Texas: Huh?

I find the state of Texas quite confusing. On one hand, it’s starting to look like a nice place to move: they have good homeschooling laws (none), they just decided to again attempt to ban the TSA from unconstitutional searches, and they also told Congress where they can stick their laws making it a crime to have an incandescent light bulb.

But then, this is the same state that just took a woman’s children from her for the sole reason of her spanking one of them because, according to the judge, if you spank your children, you deserve to be jailed. I think that judge needs to be spanked with liberty.

FCC to Fight Some Cramming

Ever heard of “cramming” as related to cell phones (as opposed to McDonald’s food)? I hadn’t. Apparently they made up a new word for fraud, as applied to certain companies. The idea of “cramming” apparently is when a phone company charges you for something you didn’t buy. I don’t know why it’s not just called fraud, lying, or some other term, but whatever.

The the news is that the FCC is going to put a stop to it — at least by some companies. The FCC wants to stop all the “extra” fees showing up on cell phone bills — well, not all the extra fees, just some of them. All the extra, mysterious “fees” that show up that go to the government will, of course, remain…

Note: Sorry, I’ve been away on a trip in Europe. I’m not so sure that America is the freest country in the world any more.

Which Country?

Two events, two similar outcomes.

In the first, a man is thrown in a cage by force for speaking a joke near officers of the state. In the second, a man is jailed for one year for posting a joke on-line, critical of government.

Sadly, one only of these incidents was in communist China. The other was in “The Land of the Free.”

Goodbye Tea Party

Well, its official. The Tea Party has been co-opted by the Republican establishment. So much for something different and new. So much for the idea of change.

Good for the Goose

Okay, since the gay “rights” people always claim they want to be treated the same… since they just won a lawsuit that allows them to discriminate against non-gays, I fully expect that this organization should now be permanently and utterly banned from using any and all government-owned or related facilities. After all, they don’t want the Boy Scouts NEAR government property because they discriminate, so it’s only fair, and equal justice under the law if they are barred from using ANY government property as well.

Yeah, I’m not holding my breath because I know that these people do NOT want equal rights, they only want special rights for them.