Did LGF Buy Reuters?

There is word today that an offer has been made to buy Reuters.

There was speculation that Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs purchased Reuters in a hostile takeover after Reuters spent inordinate amounts of time searching the LGF site for articles exposing doctored photos and phony journalism the name Reuters has become synonymous with. Johnson’s endless pursuit of Reuters and the exposure of its antisemitic, pro terrorist articles led to death threats against the LGF magnate who, despite personal danger, continued his relentless attacks on the fauxtography specialists at al-Reuters. Johnson was not available for comment and insiders say it is unlikely he would use any of his vast personal fortune to purchase an organization so closely aligned with terrorist organizations.

A spokesperson, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss such matters, stated that it is ridiculous to speculate that Johnson would make such a purchase. The anonymous source indicated that Hamas or some other terrorist organization had probably purchased “al-Reuters” to increase its propaganda machine. Pointing to a recent article indicating that Iranian President Ahmadinejad had ejected al-Jazerra from a recent conference as proof that the once strong terrorist news organization had fallen into the disfavor of the deranged leader and that the acquisition of Reuters would be a natural next step in the disinformation campaign. The source also indicated that the use of the term “al-Reuters” over the past year or so was an obvious attempt to soften the public’s tolerance for another terrorist news organization.

No information has been available from terrorist organizations because Reuters, the source for terrorist news, is not reporting on the matter and a spokesperson for CAIR stated that the organization would not comment on deals that were still in progress but hinted that it will be a “happy day when brother Reuters joins the family, Allah be praised.”

Big Dog

How Progressive! Lopez Gets Fired Before the Racist Remark

Actor Comedian George Lopez had a television show on ABC entitled, amazingly enough, The George Lopez Show. This show, which chronicled his life from poverty to alcoholism to kidney transplant lasted for five years. I saw this show twice and how it lasted for that long is beyond me but Lopez is not happy today because the show was finally put out of our misery. ABC canceled the show, like they and other networks do each year, based on financial considerations. Lopez was unhappy because he said that this show was important though to whom is not quite clear. He also said that TV just got a whole lot whiter.

ABC can say they canceled the show because of financial consideration or for any other reason they want but the fact is they canceled it preemptively in the aftermath of the Don Imus incident. ABC must have known that Lopez would make a racist remark at some point so they fired him before he actually did. Blame this on that race baiting poverty pimp Al Sharpton and his group of thugs who go around pressuring businesses because of things Al and the home boys do not like. Imus said nappy headed hos and Al demanded that he be fired. JV and Elvis made fun of Asians and they got canned (how come they never went after Rosie?) and Opie and Anthony are on the gang plank for remarks they made about sexually abusing Condi Rice and Laura Bush. Ironically, though Al Sharpton claims he is not the ring leader in these issues he is listed as the one leading the crusade for Opie and Anthony to be fired.

ABC did what CBS has been unable to do and that is fire people before they something politically incorrect. CBS waited until after Imus and JV and Elvis said offensive things to fire them. Opie and Anthony are on satellite so it will be interesting to see what happens to them. In any event, Al Sharpton and his crusaders got this poor Chicano Lopez fired before he said anything bad and it is a good thing they did because he said it right after they canned him.

Talk about the nick of time.

Big Dog

Did Clinton Get To ABC Again?

Bill Clinton and his army of apologizers were successful in forcing ABC to change some parts of the movie “The Path to 9/11” and now I am wondering if they got to ABC again.

ABC refused to release the names of the clients of the DC madam. The hype leading up to the show was that they would reveal names and this caused lawyers to ask that their clients not be outed. The only person who has been disclosed was a member of the current administration so now that they have planted the seed that Republicans were using the service they have basically kept quiet.

Did someone from the Clintonista gang get to them? Bill is a womanizer who was accused of rape by a credible person and we know about some of his other sexcapades. Was his name on that list and did he ask that it be covered up?

Inquiring minds want to know…

Related item:
The Independent UK

Big Dog

McGreevey Considers Joining Semen-ary

Former Governor James McGreevey, who announced he was gay as his wife stood by smiling for the cameras, has decided that he wants to attend a Semen-ary:

Former Gov. James E. McGreevey has started the process to become a priest in his newly adopted Episcopal faith and hopes to begin a three-year seminary program in the fall. The Star Ledger

It isn’t bad enough what the Catholic Church has gone through with priests and their sexual behavior, now the Episcopalians will have a priest with sexual proclivities that might put young men at risk. Perhaps McGreevey thinks he will be a good influence on the Altar Boys. I just hope no parents ever show up and find their sons under the influence.

Maybe he should join the Greek Army instead. Their motto is “We never leave our buddy’s behind.”

Remember when rearing a child was a positive thing?

Big Dog

Islam Warming Hits France

France had the hottest April on record (since records have been kept):

France this year had its hottest April since 1950, with the average temperature four degrees Celsius higher than the usual 10 degrees (50 Fahrenheit), the national weather office said Monday.

In the northern half of France, averages recorded between the first and the 24 of April were between 8 and 12 degrees higher than the seasonal norm, said Meteo France.

1950 was the year reliable temperature measurements from 22 stations across France were begun. Breitbart

Al Gore would blame this on global warming but I have decided that since the Muslims rioted in France and burned half the country down, they are responsible for the temperature spike in April. Therefore, it is Islam Warming.

We need to work to get rid of Islam before this happens elsewhere. Any takers? Al? Al, where are you Al?