Where Will They Go To For More Money?

I wrote before the last election indicating that there was concern that the government would take control of our retirement accounts and redistribute the money in them as part of a scheme to even the playing field. The Socialists in DC are part of the spread the wealth paradigm and they have no problem forcefully taking that to which they are not entitled. There were hearings on Capitol Hill where this was discussed.

Doug Ross indicates that this might be where the next money influx to the government comes from as they confiscate our retirement (which contains trillions of dollars) and spread it among those who have not saved for retirement.

The [Congressional] testimony of Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York, in hearings Oct. 7 drew the most attention and criticism. Testifying for the House Committee on Education and Labor, Ghilarducci proposed that the government eliminate tax breaks for 401(k) and similar retirement accounts, such as IRAs, and confiscate workers’ retirement plan accounts and convert them to universal Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs) managed by the Social Security Administration.

…The current retirement system, Ghilarducci said, “exacerbates income and wealth inequalities” because tax breaks for voluntary retirement accounts are “skewed to the wealthy because it is easier for them to save, and because they receive bigger tax breaks when they do.” [Original Source Carolina Journal]

The government has already pilfered trillions of dollars in Social Security that was paid in over the years and used that money for pet projects and as a slush fund. There is no money left in Social Security and the government does not have the money to meet the obligations of Social Security. It must borrow money to pay the recipients. This would not be the case if they had left the money alone.

Instead, they will come after the money we have saved. It is there because strict rules forbid us from tapping into the retirement money until we actually retire. Congress had no such rules and raped Social Security and now the plan, at least one that was discussed in Congress, is to confiscate our retirement and use it to pay others.

This is a Socialist program and if the government goes through with this there is no doubt in my mind we will have an armed insurrection.

These bastards take enough of our money and spread it around. I will be damned if they are going to take what I have saved for my retirement without a fight.

I am sure many others feel the same way (not the slugs who would benefit from the work of others) and would be willing to fight for what is theirs.

Keep an eye on Congress. It will look for money and will take it any time it wants. The government will rape us any chance it gets so we must remain vigilant.

Buy guns and ammo. You will need them.

Big Dog


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Democrats Rape Us Under Cover Of Darkness

Senate Democrats are complaining that they are in DC this close to Christmas when they should be at home. People like the 300 million dollar woman, Mary Landrieu (D-LA), are blaming this on Republicans. It never ceases to amaze me how the Democrats, the party in power, blame their misfortunes on the minority party. The Senate is in session because Harry Reid wants them to be. That is the plain and simple truth. He sets the agenda, he sets the times and he decides when they will recess. He has taken the arbitrary deadline of Christmas to heart and his agenda reflects that.

Certainly Republicans could cave and say let’s just get it over with but why should they? As commenter Darrel noted with regard to Franken, they have rules and he followed them (with regard to cutting Lieberman off). There are rules and procedures as to how debate goes on and the Republicans are following those rules. If Landrieu and others are upset then their anger should be directed at the spineless wonder, Harry Reid. If he were a true leader he would have told them to go home for the holiday and return after the first of the year ready to get to work. He could not do that because his taskmaster in the White House needs something done by the end of the year. Besides, Reid is using the cover of darkness to hide what is in his bill and he certainly does not want it to be made public before any vote because the longer Americans have to review this stuff the more they hate it.

Landrieu should also remember that she is not the only one who had to be bribed to sign on to the monstrosity. It took a while for her to rape the country out of 300 million dollars and others had to take their turn at the trough. The list of bribes grew as more and more Democrats stepped up to the trough to feed on taxpayer money. Ben Nelson got millions of dollars for Medicare in his state (which most states did not get but all of us will pay for) and Chris Dodd put in for 100 million dollars for a hospital. Michelle Malkin has a list of bribes that were paid this time as well as a link to the bribes Harry paid earlier in the debate.

So while Democrats cry about not being home for a holiday that is the antithesis of their whole take on church and state, the rest of the nation prepares for the screwing it will get under Obamacare.

Barack Obama said he was pleased at the progress and that the arguments that this will cost more don’t “hold water.” Right, and it is only by sleight of hand that they can claim to save money. First of all, the CBO analysis was flawed and the CBO reported the flaw to Reid (and did the CBO factor in the cost of the bribes). Second of all, many costs are added to other bills to give the appearance that this is deficit neutral. The “doc fix” is added to other appropriations (this year it is in the defense bill) to hide it. This should come as no surprise since Democrats tried to openly introduce a separate bill for the doc fix and they told us it was to keep the cost off the health care books. This will add to the deficit and there is no getting around that. The creative accounting used by the government only hides the numbers on paper. In reality, we end up owing the money and that is why we have trillions of dollars in debt. They must think we have Monopoly money.

Of course, no Democrat legislation would be complete without the obligatory smearing of those who oppose the legislation as knuckle dragging racists who don’t know any better. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) gave us the race speech when he said:

They are desperate to break this president. They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama. The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist. That is one powerful reason. It is not the only one.” [emphasis in original] Washington Times

Whitehouse was asked about the Aryan comment and he denied making it. The link contains the video of his speech and he absolutely says what he denies.

The we have Harry Reid playing the class warfare card.

All of this to justify taking over one-sixth of the economy and raping the public. All of this under the cover of darkness because while most of us slept, the Senate was in session raping the American people. Only a few things take place at night, rape and robbery being two of them.

The Senate bill still provides for abortion (and requires us all to pay for it) and it will cover illegal aliens. These are two things Obama said would not be in there.

So Landrieu and her ilk can complain about not being home for Christmas but I say too effing bad. You wanted to be a Senator and this is part of your job so shut the hell up and do your job. If you don’t like being there then don’t run for office. I notice that none of these people complain when they get weeks off at a time or are traveling around the world on the taxpayer dime. No, but if they have to work at Christmas time then the world is going to end. Mary Landrieu did not complain about being in session while she was raping the taxpayers out of 300 million dollars.

The Democrats are all walking off that precipice that Obama said they were near. They are blindly following the man child over the edge and he will not be able to save them in the next election. Americans are fed up with this BS and there will be hell to pay.

Ben Nelson was the 60th vote but Mitch McConnell said it well when he summed up the vote:

All it takes is one. Just one. One can stop it — or every one will own it. Commentary Magazine

Yes, any one of the 60 could have stopped it but now that it has passed every one of them owns it.

There can be no finger pointing at Republicans and there can be no blame assigned to any one person because they all had the same opportunity. They might have passed this under the cover of darkness but their misdeeds will be broadcast in the light of day.

So much for this ethical, open and transparent Congress and government led by Barack Obama. It was done behind closed doors and at night but we will clean the place of this vermin by shedding bright light upon them.

There are two things left to address. The Democrats have misjudged the meaning of the last election. Once the youth, a demographic that is not particularly political, starts having to buy insurance or pay more for what they have then they will become active. The elderly who get screwed in the Medicare debacle are dependable voters who will show their anger at the ballot box.

And the last thing is the base. The Democrat’s base is not happy. Keith Olberman urged them to kill this bill (because it is not radical enough) and he made a threat. He said that if they did not kill it he would not buy the mandated health care and he urged the other “progressives” (read liberals) not to buy it as well.

When I said I would not buy any insurance forced upon me the liberals who comment here had a field day.

I wonder how they feel about their own Olberman taking that position.

I know how I feel. If the bill Olberman wants had been passed and Rush Limbaugh went ont he air and said he would refuse to buy it and urged others to do the same (and he has an infinitely larger audience than Olberman) then ole Keith would have had a cow and made Limbaugh the worst person of the week.

America got raped very early this morning. You know the rapist is skilled when he manages to screw people from both ends of the political spectrum.

Vote them all out.

Legal Insurrection
Ace of Spades
Gateway Pundit

UPDATE: Republicans talking about yielding time to get it over with. Bad move Republicans. You can be voted out of office too. They are trying to rape America. Don’t roll over and make it easier for them.

Ace of Spades
The Hill

Big Dog


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If Letterman Is Sincere, Let it Be

I remember when Don Imus made an off the cuff remark about a woman’s basketball team. The outcry of racism was loud and the race baiters called for his head. He apologized day in and day out and he met with the team to apologize. He groveled on Sharpton’s radio program and he still ended up being fired.

At the time I wrote that Imus had made a mistake and he apologized and that the apology should be accepted. I indicated that he should not lose his job because he showed true remorse for what was a distasteful joke. His apology, while possibly accepted, did no good and he was fired.

David Letterman made some seriously distasteful jokes (that were well scripted) that called Sarah Palin’s daughter a hooker and made sport of the idea of her being raped. Letterman handled the flap over it very badly and the voices calling for him to be fired are getting louder.

Yesterday Letterman made what appeared to be a heartfelt apology. I only read the transcript but it seems that this time there was no sarcasm or half hearted apology. Though it was filled with excuses it seems that he got the message.

If the Palin family is satisfied that Letterman is sincere and that he gave an adequate apology then the matter should be over and he should not be fired. As much as I think it would be fair after what happened to Imus, I would be a hypocrite if I expected him to be fired after apologizing when I did not hold Imus to that standard.

If Letterman is sincere and the Palin’s are content then let’s move on.

Sarah Palin could go on Conan’s show and boost is ratings way above Letterman’s but there are ways for us to voice displeasure with his content as well and the best way would be to stop watching his show.

Letterman Apology

Big Dog

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Letterman is a Pervert

David Letterman is a Left wing Loon- we all know that, and he is not particularly funny, but then I have not cared much for Jay Leno either. I guess after you have seen Johnny Carson at his best, all others pale in comparison. At least Carson could do sketch comedy and be funny, plus the man had class when it came to his guests or the butt of his jokes.

Not so for Letterman, who you might think would be a bit more sensitive to the feelings of children, especially after the plot to kidnap his son. But apparently any joke, even ones about raping a 14 year old, are ok when someone like Letterman has sagging ratings, or he is seeking to defame and slander a minor in a sexually suggestive way. Apparently, a joke about the minor child of a Republican is okay, judging from the laughter from his loony audience, but if the jokes had been about a liberal child, you could have heard a pin drop in the studio.

I have never found the failed weatherman humorous at all- just a bit embarrassing. Early on in his “career”, I would watch, often looking at whoever else might be in the room, and asking, ” Who in the hell gave this moke a job? This is pitiful.”

Now, several years later, he is still very unfunny, and his liberal bias is showing big time- it’s really become very childish. Oh, am not talking about his unwarranted trashing of Sarah Palin- she is a big girl, and knows that this kind of tasteless trashing is part and parcel of politics, but to go after the children of the politicians? That is just unacceptable.

And here lies the hypocrisy- just as Muslims condemn the extremists in a whisper, so do the left wingers- apparently they feel that it is alright to attack and defame , slander, and, as they say these days, dis the children of people like Sarah Palin. “Oh they are conservative, its okay.”

That reminds me of Colonel Fetterman’s rationale for killing the Indian children on a raid in Colorado in the 1880s- “Kill them all-Nits make lice.” meaning, the children grow up and become adults and become trouble. Same failed thinking here, I guess. And I guess on some level I am disappointed in my judgement- I thought that someone like Letterman would have some class, and I was wrong about that. That is truly sad.

I have my differences with Hussein- I hate his policies, I believe he does truly want to destroy America, but I would not ever go after his children. They have done nothing- why would I? I have scruples. Can you liberals say “Scruples”?

Keep trying- especially you , Letterman.


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Early Hillary; Practice for Marriage to Bill

There is a story about when Hillary was a young lawyer and her assignment to a case involving the rape of a 12 year old girl. Hillary was assigned as the defendant’s attorney so it is expected that she would do whatever it took (within the bounds of the legal system) to either get her client exonerated or get a deal favorable to him. I have never been a fan of plea bargains when they are used as an easy method to win a case or allow a criminal to serve less time for a serious offense. I have a friend in New Jersey who has been accused of something he did not do and they are continually offering him a deal to end the case. He refuses to capitulate because he is innocent, but that does not stop them from using the deal as a method to win a conviction, truth be damned.

Hillary is reported to have been very aggressive and to have badgered the 12 year old rape victim. She tried hard to question the integrity of the victim and insinuated that she sought out older men for sex. Hillary tried to indicate the girl was lying because she had told lies in the past. All of this has been deemed ethical by legal scholars and I am in no position to question that view. I figure a defense attorney has an obligation to do what it takes on behalf of the client.

The article indicates that Hillary approached that case in a manner that has been a reflection of her life indicating that she immerses herself in unpleasant tasks with a will to win. I don’t doubt that as it has been demonstrated time and again in her public life. She will do whatever it takes to win and she does not care what mess she leaves or who gets destroyed in her wake.

However, I believe that the badgering of a rape victim gave her the experience needed to confront the many women who have had sex, either consensually or against their will, with her husband. Bill Clinton has a long history of sleeping around and there have been accusations of rape. This was so prominent that Hillary had a group whose job was to handle the “bimbo eruptions.” Hillary, in addition to being the enabler of her husband’s sexual misdeeds, was the enforcer when it came to dealing with the women. She used intimidation to ensure they remained silent. Hillary approached every bimbo eruption with a desire to destroy the woman making the claims even if it meant that a victim of rape would be victimized again.

Hillary’s early life experiences molded her into the person she is today. One can make the argument that she immerses herself in any task with a desire to win and that is an admirable trait. However, when that desire to win is a driving force in destroying lives in the name of obtaining power then it becomes obsessive rather than admirable.

Both Clintons are obsessed with obtaining power and they will destroy anyone who gets in the way. There are still those who find themselves in the path or hurricane Hillary and her overbearing nature. The only difference, as far as we know, is that they are not 12 years old.

As an aside, Barack Obama seems to agree with what I wrote earlier.