Union Violence

The unions in America are led by thugs and some of the members are thugs who do the union bosses’ bidding. We have seen this throughout the budget debates as unions send their people to disrupt procedures and threaten people. In some cases the unions were involved in violence. The Victory of Scott Walker in Wisconsin was hard fought and the fight was against union thugs who were involved in or incited violence. One only needs to look at the calls for violence against Walker after he won to see the evil that unions can bring.

This video discusses union violence. Some people might find the images disturbing.

Union leadership uses intimidation and forced union membership to keep workers in line and it also uses intimidation and violence to get what it wants. There is no denying that unions, particularly public sector unions, have outlived their usefulness.

I have seen the intimidation tactics first hand when a union (private sector) was trying to get established in a former workplace. One of the thugs tried to coerce me and said he was not going to let me leave until he got his point across and got a commitment (I guess he thought I was going to fill out a card). He found out quickly that he was putting himself in danger.

In any event, these thugs literally get away with murder. They will not stop until they are met with equal force or until Governors like Walker take a stand and beat back these domestic terrorists.

Thanks to Aunt Barb for the link…

This is a link to the same video with a petition drive.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


GM Means Gone Mexican

Thanks to US taxpayers General Motors became Government Motors as taxpayer money was used to bailout the failing auto company. It should have been allowed to fail but Barack Obama had to bail out the company in order to save his union supporters and his puppet master at union headquarters.

Barack Obama took OUR money and without our permission used it to help a failing auto company by allowing the government to become a part owner in the enterprise. This all happened as private investors were screwed over in favor of union thugs. We were told that there would be a profit for us out of this (as if those of us paying the bills would actually see any of it) but there was no profit and the government is selling its shares in the company at a loss. GM did not pay the money back as any money paid back came from stimulus money. In other words, GM took the name Government Motors seriously and paid its debt to us with money it borrowed from us.

Given all this, one would think that GM would be beholden to the US taxpayers. One would think that since our money was confiscated from us and used to keep that company from failing that we would be rewarded, not individually but as a collective. In other words, one would think that since the country did something good for GM that GM would do something good for the country.

One would be wrong for thinking that because GM has decided to spend 540 million dollars (no doubt taxpayer money) to produce two low emission motors in Mexico. The project will create (directly and indirectly) about 1000 jobs. Since 2006 GM has invested about 5 BILLION dollars in Mexico.

I would think that GM would produce the motors in the US. In fact I would require them to. As the NLRB tells Boeing where it can use ITS OWN MONEY to build planes, the government is silent about a company partly owned by taxpayers fleeing to Mexico to build its product. It is not bad enough that GM is screwing the people who saved its sorry butt but the company has been investing in Mexico, at the expense of jobs here, since 2006.

So tell me, why didn’t GM go to the Mexican government when it needed to be bailed out?

And why is the Obama regime not stopping our employees (yes people at GM, we own you and you work for us now) from going out of the country.

I think Detroit could use a new plant and the workers that come with it. I would imagine that the 5 BILLION spent in Mexico could have helped Detroit quite a bit.

Then again, Detroit is run by liberals and GM is a union company. Either is bad but combined they are a recipe for disaster and failure which is why GM needed to be bailed out and Detroit is a wasteland.

GM went from General Motors to Government Motors and now it is just Gone Mexican.

So folks, how do you feel about being taken advantage of like this?

I said it before and I will iterate it here. I will never buy a GM vehicle (and yes, I have owned GM in the past).

Heh, when Barack Obama gave us his simplistic approach to the jobs problem by telling businesses that they needed to hire I guess he forgot to tell his toadies that they needed to hire INSIDE the country…

Perhaps we should rename GM to BOHICA Motors.

Bend Over, Here It Comes Again…

And maybe their next car should be the Chevy Bolt since they bolted across the border…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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More Crime In Wisconsin

The Governor of the state of Wisconsin ran on a platform of getting the state budget under control and he has begun to do so. One of the things he is working on is to have teachers pay more of their benefits. The union member teachers in Wisconsin pay nearly nothing for retirement and not much more than that for their very good health care plan. The governor wants them to pay a bit more and that bit more still amounts to about half of what private sector employees pay.

This request from the governor has not been well received by the teachers and the union thugs. Throw in a smattering of race baiting poverty pimps and you have one hell of a mess. The teachers called out sick forcing the schools to close. These “sick” teachers then went to the capitol and protested.

This is crime number one. They called out sick and were not sick. They should not be paid for the days they were out sick and in the real world they would be fired.

This led to crime number two. Doctors showed up at the protests and started handing out notes excusing the people from work. These doctors did not examine anyone and it is unlikely a record of the “visit” was generated. The doctors are writing notes excusing people from work when those doctors did not examine them (in any meaningful medical way). This is a crime and it would be fitting if the doctors had their licenses revoked for fraudulent behavior.

Crime number three (which actually came earlier than the doctor crime) is that Democrat lawmakers left the state to avoid voting on the issue. The governor wants to remove collective bargaining for public employees allowing them only the ability to negotiate salary and the Democrats want nothing to do with it.

This seems reasonable and it is more than reasonable to expect these teachers to pay more for their benefits. I always hear Democrats cry about people paying their fair share. Let some rich guy get a tax break and he is not paying his fair share (even though the rich pay most of the taxes) but let Wisconsin teachers pay almost nothing for their benefits (which means TAXPAYERS foot the bill) and Democrats line up to defend them.

My friend Don Surber had an interesting item in his Daily Scoreboard:

12. From Fox News: “If changes aren’t made to the benefit contributions paid by Wisconsin’s nearly 300,000 public sector employees, about 10,000-12,000 workers will lose their jobs, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker warned Sunday.”

Looks like that many walked away from their jobs last week. Fire them and balance the budget.

This is a very astute observation. The union must agree to changes to benefit compensation or 10-12 thousand workers will have to be fired to make up the shortfall. The union is not interested in changing benefit compensation. About 10-12 thousand teachers walked off the job to protest after fraudulently calling out sick. Fire them and balance the budget and then work on raising how much public sector employees have to pay for benefits.

This whole crime ridden issue is backfiring on Democrats. They thought they had a lot of support but the cowardly Democrat politicians turned tail and ran while the Republicans stayed and tried to conduct business and they did so at great peril because angry union thugs bused in by the unions were causing problems and trying to intimidate people.

In the world of American media the Tea Party folks, who have never been violent, are accused of all kinds of violence but the violent left is not taken to task for its demonstrable acts of violence and intimidation.

The people of Wisconsin elected Republicans because they wanted these kinds of reforms. Now it is time for the people of the state to stand up to the violent left. The people, the ones who pay the bills, need to demand that those teachers who called out sick be fired. People should consider a tax revolt if the teachers are paid for their crime.

The people should also consider moving their children to private schools. The investment in their children’s future is well worth the money it costs. Considering some of the signs at the protests it is no wonder our children are not well educated. If teachers can’t spell or use words correctly then how can we expect the children they teach to do so.

Voters should remember those Democrats who ran away from their jobs and refused to do the work they were elected to accomplish. Recall them now or vote them out in the next election.

Finally, the people should see what doctors wrote the fake notes excusing protesters from work and never go to them or switch if they are their doctors.

One final thought. The left always says it is about the children but this is not about the children, it is about the teachers and their compensation (actually, their lucrative benefits package) and nothing more. These teachers called out sick and protested because they did not like something that affected them. This was not about the children.

But what lesson did these teachers teach their students? If you do not like something then refuse to do your work, lie about it and then protest until you get what you want.

So what happens the next time a teacher decides to have a test and the students in the class decide they do not want to take it? What happens if they all call out sick and then show up at school and protest the teacher? What happens if they have fake doctor notes to excuse them? No teacher has any authority to do anything to prevent such a situation because this is what they showed the students to do…

It is people like these teachers, these cowardly politicians, the doctors writing notes and the complacent media (along with the race baiting poverty pimps) that someone had in mind when the final syllable was added to the name of the state…

Do you suppose that Keith Olbermann would wonder where the black faces in the crowd were as he did during Tea Party rallies (they were there but the MSM ignored them)? Well, Jesse Jackson was there…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Democrat Thuggery; Whatever It Takes

The Democrats will do whatever it takes to get what they want. Nancy Pelosi said that they will do whatever they have to in order to get health care reform passed. The Senate is locked in a battle over their, as yet unwritten (but debated in secret) bill and each new change causes a gained vote at the loss of another. So what do the Democrats do in order to get what they want?

Well, when Lieberman was not on board they went after his wife. A blogger/Hollywood type by the name of Jane Hamsher started the attack on Lieberman’s wife Hadassah who is the global ambassador for the Susan G Komen for the Cure breast cancer group. Hamsher is trying to get her fellow Hollywood types to put pressure on the organization to get rid of Mrs. Lieberman.

This is Chicago politics at its best (though Hamsher probably learned her thuggery from SEIU). To be fair it is not the Democrats in Congress doing this but the Democrats in the field. To giver further credit, The Daily Kos thought it was over the top and if they think so, it must be because they are really out there.

Hamsher is a liberal activist who thinks it is perfectly OK to go after the family of politicians with whom she disagrees. This is not unusual for the left. Look at how they went after Palin’s family while leaving Obama’s alone. Imagine how Hamsher would react if people tried to inflict some personal (not physical) harm on Obama’s kids because of his actions. I imagine she would be pretty upset, and rightly so. But she seems to think it is OK to attack Mrs. Lieberman because of her husband’s political acts. The Komen for the Cure group does a lot of great work in the area of breast cancer and it raises a lot of money. Hadassah Lieberman is a cancer survivor as is Hamsher who had breast cancer. One would think that this yenta could leave the politics out of such a worthy pursuit.

The attacks on Hadassah Lieberman are wrong, period! I understand that Komen for the Cure has no intention of releasing her and this is commendable. I will continue to donate to this worthy organization but will have to reconsider if they allow politics to take over and fire Mrs. Lieberman.

There is more to the thuggery. Democrats are apparently so eager to get the health care bill passed in the Senate that Ben Nelson might have been threatened. The Weekly Standard is reporting that Nelson was told if he did not get on board that Offutt Air Force Base would be put on the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) list:

According to a Senate aide, the White House is now threatening to put Nebraska’s Offutt Air Force Base on the BRAC list if Nelson doesn’t fall into line.

There are varying stories on this and Nelson has denied it (what else could he do to spare his party) and there was initial word that Rahm Emanuel was behind the threat. This would not come as a surprise given the way twinkle toes Emanuel has played politics in the past. He is a hard nosed Chicago thug and threats are a way of life to him.

If this turns out to be true then the Obama administration has placed the passage of an agenda item above the security of the US. It shows that the administration is willing to play politics with our security.

Whoever made the threat though, is unfamiliar with how BRAC works. It is a long drawn out process that takes years. The reality is that by the time this would even be considered many Democrats will be out of a job and Obama might be on a speaking tour discussing why he was a one term leader.

These thugs go after family members and make threats to get what they want. Of course they try bribery first, that is what got Mary Landrieu on board. She sold herself to the highest bidder so it was not necessary to leave a horse’s head in her bed.

But there are plenty of those heads being distributed as Democrats look for a way to jam this through at all costs.

As for Hamsher, Glenn Beck revealed tonight that she dated Andy Stern of SEIU for about two years. Since we know how thuggish SEIU is, some of it must have rubbed off on Hamsher. She went from being a liberal to being a violent activist.

She is so insignificant I can’t think of anything she has done in Hollywood but if I know she is involved in something I will be sure to avoid it.

Maybe she can lose her job…

Or maybe she will die of the disease Mrs. Lieberman is working hard to help eradicate…

I don’t wish her death but that would be rather ironic.

Stop the ACLU
Big Hollywood

Big Dog


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Unions Are Obstructive (And P.O.S. Too)

Well, the unions feel that they are going to get back some membership, now that they have installed Barama the Acquiescent in the White House. In return for their thuggish prescence at the Town Hall meetings, where they can intimidate people with their prescence, Hussein can and will push through laws that unlawfully favor labor unions, and force people to join.

The first and most evident proposed law is the Card Check Act, where a union thug with no forehead and a continuous sub- orbital ridge can hover over you while “asking” you to sign a card that would require the company you work for to hold union elections- and the threshold percentage of people required to initiate the election would be 30%. When was 30% a Majority in anyone’s world?

Apparently, in Hussein’s world, 30%  is a majority- no wonder they are having problems with budgets and TARP, and stimulus, and cash for clunkers- they cannot work with numbers, apparently.

So now, the other unions, besides SEIU, want in on the action, and they are not afraid to use strong-arm tactics to do this.

In an increasingly bitter Washington battle between the nation’s two largest shipping companies, some unionized UPS workers say they are being forced to write letters to their lawmakers in support of more stringent labor rules for arch rival FedEx.

Officials with UPS and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which represents 240,000 UPS drivers, acknowledge that the company has paid for workers’ time to pen many of the letters and has supplied the envelopes, paper and stamps needed to mail thousands of them to Congress. UPS spokesman Malcolm Berkley said the effort was “totally voluntary, and any allegations to the contrary are ridiculous.”

But Internet sites dedicated to UPS-related discussions feature dozens of accounts from anonymous employees who in recent weeks have said they were forced to write the letters or felt they would be punished for not doing so. Such tactics could run afoul of both labor laws and lobbying disclosure requirements, according to legal experts.


FedEx is not truly a rival of UPS- one ships mainly by ground transport, and the other, FedEx, ships by air, but the union wants to control FedEx, and could, if successful, cause work disruptions easier, thus forcing wage concessions easier, which of course would mean more money for the leaders of these unions. It’s all about greed with these unions, nothing else.

The letter-writing campaign is part of a costly and often fierce legislative fight between UPS and FedEx, which together have spent nearly $10 million on federal lobbying in the first half of the year. The feud captures the prominence of mass mailings, Internet campaigns and other grass-roots efforts to catch the attention of Congress in high stakes disputes, even when they involve relatively arcane regulations.

The focus of the UPS-FedEx conflict is House legislation passed earlier this year that would make it easier to unionize FedEx’s lucrative express-air operation, which is currently treated as an airline under labor rules that limit strikes and require unions to organize nationally rather than locally. UPS, by contrast, is treated as a trucking firm, allowing for easier union organizing.

UPS and the union are now concentrating on convincing the Senate to adopt the provision.

“We hope at the end of the day the Senate will see this as a simple issue of fairness,” said Ken Hall, head of the Teamsters’ package division.

FedEx has responded with an aggressive public-relations campaign of its own that includes a Web site, http://www.brownbailout.com, that mocks UPS as another wealthy corporation seeking a federal rescue. FedEx founder and chief executive Frederick W. Smith, who was mentioned last year as a potential Cabinet nominee by GOP presidential candidate  John McCain (Ariz.), says the legislation would cripple his company by leaving it open to disruptive strikes.

“FedEx Express remains committed to putting our customers first and making sure Congress doesn’t change the legal framework that is the basis on which FedEx Express created the air express industry,” said company spokesman Maury Lane.


So the union thuggery continues unabated- its not just SEIU brutes beating a Black man at a St. Louis Town Hall meeting, but AFL-CIO thugs browbeating union employees to get them to “write” letters to their Congressmen to advance a special interest on the part of the union.

The legislative fight between the companies captured headlines in Washington last month when Politico’s Web site released a letter from the American Conservative Union offering FedEx its political support, including an “aggressive grass-roots campaign to stop the legislation in the Senate,” in exchange for payments of at least $2.1 million. After FedEx refused, ACU Chairman David Keene signed on to a letter with other conservative leaders accusing FedEx of mounting a “disinformation campaign” against UPS.

The pro-UPS correspondence was also signed by ACU board member Grover Norquist, head of Americans for Tax Reform, which has received $200,000 worth of grants from the UPS Foundation since 2005. A Norquist spokesman said his group had taken no position on the legislation and does not intend to do so.

Now FedEx officials are bristling at the UPS letter-writing campaign, pointing to complaints from Scott and other UPS workers. “They are forcing us to write letters at our UPS center,” one employee wrote on BrownCafe.com, a Web site independent of UPS. Another user wrote: “My System Manager told us ‘this is not an optional activity.’ I wrote the letters and still feel dirty.”

One veteran UPS worker from New Mexico, who requested anonymity to speak about his employer, told The Washington Post that he favors a law change for Fedex but objects to UPS tactics.

“Employees were first told that they were required to write these letters and that if they chose not to then they were to write a letter to the district manager explaining why not,” the employee said. Supervisors backed down in the face of complaints, he added, only to repeat the demand again a day later and threaten to “write up” those who refused.

Most workers complied to get the extra pay, which was marked down as training time, he said.


How nice- “training time”, huh? Just call it bribery, with just a whiff of coercion and extortion thrown in. So the union lies- gee, we didn’t see that one coming, did we? You are telling me that Unions lie and deceive, and cheat to advance their cause? Say it aint so, Joe. This is just yet another move on the part of the unions, with the complicit aid of the Hussein Administration and members of Congress, to increase reliance on unions for work, and the government for everything else. This is not right.

FedEx should be able to chart its own way in the business world, as should everything and everyone else. Unions used to have a legitimate use and function, but no more. They are the Neanderthals in the business world, and for everyone’s sake, they need to go extinct ASAP. 

If, on their own, employees of FedEx chose to unionize, that would be fair, but coercion never turns out well, and the unions only end up looking like, well, cartoons of unions, demonstrating their brute side for all the world to see, and its not pretty.
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