Obamacare Is NOT Failing

Wayne Allyn Root explains quite well how Obamacare is not failing because it was designed to destroy the economy and enslave more people to government.

Root points out that Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky and as he goes through the list of what is happening and how it is by design and he points out that the tipoff that all of this is by design is the left calling the patriots terrorists.

This is in the Alinsky book Rules for Radicals; Call the other guy a terrorist to hide YOUR intentions…


The GOP needs to stop calling ObamaCare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s NOT.

This is a brilliant, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism.

It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success.

It’s not a “trainwreck,” ObamaCare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government.

Read the article here

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Muslim Brotherhood Shows True Face Of Islam

The Muslim Brotherhood is taking over in countries that experienced the so called Arab Spring and these people are not peace loving and they do not have tolerance. They follow the Koran’s teachings of murder and they do so without hesitation.

In Cairo speakers from the Muslim Brotherhood talked about the Jews declaring that one day they would kill all of them. This is from the people who want us to believe they are from the religion of peace. Their idea of peace is to be peaceful so long as people agree with them and do what they want (though their peaceful acts toward one another are anything but peaceful to civilized people). They have no tolerance for people who are different and who practice different religions, particularly the Jews.

Israel should be on high alert and ready to strike out at those who mean to do her harm and it should do so with or without the blessing of the Obama Regime.

Obama has been cold toward Israel and his actions border on hatred for the country and its people. He would rather support the murderous Muslims than the Jews who would like nothing more than to live in peace.

So be it. Israel has a right to defend itself and needs to do so regardless of what Obama desires.

I stand with our friends in Israel regardless of what the Obama regime decides to do.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Does Obama Support This Guy Too?

A man from Idaho named Oscar Ramiro Ortega is in a world of trouble after he fired a weapon at the White House. Barack Obama and his family were not there at the time and ballistic glass prevented any penetration but that does not negate the seriousness of the act. Ortega is being charged with attempted assassination though I think that might be hard to prove. All he has to do is claim he knew Obama was not there (Obama’s travels are in the news) and there can be no intent shown with regard to assassination.

Let me stop here to make it clear. I DO NOT support what this guy did or any act that involves shooting Obama or any other elected person. That is not the proper way to handle things and those kinds of things are not appropriate.

Ortega has been linked to the Occupy DC group, part of the entire Occupy movement which might explain why he was quickly labeled as mentally unstable. Can’t have a left wing radical doing things against the left wing radical Obama.

The question is, since Obama follows Saul Alinsky’s tenets (the ends justify the means) and since he has wholeheartedly supported the Occupy movement, does he support what this guy did?

We already know Obama has no problem with people using violence to get what they want so long as what they want is part of the progressive agenda. Obama is friends with US terrorist Bill Ayers who killed police officers and detonated bombs in this country as part of the progressive movement in the 60s. I know Obama was only a child at that time but one can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps and Obama kept company with a terrorist. Obama has thrown his support behind the Occupy movement even though they have been committing horrific crimes, vandalizing property and attacking police.

So does Obama support what Ortega did?

Ortega was expressing himself in a manner that is consistent with the Occupy movement, Alinsky and Ayers, all of which Obama supports.

I imagine they charged this guy with the attempted assassination and will push to say he is insane (he might well be) in order to hide him away somewhere to make it easier for the State Run Media to ignore it.

The funny thing about all this is that the Media wing of the Democrat party keeps telling us that the Occupy folks are no different than the TEA Party. Really now? How many TEA Party members ever shot at anyone, politician or otherwise? NONE!

As an aside, how many TEA Party events had public health officials concerned about the spread of disease? Again, NONE!

I am not in support of the act committed by Ortega. I do find it ironic that he is a left wing whack job who committed an act that Big Sis at DHS said would come from right wing extremists.

The only things that would make this story (the association, not the act) sweeter is if Ortega was an illegal alien and the gun he used was traced back to Fast and Furious.

Now that would be funny indeed.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Where Is Big Sis With These Terrorists

A few years ago the DHS and Big Sis released their report on potential threats here in the US. Conservative right wing folks were labeled as potential home grown terrorists along with TEA Party members and folks who are opposed to abortion. Yes, Big Sis and the government were worried and they wanted everyone to know that the right was dangerous and that law enforcement across the country should be on alert for these radical right wing madmen.

The report was full of BS and was politically motivated in an attempt to paint the right as radical so as to push the left’s agenda. In all the time since this report was released, no member of the TEA Party has committed a crime while involved in TEA Party protests. There are not large numbers of right wing folks out causing trouble, damaging property, raping women, selling and using drugs or committing any acts of terror whatsoever. That makes no difference because the left has made up its mind. The facts have never gotten in the way of their agenda.

The real terrorists in this country have been the Occupy terrorists. These people have committed the crimes that Big Sis and her DHS said the right would commit. The Occupy folks are out rioting. They are burning things. They are attacking the police and they are disobeying the laws.

In addition, the terrorists in the labor unions are involving themselves in the issues and they are calling for terrorist acts to be committed. Leo Gerard, president of United Steelworkers international has stated that the movement needs more militancy. Gerard, a moron union thug (and terrorist, Big Sis), said that if the Occupy Wall Street movement does not convey the message (if Wall Street does not get it) then a resistance movement is needed that involves more militancy. He thinks people should be blocking bridges and doing “that kind of stuff.” I see this as a call to the union thugs to cause civil disturbance through militant acts. Gerard is calling for militant acts, acts that are combative and aggressive, by definition.

In other words, Gerard is calling for terror. Where is the DHS report labeling the Occupy folks and the labor unions a threat to this nation? Where is the report that labels these people the same way the right wing was labeled? Where is the nationwide alert for law enforcement?

These people are actual threats to this country. They are a threat to other people. They are a threat to our system. They are actual threats that are not labeled as such by Big Sis and her DHS. In fact, the Democrats have praised the Occupy folks and have declared their support for them. Democrats are in support of people committing acts of terror and are proud of that support. The report from Big Sis on the potential for right wing violence is unfounded and has never come to fruition. The left is out terrorizing and Big Sis ignores it.

The left is trying to cause riots. Obama is in favor of rioting. He was a community rabble-rouser and he is a student of Saul Alinsky. The ends justify the means and the left wants riots to get its way. The sock puppets on the left who are easily led are obliging the masters at the top by rioting and Gerard is calling for combative and aggressive acts in order to get things done.

Could someone point out a riot or anything similar to the Occupy movement from the right?


Gerard, if you want combative and aggressive acts you go right ahead. Don’t be surprised when you get driven over by someone fed up with your antics (I want Gerard to block a bridge I am trying to cross).

I guess it would be wise to understand that militancy can go both ways and your right to protest ends when you infringe upon the rights of others.

Or as someone once told me, be careful what you ask for.

Funny thing though. If a right wing person discusses watering the tree of liberty or taking back the country the liberals get their pink panties in a wad and scream about how radical they are and then somehow end up calling it racism because a black guy is occupying the White House.

Let some whack job union thug scream for militancy and the left is in love with him.

Three words folks;

Bring it on…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Union Terrorists Strike Again

I don’t mean strike as in a work stoppage to force a company to give in to demands because that is already happening. Verizon’s landline union workers went on strike after negotiations broke down. Seems the company wants its union employees to help reduce costs while keeping a competitive benefits package. The union bosses and the thugs don’t like that idea because they would rather bankrupt a company than share some of the burden. The union claims Verizon is trying to wipe out 50 years of gains.

Looks like the union thugs are striking in another way (and it is not new for union thugs). Verizon reports that some of its lines have been sabotaged. The sabotage has disrupted service and could cause a dangerous situation should someone need to contact emergency services…

Verizon reports that fiber optic lines were intentionally cut in Tewksbury and that there have been 12 acts of sabotage to the phone lines, internet and television services in Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York since the strike began. Verizon also reports that equipment was stolen in Cedar Grove NJ and a heat system was tampered with in Manhattan. [Boston.com]

Of course the union is saying it has no knowledge of its members doing such things and the union does not condone such actions. I guess it is just a coincidence that all this sabotage took place right after the union went on strike and happened in the same time period across multiple states.

Verizon is offering a $50,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons committing these crimes.

What do you want to bet that should the criminals be caught (and turn out to be union members) the union bosses that have no knowledge and do not condone such acts will work very hard to keep the offenders from being fired?

This is how unions act when they don’t get what they want. They attack people, they sabotage company equipment, and they commit criminal acts in order to coerce the company to submit to their demands.

Imagine what would happen if Verizon cut (as in cut off service) the phone lines going onto union headquarters or the homes of union employees. Imagine what would happen if Verizon turned off the cellular service of the striking workers (the wireless portion would only affect landline workers with Verizon wireless service). It would be inadvertent, of course…

The union bosses would scream, Eric Holder and the Obama regime would go into overdrive to attack Verizon and the union thugs would cry like babies. And you can bet that the union would not accept any press release from Verizon claiming it had no knowledge of company workers doing such things and does not condone them.

The union should negotiate in good faith with the company and stop holding the company hostage. These union workers are holding a gun to the heads of the company executives and trying to force them to do things that the company can’t afford to do.

Let’s face it, the union workers here are terrorists.

But I bet you will never hear a Democrat say such a thing. They save that for their lies about the TEA Party.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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