US Government Funded Boston Terror

It looks like the Boston Bombers and their families were paid over 100 thousand dollars of US taxpayer money in the form of welfare. The bombers probably purchased the items they used to make their bombs with money from those who work hard and pay taxes. In effect, our government paid for the terror that occurred in Boston.

There are many failures in our government and the inability to weed out those who should not be here is among the most egregious of its failures. The Department of Homeland Security is supposed to be on top of things here in the “homeland” and should be focusing on the people who are here and intend to do bad things.

The reality is that the DHS would rather spend time demonizing veterans, Christians, conservatives and many other groups that have not used violence in pursuit of their agendas. Instead of looking at the illegals and those who are here legally but do bad things the DHS is stuck on attacking those who do no harm.

The Tsamaev brothers were reported as bad actors and they were checked on by federal officials. Instead of taking action the government decided to allow them to continue living here and receiving welfare money.

Our government is directly responsible for what happened in Boston from the bombing to the police state that followed.

The progressive agenda of the past 100 years has given us generational welfare and record numbers of people dependent on government (read working taxpayers). The progressive agenda is not only responsible for the bombing in Boston. The progressives and their agenda are responsible for the decay of many American cities that are run by progressives who dole out taxpayer money to people enslaved to government.

The inability of government to secure the nation and the failure of the progressive agenda has not stopped progressives from doubling down. No, the new immigration bill being floated around will ensure that millions of illegals who get a legitimate status will be allowed to get welfare. The progressives are working on building a new cadre of would be American haters who can use taxpayer money to cause chaos.

That chaos will mostly be economic where millions more on the dole will suck the last breaths from an already dying economy. But what will stop just one terrorist from getting and using taxpayer money to cause mass destruction in another US city?

We need to get a handle on the immigrants in this nation and we need to weed them out. Legally here or not we need to check to make sure they can stay here. Illegals should be sent home and those here legally but who should not be allowed to stay should be right behind them.

Until we address the number of bad people here and do something smart like getting rid of them there is no doubt we will have further attacks.

I doubt the decpticons in government really care. As long as our overlords have protection they really do not care what happens to everyone else.

Does anyone really think Obama and the rest of the progressive elitists care about dead school children or marathon runners?

If they cared about human life (other than their own) they would not support abortion and the monster in PA who murdered babies.

And they certainly would not “God Bless” Planned Parenthood…

Just so you know, I don’t disagree with everything Obama says.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Parasites: Why Welfare Reform Is A Must

The young lady in this video is the poster child for why welfare must be reformed and by reform I mean nearly eliminated.

There is no doubt that some form of welfare as a temporary measure is needed but it should be a hand up and not a hand out.

The idea that the so called poor can get free cell phones (and sometimes as many as 20 or 30) and other assistance from multiple welfare departments which can be used to buy fast food and other luxury items is absolutely despicable.

Welfare needs to be uncomfortable. People on welfare should not be allowed to have cell phones and they should not wear all kinds of expensive jewelry. They should not be allowed to buy any food above basic items needed to live. This idea of steaks, lobster and fast food is one that MUST go away.

The young lady in this video is touting all the “free” stuff you can get by being on welfare and asks why anyone would work.

Well, we work to support OURSELVES. We do not work to support you and the other slugs who abuse our generosity.

When slugs like this are not embarrassed to take the money of hard working people and when she and people like her are happy to wave their abuses in our faces then it is absolutely time for reform.

She is a parasite. Anyone like her is a parasite. We need to stop these parasites by forcing them to get jobs. We can do that by making it very uncomfortable to be on welfare.

One more thing; this welfare slug discusses all the benefits people are able to get. THESE ARE NOT BENEFITS.

They are handouts and no one is entitled to them. They get the welfare because we started with a plan of compassion that politicians have used to enslave people.

So tell this chick and the rest of the welfare denizens to get off the plantation and get a job before we have to boot their butts to the street.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


More Redistribution Of Wealth

The federal government has done a good job of making a large number of people slaves to government and it has done so at the expense of those who work. The government does this by giving our tax dollars to people who pay nothing in taxes by allowing credits and other deductions so people receive money even though they paid nothing.

This is redistribution of wealth and government loves being involved in it. Recently, the government raised a lot of hoopla about cutting the Social Security tax by 2% and the battle to extend that cut received a lot of attention. The cut is not paid for and will lead to an even larger deficit in Social Security but government did manage to redistribute wealth in the deal. It added a fee to new or refinanced mortgages that lasts the life of the loan. The cut is for two months and even if extended will not last as long as the fee added to the mortgages. The money will go to the general fund instead of being used to offset the SS cut. No matter what it is used for, it was taken from producers who buy houses to pay for something else.

Another program exists that cost those who pay their own bills 1.6 BILLION dollars. That program provides low income Americans with free cell phones (not free, just no cost to them). The phones are paid for with the Universal Service Fee that people pay for their landline and cell phones. As you can imagine, it is poorly managed and has a lot of waste.

This is another example of where people pay a fee that is added to their bill to provide for those who don’t have something. There is no way to claim cell phones are a right or a necessity. Cell phones are a luxury and nothing else. People in this country existed and did quite well for a long time before cell phones ever existed. Why do we have to provide cell phones for people who cannot afford them on their own?

If you can’t afford a cell phone then you should not have one, period.

The poor in America, those who pay little or no federal income tax, would be rich in most other countries. This is what the poor look like in America:

The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau as taken from various government reports:

  • 80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. In 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
  • 92 percent of poor households have a microwave.
  • Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more cars or trucks.
  • Nearly two-thirds have cable or satellite TV.
  • Two-thirds have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR.
  • Half have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers.
  • More than half of poor families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation.
  • 43 percent have Internet access.
  • One-third have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV.
  • One-fourth have a digital video recorder system, such as a TiVo.

Read more at Heritage and The LA Times

Being poor in America is not as bad as it is made out to be by politicians who are hell bent on keeping large numbers of people enslaved. Why would anyone who has all this stuff and is able to receive a welfare check or some other help plus a “free” cell phone have any kind of incentive to do better?

Why go at it on your own when you can get all this stuff from the sweat of another?

Politicians like people to be enslaved to government because it gets them votes. Yes, most welfare programs from food stamps to cell phones are nothing more than methods to buy votes. Sure, the programs do provide legitimate help to people who really need it but there are far too many people feeding at the trough. Most do not need to be there.

I read this somewhere and it is true, if you rob Peter to pay Paul you can always count on Paul’s support.

Government assistance, or safety nets, should be there for people who truly need them and they should be short term, temporary programs that are uncomfortable for those who use them. Most of all they should encourage people to get off them.

Unfortunately, government encourages people to get on them and stay on them creating generational poverty and increasing the Democrat voter block.

If you live off the taxpayer or off those who pay fees with their bills then you are a dependent of those folks.

Don’t forget that when we require you to take drug tests or provide some kind of community service to earn your keep.

Earn your keep? Get real. These folks get by because we earn their keep.

End dependence…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


If You Want Birth Control You Should Pay Something For It

Barack Obama has ordered all insurance providers to provide birth control with no costs and no co-pays. It is dubbed as free birth control but it is not free. The people who pay insurance premiums will see their rates rise and those who don’t use birth control (for whatever reason) will pay for a service for others. It is not free no matter what any moron in government says.

Houses of worship are exempt but religious based hospitals and heath care providers have a one year delay before they must comply even if it goes against their beliefs.

I have heard the arguments about a woman’s right and I am sick of hearing it. Yes, birth control is legal and women have a right to use it. That is where their right ends. What right do they have to pay nothing for it? What right do they have that requires others to pay for their medication?

People have to pay co-pays for just about everything and some of the costs to the patients are not cheap. Why is it that women have to pay absolutely nothing for birth control? People who need medications to live (inhalers, blood pressure, heart, etc.) all have to pay something for their medication.

Women though, pay absolutely nothing for a medication that is not needed to live. It is not life saving and it is not vital for existence.

I know that part of this is Obama pandering to women prior to the election but this goes much deeper. It involves more of the same regarding pitting people against each other and infringing upon religious institutions. Obama has no regard for religion and he has no regard for the idea of responsibility.

He thinks that we should all be paying for the stuff others get and this has got to stop.

You want birth control pills, abortions, aroma therapy or any other thing then pay for it yourself.

We are not our brother’s keepers and it is high time we put this man child in his place.

November cannot come soon enough.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama’s Obesity Campaign Should Include Ending Food stamps

While a record number of people are on food stamps the number of obese children is increasing. There is actually no food stamp program now as people receive debit cards to use taxpayer money to buy food and then use their own money to buy tobacco, liquor, and lottery tickets. While many people work two jobs to make ends meet others are living off the food welfare program and enjoying vacation time along the way. Hell, if you have no food expense then it is easy to go on vacation. And when one considers that a number of people on food welfare have children in school getting free or reduced breakfast and lunch (two meals a day provided by taxpayers that ends up in the trash) then the amount of food that can be used to barter increases.

Yes, the food welfare program is also a bartering system where people use their debit card to buy authorized items and then sell them to get some spending money. Those $150 kicks and $200 Tommy Jeans have to be paid for.

This program is under attack, as it should be, and there are plans to cut back on the record 40 MILLION people (up to 44 MILLION for the last few months) receiving food welfare, a number that skyrocketed under Barack O’Bama. It would seem the folks at the Department of Agriculture want the billions of dollars spent on food welfare to go to other things.

I agree. The program should be cut and there should be a definite criteria list used to qualify people. Folks who have cell phones (then again, poor people get them from the government too), cable TV, big screen TVs and several cars should be excluded or severely reduced. People on food welfare think they are entitled to it and have no shame in getting it even if they can afford food. One only needs to look at the story of the man who won several million in the lottery and still kept food welfare. He claimed that people would not make him feel bad about continuing to get the welfare.

And I don’t feel bad about taking it away.

We spend way too much money on food welfare (and all welfare) as we enslave people to government programs. I think that cutting food welfare is a great way to make people step up and accept responsibility for their own lives.

It also helps Mrs. Obama and her eat healthy and make fat kids get skinny program. Childhood obesity is a major problem (which means kids get more than enough to eat) so reduce or eliminate the food welfare for many families and they will have to cut back. The kids will be healthier and Mrs. Obama will feel good about herself.

Perhaps they could also reduce the kinds of items people can buy with food welfare. Reduce or eliminate meat and seafood and make them get more fruits and vegetables. No soft drinks or snacks and more healthy food.

This will help the budget and will help the Obama skinny kid initiative and will force people to get off food welfare if they want to be able to choose what they eat.

Get rid of food welfare for our children’s sake.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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