Zimmerman Not Guilty But Ordeal Not Over

George Zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY of murder and manslaughter by a jury of his peers. The evidence was presented and the entirety of it corroborates the account that Zimmerman gave from the moment he made contact with police. His account has not changed and the evidence shows his account was accurate.

There is a lot of angst over the not guilty verdict and various groups have been protesting with scattered acts of violence. The threats are there as the New Black Panthers have declared war. A number of users of social media have advocated violence but whether or not large scale violence occurs remains to be seen.

I think it is moronic to commit acts of violence against people who had nothing to do with the incident to protest what is seen as an act of violence against Trayvon Martin.

Let me make it clear, from what I saw George Zimmerman acted in self defense. If Martin felt threatened he could have continued on his way to his father’s house. Instead, he circled back and attacked Zimmerman and ended up getting shot. Zimmerman exercised what I consider remarkable restraint in that he was attacked and aten while screaming for help and only drew his firearm after Martin went for it and told Zimmerman he was going to die. Then, and only then, did Zimmerman draw and use the firearm.

It matters not how badly he was beaten. He was being beaten and it was obvious that the beating would not stop. Martin threatened his life and went for the gun. Zimmerman was completely justified in his use of force.

None of the other things matter. The only thing pertinent is that Martin attacked him, threatened to kill him and he defended himself.

This does not take away the sadness of a lost life. Trayvon Martin was a misguided young man who was involved in drugs, crime and violence but he was a living being whose life was cut short by a terrible decision on his part. It is sad that he was killed and my thoughts and prayers go with his family who must bear the burden of his death for the rest of their lives. My prayers also go with the Zimmerman family as their lives have been forever changed as well.

Zimmerman will be investigated by the Department of Justice for a race crime or a hate crime. While I have no doubt the government could convict a turtle if it tried I think the journey will be long and the outcome hard to achieve.

The family might pursue a civil case for wrongful death.

In either case the information about Martin, information that was suppressed in the Zimmerman trial, will likely come to light. Martin’s drug use, his criminal behavior, the possession of stolen property, the contents of his phone, his school records and all other aspects that the Florida court would not allow will likely be used to defend Zimmerman in any other case (Zimmerman’s attorneys should make this stuff public now before any other court suppresses it).

Martin was no choir boy. He was a troubled young man who liked to indulge in purple drank (two of the ingredients for it were in his possession when he was shot), marijuana and booze. He was prone to fighting and demonstrated this on a number of occasions.

[note]As an aside, there was testimony from the prosecution’s star witness that Martin told her it was halftime of the NBA All Star game and he was going to get snacks (ingredients?). Martin was shot just before 7:17 pm. The NBA All Star game started at 7:30 pm. How was it halftime of a game that had not started?[/note]

Even if no other cases against Zimmerman are undertaken he will forever live looking over his shoulder. There is a bounty on his head and someone will likely take the chance to murder him. No matter where he goes he will be hunted by those who have no respect for the justice system in this country.

He will be hounded by the race baiters who will stir up trouble in order to justify their existence.

If Martin was Hispanic and Zimmerman black there would have been no national uproar. Tens of thousands of black children are murdered by other blacks and there is no uproar. There is no call for riots (which is true when blacks murder whites).

I think the jury reached the correct verdict. I am happy they did not bow to pressure or worry about civil unrest if they acquitted (though they were sequestered and might not have grasped the scope). I am happy they viewed the evidence and did not allow emotion to outweigh fact.

Trayvon Martin took a decision to attack George Zimmerman when a number of other options were open to him. He chose a person who had a gun (unknown to him when he attacked) and who eventually used it to protect himself.

As unfortunate as it is the Martin family will have to come to terms with the reality that Trayvon took a course of action that resulted in his death.

The right of self defense should never be denied. The left will tell you that you do not need a firearm and that you should call the police if there is a problem.

Zimmerman was on the phone with police and they were on the way. They arrived after the incident took place.

Just like they did in Newtown.

When seconds count the police are minutes away. If Zimmerman had waited he might be the one dead and Martin would be on trial.

And you can bet the reaction of the media and the race baiting community would be a lot different.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Maybe Obama Caused The Middle East Riots

The Democrat controlled media have been telling us that some little known anti Islam movie that has been out for months is the reason our embassies were attacked and our Ambassador murdered. The White House has been trumpeting this line even though the facts refute the narrative. It matters not to them as they suspend the rights of an individual by taking him in for questioning in order to appease the radicals who really don’t care.

Jimmy Carter tried appeasement and it was a disaster.

No one heard of this movie until the attacks and then it became a convenient scapegoat. But I have a different theory. I believe that Barack Obama incited the violence by continually bragging that HE killed Osama bin Laden.

After OUR NAVY SEALS killed Bin Laden Barack Obama took credit for it as if he went there and pulled the trigger. He claimed that we “don’t spike the football” but as the election grew closer Obama brought the football out and he spiked it.

And he spiked it again.
And again.
And again.

Veterans are not happy with Obama because he has taken all the credit for the death of Bin Laden. The veterans don’t want recognition and would prefer that the matter remain quiet so as not to draw attention to themselves. That would put them and their families in danger. Obama though, is spiking that football for political gain so I think he is much more responsible for the acts of war we have seen than some unknown film maker.

Here is an ad that was produced by veterans:

They are obviously not happy. It is no surprise that the majority of those serving and those who have served are not thrilled with Obama. They know he hates the military and would love to scale them way down.

They hate it that he is running around acting like he actually humped a pack to the Middle East and went on the raid. They hate the fact he is taking credit for the work THEY did and that he is doing it for political gain.

And I hate that his spiking the football got an Ambassador murdered.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The New Black Pansies; The Real Racists

There is uproar over the shooting of Trayvon Martin. The facts in the case are not out yet but George Zimmerman has been presumed guilty in the court of racist public opinion. Trayvon is the rallying cry for the race hustlers who are looking for a race war. Each and every day a lot of black people are murdered, mostly by other black people, and those murders go unmentioned by the race hustlers. They really don’t care that blacks are being murdered by other blacks. They especially do not care when whites are murdered by blacks.

George Zimmerman was portrayed as a white and then a white Hispanic by the MSM in order to ramp up racial tension over a case that would get little attention if Zimmerman were black. The race hustlers have flocked to Florida and they want Zimmerman arrested. They have not presumed him innocent as is our custom. They believe he is guilty and should be arrested, end of story, facts and investigations be damned.

Members of Congress, those charged with upholding our Constitution, have declared Zimmerman a murderer and guilty and have demanded he be arrested. These demands are coming from the racist Congressional Black Caucus.

The race baiters want racial tensions going onto the November elections. They want to stoke divisiveness. How many of these people who demand justice have gotten involved in the crime in Baltimore where a white man was beaten, molested and robbed by a group of blacks?

None, because it does not fit the narrative.

The New Black Pansies are out in full force and they have called the shooting of Martin a racist act against the poor black man. While they are decrying this alleged racism they are busy calling white people crackers and honkies. In addition, the pansies (yes I call them that on purpose) say it is time to suit up and boot up and to riot and kill crackers and honkies. This is the video of their racist rants.

The movement was supposed to be 9 April so that never happened. Sounds like a lot of hot air because they understand if they suit up they will get a boot up their asses.

Perhaps if they stayed in school and learned something then basic math would not escape them. The entire black population accounts for about 14% of the total. The entire non black is all the rest and the white (or honky cracker) population is greater than 50% so just by simple math these morons are outnumbered. When one considers that most black folks are not racists and want nothing to do with this stupidity the numbers are even worse.

Hell, all the white hunters in the southern states would be far too many folks for the Pansies to take on.

I am not calling for violence and I do not want to see violence. I figured I had to put that out there because some liberal will read this, ignore the Pansy’s call for violence and say I am inciting violence. This is how liberal’s minds work (or don’t) so I figured I would let them know. There will still be one who accuses me of inciting violence.

The facts are clear. The New Black Pansy Party is gearing up for a race war. They want to riot and they want to kill crackers. That is what they said and I always believe you take people making such claims at their word.

Eric Holder refuses to arrest these folks for their terroristic activities and Big Sis over at DHS refuses to take them on. We all know that if some white supremacist group was out setting bounties on a black guy, calling them racist names and threatening to riot and kill blacks the DHS and the DOJ would be out in full force. Big Sis would label them terrorists and they would be in jail.

But the racists in the Pansy Party are allowed to make threats and to put a bounty out on an American citizen.

What will happen if a black guy murders a white guy and a bounty is placed on his head?

Do I need to answer that for you?

Nah, you already know.

Remember Obama’s racist pastor? He is on the news again for his racist rants. He misinterprets the Bible and makes false claims and he blames whitey for all the troubles in the world. Obama listened to this guy for twenty years and this guy is a racist. You know what they say about the company you keep…

Hold on folks because the ride is going to get bumpy. If the Black Pansies start trouble in Florida there will be lots of folks with firearms ready to stand their ground.

It will not end well for the Pansies.

Has it begun?

A message?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The TEA Party Folks Causing Trouble

Have you heard about all those bad TEA Party people causing trouble in New York and around our country? Have you heard about the hundreds arrested? Have you heard about these spin off riots, ahem, protests in other cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, and Seattle?

Of course you haven’t because the TEA Party folks are not the ones rioting around the nation. It is a bunch of left wing, give us your money because we deserve it types who think that wealthy people should have to give their money to everyone else. It is those folks who take taxpayer money from the government after it is taken from us by force.

The leeches on the left are starting to ramp up the intensity and are taking the cue Michael Moore gave them. They decided that they would rather resort to causing trouble because they feel entitled to YOUR money.

The next liberals talk badly about the TEA Party ask them to name a time when hundreds of TEA Party members were arrested for civil disturbance. Hell, ask them to point out one time that it happened. No, the TEA Party is peaceful, welcomes all, leaves wherever they go cleaner than when they arrived and obeys the laws.

The left and its media wing will make villains out of TEA Party members and ignore the real thugs, those on the left.

But those of us who are honest about it know the truth.

UPDATE: That fat pig Roseanne Barr wants to behead the wealthy who won’t give up their money. She thinks we should bring back the guillotine for the worst among us. She should be careful. Those who wanted that during the French Revolution ended up being beheaded themselves…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit
Big Dog


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Maybe We Should Just Riot

A transit police officer in California shot and killed a man in 2009 and his trial has just concluded. Officer Johannes Mehserle was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. He claims that he had his Tazer out and put it back and drew the wrong weapon. I don’t know if I would buy that but don’t know all that is involved. Suffice it to say that the jury believed it and he has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The biggest problem in all of this is that the officer is white and the victim was black. Instantly there had to be some racial motivation and justice had to be served.

Well it was. In our system of justice the jury decides and this jury found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter and not murder (as the family wanted).

That did not sit well so what did the minority community in Oakland do? The same thing minority communities in California do every time they do not like a verdict, they rioted. The police and every person in town knew this was going to happen. The judge delayed the reading of the verdict to allow people to leave work and go home. Businesses were sending employees home early so they would not get caught in the rioting.

Why do we tolerate this kind of behavior?

The people who did not like the verdict lost all credibility. I do not want to hear how they feel or how upset they are or anything else. The community lost any sympathy I might have had when it decided to act like animals rather than functioning members of society.

And what happens when these folks riot? The US Department of Justice launches its own investigation into the matter. There was a trial and the guy was found guilty so why does the DOJ need to show up? They need to make sure the black community gets attention after the temper tantrum. They did it after the trial of the officers who beat Rodney King which, by the way, resulted in a riot.

Seems to be a pattern here. Throw a tantrum and get what you want. But why should people be allowed to riot and do damage to the property of others?

Did anyone see riots when OJ Simpson was found “not guilty” in what was a blatant example of payback for perceived crimes against blacks in the past? Did the DOJ show up and launch its own investigation into the Simpson murders?

No, we accepted the verdict and moved on with life.

But maybe we need to shift gears. Perhaps we need to start rioting when we do not get what we want. If the courts overturn Arizona’s law maybe we all need to riot, smash windows in Hispanic owned businesses and turn cars over in the streets. We could do this all across the country to get the point across. I would not expect the DOJ to intervene on our behalf as it is more likely it would come after us because it is headed by that racist Eric Holder.

I am not much for the rioting and violent demonstrations but it seems that this is the way to get some attention.

Besides, the liberal progressives in this country blame all violence on the peaceful members of society who conform to the rules. Pelosi still thinks TEA Party rhetoric will lead to violence.

The threats of riots and violence is a method of group intimidation and it is used effectively by minority communities to get what they want or to express dissatisfaction. Black communities riot over court cases where white cops shoot black suspects or when a black guy is convicted of killing a cop because they get attention. They feel oppressed and want attention so they throw tantrums like children.

The same is true in the Hispanic community. Pass a law they do not like, threaten to build a wall, raid workplaces or do anything else that impedes their lawbreaking and they gather in huge groups and protest.

And they get attention when they do this.

Perhaps we should consider their tactics.

I would like to have a “riot” on November 2nd this year where we all storm the polling places and vote everyone out of office. We need to show our strength in a non violent manner.

We can save the violence or when it is needed.

Like when confronted by New Black Panther Party members carrying nightsticks. If you see them this year beat them to death because the racist AG will not prosecute them for breaking the law.

To all you animals in Oakland, shame on you. Maybe an attitude like yours is what caused the shooting in the first place.

SF Gate 1
SF Gate 2

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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