US Government Funded Boston Terror

It looks like the Boston Bombers and their families were paid over 100 thousand dollars of US taxpayer money in the form of welfare. The bombers probably purchased the items they used to make their bombs with money from those who work hard and pay taxes. In effect, our government paid for the terror that occurred in Boston.

There are many failures in our government and the inability to weed out those who should not be here is among the most egregious of its failures. The Department of Homeland Security is supposed to be on top of things here in the “homeland” and should be focusing on the people who are here and intend to do bad things.

The reality is that the DHS would rather spend time demonizing veterans, Christians, conservatives and many other groups that have not used violence in pursuit of their agendas. Instead of looking at the illegals and those who are here legally but do bad things the DHS is stuck on attacking those who do no harm.

The Tsamaev brothers were reported as bad actors and they were checked on by federal officials. Instead of taking action the government decided to allow them to continue living here and receiving welfare money.

Our government is directly responsible for what happened in Boston from the bombing to the police state that followed.

The progressive agenda of the past 100 years has given us generational welfare and record numbers of people dependent on government (read working taxpayers). The progressive agenda is not only responsible for the bombing in Boston. The progressives and their agenda are responsible for the decay of many American cities that are run by progressives who dole out taxpayer money to people enslaved to government.

The inability of government to secure the nation and the failure of the progressive agenda has not stopped progressives from doubling down. No, the new immigration bill being floated around will ensure that millions of illegals who get a legitimate status will be allowed to get welfare. The progressives are working on building a new cadre of would be American haters who can use taxpayer money to cause chaos.

That chaos will mostly be economic where millions more on the dole will suck the last breaths from an already dying economy. But what will stop just one terrorist from getting and using taxpayer money to cause mass destruction in another US city?

We need to get a handle on the immigrants in this nation and we need to weed them out. Legally here or not we need to check to make sure they can stay here. Illegals should be sent home and those here legally but who should not be allowed to stay should be right behind them.

Until we address the number of bad people here and do something smart like getting rid of them there is no doubt we will have further attacks.

I doubt the decpticons in government really care. As long as our overlords have protection they really do not care what happens to everyone else.

Does anyone really think Obama and the rest of the progressive elitists care about dead school children or marathon runners?

If they cared about human life (other than their own) they would not support abortion and the monster in PA who murdered babies.

And they certainly would not “God Bless” Planned Parenthood…

Just so you know, I don’t disagree with everything Obama says.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Will Obama Push To Ban Muslims?

After every act of terror that involves radical Islamists we are reminded by the left not to rush to judgment and that we cannot condemn an entire religion or its followers for the acts of a few. I agree that people should be judged individually. I also know that when a large group of those people or their individual governments support their acts then it is OK to paint them with a broad brush.

Unfortunately, the very people who tell us not to judge all Muslims by the acts of a few are the same people who condemn all gun owners for the acts of a few people with guns who do bad things. The reality is that most people who do bad things with guns have already broken countless laws to do so and usually do not own the guns legally. This fact escapes the gun grabbers as they paint all gun owners, law abiding citizens who exercise a constitutionally protected right, with a broad brush.

After the Newtown shooting, where a gunman who used guns he stole to murder a number of people (mostly children,) Barack Obama wasted no time condemning the act and then vowing to pass tougher gun laws. These laws would only affect law abiding gun owners as they are the only ones who would follow them. The guns that would be banned and the hoops people would have to jump through would only infringe on the people who obey the law. The people who do bad things will still get guns, won’t worry about the gun being on some approved list, and would not go through a background check.

That did not stop Obama and his anti gun zealots from vowing to pass tough gun laws. Some states did just that and ended up only harming those who did no wrong. In fact, some people were then targeted to have their guns confiscated. This all happened to people who did no wrong.

Now we have a terrorist attack that happened in Boston during the Boston Marathon. While we were cautioned not to rush to judgment Obama’s stenographers in the media wasted no time blaming the right wing, gun owners, rednecks, people who hate taxes, white people, and any other group they could paint as a right wing entity. I did not hear Obama asking them not to rush to judgment.

It turns out the bombers are followers of Islam. That should come as no shock as most of the acts of terror are committed by followers of that religion (notice I said most – added for liberals who have trouble with comprehension). The Muslims involved in 9/11 murdered more people than the gunman in Newtown. Hell, they murdered more than the recent mass shootings combined. George Bush did not say we should ban Muslims; he just went after those who intended to do us harm.

Since Barack Obama sees fit to go after all gun owners for the acts of a few deranged people I want to know if he will now ban Muslims.

You see, he was quick on the trigger after Newtown but slow and cautious in his response to the Boston bombing. Unlike his call to action on tougher gun control after Newtown, he was vague and asked us not to rush to judgment. He did not even use the word terror in his first address.

It is now abundantly clear that those who did this are Muslims. Will B. Hussein Obama now apply the same standard he did with regard to Newtown and ask Congress to ban Muslims from the United States?

In this country when a person drives drunk we go after that person not alcohol or cars. When a person stabs a bunch of people we go after the person using the knife, not the knife. When a gun is involved things get murky because the liberals go after the guns of all citizens.

Well Muslims have murdered more Americans than gun wielding morons in mass shootings.

If Obama is to apply the same standard then he must go after Muslims and work with Congress to get them banned.

The mantra from the left is; if we only save one child…

Well, banning Muslims would do just that (so would outlawing abortion).

This might not be a popular position but neither is gun control and the fact that it is not popular has not stopped Obama and the rest of the anti gun crowd from working to disarm us. Hell, they even lie about support.

I can’t say for sure but I bet more Americans support a Muslim ban than a gun ban.

I don’t support either (I believe in going after those involved in bad stuff) but if I had to choose I know America would be a lot safer with armed citizens than it would with Muslims (especially if it was disarmed).

Obama will probably not ban Muslims. What the they do is from the same textbook his buddy Bill Ayers uses.

John Jay has an interesting post up

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Better Ban Assault Pressure Cookers

The tragic bombing in Boston hurt over 100 people and was as devastating as the shootings in Aurora, Tucson and Newtown. So far not as many people have died as a result of the bombs but more were injured and there are plenty who have lost limbs. All of these incidents were carried out by bad people with no regard for human life.

After the shootings the anti gun crowd ratcheted up pressure to impose more gun control. The gun control has passed in several states and the US Congress is debating the issue as well. None of the measures will stop murders and none of them would have stopped the shootings because bad people do not obey the law.

This has not stopped the anti gun people from playing on emotions and telling us that if the life of only one child is saved then it would be worth it. If they really meant that they would push to ban abortion and save the lives of millions of children. That is not part of the agenda so that is not discussed. It is also why the Democrat stenographers in the media are ignoring the trial of the abortion doctor in Philadelphia who murdered babies who were born alive.

Back on point. A few murders by gun and the anti gun, anti Constitution crowd clamors to get rid of guns.

The people who bombed the Boston Marathon used pressure cookers filled with ball bearings. These were high capacity pressure cookers, if you will.

We need laws to immediately ban these devices so that more people will not be murdered with them.

An eight year old boy was killed in the bombing.

If we can save the life of only one child…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



The Illusion Of Homeland Security

The US Government has spent a great deal of money to give the impression that we are a secure nation. We have X-Ray machines at airports, TSA screeners who feel us up and thousands of other intrusive things that make people feel safe but provide no measurable level of actual security. In the eleven years since 9/11 no one at the airport has actually stopped a terrorist and many airports fail security tests. Not to worry though because plenty of people have been inconvenienced and embarrassed.

As a side note, the US is testing a new aircraft that will travel at hypersonic speeds. The idea is that eventually travel will be so fast that one can get from New York to London in an hour or so. How ironic is it that one would spend longer going through security than it would take to fly across the ocean?

In any event, a person has been charged with criminal trespassing because he breeched security at JFK airport. The man, Daniel Castillo, was stranded in Jamaica Bay while jet-skiing so he swam to shore, climbed over a wall and then walked across two runways and into a terminal.

Castillo went to a Delta Airlines agent who called the authorities. Castillo probably had no criminal intent and just needed help but he managed to embarrass JFK and all of Homeland Security by getting past $100 MILLION dollars in security devices including closed circuit cameras and motion sensors.

Yes, Castillo walked in undetected by an elaborate and expensive Intrusion Detection System and made it across two runways and into a terminal and was not detected until he presented himself to someone inside the building. He could probably have left the airport and they would never have known he was there.

Castillo was a person in distress and not a terrorist or he could have caused all kinds of chaos at the airport long before he was detected but being in distress is not a reason to avoid criminal charges if one embarrasses the government.

The government does not like the curtain pulled back so that everyone sees how inept it really is. It was caught with its 100 million dollar pants down so Castillo will have to suffer.

Unless of course he gets a lawyer who can effectively defend him.

Either way he will suffer the expense and time involved in the case.

And no matter what happens to him we are no safer even with the expensive gee whiz stuff government employs.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Would Obama Be To Blame If We Are Attacked?

When Bush was president he received briefings about non specific threats from bin Laden and his terror network and the possibility of an attack. There were no specific plans or timelines and the briefing was no different than what had been given to Bill Clinton. There was a threat but when, where, and how were not defined.

The attacks of 9/11 came and the left blamed Bush. They claimed he ignored the warnings from the brief and went on vacation. Bush was to blame, according to the left, because he did not stop an attack that he was briefed about. The fact that the brief was non specific and did not pinpoint any information that could be used to stop the attack made no difference to the left because Bush was to blame. It is like Katrina. The local and State government of New Orleans and Louisiana failed miserably but Bush was to blame. Some claimed he blew the levees on purpose and that he steered the storm to that spot.

The tenth anniversary of 9/11 is a few days away and security has been heightened because of the potential for attacks. Obama has been briefed on a non specific threat that indicates the terror network is working on using car bombs in DC and New York to attack Americans on or around 9/11. The brief is non specific and includes no real actionable intelligence. It is about the same kind of warning that Bush received.

So if, God forbid, we are attacked on 9/11, would Obama be to blame for not stopping it?

I did not blame Bush and certainly would not blame Obama. But the left was all over Bush and held him responsible so if we are attacked would Obama have the same blame since he has received the same kind of briefing for which liberals hold Bush accountable?

Just asking?

I hope we are not attacked but one never knows. Despite the denial by the left, there are people who want us dead.

Be vigilant…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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