Rob Peter To Pay Paul

Congress does not know how to manage money. That is a plain simple fact of life that simply cannot be rationalized away no matter how hard one tries (and Congress critters try). They have shown it time and again by spending more than we pay in taxes and then raising taxes to cover their inability to manage money. They continue to raise taxes and spend more until someone comes along and manages to get taxes lowered.

Then revenues increase and what happens? The Congress spends even MORE!

Social Security is another example of their inability to manage money. They extorted money from our paychecks because we are too stupid to save for our own futures. Then they supposedly put that money away to actually pay us when we retire. The problem is, Congress saw trillions of dollars sitting there gathering dust while waiting to be paid to retirees and decided to add it to the general fund and, you guessed it, spend it. The so called Social Security trust fund holds nothing more than nearly three trillion dollars in IOUs that are worthless.

Sure, they are backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government but there is little faith in our government because we borrow 40% of every dollar we spend.

We now have another example of the inability of Congress to manage money. Congress has raided the money that is supposed to pay for Obamacare. Millions of dollars have been taken from the Obamacare funds in order to pay other bills or to spend on one pet project or another.

I think Obamacare will be ruled unconstitutional but if it is not what happens when it comes time to pay for it? What happens to this magical law that is supposed to pay for itself? What happens to that cost curve?

Congress will claim there is not enough money and that taxes need to be raised or services cut or both.

All because Congress cannot properly manage money.

We need radical change in DC and we can start by replacing all those members of Congress who have been there more than one term.

Washington Times

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Looks Like A Deal But What Is Waiting Around The Corner?

Well, it looks like the boneheads in Congress have struck another “historic” deal. Ever notice how these people create problems and then fight over them only to come to a last minute compromise that screws the US taxpayer and then step out to describe the deal as historic? They do this every time so what is so historic about it?

The United States is heading for a catastrophe and Congress is driving us there in a super sonic jet. We have an unsustainable debt issue that has not been addressed in the details reported about this deal. Sure, there are 2.4 trillion dollars worth of cuts over ten years but we will rack up a hell of a lot more debt than that over the same time period if we do not end the reckless spending. The United States of America has a spending problem, not an income problem (though our income is down right now because of Obama’s nearly 10% unemployment rate). We spend far too much because politicians promise money to people who are not entitled to it. They continue to come up with one program after another to provide “benefits” that people, responsible people, should take care of themselves.

Responsible people should be in charge of their own retirement. Responsible people take care of their own health care insurance or pay the bills when they need medical services. Responsible people take any job offered (and look endlessly for one) no matter what it pays because it is the right thing to do. Responsible people know how to take care of themselves and do not sit around with their hands out.

I am not talking about temporary safety nets for people who fall on hard times. I am talking about the people who live off the government. There are people who are perfectly capable of working yet they squirt out kids and sit around collecting welfare. There is one person who has won the lottery and still collects welfare and he does not feel bad about it one single bit.

And this government is only too happy to promise more and more people these things in order to keep getting reelected. Deal or no deal the US would not have defaulted. The August 2nd date was an arbitrary date selected by Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner who added to our budget problems by not paying his taxes. The tax cheat at the Treasury selected the date out of thin air (which is where he gets the money he prints) and he did it to coincide with the August recess Congress takes so that they would be compelled to get something, anything done.

In the end the American public will get screwed as we add more debt to an unsustainable debt load.

They claim the debt deal is a historic event. It would have been historic if they had actually helped the situation. Causing more problems is what Congress does best so nothing historic there.

You want to do something historic? Try passing a balanced budget amendment and send it to the states to decide the issue. You want to do something historic try passing a term limits law for members of Congress so they can’t continue to give away money we don’t have in order to get reelected.

Now that would be historic.

The United States has a 14 TRILLION dollar debt load and that load will be raised as they borrow more money to pay the bills. We have an unfunded liability of 114 TRILLION dollars.

Those numbers are hard to comprehend so here is a demonstration of our debt in graphic display. This should send chills down your spine and it should certainly put it in perspective.

And please, don’t tell the morons in DC what comes after a TRILLION…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.


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Where Is Dr. Obama’s Scalpel?

Barack Obama told us that John McCain wanted to take an ax to the budget and that he, Barack the Magnificent, would take a scalpel and he would go line by line in the federal budget to make cuts. Two and a half years into his first (and hopefully only) term and Obama has failed to do much cutting.

The first thing he did was raise things about 25% and then pretend that he was making cuts by backing off that number making it appear as if he cut when he was well ahead of what was taking place when he took office. In his time in office the deficit each year has been in the trillions of dollars and there is no end in sight as Democrats work hard to spend more and more to satisfy their need to continue to spend.

Democrats gain constituencies by promising free stuff which is only free to the people getting it. The rest of us must pay the bills for the free stuff Democrats give away. The Stimulus was nothing more than a nearly trillion dollar slush fund to pay off Democrat constituencies. We are in bad shape and things are continuing to decline as the so called experts act surprised at the news each month that is always “unexpected”. Perhaps if the economic news continues to be unexpected and the experts can’t understand what is going on then it is time to find real experts who know what they are doing.

Obama is telling us now that cutting is not going to solve our problems and this is his way of saying that we need to raise revenue. Raising revenue is Democrat speak for raising taxes.

Half of the workers in this country pay more than enough in taxes. The other half pays little of no taxes to the federal government and many pay no taxes and get money from the government. This is total redistribution of wealth and it is what Obama thinks is just and fair.

How about we have a fair tax code that requires ALL workers to pay a portion of their income in taxes. Close the loopholes and make everyone who earns wages pay taxes. We will increase revenue and then the people who benefit the most from Democrat wealth redistribution plans will see that things are not free.

However, the most important thing we can do is cut the spending at the federal level. Obama promised to go line by line but all he has done is expand government. Cutting is the way to go and we need an ax not a scalpel.

The only revenue problem we have is that half the workers do not pay any of the revenue. The real problem we have is a spending problem and that is where we need real change we can believe in.

We can’t just cut way to prosperity
We damn sure cannot spend our way to prosperity…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Hoyer Laments The Hole He Helped Dig

House Minority Whip (and moron from Maryland) Steny Hoyer said that we might not get the budget balanced for twenty years because we have dug ourselves a deep hole. The article quotes Hoyer as saying we went from a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus into a 5 trillion dollar hole. The article inserted the appropriate word after surplus, “projected”.

The alleged budget surplus never existed. It was a projection based on a number of gimmicks and based upon Congress doing certain things and taking certain actions, none of which they did. Even in the years where it is claimed that we had a budget surplus we had billions in debt so we were not out of any hole. To be clear, there was no Bill Clinton budget surplus but if you want to believe there was a surplus please be sure to credit it to the Republican Congress because they were in the majority.

Regardless, Hoyer has never met a spending bill that he did not like (or a tax he did not hike). He has been in office for a very long time and he has voted for all the spending that contributed to the problems we have but he is just now realizing that a problem exists.

It is amazing how Democrats become budget hawks when they are not in power but spend and spend and spend when they are in control. In any event, we can balance the budget in fewer than twenty years (or even ten) if the people in Congress will sit down and CUT the unnecessary spending and the waste. They also need to reform Social Security and Medicare which, along with unemployment insurance account for 35% of what we spend.

Younger people need to be allowed to invest their own money and gradually stop paying into Social Security and people who are closer to retirement need to be able to choose to either stay in it or get their money back and invest on their own (or some combination of these). Social Security needs to eventually go away and be replaced by a system where people have their money go to accounts that belong to them, cannot EVER be touched by government and can be passed on to their heirs when they die.

There are plenty of cuts that can be made and plenty of programs (many of which exist in multiples) that can be downsized, combined or eliminated to get our fiscal house in order.

If Hoyer is concerned about the hole that Congress (and that means people of all parties) have dug then he needs to get on board with the Republicans and push for the cuts so that we can get back to sanity.

We cannot spend our way to prosperity. If spending made us solvent we would be having high times because government has done nothing but spend.

The people in Hoyer’s District should have elected Charles Lollar. They were too busy suckling at the teat…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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111th Congress Accumulated More Debt That First 100 Congresses Combined

Nancy Pelosi took the reigns pledging that there would be no deficit spending and that they would employ the pay as you go philosophy of governing. After her tenure as Speaker the 111th Congress has accumulated more debt that the first 100 Congresses combined adding $10,429.64 for each person counted in the 2010 census.

The years the Democrats were in charge were the four most expensive in our history as they set records for deficit spending.

The Democrats like to talk about how George Bush wasted a surplus (a surplus never existed as the US still had debt for the period the claim is made) and they like to discuss how he spent us into debt.

It looks like all the blowhards who were screaming about deficit spending are the worst offenders of all.

It is sad that we, our children and our children’s children have been saddled with this additional debt through generational theft by Congress but what is really sad is that half of the country will never have to pay any of the debt off.

The top 50% will be paying the bill for a long, long time.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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