biden is toast and what is taking place borders on elder abuse.

Having said that it is true that he or his cabal are trying to force people to take vaccines for Covid. Joe wants to be able to say he was so much better than Trump in handling Covid but Biden is failing badly. ALL spikes are his. ALL deaths are his. ALL variants are his. While it is chic to blame Trump for all those things the reality is Biden and ONLY Biden is responsible.

SO Biden tried a number of things to compel you to get vaccinated. He has worked with the private sector to get them to buy in to the tyranny as many companies require vaccines or you can’t work. My advice is to find another job and let that company go bankrupt.

Biden is working with states to have them declare that people must get vaccines. Several cities have already decreed that people must have the vaccine to participate in every day life like dining out or going to the theater. My advice, ignore those places as well. Remember, they need you to stay in business, you do not need them.

So what is the China puppet, Big Guy going to do next? Biden is trying to regulate interstate travel. In other words, if you are not vaccinated you may not travel to another state.

Newsflash, Biden does not have that authority. I know that makes no difference to him as he has violated the Constitution with regard to a ruling by the Supreme Court to extend the eviction moratorium BUT we have control over this one. Go where you want to, Biden be damned.

While not expressly defined in the text of the Constitution, the Supreme Court has stated that the right to travel is a “privilege and immunity of national citizenship under the Constitution,” as well as a “part of the ‘liberty’ of which the citizens cannot be deprived without due process of law.” ~ Source

The government would need a compelling reason to keep you from exercising your right to travel to another state. I am not saying the courts would side with you as we have seen they are political creatures that do not care much about your rights and often violate them BUT, ignore them and ignore Biden. Do what you want and if they do not like it then screw them.

Do we really need to riot and burn cities down to show we are serious? That is the accepted method of getting one’s way. If we decide to go any further then they better hope they are right with the Lord. There is no rule that says we can’t have more than one revolution…

Joe Biden and his cabal are tyrants who will keep ratcheting up the pressure in order to get people to vaccinate. Do what you want to do when you want to do it and if they do not like it remind them, in whatever manner you find appropriate, who is in charge.

In very short order patriots will need to respond to the despotism that the federal government is displaying. January 6th made them wet their pants. What will happen when an actual display of displeasure takes place.

Biden is a tyrant. He is a demented tyrant but a tyrant nonetheless.

UPDATE: Is Biden going to restrict interstate travel for the illegal aliens he is letting run amok?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Biden Will Do Anything To Help…

But he won’t do that.

When the election was stolen and Chairman Biden was placed in the White House the nation was involved in a government induced economic downfall (not pandemic induced) that was on its way to recovery as Donald Trump worked to get things opened and people back in their jobs.

Trump was working on making his valid claims of election fraud while Biden, who along with his Vice President elect, worked on getting the vaccine that they swore they would never take. They were a few of the very first people to actually get it even though they blasted it as snake oil from Trump when they ran. For the record, I am not a fan of the vaccine and will not get it. I will wait for a vaccine that uses a more conventional, tried and true, method of immunization.

I digress. While Biden was running he told liberal groups he was going to shut down fossil fuels and he told the general public he never said that and it was a lie. In a debate he said Trump was lying when Trump said Biden would be harmful to our energy independence and that it would cost jobs and fuel costs would go up.

Within a day or so of taking office Biden took actions that removed our energy independence and ceded our energy strength to foreign nations. Tens of thousands of American workers lost their jobs as Biden and his hard core communists denied that it was so.

The liberal media, enthralled with having anyone but Trump, even a demented old fool, at the helm were all atwitter with joy as Biden slashed one thing after another.

Now there is a problem. OK, there are plenty of problems like the illegal alien invasion Biden and his people are allowing to happen. They are bringing disease and will suck up jobs while the Democrat Communists work to give them legal status and allow them to vote, but that is a discussion for another time.

The problem is that as more and more people go back to work and as more and more people are out traveling the glut of oil we had is diminishing and since Biden slashed all our initiatives (while approving those for Russia) we have less oil. With more demand the price of gasoline is going up. It is more than a dollar per gallon over last year’s price. A lot of people, even some hard core liberals, are balking at the increase. Couple the gas price increase with the Biden Inflation and the pain at the pump is felt by many.

Now I don’t really care if anyone who voted for Biden has to pay more for gas and I don’t really care if it causes them to have to eat cat food. They voted for it and they should have to suffer for it. But the rest of us, those who voted for the actual winner of the election, should not have to pay more. It looks like Biden (more likely his puppet master) is seeing the damage, not to people or the country but to the left’s chances of holding on to Congress. Rising gas prices (among other things like the out of control invasion of illegal aliens) is cited as a reason many experts expect the GOP to win big next year.

So what is a demented old fool to do? Well, he will beg OPEC to produce more fuel so the price will go down and we can import it from them. Seems to me we would have been better off producing our own and keeping the price low that way. Joe’s drug addled son Hunter worked for an energy company. Surely with all that experience he could have told the Big Guy to keep it at home.

Then again, the recent admission by Hunter Biden in another sex tape of his, that his laptop was stolen by Russians (his third laptop to be compromised) is probably why Biden approved the Russian pipeline. Remember though, Trump was the one compromised by Russia. By my count the Bidens are compromised by AT LEAST Russia and China.

We now have the leader of the US begging for oil. According to an unidentified official:

The president recognizes that gas prices can put a pinch on the family budget,” a senior White House official, who asked not to be identified told CNBC. “He’d like his administration to use whatever tools that it has to help address the cost of gas, to help bring those prices down. ~ Gateway Pundit

He will use every tool except:

  • Reopen energy development in ANWRAllow the Keystone XL pipeline to proceed
  • Remove the ban on developing energy on federal lands
  • Reopen the sale of energy leases in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Allow energy development in Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Alabama

Glad to see he is so committed.

Those are all things Biden shut down, things Trump told you he would do. Biden denied it and said you can trust him because when he says something he does it. The guy has a history of lying but people trusted him because he was not Trump. Those people deserve to pay higher prices and to live in boxes under bridges.

Joe Biden and the Democrat Communists are rapidly destroying this country. I think if the American Patriots do not have an intervention soon we will be another footnote in history.

IOW, our Founders would have been shooting by now.

One source

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
