Ann Coulter Meets The View

Ann Coulter was on The View and the sparks were flying. Ms Underestimated captured the video.

Be sure to visit her site for the full scoop and while you are at it go vote for her in the weblog awards.

Big Dog

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12 Responses to “Ann Coulter Meets The View”

  1. Pat Smith says:

    Ann Coulter is hateful and she is what is wrong with the Republican party. Her act is getting old and the more she speaks the more I lose respect for the Republican Party.

  2. Virginia says:

    Ann Coulter used to be a good read. She has become so arrogant and mean spirited that she is a disgrace. When insulted she seems excited and sites how many books she sells. She is selling hatred and runs her big mouth so much that you totally loose respect for her and anything she has to say. She is a disgrace to the Republican Party but she is also a disgrace to America. She has crossed the line in to gold digging witch that will say anything about anyone for her own gain. They asked on the View if she was married, who in the world could stand to be married to someone that can NOT shut their mouth, ever. Her skelatal appearance combined with her meanness gives her the look of a vulture! She acts like one and now looks like one also.

  3. Big Dog says:

    Yeah, Coulter is what is wrong and the women of The View are paragons of virtue.

    Get real. Listen to some of the stuff that comes out of Joy or Whoopi’s mouths.

    Coulter has guts because she went there and faced this gaggle of hens.

    Coulter is conservative and if more people held the same values things would be fine.

    Whoopi said she was a single parent. Who would marry that? Good grief, it is amazing somoen slept with her.

  4. Schatzee says:

    Are they so rude to all their guests? I thought this was to be a discussion on her book not an attack on her by the bitties on the left.

    Sorry, Ann may be arrogant but she is intelligent, well-spoken, and mostly spot on with her stats. They don’t like the way the numbers shake out so she is a bad person for showing the “victims” are actually the victimizers.

    Most of the View women are paragons of what NOT to be when you grow up.

  5. Big Dog says:

    Anyone who tolerated the three c*nts from the view should be able to tolerate Coulter.

    But some cannot, like Billy Troll. I sent his comment to cyber trash. I told you, short leash boy.

    Learn to be nice Billy. And you don’t have to waste time out of your life. Stay away. You were gone for so long I was kind of thinking you might have finally died or something.

    Then you show back up and ruin the thought.

  6. sarah says:

    for once walters got it back tit for tat – the b*&%$#@s on the view can dish it out but cannot take it in – well suck it up not everyone is intimidated by walters and her cronies – society should smarten up and stop shelling out for women who cant keep their legs shut and expect tax payers to pay for their whoring – i say confine the prostitutes wioth their bastards and keep them off the streets – since when do we condone stupidity – its time everyone took responsibility and not looked out for handouts and bailouts !

    • Lisa G says:

      Are you freakin’ kidding me. I am a single mom and have been for nearly 15 years. I have never received a bailout or a handout. I am a Business analyst for a major corporation and make over six figures. my children are not criminals or fugitives either. I myself have probably bailed-out idiots like you, Sarah

      • Big Dog says:

        Lisa, You would be the exception, not the rule.

        • Lisa G says:

          In that case I personally know more exceptions than rules. That argument is rediculous. My “legs can remain open” for the rest of my life and I still will remain a more productive citizen than some of these D-bags….Just sayin’

  7. Big Dog says:

    Well Lisa, people tend to hang with like folks. The numbers show that children from single parent households are involved in more crime.

    Not all kids or their parents are that way but a child has a better chance at success with two parents.

    As for your legs, I am sure they are nice and you can do with them what you wish…

    Just sayin’ LOL

  8. Lisa G says:

    You’re funny!

  9. Raquel says:

    All these women talk TOO much. Single mothers don’t make babies by themselves. I agree that the moral fabric of this nation is down right disturbing, but to simply blame liberals and single parenting..C’mon now. We all share a responsibilty in the way this crazy world works and sending me back to the kitchen to be barefoot and pregnant will not solve anything. The answer is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY