Obama The Car Salesman

When people describe the sleaziest workers they usually mention a used car salesman or a snake oil salesman (of which Obama is both). Looks like Obama has made the government the new car dealers for America. The government has so much interest in two of the big three that Obama basically fired the head of GM and most of the board. I am not saying they did not have to go but the government should not be in this business. BTW, did Obama fire any leaders of the UAW? Bet that will never happen.

The government involvement in the auto industry is troubling. We have forked over billions of dollars and now the sainted one says he is Ok with them going into bankruptcy. They could have done that last year and saved us billions of dollars. It would also have brought about renegotiation of the union contract. That is something that needs to be done. Everyone should be feeling the pain at the automakers.

Obama laid out a bunch of things with regard to how the automakers would run. It seemed to me that he was in charge of the companies instead of the country. Oh yeah, the country is in charge of them because we own part of them. I hope this enlightens other companies that are considering asking for taxpayer money. If you don’t want Obama and the government in your knickers just say NO.

One of the most troubling parts was when Obama said:

It is my hope that the steps I am announcing today will go a long way towards answering many of the questions people may have about the future of GM and Chrysler. But just in case there are still nagging doubts, let me say it as plainly as I can — if you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired, just like always. Your warrantee[sic] will be safe.

In fact, it will be safer than it’s ever been. Because starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warrantee[sic]. UK News Yahoo

This is troubling in two areas. One, have you ever known the government to run anything well? They are backing warranties and have no idea about what is involved. Under the Socialists in the Obama administration the backed warranty might mean you get a new car every time some little problem occurs.

The second issue is when he says the government will back the warranties. No, the taxpayer will back them. If this involves any money then that money will come from the taxpayer.

Not only are we paying for banks, insurance companies, Wall Street, reparations studies, rebuilding Gaza, Palestinian training camps, everyone’s health care, other people’s houses, other people’s children’s college education, and abortions around the world, now we are going to pay for warranty work done on cars manufactured by automaker employees who are members of the UAW.

Talk about incentive not to do a great job.

What else will the taxpayer have to pay for Mr. Obama? What else will we guarantee? How stinking far into our pockets are you going to reach?

One day you are going to reach too far and that hand is going to be removed.

Forget throwing tea in the harbor. Let’s throw all the politicians in the harbor.

Better yet, let’s throw them in the ocean with lead filled life vests.

Wall Street Journal

Big Dog

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What Happens In Vegas Is Only For The Feds

Barack Obama is in a bit of hot water with Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman after the sainted one leveled his scorn at companies that have received taxpayer bailout money taking their employees to Las Vegas for business meetings. Goodman said it makes no sense for them to cancel and move the meeting to San Francisco based on what Obama said.

I have to agree that it makes no sense to force a company to cancel a meeting because it is a waste of money if they are only moving to another location.

I imagine that Obama was upset that taxpayer money was wasted on a meeting in Las Vegas. He had to make an example of the companies so that people would understand that he would not allow their money to be wasted.

The only problem with that is that about 220 of his employees will be going to Vegas for a meeting in May and the entire trip will be paid for by taxpayers. In these tough times it is inconceivable that taxpayer money would be used so that employees can go to Vegas for a meeting. All this at a time when record amounts of money are being borrowed to waste on a recession and while people are losing their jobs.

The employees in question are those who work for FEMA, the much maligned organization that made a cursory visit to Kentucky during the recent ice storms that killed about 50 and left half a million or so without power in the dead of winter.

Can anyone, even Dr. Joan maybe, explain how it is bad for businesses that have received taxpayer money to go to Vegas for their meetings but not bad for taxpayer money to pay for government employees to go there? Couldn’t FEMA use those modern methods of communication that Obama is all in favor of to have a virtual meeting? VTC, web collaboration, stuff like that.

I bet it would save a bunch of taxpayer money and demonstrate that the Obama government is no better than the private businesses he chooses to scold. It would also show that he wants to be as good a steward with our money as he expects the bailout recipients to be.

Then again, if that were the case he wouldn’t be spending a TRILLION dollars of money we do not have. It is the cost of the plan plus the interest that makes it over a TRILLION dollars. Just wanted to point that out to those who don’t understand a budget, financing, and business.

Federal Times

Big Dog

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Obama Breaks Pledge On Inauguration Donations

The sainted one supposedly did not take PAC money during the campaigns though he took it from people associated with PACs. He also received large sums of money from questionable, and probably illegal, sources. For his inauguration he promised that the money that came in for his coronation would not come from interests.

The Wall Street Journal has reviewed the donations for the event and concluded that Obama has not kept his word.

Wall Street employees have been the largest single source of private donations, and many of the contributions have been channeled through financial-services executives who have put together bundles of donations worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“The preponderance of large donors and the fact that so many come from an industry receiving government handouts comes as the president-elect has sought to keep his inauguration free of special interests,” The Journal observed.

Bundlers from the financial sector include executives from Citigroup Inc. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., two firms that have accepted billions of dollars each in bailout money from the federal government.

Where did these entities get the money to donate? If they were in such dire straits that they needed money from the government to survive, where did they come up with funds to donate for the inauguration?

Was the money donated taxpayer money? Was this a method to get around directly using taxpaer money for the event?

Regardless of where it came from it seems like an extreme conflict for them to donate when they have their hands out and when Obama has promised the most expensive use of taxpayer money in history.

I thought he promised that electing him would end the business as usual practices of DC.

Looks like the sainted one is nothing more than a politician who has his own best interests at heart.

Not to worry though, he will say Hope and Change a few times and people will swoon and forget the whole thing.

However, I am reminded of the lipstick and pig thing…


Big Dog

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Taxpayers Write Economic Stimulus Checks

The House passed the Senate version of the 700 billion dollar economic stimulus bill that requires taxpayers, their children and grandchildren to write checks to the government in order to pay the tab. The final vote was 263-171 in favor of raping taxpayers in order to pay for the failed policies of the Democratic party and their refusal to listen to warnings from people in the Bush administration.

Nancy Pelosi was smiling as she praised Barney Frank for his leadership and masterful skill in negotiating this bill. Barny Frank is the dim bulb who said that there was no problem with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the entities widely recognized as the root of the problem. Bill O’Reilly beat Frank to death last night over this issue but Frank was too dense to acknowledge his complicity in the process.

The amount of money that the taxpayer is forced to cough up for this bailout is staggering and anyone who thinks that 700 billion is the end of it is nuts. This number was a guess and there is no guarantee that it will do what everyone hopes it will. It is possible that the money will be infused into the market and it will still tank and we will be back where we started but much poorer. The Congressional answer will be more money.

Barack Obama will add trillions of dollars of spending if he becomes president, especially if he has a big enough majority in both chambers. These people are writing checks that future generations will be working to cash. To top it off they are promising more regulation coming from the same people who ignored the problem or failed to see it coming despite repeated warning.

America, it is time to take control of government. We must vote every member of the House out of office. Show them your displeasure. Do not let them fool you by saying they voted no because they were politically protected from the vote in order to secure your vote and their jobs. Get rid of all of them and the one thrid of the Senate that is up for reelection.

We must take control of our country. They do not listen to us. They just do what they want despite overwhelming objection from the public. They are spending our money like drunken sailors on shore leave [apologies to sailors] and it has to stop. The only way we can do that is to make them pay for their failures.

Just say no to incumbents.

Big Dog