Why Discriminate Against The Rich?

What gives the federal government the right to confiscate more money from the rich than from other people in this country and why do liberals feel they have some right to that money? Barack Obama is unveiling his budget and he is keeping his promise to raise taxes on the rich (if one can truly be considered rich making $250,000 a year). He will also cap the amount of money they can deduct from their taxes in itemized deductions. This means that the rich will pay an even larger share for this country. They already pay almost all the taxes that are taken in.

There will be unintended consequences with this. Wealthy people will reduce their itemized deductions by decreasing what they give to charity. They will invest in tax free bonds and other tax free investment vehicles so that they will be able to compensate for the money that Obama takes in order to spread the wealth.

I think that it is a sin that the government takes more and more from the wealthy. The rich have had to pay tax rates of nearly 100% over certain periods of our history and that is just plain wrong. I can’t for the life of me understand what gives the government the right to confiscate so much from those who have made something of themselves and then turn around and give it to others. The wealthy do not get as much for what they pay compared to the middle class but they have only one vote just like the people who stand in line with their hands out.

Is it any wonder the wealthy hide their money in Swiss bank accounts? I cannot blame them for doing this because the government and its organized crime ring in Congress and the White House steal that money and they keep stealing more and more.

A lot of wealthy people create jobs in America and they add a lot to society. If I were one of them and I had to get rid of employees because of this I would fire people who voted for Obama. If I had no employees I would reduce my charitable contributions to the limit I could deduct. It is just a crime and the rich need to start demanding that this country start using a fair tax system where people are not punished for being successful.

I know that Obama said that this would only affect people making over $250k but once the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire a lot of people will be affected. After the election I reorganized my charitable contributions. Sometimes people call to ask me to donate to an organization that I know endorsed Obama. I make it clear that I will no longer donate to them for that reason. I have increased my donations to the organizations that support our troops instead.

They say that this is a free country. It is only free for the people who pay little or no taxes. It is quite expensive for those who have to support them.

It is time to get rid of this government and get a new one.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. United States Declaration of Independence

It is their right and their duty to throw off such Government…

How long will it be before there is a tax revolt? How long will it be before the wealthy wake up and they all stop donating to the idiots in political office.

It is now up to the Republican party to oppose these tax increases and to ensure this FAILS. Any Republican who sides with the Democrats in raising taxes should be taken out and hanged, drawn, and quartered and their remains should be placed on the four corners of DC.

Are you paying attention Specter, Collins and Snowe?

Our Founders are spinning in their graves. They devoted their lives to get rid of one tyrannical government only to have another pop up a few hundred years later.

Taxing the rich more is discrimination and it is wrong. No one is entitled to the wealth of another.

Obama wants to spread the wealth. The only thing he will end up spreading is hate and resentment.

I said it before and I will say it again. The rich should get more votes. Voting should be based on how much you pay in taxes. Every citizen gets one vote and then you get an additional one for each $10,000 you pay in taxes. If you pay more than others to keep this country running you should have more of a say in how it is run (like voting stock shares in a company). In addition, we should be able to tell people who live off government hand outs how they can live.

This tax increase will be the nail in the coffin.

And you know, I hate Obama. Yep, I hate him and I hate most liberals as well. But I am kind of glad he won because he will do more for conservatism in the next four years than any conservative could have.

You know what these people who stand around with their hands out need. It is a three letter word. J-O-B-S.**

Then they can pay their own way.

Rope, tree, liberal. Some assembly required.

**This statement was in reference to the gaffe Biden made when campaigning. I am including a link because Meathead thought I was stupid for saying it. Let’s see how long it takes for this moron to call Biden stupid.

Big Dog

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Martin O’Malley is a Pompous Ass

I have written several times about the huge tax increase that was just passed in the state of Maryland by the tax and spend Democrats who were led by the pompous ass himself, Martin O’Malley. It is common knowledge that these idiots did this now so that we would forget about it when the next election rolls around in three years. I also informed people that O’Malley has dreams of serving in a Democratic administration in DC so he really does not care how he screws us. O’Malley, who proved he cannot lead when he was Mayor of Baltimore, was interviewed after he signed the tax increases into law. Let us look at what this dimwit had to say:

“And I’m very, very proud of them,” says Governor O’Malley. “Also know, that this would not have had happened were it not for some really courageous leadership by President Miller and Speaker Mike Busch. Both of whom had to bend and had to yield and had come together in the center in order for us to forge this consensus.”

Governor O’Malley said, for the most part, the people of the state, on both sides of the issues during the special session, handled the public discussion in a civil way.

“Even among the Republican members of this body, there was an understanding that this was a deep and serious problem,” said O’Malley in his exclusive interview with WBAL. “There were very few of them once the debate arrived who were feeding any longer that myth that this could all be accomplished by cuts alone.”

And what would he say to the strongest critics of his tax increases?

“I would say that I have yet to meet any citizen of our state, Democrat, Republican or Independent who wants to pay more in taxes,” said O’Malley. “However, none of us want to leave our state to our kids in a weaker condition than we received it ourselves.” WBAL Radio

So O’Malley thinks there was a consensus? All the Democrats voted for the tax increases and all the Republicans voted against it. The fact is, Maryland has a super majority of Democrats so they win the vote in the legislature. Regardless, this is in no way a consensus. Of course to a Democrat it is consensus because as long as people are forced to do things their way it is consensus. I might expect this guy would not understand the definition of consensus because he believes a flat tax is unfair and raising the percentages on those making more money is. How anyone can believe the mindless tripe that spews out of his pie hole is beyond me.

He also discusses courageous leadership. These two guys, miller and Busch counted heads and then let those Democrats in vulnerable seats vote against it so long as they still had the votes to pass it. Additionally, these cowards kicked the can down the road with regard to the slots issue. Instead of having the courage to pass slots NOW they decided it would go to referendum and be on the 2008 ballot. This means that it will be six years after the last governor first proposed slots before it is even voted upon. If these cowards that O’Malley thinks are courageous would have voted for slots in 2002 we would be well on our way to fiscal health. Instead, these whiny little school girls played games while Maryland got deeper in debt, a debt created because these jerks do not know how to control spending.

No Republican who left the special session has indicated that he had some epiphany and realized that this could not be accomplished by spending cuts alone. None of them voted for the tax increases and they continue to say that it could have been handled by controlling spending but Democrats do not know how to control spending. O’Malley is already starting the lies and the spinning so when the state goes in the dumper due to the inflation and high taxes he can blame it on someone else. This jackass is famous for crying and blaming everyone else. Any time you want to discuss your stupidity Marty, contact me and I will be glad to put you in your place and expose your stupidity. I will give you something to cry about.

Finally, O’Malley could not discuss screwing everyone without playing Democrat and telling us how this is for the children. O’Malley raised taxes, allowed the electric rates to increase after promising they would not and he has added even more spending to the budget in the form of free health care. He is screwing the children over because their parents will not have enough money to feed them. This little loser twerp is trying to justify the biggest tax increase in the state’s history by saying it is for the kids.

I have an idea Marty. If you want to leave this state in better shape than you found it, replace all the Democrats in office with Republicans.

Folks, don’t let this lying little piece of maggot feces pull the wool over your eyes. He intended to raise taxes and would have done so if we had billions of dollars of extra money floating around. This twerp is no leader. he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.

Screw you O’Malley and all the Democrats who voted for this ignorance.

Big Dog

Democrats Spin Failures into Successes – Reward Selves

The Democrats took control of Congress in January and they planned to put their aggressive agenda into play. They had already promised America that they would be transparent and ethical. Since taking the reigns of power they have been neither transparent nor ethical. They have put billions of dollars of earmarks into legislation and often done so under the cloak of darkness. There are even earmarks for organizations no one can prove exist and those earmarks passed despite concerns that the recipients might not actually be around. The fact that Jack Murtha put in those earmarks should concern everyone as Murtha was caught on video tape trying to take a bribe.

The Democrats said they would go to a 5 day workweek. They have trouble with math because the day starts in the evening on Monday and they are done by noon on Friday. To these people, that is a 5 day workweek. Now the Democrats plan to reward themselves for all the “hard” work they have done by reducing the workweek starting next year. They claim that it is to give them more time in their districts but we all know it is so they can campaign and work to get a bigger control of the Congress. Everything they do is designed to get more votes and greater power. Rangel’s tax scheme is designed to have minimal impact on people making less than $150k (individual) or $200k (couple) because the Democratic base largely falls under those targets. The tax increase is designed to hurt people who generally vote Republican so basically, the tax increase is designed to make Republicans pay for government and social programs and to get more Democrats elected.

Many of the Democrats are justifying the short workweeks scheduled for next year by claiming that they worked really hard this year. Some claim they had to work hard to clean up the messes of 12 years of a Republican majority and some claim that they need to spend more time with their constituents. I want to know how they have not had enough time already. Every time there is a federal holiday they get the entire week off. They take the entire month of August off and they take time off whenever they feel a need to be in their districts or to attend a meeting paid for by some lobbyist. They are a disgrace and can lay little claim to success for this year. Their crowning achievement, to them, is passage of a minimum wage increase. They act as if this was some big deal and they did what they promised but the fact is, they attached this increase to a war funding bill that had nothing to do with a minimum wage increase. They did this because they could not have gotten it passed otherwise.

In reality, the Democrats have been dismal failures this year. But they still thump their chests and claim they did a great job so they want to work fewer days a week next year. They have complaints because they have not gotten a pay raise and they have families at home who they would like to spend time with. Well boo frickin hoo. The members of our military have families from whom they are separated and they do not get a week off for the holidays and they do not get a month off at a time. They do their jobs and they get paid a hell of a lot less than members of Congress, who are overpaid for the work they actually do.

I have an idea. Most people who have real jobs work about 240 days a year (excluding any vacation they might take). How about if Congress has a schedule where they must work 240 days a year to get paid. They can either work 3 weeks a month in DC and spend 1 week each month at home or they can work 4 days a week (days that must add up to at least 40 hours) and spend Friday-Sunday at home. They may also have off the normal federal holidays AND ONLY THOSE HOLIDAYS (not the entire week). Each member must spend 240 days a year working in DC on the job or they do not get paid.

Instead of patting themselves on the back and giving themselves rewards, Democrats should be asking why the approval rating of Congress is near single digits. Perhaps they should be worrying about why they are failing to accomplish anything that they are supposed to do as in approve a budget.

I think if they want to spend more time in their districts we should replace them in the next election so that the job will not be such a burden to them.

New York Times

More Democratic “Fairness”

Charlie Rangel has introduced a new tax scheme to extort more money from people making what he considers to be rich people money. The tax increase would offset a reduction in the taxes that corporations pay and it would increase the earned income tax credit. Range’s “fair” plan would charge a surtax of 4% on single people earning $150,000 a year and married people with an income of $200,000. That fairness would increase to 4.6% for those fortunate enough t make $500,000 a year.

I know that people in the lower income brackets will like this idea because they benefit from the labor of others. Democrats love to play class warfare and they love to tax the hell out of people, especially those who make a little money. It is not bad enough that people at these income levels have the same bills as everyone else but in addition to paying for their own expenses they will be paying for the expenses of others. This is not fair, no one will ever convince me this is fair and anyone who thinks this is OK is a socialist thief.

The federal government has no business taking money from us to give it to others. I thought our Constitution gave us equal protection under the law. How can it be equal when those who make more pay a higher percent of income?

People who make more money pay more taxes even when taxed at the same rate as others and that is fair. Making people pay a higher percent of income is wrong, immoral, and unethical. This is especially true when one considers lower income earners consume more of the taxpayer funded services.

Charlie Rangel is another tax increasing liberal Democratic moron. Couple him with the moron who runs Maryland and you have two tax raising morons.

I imagine the wealthy in Maryland are really going to love this double whammy. I guess it is time for folks to start trying to figure out how to reduce their taxable income…


Big Dog