Obama Pulls Granny From The Grave To Defend Health Care

Back during the campaign we heard about Obama’s grandmother and how she had cancer and received a hip replacement during her final weeks of life. Obama said it made him wonder about the sustainability of a system where someone with little time left above the ground received this kind of care. Basically, Obama said that we should consider denying care to those who are terminally ill. That might have been an appropriate decision in his granny’s case but that is a decision that should be made in concert with a doctor, not a politician or a bureaucrat.

Obama is now using granny as a prop to try and push his health care agenda. Obama is claiming that anyone who suggests that there will be death panels is just wrong and it is hurtful seeing as how he lost his granny not too long ago. Obama thought it was a waste of money for granny to get a hip but that she is valuable enough to the debate for him to raise her from the dead in order to push his health care agenda.

Obama did not care one bit about his grandmother as she lay dying. He barely took time to go see her and he only spent an hour or so of his vacation visiting with her. Yes, Obama the humanitarian did not spend more than an hour with his grandmother after the medical system wasted money on her by replacing her hip. We are supposed to believe him when he says that he has no intention of pulling the plug on granny when he showed little interest in the health of his own grandmother.

Obama is desperate and is invoking his dead granny to bring sympathy to the debate. Demonizing those opposed has not worked. Claiming the protesters are Astro turf plants has not worked. Claiming that the protesters do not represent America has not worked so the only thing left is to raise granny from the dead in an attempt to convince people that the elderly hold a special place in the hearts of the left and will not be coerced into choosing death.

It has been a bad week for Obama and his health care plan. He has dropped the public option, he has decided against death panels and end of life decisions and Sarah Palin used her Facebook account to school Obama and show his true colors.

Raising granny from the dead seems to be about all he has left.

I doubt that will work seeing as how she was nothing more than a typical white person who was thrown under the bus long before she died.

Big Dog

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Can’t Top This For Ridiculous

Juneteenth, a celebration of the news that the slaves had been freed by President Lincoln, (a Republican), is a Texas Holiday, because that’s the date (June 19) that the news first reached Galveston by ship. In reality, the slaves had been freed earlier, but news travels slowly when you do not have “twitter”. Still, this has been a Texas holiday, at least until recently when other states signed on to honor that day. Exactly why they did this is unclear, as the news of freedom probably got to their state at a different time. One might think they would wish to celebrate their own, unique day, but for some, this wasn’t possible.

This wasn’t possible because they weren’t states at the time, and for some, were not even part of the United States territory at that time. Still, they wanted an additional holiday where they could barbeque, and lay around also, hence the adoption of the holiday.

The ONE state where I never thought this holiday would appear was Alaska- sure, it’s a little bigger than Texas, but it has had about as little to do with the War Between the States as, well, Hawaii. In addition, it is about as far from Texas as can possibly be.

Apparently not far enough to keep some people from being miffed about an apparent lack of respect regarding this holiday in Alaska. It seems as if Sarah Palin dissed the Black Community in Alaska (honest- I did not know there was one), by omitting the proclamation of Juneteenth in 2007- kind of behind the times, aren’t we? 

Still, this is all in a day’s “Ethics Complaints” from the left regarding Sarah Palin. This pattern has become ridiculous- Sarah scares the snot out of Liberals, whether she runs or not, they just can’t get her off their minds.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit against Gov. Sarah Palin asked a judge on Friday to declare that she broke state law two years ago when she failed to issue a proclamation for a celebration commemorating the freeing of U.S. slaves.

Plaintiffs also sought a retroactive proclamation for the 2007 Juneteenth celebration from Palin, or — with her July 26 resignation looming — from the governor’s office, said Gregory Charles Royal, a Washington, D.C., musician, who filed the suit in March.

“You just can’t ignore laws,” he said.

The Alaska Legislature had passed a measure directing the governor to issue a proclamation to commemorate Juneteenth, which marks June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers arrived in Texas and announced the end of slavery. Several other states also officially commemorate Juneteenth.


I still have a problem understanding just why other states should observe what should quite rightly be Texas’ own holiday alone. The only explanation  can see is another day to be lazy. I say, get your own day- we have ours, discover yours. And what’s up with someone from Washington D.C. filing the complaint- this isn’t harassment, is it? Oh, that could never happen, could it? Well, in a word- yes.

 Enough with the phony “ethics complaints” against Sarah Palin- you keep it up, you will generate sympathy for her, and next thing you know, she’s making the laws. Wow- just think; come on, really dwell on that scenario. 

Will the actors and actresses emigrate en masse to France? Will the Liberals commit suicide like Jim Jones followers? Will all the adherents of the New Age lifestyle gather in the desert, waiting for a ride?

One can only hope. Still, the Liberals froth at the mouth over an error two years old- how picayune they are.

Margaret Paton-Walsh, an assistant attorney general, said no deadline was missed because the plaintiffs did not properly serve all the correct state entities initially.

Paton-Walsh also said the proclamation was not issued in 2007 because of a clerical error.

“This slipped through the cracks and it’s my understanding that the governor is going to issue the 2007 proclamation,” she said. “A very big deal is being made out of a very small clerical error.”

Royal said the oversight had a significant impact on a Juneteenth festival in Anchorage that year because it lacked the governor’s recognition, likely discouraging community and vendor involvement.

“As a result of the proclamation not being issued, some suffered financial loss,” he said.

The case originally was filed in Washington in March and was later transferred to the U.S. District Court of Alaska after adding Eagle River resident Kim Chatman as a plaintiff.

Chatman also has filed an ethics complaint against Palin. That complaint, which is among the few still active, alleges Palin is misusing the governor’s office for personal gain by securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through a legal defense fund.

The fund was set up by supporters to help Palin pay off debts stemming from multiple ethics complaints against the governor. Palin said she owes more than $500,000 in legal fees. Most of the complaints have been dismissed.


Apparently this is the true death by a thousand paper cuts- and these are the same  “enlightened”  people who oppose waterboarding- how unenlightened they are, how hypocritical. If it actually cost anything to file these bogus complaints, there would be far fewer of them.

I propose that if a complaint is dismissed without merit, the person filing the complaint should have to pay ALL court costs and attorney’s fees- perhaps that should slow the flow of these ridiculous suits liberals file. Now THAT would be justice, and justice should win out in this fight.

And give Texas back our holiday- you go get your own.

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Back in a Moment-

Sarah Palin resigned effectively on July 18 of this year, and people are wondering why. I am wondering why not sooner, what with all the unwarranted abuse she had to take from the left wing loons who delighted in attacking her family, something that used to be considered off- limits, back when the left had some semblance of morality and/ or a conscience when it came to attacking mentally challenged babies. That, as we have seen ad nauseum, is and has been out the window when it came to this past election cycle. The left was utterly vicious, and I have heard some who were actually proud of those attacks.

Not that politics has ever been anything but down in the mud fighting before, but families were kept out of it, much like the old mob hits- you might shoot a man to doll rags, but not his family. Now however, both the right and the left show no mercy, no morality- they are more like the cowardly Mexican drug gangs who just spray a whole house down with bullets, killing all inside.

There are some political insiders who feel that this is a calculated move, possibly to gain her some time to learn global politics- perhaps so, but the action is still a bit puzzling in a political sense.

Palin’s statement was ambiguous with regard to her future. “We know we can effect positive change outside government at this point in time on another scale and actually make a difference for our priorities,” she said, hinting at larger ambitions. But she also expressed weariness over what she called “superficial, wasteful, political blood sport.” Was that a hint that she intends to turn away from elective politics?

Certainly, after a week when she was the target of new attacks over her performance in the 2008 campaign — attacks that sparked a war of words between prominent Republican strategists — slipping into the background might be a welcome tonic for Palin and her family.


Certainly the attacks from the left have been relentless, but the attacks from the right, as surrogates of other presidential hopefuls try to tear her down, are also a cause of great disappointment, I am sure- after all, they are supposed to be part of the same team, but they are acting every bit as badly as any die hard liberal, cowardly backbiting in an attempt to give their chosen “candidate” an edge.

One strategist who assumes she has presidential aspirations called the decision to resign her office “puzzling,” and another described it as “nutty.” “If this is about running for president, it’s about as odd a way as we’ve ever seen,” said John Weaver, a Republican strategist.

Their reasoning followed conventional assumptions about what it takes to mount a national campaign — that, in surrendering the governor’s office in Alaska and ending her brief tenure in statewide office, she leaves behind a thin record on which to base a national bid.


Of course, thin as her record is, it still dwarfs the record of our newest Resident, whose biggest real accomplishment so far has been to limit the amount of cigarettes he smokes. Other than that, not much has really happened.

I wouldn’t blame her for walking away- when you sacrifice your privacy,  your families’ privacy, your time and your good name,in the service of your country, you might think that the attacks would limit themselves to you alone, but no. There is so much more in terms of satisfaction being a private citizen, and Sarah and Todd have five children to raise.

Why they would prefer to raise them in the goldfish bowl of national politics was always beyond me. Even the Wicked Witch of the West, Nanny Pelosi, waited until her spawn was grown. Now they are off spawning little libbies of their own, and she is helping the U.S. implode.

Sarah has plenty of time to raise her family, and become educated on International politics- she is smart, she is driven, and even if she decided to forego politics for the rest of her life, there is precedent for this too.

Politics was never envisioned as a “career” for anyone. You were expected to serve some time, move back to the private sector, where the money was, and move on with your life. Politics was never supposed to be a place to get rich. That was in bad taste and totally venal to boot. It just was not done, that is, IF you had a conscience and were a moral person.

Sadly, we see less and less of this every day.
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Letterman is a Pervert

David Letterman is a Left wing Loon- we all know that, and he is not particularly funny, but then I have not cared much for Jay Leno either. I guess after you have seen Johnny Carson at his best, all others pale in comparison. At least Carson could do sketch comedy and be funny, plus the man had class when it came to his guests or the butt of his jokes.

Not so for Letterman, who you might think would be a bit more sensitive to the feelings of children, especially after the plot to kidnap his son. But apparently any joke, even ones about raping a 14 year old, are ok when someone like Letterman has sagging ratings, or he is seeking to defame and slander a minor in a sexually suggestive way. Apparently, a joke about the minor child of a Republican is okay, judging from the laughter from his loony audience, but if the jokes had been about a liberal child, you could have heard a pin drop in the studio.

I have never found the failed weatherman humorous at all- just a bit embarrassing. Early on in his “career”, I would watch, often looking at whoever else might be in the room, and asking, ” Who in the hell gave this moke a job? This is pitiful.”

Now, several years later, he is still very unfunny, and his liberal bias is showing big time- it’s really become very childish. Oh, am not talking about his unwarranted trashing of Sarah Palin- she is a big girl, and knows that this kind of tasteless trashing is part and parcel of politics, but to go after the children of the politicians? That is just unacceptable.

And here lies the hypocrisy- just as Muslims condemn the extremists in a whisper, so do the left wingers- apparently they feel that it is alright to attack and defame , slander, and, as they say these days, dis the children of people like Sarah Palin. “Oh they are conservative, its okay.”

That reminds me of Colonel Fetterman’s rationale for killing the Indian children on a raid in Colorado in the 1880s- “Kill them all-Nits make lice.” meaning, the children grow up and become adults and become trouble. Same failed thinking here, I guess. And I guess on some level I am disappointed in my judgement- I thought that someone like Letterman would have some class, and I was wrong about that. That is truly sad.

I have my differences with Hussein- I hate his policies, I believe he does truly want to destroy America, but I would not ever go after his children. They have done nothing- why would I? I have scruples. Can you liberals say “Scruples”?

Keep trying- especially you , Letterman.


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I Am Woman, Hear Me Not

The silence was deafening, the sound of one hand clapping, as Miss California gave the reply heard around the blogosphere to the question posed by that nobody with a notorious name, Perez Hilton.

Miss California was asked how she felt about Gay marriage, and she gave an honest reply. The trouble is, it was not a politically correct reply. Her reply was that she thought that marriage was between a man and a woman, which was how she had been raised,but it hit a sour note with the woman hating Hilton, who, I am guessing, is gay. Now, he/ she can be a hater all he/ she wants, but Hiltie was a judge in this contest, and says in his/ her videoblog, that that answer is what cost Miss Prejean the crown for Miss America.

It really is such a shame that someone is punished in this country for free and frank (that means Honest, Pervez) speech. Free speech is something you do not have to like, but you DO have to respect, if you want this country to remain a great country.

Now Hilton is free to hate what she said, but as a judge, he shouldn’t have used his/? judgeship as a cudgel against Miss California. Still, this continues a pattern of sexual abuse and verbal battery of women who are not liberals. I was surprised, but only mildly, that none of the women’s groups that seemingly espouse feminine causes said ANYTHING- not one thing.

Indeed, the Miss America officials attempted to have Miss California recant, or at least “dress Up” her remarks, much like Joe Biden has to “clarify” his remarks. There’s a world of difference here, however- Joey misspeaks chronically, while Miss California knew what she was saying, and said it concisely.

Miss California is not the first woman who Womens Groups have hung out to dry, forsaking their false call of “Sisterhood”, for the hypocritical one of “Liberal Sister”- no, Sarah Palin should have been embraced by at least one of these groups. You might think these groups, which lie when they say they are all about the freedom of speech, and “those other pesky rights, (except the one with guns)”, might have at least said that while they do not agree with Governor Palin’s stance on many issues, they welcome the fact that women have come so far that they feel comfortable cursing her as she runs for national office.

These alleged women could not even have the good grace to do that. Instead, they go after Gov. Palin’s daughter, because she committed the unpardonable sin of becoming a pregnant Republican. Just because the parent preaches abstinence, does not ensure that the child will listen. But did these nurturing women forgive Bristol, and give her moral support in her time of need? Did they rally around the flagpole of a shared heritage? Oh hell no- despite the fact that Bristol made a choice, it was not the choice that these women wanted- they wanted, I guess, the blood of a dead baby, probably to sacrifice on the altars of sisterhood. The witches in Macbeth have nothing on these creatures.

This, of course, is the feminist version of their contribution to stifling free speech- if they do not agree with you and the comments you make, you will hear the unearthly screech of the Harpy Platoon descending to verbally rip you to pieces, probably along with the Gay (but not happy) Air Force, and,of course, abetted by every other civilization- splitting minority that feels a grudge coming on, just because you might have an independent thought.

Here’s a revolutionary thought, ladies and ?s- you do not have to like everything I say, but neither do I have to say everything you want to hear. THAT is what is truly free speech- get used to it, because I have run flat out of tact and diplomacy, and from now on, I WILL call a skank a skank. And, Wow-

You sure are unpleasant people.

Big Dog

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