Finally, Last Night’s Show

Here are the podcasts of last night’s show. Be sure to listen in as I call the death of Hussein and describe the scene from the exclusive video available only to the Run with the Big Dog program.

Comments are always welcome!

More Overdue Podcasts

As I promised, I am working on catching up with the recordings of my show. Here are the recordings from 12-22. Please enjoy and as always, I welcome your comments.

Long Overdue Show Podcasts!

I, as most of you, have been quite busy during the Christmas season. I was sick at the beginning and then had a bunch of functions to attend. I have not been able to get my show podcasts out as quickly as I had wanted and I fell behind. Well fear not, the podcasts for my 12-15-06 show are attached to this post and are on my podcast page as well. I am worjing hard at getting the 12-22 and 12-29 podcasts up TODAY!

As always, I welcome your comments.

Have You Heard the Knoose? Hussein is Dead!

Around six in the morning Iraq time the former Dictator of that country was hanged for the crimes he committed against 148 Shias in Dujail. He was found guilty and sentenced in November and the Iraqi Appeals Court upheld the death sentence earlier this month. The death of Hussein marks the end of one long journey in the war on terror and is a great victory for the US and the Iraqi people.

Saddam Hussein was an evil man who killed for fun. His crimes against humanity can not be measured and the number of people he killed is astronomical. He ruled with fear and the penalty for stepping out of line was often death. It is refreshing to see the Iraqi courts take care of this matter and give some closure to the Iraqis who have suffered at the hands of this monster. This should put an end to the protestations of people who claimed we should have killed him the first time. Funny, those who said that seem to be the vocal opponents of his execution. I wonder how many of the Democrats who had so many bad things to say about Hussein and his WMD program will denounce his execution? It was important to put him to death to remove his influence. He can now be a martyr instead of a distraction.

Saddam's Necktie

I had the honor (and fortune) of being on the radio doing my show when Hussein was executed and I reported on the situation as news came in from various staff and news sources. I was able to be a part of history by reporting on the death of a brutal dictator but the people who have truly written the history on this are the members of our military. The US military hunted this animal down and brought him to justice. It would have been easy for any one of them to shoot him when they found him but they exercised remarkable restraint and brought him into custody. They guarded him and made sure he was well taken care of during his trial and until he was handed over to the Iraqis. Our military heroes must be happy tonight knowing that they have reached a historic milestone in the war on terror.

I am happy that this man received a fair trial at the hands of his own people and that they were able to exact justice on this barbarian. I am equally happy that we are one step closer to achieving our goals. I hope that the others who have wronged the average Iraqi citizens receive the same fairness when they are prosecuted and, if found guilty, are similarly dealt with. Hussein is now in Hell with Mohammad and Satan, his evil relatives.

I guess the greatest thing in all of it is that Hussein went to his death knowing that the “evil” George Bush helped send him there and is still alive and in power…

Others blogging about this:
Ms. Underestimated | Right on the Right | Euphoric Reality | Jammie Wearing Fool | Church and State | Michelle Malkin | TownHall Blog | Right Wing Nuthouse | Seven Stripes | Blue Star Chronicles | Patterico’s Pontifications | Assorted Babble | Good Richard’s Almanac | Flopping Aces | Bill’s Bites | YACRWB | The Wide Awake Cafe | Conservative Times | Sensible Mom | Sister Toldjah | Stuck on Stupid | 7.62mm Justice | TacJammer

Give Him Enough Rope…

I remember this old phrase from my youth when things would happen and my parents would say if we give you enough rope you will hang yourself. Of course they meant that if I were given too much leeway I would eventually get my self in trouble. I have heard this throughout my life and though it is cliche, it is quite appropriate.

Saddam Hussein had 14 years to get his act together. Instead of straightening up and becoming part of the international community he decided that he wanted to go around executing people with whom he disagreed. He has fed babies to tigers, gouged out the eyes of adults and his men have gang raped women. Pleas from one woman that her husband, a member of Hussein’s cabinet who said the wrong thing, be sent home to her were answered by Hussein. The mans dismembered body was placed in front of the door to her home, in separate bags. Hussein’s sons also tortured people. A lot of people were fed into meat grinders and while they were screaming in agony the Husseins laughed. Now the time has come for Hussein to pay for his crimes.

Word is that Saddam Hussein will be hanged by 2200 Eastern time. The gallows have been erected and witnesses to the execution are in place. Soon, Hussein will do the perp walk to the platform where he will be made to pay for his crimes against humanity. Hussein had many years to get his act together but he chose to ignore UN Resolutions and work against the world rather than with it. He was continually given rope and now he will hang with it.

Interestingly, Saddam continues to say he is proud to die and will be a martyr but he keeps asking for a stay. He has even asked a US Court to stay his execution. I would not want to be a US Judge who said yes to that. He might end up in Gitmo. In any event, tonight is the night that Hussein will go to hell and meet his brother Satan, Mohammad the Satanic Prophet, and the rest of the Islamic terrorists who are still searching for virgins.

A reporter asked Hussein what he was doing for New Year’s and he said “Just hanging around.”

Right Voices has a great picture (I am going to see if I can get it but visit there to see it).