Black On White Crime; Where Are The Race Hustlers Now?

A group of black men and women in Baltimore attacked a white man. They beat the hell out of him, sexually assaulted him, stole his property and removed his clothes. They left him lying on the sidewalk naked and dazed. Here is the video:

The video was removed by You Tube as promoting hate speech. Breitbart has the video from CBS (WJZ) in Baltimore.

There are surveillance cameras all over Baltimore and the police monitor them. There is a police station not far from where the incident took place.

Where were the police and why did they not respond while this was taking place? Why is this incident not getting the play that the Trayvon Martin shooting did?

I think we know the answer to that.

Where are Jesse and Al and the rest of the race hustlers? Did Barack Obama go on TV and say that if he had a son it would look like this defenseless white guy who was savagely attacked by a group of thugs?

Where are ABCCBSNBCPMSNBCCNNHNN and all the other lame stream media outlets?

I think we know the answer to that as well.

The police say they are investigating. Perhaps they will get justice for this guy.

I am pretty sure that if this guy had a gun and shot his attackers the race hustlers would be out in full force.

Spike Lee and Roseanne Barr** would be tweeting his address all over the world and the New Black Pansies would put a bounty out on him.

But since he was the victim, nothing to see here, move along.

My recommendation, avoid Baltimore City. It is a haven for lawless liberals and the lawless politicians who lead them. The place is full of predators. This poor victim looks like he is from there and was originally part of the group.

Too bad for him. For those of us who don’t live in the City it is a good idea to just stay out of the City.

Spend your money in places where they actually have some sort of civility and where people respect each other.

The sad thing is these folks will be allowed to vote and they will vote for Obama.

Maybe that’s it. Maybe they were just taking Obama’s stash from this guy’s wallet…

Then again, maybe this was an event where new Nike shoes were being sold…

**This was changed. I mistakenly had Rosie O’Donnell as the other tweeter. My apologies to Ms. O’Donnell.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Know Your Role

Big Sis, Janet Napolitano, says that the invasive screenings at airports are all about security and that people need to know their roles:

“It’s all about security,” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said. “It’s all about everybody recognizing their role.” AP

You got that America? You need to know your place and if you fail to see it then the Gestapo in the TSA will put you in your place.

In a country where people who put bombs in their shoes or underwear are given every right available, where they cannot be questioned unless read their rights, where they are allowed access to attorneys and all the legal avenues, the citizens, who have done nothing wrong and are not suspected of doing anything wrong, are subject to violations of their rights.

And Big Sis says to suck it up and know your place. It is all about “…recognizing their role.”

So let me help you recognize your role, Janet. Your job is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Your role is to carry out the functions of Homeland Security without violating the rights of the people. Your role is to do your job without infringing on the rights of the governed, those from whom you get your authority.

Unless you have a valid reason to believe that people are carrying dangerous items on airplanes you have no authority to violate their rights.

Screen passengers all you want but do so in a manner that does not violate their rights.

In America the police cannot just pat down kids standing on a street corner to look for drugs or weapons but our government can unleash its Nazis to molest the traveling public with no regard to personal rights.

And this must stop.

Janet Napolitano, you need to learn YOUR role. If you are unable then you need to resign.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Redress of Grievances

A little-known part of the First Amendment to the US Constitution says:

…and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So that’s a right that the people have, and the government that follows the Constitution does not have the ability to take that right from the people. But do we truly have that right today? Does it include more than just the ability to complain?

Read the rest of this entry »


I’ve always been a big fan of The Who. Great song. Sad video:

See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me.

I’m seriously just beyond furious that this stuff is going on. I’m right there with the fellow who recently told the TSA, “You touch my junk, I’ll have you arrested.” I’m shocked that the TSA agent didn’t just ignore him. You see, the local cops are NOT going to help you here, as seen in that incident. If the TSA did sexually assault him, you can bet no cop would have taken any report, and the TSA would not do anything. If you have a shiny TSA badge, sexual assault IS legal, and child porn IS legal. They’re not going to arrest themselves!

I think another thing that would have been nice to ask is, “Okay, so you’re going to grab my privates without my permission. What will happen to me if I grab YOUR privates without your permission?”

And a threat of a $10,000 fine if you don’t willingly submit to sexual assault? Absolutely unbelievable. You really, really have to be blind and foolish to even suspect there is any freedom in America today.

Also, a note on the video above — some might complain that Obama is in the video. Know what? He is the one person who could literally stop these assaults in a second. The TSA works for him. He could tell them to stop now, and they’d stop. His silence on this issue is deafening.


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