Now That He’s Elected They Will Cover Scandals

All during the campaign, from the primaries to the general election, Barack Obama was plagued with one scandal after another. The issues were legitimate and they were worthy of mention but they were dismissed by the left and its media wing as nothing. The idiots at the Daily Kos and assorted other Democratic mouthpieces, the very same groups who see scandal every time George Bush passes gas, remained silent or attributed the revelations to a right wing smear job. Of course, most of the “smear” came from Democrats during their primary.

Now that the media have ensured that Obama was elected they are now free to investigate scandals and they are, to their own amazement, finding that Obama had questionable associations. Imagine that? The governor of Illinois has been arrested in a scandal that might have long reaching arms and involve Jesse Jackson Jr as well as various members of Obama’s dream team and the media are suddenly interested in particulars (but not too many).

Rahm Emanuel is one such member and things are looking bleak for him. The so called heavy weight with the foul mouth and the mean temper has been reduced to hiding in his home and sneaking out to work because he is likely smack dab in the middle of the corruption.

When the story about Governor Blagojevich broke Barack Obama expressed his surprise and disappointment and indicated that this was the first that he had heard of the pay for play scheme. He assured us that none of his people were involved in the “sale” of his Senate seat. Looks like Obama might have been a bit premature in his assessment because it is now reported that Emanuel was recorded discussing the Senate seat.

As of now there is no indication that he was involved in any of the illegal activities. The recording of him has not been released so we don’t know what was discussed but we do know that the fact he was discussing the matter is contrary to what Obama said about the issue. Obama’s statement that he had not spoken or met with the governor has also been shown to be false because there are pictures of the two together.

Obama and his team are in the middle of a scandal and they have circled the wagons. They are not discussing much, if anything at all, with the media. The man who would bring transparency to government has closed ranks and is anything but transparent. Obama has also shown that he is not above politics as usual and that his rhetoric about reforming DC was nothing more than campaign promises he never intended to keep. How could he bring a new brand of politics when he is a Chicago politician and, as seen in the Blagojevich scandal, there is nothing new or clean bout that?

Perhaps Obama should have made Hillary Clinton his Chief of Staff. She has many years experience covering up scandals. Obama is a babe in the woods when compared to the Clintons.

Then again, it was the Clinton kind of politics that Obama promised to get rid of.

What a difference an election makes

Prior to the election Obama could murder babies in Times Square and the media would ignore it. They would rationalize his acts and the Daily Kos would attribute it to a Right Wing Conspiracy and blame it on Bush.

Well moonbats, Bush had nothing to do with this. All the scandal, all the attention, and all the dirt is on your guy. George Bush had nothing to do with it though I bet he is getting a bit of a chuckle out of seeing the anointed One get the third degree.

Bush probably finds some humor in the fact that when the Plame issue was being investigated the left was in full attack mode and convicting people before they ever had a trial. Despite his insistence that he was not aware of what had taken place and who “leaked” Plame’s so called secret identity, he was branded a liar. The left was calling for investigations day after day and Bush’s people were the object of ridicule.

Now, one of Obama’s people (at least) is right in the thick of an investigation and the left is not calling for him to be frog marched out in chains. They are not calling Obama a liar because he denied knowledge and they are defending him. Why, he is a victim here. Someone did something to make him look bad or bring discredit upon him. He is getting consideration that George Bush never got.

Did Obama know anything? Who knows? However, he came from the crooked politics of Illinois and he has used questionable tactics and had questionable associations in the past so it is not beyond reason that he is involved.

However, given Obama’s past, it is likely that he sent surrogates to do the dirty work so he could stay “clean” should the deification hit the cooling device.

How long will it be before Rahm Emanuel joins the many others located under the bus?

Regardless of what happens, this scandal will no doubt haunt and hinder Obama for some time to come.

Maybe if it gets bad enough he will show that Birth Certificate so that he does not have to take office…

Chicago Tribune

Big Dog

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