If Obama Can’t Handle Romney…

Then how will he handle foreign leaders?

What do you mean Big Dog, Obama has been handling them for four years? Well, he has been bowing down to them but what I mean is this, the Obama surrogates have been all over the networks claiming that Obama did so poorly in the debate because Romney lied. While I concede that this was a debate and people play loose with the facts during a debate (both sides) I also know Romney used numbers agreed upon by several studies. So basically, it all depends on whose analysis one chooses to believe.

But what does this have to do with Obama and foreign leaders?

Well, the surrogates claim that Obama was stunned, performed badly and lost badly because he was unable to respond to the lies of Mitt Romney. Let us assume for a moment that this is the case. If Barack Obama is unable to effectively respond to his political opponent because he “lied” then how on Earth can we trust Obama to effectively respond to a foreign leader who is lying?

Suppose we have absolute proof that Iran has nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them and Obama confronts Iran’s leader on the issue. Now let us suppose that this leader, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, lies to Obama’s face and says that Iran possesses no such weaponry. Will Obama be able to effectively handle the issue in the interest of our safety or will he become flummoxed like he was in the debate?

Does it make anyone feel safer to think that a rogue nation like Iran could launch nuclear weapons against us and we would be helpless because our leader did not know how to respond to a lie?

This, of course, assumes that Romney lied in the first place but what matters is that Obama thinks he lied and that is the excuse we have been given for the poor performance.

The Obama camp just told us that something as simple as a lie is enough to throw Obama off and render him ineffective.

If this is the standard by which Democrats want to judge then it is obvious we all need to vote for Romney. He looked confident, was assertive and presidential and he was able to do that despite the lies coming from Obama.

The governor of Maryland, Martin O’Malley, was part of the apology tour and chimed right in on the lie meme. Now if anyone knows about lying it is O’Malley because that man rarely tells the truth. He was also a bit mixed up with his analysis of Romney. He said that Romney promised everyone that they could eat cake and lose weight.

Martin, you can eat cake and lose weight. The issue is how much cake you eat. Since Democrats do not know what constraint is I would not expect you to understand but here is a study showing that you can eat cake and lose weight.

And this goes back to my earlier point. It all depends on the parameters and which study you want to follow…

But if I apply the Democrats’ logic, O’Malley lied because you can eat cake and lose weight.

Do you suppose Obama got confused listening to O’Malley?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Got Mittslapped

Barack Obama has been used to getting his way. For the past four or five years Obama has been shielded from tough questions by his handlers and a compliant media. He was able to verbally assault Hillary Clinton without any pushback because the media were in the tank for him. He has been able to do the same to Mitt Romney during campaign speeches and in the nightly news sound bites. Hell, he has even been able to put out ads saying what he wanted because very few bother to question the king.

Then last night arrived. It was the first presidential debate and pre debate polls showed that Americans by and large expected Obama to trounce Romney. Obama, after all, is a gifted speaker and the smartest man in the room. Just ask his sock puppets in the media and they will confirm.

Last night was Obama’s 20th wedding anniversary so according to tradition he should receive China. He got plenty of China as he was schooled on the dangers of borrowing money from China.

Mitt Romney started off strong and got stronger as the debate went on. Obama was left behind from the start, appeared stunned, looked down a lot and appeared agitated on a number of occasions. Romney was confident, prepared, well versed, and dare I say, presidential.

There were no real gaffes from either candidate (though both played loose with some of the facts) but Obama had a smirk that was evident throughout and made him appear petulant.

Usually after a debate the candidate’s surrogates spin the event in an attempt to make their candidate the winner. This was attempted by the Obama surrogates (including Maryland Governor Martin O’Moron) but their efforts were to no avail. The Democrat controlled media were in full meltdown over Obama’s performance.

Yes, he was so bad that even they could not cover for him. Even they could not lie and say he won. In fact, their own polls (liberal polls mind you) showed that Romney trounced Obama. On Fox News the focus group of undecided voters nearly all turned to support Romney after the debate.

MSNBC and CNN were in full tilt meltdown because Obama was exposed. They have been covering for him for years now and now that he was out there on his own he was unable to demonstrate competence. He was unable to live up to the fairy tale story the media created for him. He failed miserably.

Yes, Obama got Mittslapped.

Washington Times

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What’s A Few Bumps In The Road To Obama?

Barack Obama is well known for using people as he sees fit and then throwing them under the bus. He threw his Pastor and his grandmother under the bus during the last campaign and when they arrived there it was very crowded. It is safe to say the driver of that bus experienced bumps from running over those Obama left in his wake.

It is one thing for a politician to throw people under a bus. Politicians are cold, calculating people who will sell their souls in order to get and keep power. But it is entirely different when the politician is the president and he throws the dead bodies of American citizens under the bus.

On the CBS Show 60 Minutes Barack Obama described the crisis in the Middle East as bumps in the road. It is not bad enough that Obama’s policy of bowing down and apologizing coupled with appeasement has led to the Muslim Brotherhood taking over in the Middle East (and maybe the White House) but Obama’s pandering has resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

Barack Obama’s failed foreign policy and his inability to ensure our interests are protected resulted in the rape and murder of our Ambassador and the deaths of three others. Barack Obama has the audacity to call these developments bumps in the road.

I am sure that the families of these people do not see this as a bump in the road. Their lives have been torn apart and turned completely upside down because the president of this country is unable to lead, is unable to protect and has failed in his basic responsibility, to keep this country and its citizens safe.

These people worked for Obama (either directly or indirectly) and it was his responsibility to ensure they were safe but he failed at that, he failed them and he failed our country.

While Obama seems to be comfortable dismissing the murders of our people as evidenced by the ease with which he dismissed their deaths while throwing them under the bus, no one with any grasp of reality can possibly be comfortable with the murder of our people.

The only bumps in the road are those encountered by the driver on the Obama bus and those bumps now include the bodies of American citizens murdered because of his complete incompetence.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


All The News Fit To Invent

It is no secret that the Democrat controlled media are biased. They carry the water for the Democrats and their messiah Barack Obama and will do anything to make him look good and to keep him in power. It is in their nature because they have long since abandoned journalism and have become cheerleaders of the left.

When Barack Obama was immaculated Rush Limbaugh declared that he hoped Obama failed and by that he meant that he knew what Obama wanted to do to (not for) America and he hoped Obama failed at it. Rush was right about what Obama wanted to do though whether he was a failure or not (at doing what he wanted TO America) is up for debate.

There is no doubt Obama is a failed leader and will be the worst president in our history. I declared Obama was a failure early on and took a lot of heat from the left. My assessment was based on his efforts to stimulate the economy and the lack of results obtained. He failed, plain and simple.

A reporter from CBS named Danielle Nottingham was at the Republican convention. She began reporting on the failures in Romney’s speech as soon as the speech started. In other words, this alleged journalist was reporting on what the speech failed to convey before she heard what was in it.

I was quick to label Obama a failed president but that was at least based on my observations of something he had done. Nottingham gave her assessment before she even knew what she was reporting on.

This is in the liberal media playbook. They report what they want people to hear regardless of what was said and regardless of if they even heard what was said.

Limbaugh routinely plays different montages of soundbites from the liberal media where they all parrot the same words and those words are Democrat talking points. Whatever the buzz word of the day is they all mention it. Whatever the talking point, they say it. It matters not whether they are accurate because they have a messiah and his corrupt party to protect.

Nottingham is no different. She was there to harm Romney and the Republicans in any way possible.

The Maryland delegation caught her in the act and called her out. She and her crew thought they could intimidate the Maryland Republicans but she must not be aware that Republicans are a minority in Maryland and know how to handle abuse from left wing morons.

I think if Nottingham writes to the journalism school she attended she might be able to get a refund of her tuition.

Then again, they might give her an award for upholding liberal journalistic standards. Party first, truth be damned.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Republican Women For Obama Are Democrats…

There is a new ad out featuring a few women who claim to be Republicans who are so upset with the far right turn of the Republican party they are being forced to vote for Barack Obama. MSNBC played the ad quite a bit and why wouldn’t they? After all, any chance to show that Republican women are coming to their senses and abandoning the party is right up their alley.

The only problem is that two of the Republican women featured in the ad are Democrats who support Barack Obama. Yep, the Dems can’t find any Republican women who are joining team Obama so they just invented a few.

They also invented a guy whose wife was killed by Mitt Romney a few weeks back. In fact, they invented the lie that they did not know about the guy or his story and even stuck to that line after it was shown they were lying.

It seems to me that all the Obama ads are full of lies.

Then again, Obama is full of lies.

On another note, supermodel Cindy Crawford who supported Obama in 2008 appears to be supporting Mitt Romney in 2012. She is featured in a Romney fundraising video.

So Obama invents Republican women who are leaving the party while Romney actually has a female who supported Obama in the past but is now supporting Romney.

No wonder team Obama feels it necessary to lie…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
