All Show, No Go

Well, it is a fact, our Resident has no substance, and should in no way be taken seriously, at least by real men and women in the real world.
As we say in Texas, he is all hat and no cattle, someone you dismiss as not truly to be taken seriously- not a true player. He reminds me of the kid with big ears who comes up with the most outrageous lies, just to get attention. This is our leader- small “l”- because he is a small person in all except ego. To him, and probably by extension the rest of the WH, perception is reality.

Case in point- the photo op with selected “doctors” (I have the word “doctors” in quote marks, because I am not convinced that they are all, indeed, real doctors)- in order to make it more visually arresting, the WH staff handed out white lab coats so people could easily see the “sea” of white.

A sea of 150 white-coated doctors, all enthusiastically supportive of the president and representing all 50 states, looked as if they were at a costume party as they posed in the Rose Garden before hearing Obama’s pitch for the Democratic overhaul bills moving through Congress.

The physicians, all invited guests, were told to bring their white lab coats to make sure that TV cameras captured the image.

But some docs apparently forgot, failing to meet the White House dress code by showing up in business suits or dresses.

So the White House rustled up white coats for them and handed them to the suited physicians who had taken seats in the sun-splashed lawn area.

All this to provide a visual counter to complaints from other doctors that pending legislation is bad news for the medical profession.

150 doctors, if indeed they all were- from all fifty states. That works out to three doctors per state- not many are in favor of this plan.

Now we have dueling doctors- pro and anti- stethoscopes at ten paces- but this is all about perception, not substance for Nobama, because on substance, he loses every time. He is the ghost in the machine, and he’s trying his best to gum up the works for everyone else. I no longer even think he means what he says- he is too wrapped up in the illusion.

The president was flanked by four white-coated doctors at a podium as he delivered his pep talk.

“When you cut through all the noise and all the distractions that are out there, I think what’s most telling is that some of the people who are most supportive of reform are the very medical professionals who know the health-care system best,” the president said.

“I want to thank every single doctor who is here,” Obama said. “And I especially want to thank you for agreeing to fan out across the country and make the case about why this reform effort is so desperately needed.”

Underlying the strictly photo-op nature of the event, The Associated Press noted that Obama broke no new ground in his remarks.

Because there is never any new ground in an illusion- that is the nature of an illusion- it is unsubstantial at its core, and doesn’t get any more solid over time. Smoke and mirrors is just that- smoke and mirrors.

Speaking of which, now Bill Ayers, the Weather underground admitted murderer and domestic terrorist (Gee- don’t you want him for a friend? Perhaps a BFF?) admitted that the Resident did not actually write his book “Dreams of my Father”, but had Billy do it for him. I guess he was too busy organizing his “community”.

Anne Leary of Back Yard Conservative was passing through Washington, DC’s Reagan National Airport yesterday, and was surprised to come across Bill Ayers at Starbucks: “scruffy, thinning beard, dippy earring, and the wire rims, heading to order.” She struck up a conversation with him and snapped the accompanying photo. (Photo provided courtesy Anne Leary.)

I interviewed Anne this morning about it.

Ayers was in Washington, he told her, for a conference on education.

“That’s what I do, education,” he said. “You shouldn’t believe everything you hear about me… You know nothing about me.”

To which she responded, “I said, I know plenty–I’m from Chicago, a conservative blogger, and I’ll post this.”

I bet his heart skipped a beat on that one.

But he didn’t scowl, and didn’t run off as he has been known to do. Instead, unprompted, he blurted out: “I wrote ‘Dreams From My Father… Michelle asked me to.” Then he added “And if you can prove it we can split the royalties.”

Really? The authorship of that book, the one that launched our Faker in Chief’s Residential run, is in doubt?  Nobama lied? Are you really surprised? It would have been more convincing to me if the teleprompter had written it, instead of (allegedly now) Nobama. That Billy Ayers would make that claim strikes a chord of truth. It may actually be the most truthful statement we get out of anyone connected to this administration.

Was he, as she had asked, pulling our collective legs? Other sources report rumors that Ayers is very upset both about not getting any credit for helping Obama on ‘Dreams,’ and may also be put off by being summarily thrown under the bus along with Rev. Wright and everyone else who becomes an inconvenience to this President.

My understanding of communists is that most would know better and keep their mouths shut. But Ayers is a bit different. He is, as he says, a “small ‘c’ communist,” but he is also, in a certain, slimy way, an entrepreneur, as we explained in Monday’s post. (Apologies in advance to entrepreneurs everywhere.) He grew up a very rich kid, used to getting everything he wanted. Even as an adult his career has relied on a hand up from his wealthy father. His past statements and radical activities also mark him as a megalomaniac. In youth he drew attention to himself by blowing things up. As an adult “educator” he merely attempts to subvert children. But that doesn’t seem to be going so well.

He is under a lot of pressure, too. Ayers and his horrid wife Bernardine Dohrn are believed to have planned and executed the San Francisco Park Police Station bombing in 1970 that killed police sergeant Brian V. McDonnell and wounded several others. Efforts to bring them to justice have been underway for some time, as brought to light this past March in a National Press Club conference put on by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival.

Yep- just like everyone else liberal, he has an unsatisfied “inner child”- but then so does Nobama, who gets Billy to do his “homework” for him. Is there no one honest in this administration? I feel like I have the lantern in my hands,and I am looking for one, just one honest man in the administration.

I fear there is not a one- certainly Barry and the rest of his little cadre are liars one and all- their hero is obviously Josef Goebbels, with his grasp of propaganda, which just raises lying to an art form. As many “photo- ops” as his cabal have staged, a person could very reasonably be excused for not believing a single word that comes from politicians, especially the liberals in power now.

Perception is illusion- not reality.

Not with this administration.

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Muslim Immigrants Convicted In Fort Dix Plot

Five Muslim Immigrants who were working on a plan to sneak in to Fort Dix New Jersey and kill American soldiers have been convicted and now face life in prison. The five were arrested after their group was infiltrated by an FBI informant.

The would be terrorists did not have a solid plan and they were months away from actually doing anything but they had obtained weapons and were training to kill Americans.

It is good that they were convicted and might end up behind bars for the rest of their miserable lives but I can’t help but wonder about another plot to attack Fort Dix.

Bill Ayers, unrepentant domestic terrorist and friend of Barack Obama, and his group of rag tag misfits had a plan to attack Fort Dix during the Vietnam War. They were going to set off bombs and kill soldiers and their dates attending a dance on post.

Fortunately, the bomb they were building detonated and killed three members of the group. Unfortunately, Ayers and his terrorist wife were not among them.

Now, for some strange reason, Ayers and his wife are successful in the country they declared war against and are hailed as heroes in some circles. Obama launched his political career from their home and they worked together on a program to indoctrinate children in the name of education.

The best thing would have been for them to die in the explosion but since that did not happen, why are they free? They should have been jailed for life like these five Muslims who were much farther away from killing soldiers than Ayers and his cohorts.

At least we got the five Muslims terrorists off the streets. Good thing too. Who knows what Socialist Democrat they might help get elected…


Big Dog

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Once Again, Phony Cries Of Racism

It never fails when it comes to the left. They see racism in everything, except of course in the words of their own adherents who spout racially motivated attacks all the time. This time the focus is on Sarah Palin and her attacks on Obama’s ties to a domestic terrorist. There is no denying that Barack Obama had more than a passing relationship with William Ayers. Therefore, he has associated himself with a domestic terrorist and one who fails to repent for his behavior. In fact, Ayers said that he did not do enough.

Palin attacked Obama for his association with Ayers and the Liberal media has been running cover for The One. The major publications are saying that the association has been debunked (it has not) and that Obama was a child when Ayers targeted our country (he was) and they also report that Obama has denounced what Ayers did in the past.

The Obama Ayers relationship is very real. Ayers held a major fund raiser at his house for Obama and they served together on the board of a few charities. Ayers and Obama have a close relationship and that should make people stop and think.

It is true that Obama was a child when Ayers and his terrorist group bombed federal buildings and killed police officers. But that does not mean Obama should not be held accountable for his judgment. How do you suppose it would play out if Hitler had lived and George Bush befriended him and said “hey I don’t agree with what the guy did but I wasn’t even born when he did it.” Obama can claim that he denounces the acts of Ayers but by befriending him, Obama gives him and the cause he feels did not go far enough, legitimacy. This is the kind of legitimacy that Obama would give Ahmadinejad by meeting with him without preconditions. Perhaps Obama’s failure to make the connection with regard to Ayers is why he is so willing to meet with other terrorists.

It does not matter that Obama has denounced what Ayers did. If you had a neighbor who was friends with bin Laden and rationalized it by saying “Well, I denounced what he did” would you consider that neighbor a patriot or a traitor?

The AP reported on Palin’s comments and they concluded that she had some racist sprinklings in them.

Palin’s words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee “palling around” with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn’t see their America?

In a post-Sept. 11 America, terrorists are envisioned as dark-skinned radical Muslims, not the homegrown anarchists of Ayers’ day 40 years ago. With Obama a relative unknown when he began his campaign, the Internet hummed with false e-mails about ties to radical Islam of a foreign-born candidate.

Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as “not like us” is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American. Breitbart

Let me point out that Obama was the one who said he did not look like the other presidents. The AP is playing a word game by inferring that Palin said things she did not. The AP is helping Obama by planting these seeds. I will also say that she associated him with William Ayers who is white and bringing up the dark skinned Muslim angle is reaching well beyond the line of reality. The AP in this analysis is trying to misdirect the attention of the people. They are saying; “ignore the terrorist connections of Obama, it is a racist remark.”

Barack Obama has questionable relationships with radical and corrupt people including Ayers, Tony Rezko, and Pastor Wright. These associations have not been investigated by the media and have been largely ignored. Any attempt to bring them to light is viewed as racist which gives us a good idea as to how Obama will govern the country. “Congress failed to pass my budget because they are racists.” “How dare you criticize my foreign policies, you racists.”

Obama is a radical as is his wife who has been muzzled so as to keep her from expressing her true hate filled feelings about our country. She and her husband will do anything to get ahead in politics. Obama knew Ayers would be helpful so he allowed him to help. This is the same motivation that allowed him to join and attend a radical church for 20 years. He needed the backing in order to achieve. It does not hurt that Obama and his radical wife hold the same values as the church. Even Oprah, who is a racist, left the church.

The AP is way out of line. Obama’s associations are fair game and if the other side does not like it then too bad. Perhaps if the AP spent time actually looking at Obama’s shady past they would not have time to dream up the bogey man of racism.

Palin needs to keep hammering him on this. Attack, attack, attack. If the media will not do its job then others will have to. Regardless of what anyone thinks about this, it is a fact that Obama has a close relationship with a domestic terrorist. This should matter, and to me it does.

Big Dog

Obama Ayers Dirty Laundry

Barack Obama has been asked about his ties to Bill Ayers a few times and he has given evasive answers. He has changed his story and he has lied about Ayers. Obama always minimizes the relationship. Obama never got a half way decent questioning about his ties to this domestic terrorist until Bill O’Reilly interviewed Obama on the Factor. Obama would never have done that interview if he were not tanking in the polls.

Anyway, Obama has made several claims regarding his affiliation with Bill Ayers. This video is from when he was running for the US Senate. He cites the job at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge as experience for the job of US Senator. Barack Obama, in this video, tells us that the job Bill Ayers (a man he hardly knows) gave him qualifies him to be a Senator. I know Obama would like people to believe that he has minimal ties to this cretin but since Ayers has been more than a passing acquaintance, Obama is lying.

Maybe these items from WND are just a bunch of cruel lies made up by John McCain to hurt Obama’s image. Or maybe he associates with terrorists.

Obama’s characterization of his relationship with Ayers as “somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know” barely scratches the surface of his dealings with the Ayers.

In 1995, the first organizing meeting for Obama’s state senatorial campaign was reportedly held in Ayers’s apartment.

Ayers was one of the original grantees of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC, a school reform organization in the 1990s, and was co-chairman of the Chicago School Reform Collaborative, one the two operational arms of the CAC. In 1995, Obama became chairman of the CAC under Ayers’ leadership.

In a widely circulated article, WND first reported Obama served on the board of the Wood’s Fund, a liberal Chicago nonprofit, alongside Ayers from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund’s website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2000.

A $200 campaign contribution from Ayers is listed April 2, 2001, by the “Friends of Barack Obama” campaign fund.

The two appeared together as speakers at several public events, including a 1997 University of Chicago panel entitled, “Should a child ever be called a ‘super predator?'” and another panel for the University of Illinois in April 2002 entitled, “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?” WND

Yep, that Barack Obama keeps some rather strange company. And while the MSM and Obama camp send an army of people to Alaska to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin, Obama is not questioned about his ties to terrorists (except for O’Reilly). What are the odds that the MSM will sit Obama down and ask him the really hard questions. Despite what some liberals think, Obama has been asked very few tough questions and there is never follow up regardless of his answer. They are in the tank for him and the way ABC edited the Palin interview should leave no doubt that they were working for the Obama campaign. It is indisputable.

Fortunately, Obama is suffering a meltdown and is beginning to lose real estate in the battleground states. It is too early for predictions but, at least for now, things are looking good for McCain.

I am reminded of what Jay from STACLU asked; What do Osama bin Laden and Barack Obama have in common? They both have friends who bombed the Pentagon…

Big Dog Salute to Ace…

Big Dog

Al-Obama Backers Resort to Terrorism

There have been disturbing reports that people who oppose Barack Obama have received death threats and have had their property vandalized. One person had a site up with a petition to get Obama’s birth certificate released (the real one, not the photo shopped Kos copy) but he had to take the site down because of death threats that included information like his address.

A group of women who supported Hillary Clinton in the primary and who still support her have formed a group that is opposed to the Obamination. A number of them have received death threats and that list of victims continues to grow. The latest victim received several email threats and a phone call before someone set fire to a tree on her property. A woman who runs the Hillary is my girl website is that victim.

Two weeks later as PUMA began to gain attention the Campaign began bothering me again. I received an email and then the phone calls started.
One evening I received a phone call another death threat and then shortly after my son came in and yelled fire. Someone set my tree on fire. The fire department said the fire was arson.

I do not care for Hillary Clinton and I would never vote for her because I do not agree with her politics and I believe she is a criminal. Having said that, no one should be threatened or have their property vandalized because of who they back politically. This same thing happened in 2004 when Democrats keyed cars with Bush bumper stickers and set Bush/Cheney signs on fire. These acts are unacceptable and do not help any candidate.

I am here to say that I oppose Barack Obama. He is a Socialist and he is a disaster waiting to happen. He lacks leadership ability and the only thing that helps him is a charisma that mesmerizes weak minded people and lures them into robotic servitude. I cannot stand his politics and I think he is a typical mob like Chicago politician (and the terror tactics show it) and he will say or do anything to get elected. Having said that, if the Obama terrorists don’t like it they can take their death threats and go straight to hell.

The unfortunate thing is these liberals who are being threatened probably have no means to protect themselves because liberals are not in favor of guns. Who knows, maybe now they will become bitter and start clinging to guns like the rest of the unenlightened.

I hope that the terrorists in the Al-Obama camp are caught and prosecuted and I hope these tactics damage the Messiah’s chances of winning.

To the PUMAs I say, I don’t support Hillary but I respect your right to do just that. I wish you safety and hope they catch whomever is committing these crimes.

Now, is it any wonder Obama wants to make nice with the terrorists?

Big Dog