Hypocrisy is a Liberal By-law

Everybody who hasn’t been in a soundproof room for the last couple of weeks has heard of the dust-up between Nancy Pelosi and the CIA, where she adamantly (and stridently, sometimes incoherently) denies that she knew anything about EITs (enhanced interrogation techniques) and claims that it was the CIA who lied. It must have been her ritalin talking to say something rash like that.

But she is not the only one who has problems on that side of the aisle, oh no. The list is almost as long as the membership of the Democrat party is itself. I think, because they are SO unused to power, that they have literally forgotten that they are accountable to the people of the United States for their egregious behavior and criminal attitudes.

Let’s begin our tour with Charlie Rangel, who has more than enough on his plate concerning whether he should pay taxes on several rent properties he actually owns. Yes, Chuckie- it is taxable. Then there are the expenses for leased cars, and owned cars, and it gets complicated, he says- but you see, he is part of the committee that writes the tax code, so he should know- that IS supposed to be his job. Is he incompetent? One might think so.

Little Timmy Geithner, former head of the New York Fed, a person who has been in on EVERY aspect of the generational theft we have been suffering under since the TARP fund was created, has tax problems- you would expect that the head of the Federal Reserve could at least PAY HIS TAXES- the rest of us common folk are expected to. This tax thing seems to be a problem with Dems- Dashle, Killefer, Dodd, Reid, all of these and more have not been able to reconcile their taxes.

This leads to a perception that Liberals just can’t do math- and yet they are managing our economy? This should not be, but the libs have been really good at subterfuge- look at how easily they fooled us with a smooth talker. We just didn’t know at the time that he can’t speak coherently without his tele-prompter. It is his best friend, and he takes it everywhere- I think I saw it even when he was ordering a burger one day, with Joe Biden.

Skinny B probably has a Secret Service guard on the tele-prompter, with orders to save the prompter, not Biden. There have to be priorities, after all. Amtrak Joey is expendable, after all, but the prompter is not.

Some people have a dashboard Jesus- Barama has a dashboard Prompter, so he can give directions to the driver.
It would be justice if, since the Dems started this financial mess, they could clean it up, but as I said before, obviously they can’t do math- when Skinny B claims that he inherited a deficit of 1.2 trillion dollars, but by increasing it to 4.6 trillion over the next three years he is reducing the deficit, I have to wonder if perhaps he has been into Pelosi’s Meds- and you can tell from HER expression that those are potent meds.

Harry Reid has some really questionable land deals in Nevada, Chris Dodd has legal mortgage questions concerning sweetheart deals with Countrywide, a company that took govt. money. Jack (all our soldiers are baby killers) Murtha has his own airport, which the government has paid over 150 million dollars for. Now, he is getting a runway resurfaced for 150,000 dollars. That airport serves twenty people a week, and he’s got the stones to criticize Republicans? He’s no better, and probably worse, than Ted (Bridge to Nowhere) Stevens was. Now his good for nothing nephew gets a no bid contract from the government to do nothing? Hypocrisy.

If Republicans were doing even half of these things, they would be tossed out of office, because at least Republicans have some shame, but the Dems act like they are immune to the stigma of criminal behavior, as if they deserve to be able to act this way. There is just no shame to these wastes of space. When Duke Cunningham was accused, he was out of office before he was convicted. Ted Stevens, out. Larry Craig, out. The conservative wing has some shame, and we take responsibility for our actions, unlike the serial deniers on the liberal side.

The one saving grace is that Barama can not possibly do what he says, monetarily. There is just not enough money to do this without a punishing tax hike on everybody, top to bottom. This is when their fake “class warfare” hype will collapse from the weight of the accumulated lies, and the people will finally see the faker and his thieving party for the criminals they are. The hypocrisy party will be over.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
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Democrats Put Up The Whites Only Sign

Whites Only

Democrat Harry Reid has refused to allow Roland Burris, the man selected by Governor Blagojevich to fill Obama’s Senate seat, to enter the Capitol. Burris arrived today and was not allowed to enter and therefore was not allowed to swear in. Burris was legally selected to fill the slot but the Democrats do not want to seat anyone selected by Blagojevich.

Perhaps this runs a little deeper. Burris is a black man and Harry Reid is reported to have contacted Blagojevich and told him that the three blacks in consideration for the job (prior to all the pay to play stuff) were not desired and he recommended two non blacks for the position. Once the pay to play scam was exposed Reid said that anyone selected by Blagojevich would be unacceptable. Reid has also stated that Blagojevich is lying about the conversation but I bet that Reid became a little worried when he found out that Blagojevich was being recorded. If Reid did make that call and did say those things, it will be on tape. The down and dirty though, appears to be that Reid and the Democrats do not want to seat a black man.

They were all calling for Franken to be seated and he does not have the paper that Burris is lacking. That did not stop Reid and Schumer from saying that Franken should be immediately seated (even though it would violate Minnesota law). I wonder why two whites were acceptable but none of the three blacks were. I also wonder why Reid will not seat Burris, a black man, without the proper papers but wanted to seat Franken, a white man, who lacks the same paperwork?

It would appear that the racist roots of the Democrats are showing through. The Democrats fought for slavery and against civil rights. The KKK was an arm of the Democrats and Jim Crow laws came from them as well. The Democrats have a long history of racism and now it is showing once again.

Make no mistake, I was against the idea that this seat had to go to a black person. I wrote earlier that the black community was up in arms about possibly losing the black seat when the seat has no color. The person the governor thinks is best qualified (or in Blagojevich’s case has the most money) would get the seat regardless of color. My opposition was to the idea that the seat belonged to the blacks and had to go to a black person.

In the case of Reid it appears that he and the Democrats do not want it to go to a black person at all. As stated, I don’t care what color the person is so long as his color is not the determining criteria.

[note]To be fair, Senator Dianne Feinstein said that Burris should be seated.[/note]

In 2007, Vernon Jordan said that Republicans had a Whites Only sign on their tent. He made this accusation because the leading candidates for president decided to skip a debate at Morgan State University in Baltimore. The school is a black university in Baltimore so it is full of liberal blacks who vote greater than 90% for the Democrat. Couple that with the fact that Obama, a black man, was running and there is no way in hell that the students were going to vote for a Republican, especially a white one. So why waste time debating in front of people who will not vote for you?

I guess if we are to use Jordan’s logic, the Democratic tent in the Senate has a big Whites Only sign on it. Harry Reid and his Democrats denied access to a black man who was duly appointed as a Senator by a governor who had the legal right to do so. They claimed it was a paperwork issue but they were willing to ignore paperwork and let white guy Al Franken in. It is obviously racist and reflects the attitude of the Democrats.

Now that the Democrats have a larger majority there will probably be whites only water fountains and rest rooms and blacks will not be allowed to sit at the lunch counters in the Capital’s cafeteria. Next thing you know Harry Reid is going to have one of those little black jockey lawn ornaments in front of the Capital and I look for Robert Byrd to don his KKK sheets. For some reason blacks seem not to mind this guy even though in 1944 he said:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. Wikipedia

Harry Reid must have consulted with Byrd before he took a decision on Burris. I guess they will never serve in the Senate with a negro by their side and would rather die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see the Senate degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds…..

Of course, Democrats do not mind seeing Old Glory trampled at any time.

Mr. Burris, good luck to you. I don’t know why you are a Democrat. Look how they are treating you. Now you know in what regard they hold the blacks who vote for them time and time again.

Maybe sir, it is time to get off that plantation.

**Photograph is from the Library of Congress. The website indicates that they are unaware of any restriction on the use of it.

Big Dog

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Caption This Photo

The Congress is back in session ready to cause havoc so let’s have a little fun with them. Caption this photo. Put your captions in the comment section. Try not to be vulgar, or at least be clever with it.

Reid and Pelosi

Here is one to start us off:

Ooh, Harry is that a Slim Jim in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

I’ve got your pork right here.

Reid Makes Hillary a Hsu in to Cheat

Hillary Clinton has had a bit of trouble with the honesty of her fund raising as indicated by a boy named Hsu as well as other events where she was illegally involved in the process (which was caught on video tape). The Federal Elections Commission has been pretty soft on her by fining one of her cronies for past indiscretions and a federal judge appointed by her husband might be looking the other way on the video tape deal but now it looks like it will not matter.

Harry Reid has decided to violate the Constitution and not allow a vote on four FEC appointments if they include a man named Hans von Spakovsky. Reid has stated that if von Spakovsky’s name is in the mix the Senate will not consider any of the nominees. The job of the President is to nominate people with the advice and consent of the Senate. It is not the Senate’s job to decide on who they will and will not vote on, it is its job to advise and consent. If they do not like the nominee then they are free to vote against the conformation.

This is an issue that will not likely be resolved in the near future and certainly not before the early primary caucuses and elections in January. This means that the candidates will have little or no oversight from the FEC. We have already seen what the Clintons do when there is oversight so it is not hard to imagine what they would be capable of if the oversight is lacking.

The Democrats in Congress have been an abysmal failure and there are only two reasons they just passed spending bills. They do not want to go home without passing the bills because they criticized the Republican majority for doing so last year and they just want to go home and enjoy their month long Christmas vacation. Harry Reid is an absolute failure and he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.

Our Senators need to remember their place and do their damned jobs. The President runs the country. Senators serve their states so Harry Reid is not in a position to dictate the way the country runs and he is certainly not in a position to violate the Constitution because he does not like a person the President has nominated.

The Politico

Rush Makes Lemonade from Democratic Lemons

People either like Rush Limbaugh or they do not but no matter how people feel there is one thing they cannot deny and that is, the guy is a savvy business man. He built his talk show into a national program that is heard by millions of people each week and he has many ventures that bring him lots of money. He is generous with that money and he makes sure that he gives to and raises money for the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation which awards scholarships to the children of fallen heroes.

Recently, Rush Limbaugh was misquoted in something he said on his program. Despite the fact that his morning update and the topic at hand dealt with one phony soldier, he was excoriated for using the words when they were taken out of context and when Media Matters, an organization Hillary helped found, made it appear as if Limbaugh was talking about all soldiers who disagree with the war, not just the ones who are truly phony soldiers. Interestingly, the very Democrats who are trying to bring our troops home in defeat, the very ones who refused to denounce Moron.org for talking badly about General Petraeus, jumped up to defend the honor and dignity of our troops. Harry Reid, the low life, scum sucking maggot, wrote a letter to the company that syndicates Rush Limbaugh demanding an apology, which the boss decided he was not going to do.

In any event, this was the Democrats talking about Limbaugh and trying to discredit him. They tried to portray him as anti troop and a bad guy. This is all part of a plan by Media Matters and the rest of the liberal groups to discredit and silence Conservative talk before the next election. One might have thought that Harry Reid had the upper hand and that he was going to make Limbaugh look like he does not support the troops but he underestimated Rush Limbaugh.

Rush took the lemons that Harry Reid gave him in that letter and turned them into lemonade. Rush has the original letter with the signatures of the 41 Senators who signed it and he is auctioning it off on eBay. This auction is not to make money for Rush though because 100% of the money made from the sale of the letters will go to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Fund. Rush is using the stupidity of Harry Reid to earn money for the very people Reid and the cretins at Media Matters want you to think he does not support.

Once again, Rush Limbaugh outsmarted the idiot Democrats. I heard that the Dems were not too happy about this but there is absolutely nothing they can do. Rush can do as he pleases with the letter and he is selling it. As of this writing the bid is up to $40,200 which is worth more than the value of the 41 people who signed the damned thing.

Way to go Rush.

Hey Harry Reid; How does it feel to get screwed in front of the entire nation?

Big Dog

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