America Hit With Terror Attack

A Muslim convert who was angry with the US military waged jihad in Little Rock Arkansas. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and killed Pvt. William Long and seriously wounded Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula. This was an act of terror by a Muslim in the US. As a commenter at Flopping Aces wrote:

Mark this down as the FIRST terrorist attack on American soil during the Obama years. Sadly, I doubt it will be the last, nor the one with greatest death toll.

When abortion doctor Tiller was murdered on Sunday Obama spoke out on it and AG Holder alerted US Marshals and told them to offer protection. I don’t recall hearing Obama speak about the murder of this young soldier by a Muslim convert. I don’t recall seeing where Holder has told Marshals to offer protection to recruiting stations. It appears as if Obama only speaks out against murder when it involves an abortionist. Soldiers are killed in an act of terror and he is silent.

Maybe he does not want to upset the Muslims he is visiting. Now that he discovered his Muslim roots he might not want to upset the apple cart.

My prayers are with the surviving soldier and each of their families.

Big Dog

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As Terror Looms, Obama Defends Gitmo Closing

Four people were arrested today for attempting to reign terror in New York. The media described them as a home grown terrorist group but, in reality, the group of men were Muslim converts who wanted to bomb Jewish synagogues and shoot at military aircraft. They might have been here but their terror was not home grown. It was grown from the seeds of hatred sewn in the Middle East.

While this news was fresh, Obama was giving a speech defending his decision to close Gitmo. In that speech he did not rule out bringing some of the terrorists at Gitmo to the United States. The Won stated that he would not bring those who were a danger to us into the country which tells me he means those who would not be in jail. How could the ones in jail be a danger?

Obama said that some of them would be brought here and placed in Super Max prisons while they awaited trial. That might work out well if they are convicted of crimes but what happens if they are found not guilty? Other countries are not willing to take them and we will not be able to put them back in jail so what will we do with them? Just because they are found not guilty does not mean they are not a threat.

If we are forced to let these people loose in America then they should be placed in the neighborhoods of the Democrats who want them released. Obama should be required to take a few of them in at the White House and let them around his daughters with no Secret Service protection. That is what he is proposing happen to the rest of us because if they are released they will certainly be living near our children and we don’t have law enforcement guarding us.

Obama has no plan. He did not think through this process and he figured that all he had to do was smile and say “hope and change” and other countries would take these people. He, as stated by his Press Secretary, made a hasty decision and now he is trying to figure out how to make it happen. He is finding out that it is not very easy to get rid of the people at Gitmo or Bush would have done so.

It was interesting listening to him because he blamed everything on George Bush and then said that Gitmo was used as a recruiting tool for the terrorists and that we are less safe because of the place.

Right, and the fact that we have not been attacked since 9/11 is proof that we are less safe.

The terrorists captured today by the FBI claim they were motivated by our actions in Afghanistan. Obama has increased the number of troops in that country so it is safe to say his actions made them want to wage jihad.

Is it safe to say that Obama is a recruiting tool for the terrorists?

America became less safe when Obama took office. The events in New York show that the threat is still out there and we will be attacked again. It is only a matter of time.

Keep this in mind folks because when it happens Obama will not be able to claim it was Bush’s fault though I have no doubt he will try.

The best news of the day is that Dick Cheney gave a speech at the same time Obama did (Obama evidently changed his to coincide with Cheney’s – probably and effort to take the spotlight from Cheney) and Cheney laid it all on the line and schooled the youngster.

New York Daily News
NBC New York
Daily Mail UK

Big Dog

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War Deaths Increase Under Obama

April was the deadliest month in seven months as US fatalities in Iraq rose to 18. When George Bush was president the monthly war dead totals were plastered all over the MSM until they drastically decreased. At that time the MSM ignored the totals because the facts could have been viewed as favorable and hurt their chances of getting Obama elected.

Since Obama has been in office the credit for good developments has been given to him even if he opposed the act or had nothing to do with it. Bad things, on the other hand, are blamed on George W. Bush.

Well, Bush has been out of office for over 100 days now and that means Obama is responsible for what is happening in Iraq. In April the death toll for US troops rose to 18 and that rise is Obama’s fault. He has been parading around apologizing for America and placing the blame for the world’s woes on the US rather than where it belongs. He has demonstrated that he is weak, popular, but weak, and the leaders of other countries recognize that. Our enemies recognize that and they will exploit it.

Obama, like many of his ilk, fails to recognize the greatness of America and the fact that without America many countries would have ceased to exist or would be part of another right now. Instead, he apologizes and shows the people who would like to rid the world of us that we are led by a weakling who would rather kiss an ass than kick it.

The uptick in deaths is all on Obama. He has been ambiguous in his plans and he has shown the world that he does not have the will to fight when necessary.

I know, the libs will tell me that Obama was decisive with regard to the Somali pirates who were sent to Allah with a bullet to the brain. The pundits said that Obama showed he was large and in charge and that he was ready to be the Commander in Chief. Right. The military made sure the restrictive conditions that were placed on them were used to their advantage.

The left must have misunderstood what Obama said about the issue. His teleprompter puts it this way:

Wait a minute now; you misunderstood. I didn’t authorize ATTACKS on the pirates. I authorized A TAX on the pirates.

Let’s see if the MSM looks at the uptick in deaths as an Obama issue or if they ignore it. Since they tend to ignore the negative and accentuate the positive I have a feeling where this will end up.

Then again, they might just be a bit too busy worrying about Obama’s decision to possibly reopen military tribunals at Gitmo.

It sure sucks for him to have to do things Bush did. I guess he is finding out that things are a little different on the inside and that it is easy to talk a wonderful game but carrying through is another story. Talk is cheap.

I wonder if the ACLU will get its panties in a wad over this since the Sainted Won (a fellow Socialist) is at the helm.

Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

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Barack Obama Is Misleading America

Today marks the 100th day of the Obama Residency and he marked the occasion by holding a prime time press conference. I did not watch it but I have read about it. I did not watch because I have had enough of him and I knew what he was going to say. He basically told everyone how wonderful he is, what a great job he is doing, how much hard work is left to do, and that George Bush is to blame for any of the bad stuff.

I have written before that Obama does not really understand the Constitution and that he has stated that it has too many restrictions that he wanted (and wants?) the Supreme Court to remove. This guy is a lawyer and he was reported to be a Constitutional scholar but he knows very little about the Constitution except what Bill Ayers told him while they were passing a bong around. One thing is also clear from the speech tonight and that is; Barack Obama lies through his teeth or he does not understand the law, or both.


President Barack Obama said Wednesday night that waterboarding authorized by former President George W. Bush was torture, and the information gained from terror suspects through its use could have been obtained by other means. “In some cases it may be harder,” he conceded at a White House news conference marking a whirlwind first 100 days in office. Breitbart

I want you liberals to read this carefully and I want you to try to understand. Waterboarding is not torture under the definition of torture established by the Congress, an august body to which Barack Obama once belonged. It does not matter how you FEEL about waterboarding and it does not matter if you THINK it is torture, the fact is that Congress has decided that it is not.

The memos that Obama released are very lengthy and contain a great deal of legal opinion on the issue and they reference Congresses’ definition of torture and use it to come to their conclusions. Waterboarding is not torture which might explain why Nancy Pelosi voiced no objection to it when she was briefed on it at the time. Yes boys and girls, despite her objections and denials, Nancy Pelosi was at the meetings and she was told about waterboarding and the plans to use it. She told the CIA to do more (more work to get information).

The Bush administration allowed these enhanced interrogation techniques to take place because they were in accordance with the law. It does not matter that Obama says waterboarding is torture. What matters is the law and what real lawyers who actually practiced it had to say about it. I imagine if Obama insists on prosecuting the legal folks who rendered the opinions they might end up at the Supreme Court. It would be interesting to see what they have to say about the law Congress wrote.

In any event, Obama is continuing to blame Bush for things that are in the past. He was merely applying blame and mentioning torture to justify his stupid release of classified memos, and act that many have criticized. The release will have a chilling effect on how our intelligence gathering efforts move forward and function. Obama had to make it look like he did the right thing so he called waterboarding torture so he could claim to have brought it all to light.

He is, after all, all about transparency. He had to release those memos and it was all about transparency. Let me clear that up as well. Obama released those memos for political gain. He has not released any of the memos that show how successful enhanced interrogation was because it would not allow him to score points by claiming to be the one who stopped torture. If Obama were so interested in transparency he would release his original birth certificate. The REAL one that is hand or type written with ink signatures from a doctor. The REAL one that contains all the pertinent information. If he really believed in transparency he would do that.

He is not in favor of transparency. He only wants you to see what he decides you should see. It seems to me that if you claim to be transparent then it means you are transparent in everything.

Interestingly, the release of the memos might hurt him in the future. If he prosecutes those who rendered the opinions then those lawyers in his administration who will be asked to render opinions might be a bit gun shy if they think the next administration can come after them for doing their jobs. They might not give good opinions or ones that he wants because of fear, a fear he will have created through his stupidity.

Obama is still on this kick that he can blame everything on Bush and get away with it. That will work for a while with the moonbats who follow him but it is already wearing thin to those of us who believe he is full of excuses and an apologist for American greatness.

Barack Obama is only interested in remaking America. He wants to make it into a Socialist nation where government is huge and takes care of everyone by taking from those who produce and giving it to those who mooch off them. He does not understand the Constitution or he ignores it (either is bad) and he puts politics above what is good for this country.

He is a political hack and he is amounting to one huge failure.

Big Dog

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Obama Strafes New York, Terrorizes Citizens

The Obama White House needed some publicity photos of Air Force One so they decided to send the plane out on a secret mission. That mission was to fly low around New York with a fighter jet in pursuit and get some nice Kodak moments near the Statue of Liberty. Some police agencies were notified of the stunt but everyone was sworn to secrecy under threat from the feds. Unsuspecting New Yorkers saw the events unfold and had flashbacks of 9/11. Anxieties ran deep as buildings were evacuated of people who thought they were under attack once again.

This whole episode is wrong on many levels. We will get to the terror inflicted by Obama in a minute. Let’s look at a few other issues first.

How much money did it cost to pull off this little stunt? US aircraft were flying around for no good reason and costing tens of thousands of dollars per hour. The taxpayer footed the bill for this publicity stunt and that is unacceptable. The Obama people are not good stewards of our money. They are supposed to be tech savvy though. Do they expect us to believe that they have never heard of Photo Shop? All they had to do was get a few pictures of Air Force One and Photo Shop it to look any way they wanted. That would have cost a heck of a lot less and it would have prevented a terrorist attack on New York. They could have gone from Photo Op to Photo Shop and saved a major headache. Total cost of the stunt is reported to be $328,000 and they could buy a lot of copies of Photo Shop for that kind of money.

How about the carbon footprint that this episode left behind? Obama wants us all to drive wind up cars, keep our tires inflated, and keep our thermostats down so that we can conserve and get off the nasty oil those Arabs sell us. His little stunt burned a whole lot of fuel (probably more than 50 cars will use in a year) and for no good purpose. Photo Shop could have saved all that fuel and the associated carbon footprint.

Normally I could care less about the carbon issue or burning fuel but our tax dollars pay for the fuel and Obama is the one telling people they have to conserve. He is kind of like Al Gore. Conserve while I use all I want.

The FAA warned that such a flight would cause panic but the government forced New York officials to keep the photo op secret and there were threats of federal sanctions if the story leaked out. This has to be one of the more disturbing issues. If they had just been boneheaded and neglected to think of the anxiety the flight would cause we could just say they were incompetent but they were warned by the adults that this could cause a real problem and they still did it. What harm could come from telling people that planes would be flying low for an exercise?

Obama claims to be furious about this. It is his plane and it was his White House that did this so he is responsible for it because it happened under his watch and it happened right under his nose. It is not like I am blaming him for things people did in an Iraqi prison that is thousands of miles away; he is right where the decisions were made. Furious or not, this is all on him.

The people of New York were terrorized by the Obama Administration. It is probably a good thing he renamed it from the War on Terror or he might be guilty of terrorism.

The people of New York are not happy because they were not warned about the event. New York City went overwhelmingly blue in the presidential election but I wonder how they feel about their messiah now considering what he did to them.

Obama repays their support by strafing their city and terrorizing them.

He has been in office 100 days and made 100 mistakes (at least). Was this act of terror one of them?

Maybe that is why his terrorist buddies admire him.

Big Dog

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