If Obama Was White The Blacks Would Be Marching

Congressional Black Caucus Chairman, Representative Emanuel Cleaver, said that if Obama was a white guy the CBC would likely be marching on the White House. Cleaver couched his racism by claiming that the CBC reaction is less volatile because they don’t want to do anything to empower people who hate Obama.

Unhappy members of the Congressional Black Caucus “probably would be marching on the White House” if Obama were not president, according to CBC Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.).

“If [former President] Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House,” Cleaver told “The Miami Herald” in comments published Sunday. “There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president.” The Hill

Cleaver gives the impression that he and his CBC are not doing anything because there are people who hate Obama and his underlying message (let’s call it black code) is that racists want to hurt Obama and the CBC does not want to help with that.

The violence comes from the deranged (and racist) left. They are the ones out biting off fingers and shooting members of Congress. They are the ones who have assassinated or attempted to assassinate US presidents so Cleaver, while playing the veiled (black code) race card is actually worried about a deranged liberal doing something bad.

He openly admits that he would not be worried about people who hated Bill Clinton. If Clinton were president then Cleaver would be marching on the White House and would not care about people who hated ole Bill (this gives credence to the claim it is a veiled message about racism).

The left never worried about what it did and how it would affect George Bush. The left was happy when Bush was threatened or there was a chance he would be hurt. The left openly carried signs calling for his assassination and the left made a movie that depicted Bush being assassinated.

And yet, it is the right who is called violent…

The CBC has a bunch of racists as members. If, given similar circumstances, they would march on a white president but not on a black one then they are racists.

Keep in mind, this group (along with its race baiting liberal followers) tells us that the TEA Party is a racist organization because it sprung up during a black man’s tenure and not a white man’s. These people will claim that opposition to big government and out of control spending is racist because Obama is black and Bush received no such criticism (a blatant lie).

Yes, it is racist to criticize Obama because he is black but it is not racist to state that you would be marching on a white president if he had the same record as the black one.

What should we expect from an organization that is racist in its own formation? It is the black caucus (white people are not allowed to join it) and there is no Congressional White Caucus (if there was the blacks, especially those in the CBC, would call it racist).

Let us recap. Emanuel Cleaver, the leader of the Congressional Black Caucus, has stated that if a white guy was president the CBC would likely be marching on the White House because of the current conditions but since a black guy is there they won’t do it. The idea of marching on the White House is an admission that the current occupant is doing a poor job but since he is black he should not be held to the same standard as any white guy who holds the office. When conditions are bad march on the white guy but not the black guy.

Different standards for the same job.

Yep, Obama is the affirmative action president.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Puts Toes In The Water

Barack Obama was speaking to the racist group the National Council of La Raza about immigration reform. The group basically wants open borders and unlimited free entry into this country as well as amnesty for those here illegally. Obama is more than willing to oblige but told them he needs a dance partner. What that means is he wants Republicans to get on board so he will have political cover.

Obama told the group that the idea of doing things on his own is very tempting, and not just with immigration reform. He then went on to say that this is not how our Democracy works. But was that statement his attempt to test the waters?

Obama has already loosened immigration law enforcement by Executive Order so what does he want to do on his own?

Perhaps he is releasing a trial balloon with regard to the debt limit talks. The idea has been floated by Obama’s henchmen that he should invoke the 14th Amendment and bypass Congress in order to take on more debt. Even Slick Willy Clinton thinks Obama should do that and Bernie Sanders thinks so as well and says they can worry about the courts later.

Here are supposed leaders in this country discussing ways to subvert the Constitution and do what they want knowing that the damage will be done long before the courts ever decide the issue. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube and they know it. They can get slapped by the courts and yell “my bad” but they will have gotten away with it.

Or will they? Obama might be testing the waters to see if there would be much opposition to going it alone. As stated, he has already loosened immigration laws, not to the satisfaction of La Raza, but he has done an end run around Congress. The sad thing is that Congress seems willing to sit by and let him.

However, there is one thing the courts can’t weigh in on and that is impeachment. If Obama tries to invoke the 14th Amendment then Congress should draw up articles of impeachment.

The 14th Amendment does not give any president the authority to borrow money. The Constitution is clear that this is the responsibility of Congress.

He might have been speaking out of frustration but with this guy one has to be careful because he is one who thinks the Constitution is too limiting. He does not like it and he is willing to ignore it (see Obamacare).

So go ahead Mr. Obama, test those waters and see how things pan out. Perhaps all your supporters will be behind you. Hell, you already have Clinton in your corner and the liberals all love him.

But keep in mind that if you do anything on your own Congress might just show its teeth with impeachment proceedings.

And that is something the courts can’t help you with.

Of course the Senate would probably save him but the courts and the Senate won’t be able to stop the folks with their pitchforks and torches…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Reality To Joe Klein, Where Are You On This Sedition?

Joe Klein of Time was on the Chris Matthews Show recently and stated that Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin used words that were close to seditious.

“I did a little bit of research just before this show – it’s on this little napkin here. I looked up the definition of sedition which is conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of the state. And a lot of these statements, especially the ones coming from people like Glenn Beck and to a certain extent Sarah Palin, rub right up close to being seditious.” News Busters

1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
2. any action, esp. in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
3. Archaic. rebellious disorder.[/note]

Neither Klein nor any other liberal who writes definitions on cocktail napkins after downing their fifth martini can show in any way shape or form how either of these two (and for that matter, Rush Limbaugh who was later added) have used language that incites rebellion or where any of them have called for insurrection. Beck goes out of his way to discuss peaceful means to take back control of the country and neither Palin nor Limbaugh have called for any kind of rebellion against government.

However, Klein should take a look at this video of a UCLA professor who absolutely goes nuts about America. This nimrod discusses taking over America, moving us toward Socialism and extols the virtues of the great leader Fidel Castro. He also holds Hugo Chavez and Che Guevara, among others, in high regard.

This person is a member of La Raza and claims that the land he is standing on (I think in LA) is occupied Mexican territory. He discusses how he and others like him are revolutionaries and how they will take the place over.

This, Mr. Klein, is sedition. You might need more than five martinis to write it down on your napkin because it involves a person who you liberal morons perceive as part of the protected class here in America but make no mistake, this professor is an enemy of this country.

In fact, all of the people who believe as he does and who want to follow him in taking over America are our enemies.

This includes the racist organization La Raza. That organization and people like this professor should be charged with sedition. This guy and his followers are a danger to this country and should be sent back to where they came from. They should be stripped of their citizenship (assuming they are citizens) and sent packing.

This guy and his peeps might think they can waltz in and take the place over but we will not stand for this. Arizona has already made it difficult for those who have no respect for our country and the rest of us will be awaiting the Che following morons with dry powder.

The only revolution you guys will see is the one that kicks your rear ends out of this great nation.

So, to quote Sylvester Stallone in one of his Rocky Movies, Go for it.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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As If They Were Not Already Doing This

There is a group, Crash The Party, that is publicly announcing that it wants to crash TEA Parties and exaggerate the stereotype the MSM has painted for the group. The group wants to infiltrate and make the TEA Party look “more” racist and “more” ignorant.

This group is acting like this is new. Plenty of Democrat/liberal/progressive operatives have been in the TEA Party protests and have acted ignorant to portray the Party as bad. This has been going on for quite some time because the left knows that if a person screams a bad word or shows up with a racist sign, the MSM will say that this is a Party member and paint the entire party as having the same views.

Remember, it was the left that beat up a black TEA Party member and called him the N word. This was basically ignored by the MSM. It was actual violence and actual racism and it was ignored because the left’s goons in SEIU were the ones doing it. When TEA Party members started legally carrying firearms to the events the physical attacks stopped. The attacks by media did not as those with guns were called racists. The MSM cropped out the person carrying a gun to show the world the racist there.

Turns out he was a black guy…

This propaganda from state run media is what we are up against with this regime in office.

So Crash The Party can act like it is doing something new but the left and its sock puppets in the media have been doing this all along.

But now there is proof that people are doing it.

How convenient. From now on, any ignorant stuff at a TEA Party event can be blamed on a Crash The Party member. Just say it was one of those guys.

It has been one of those types all along but now we have it in writing.

I wonder if stimulus money from the regime was used to fund the group or if it came from their lord and master, George Soros…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Racism in The Justice Department

It’s true, but this time it isn’t Whitey who’s letting people have a pass on hating, but the three Black Panther wannabes who were intimidating voters at a polling place back on November 4. Now, the Hussein administration, in the form of the Justice Department, has dismissed the charges against the three Blacks who were hurling racial insults, and wielding a weapon, in clear violation of the Voting Rights Act. Justice dismissed the charges even after the men were convicted, vacating the conviction, but failing to adequately explain the reasons why.

The department’s career lawyers in the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division who pursued the complaint for five months had recommended that Justice seek sanctions against the party and three of its members after the government had already won a default judgment in federal court against the men.

Front-line lawyers were in the final stages of completing that work when they were unexpectedly told by their superiors in late April to seek a delay after a meeting between political appointees and career supervisors, according to federal records and interviews.

The delay was ordered by then-acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King after she discussed with Mr. Perrelli concerns about the case during one of their regular review meetings, according to the interviews.

Ms. King, a career senior executive service official, had been named by President Obama in January to temporarily fill the vacant political position of assistant attorney general for civil rights while a permanent choice could be made.


This is egregious- if the situation were reversed, you can be sure that the NAACP, and every other black group would be howling in outrage, but as we all know, these people are not for equal rights, just favoritism for their race. Hypocrisy rules the day. I guess, to them, two wrongs really do equal a right. What color is Mz. King? Should it matter? Of course not, but in light of this ridiculous decision, we might be excused for asking.

While the Obama administration has vowed a new era of openness, department officials have refused to answer questions from Republican members of Congress on why the case was dismissed, claiming the information was “privileged, according to congressional correspondence with the department.

Rep. Frank R. Wolf, Virginia Republican and a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee who has raised questions about the case, said he also was prevented from interviewing the front-line lawyers who brought the charges.

“Why am I being prevented from meeting with the trial team on this case? Mr. Wolf asked. “There are many questions that need to be answered. This whole thing just stinks to high heaven.”

Ms. Schmaler said the department has tried to cooperate with Congress. “The Department responded to an earlier letter from Congressman Wolf in an effort to address his questions. Following that letter, the Department agreed to a meeting with Congressman Wolf and career attorneys, in which they made a good-faith effort to respond to his inquiries about this case. We will continue to try to clear up any confusion Congressman Wolf has about this case.

Ms. King and a deputy are expected to travel to Capitol Hill on Thursday to meet behind closed doors with House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr., Michigan Democrat, and Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the panel, to discuss continuing concerns about the case.


Oh great- John Conyers, the man who refused to investigate ACORN- do we really believe anything will be done on this? One would have to believe in “Ethics Fairies”, who would sprinkle dust on Rep. Conyers, who would then suddenly turn about and become honest, and would in good faith investigate this voter intimidation case. That’s not gonna happen, I can guarantee you.

Mr. Perrelli, a prominent private practice attorney, served previously as a counsel to Attorney General Janet Reno in the Clinton administration and was an Obama supporter who raised more than $500,000 for the Democrat candidate in the 2008 elections. He authorized a delay to give department officials more time to decide what to do, said officials familiar with the case but not authorized to discuss it publicly. He eventually approved the decision to drop charges against three of the four defendants, they said.

At issue was what, if any, punishment to seek against the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP) and three of its members accused in a Jan. 7 civil complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia.

Two NBPP members, wearing black berets, black combat boots, black dress shirts and black jackets with military-style markings, were charged in a civil complaint with intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place, including brandishing a 2-foot-long nightstick and issuing racial threats and racial insults. Authorities said a third NBPP member “managed, directed and endorsed the behavior.


Mr. Perrilli, by the way, is the #3 guy in the Justice Department, and the question becomes what did #1, or #2 in the Justice Department tell Mr. Perrilli? Especially in light of the default judgement that was rendered when these scumbags didn’t show- I guess that they felt that nothing would happen to them, since a Black man was in the White House.

It looks like they were right.


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