Why Not Just End The Bush Tax Cuts?

In the last decade or so since the “Bush Tax Cuts” were enacted the Democrats and their media wing have portrayed those cuts as tax cuts for the rich. During the campaigns and throughout the years whenever there was a debate about the budget and the deficit the Democrats would say that George Bush gave tax cuts to the rich and that those tax cuts for the rich were hurting the economy.

I, as well as many others, tried to explain that the Bush Cuts helped the middle class and the poor much more than the rich. The rich ended up with more of the burden as the middle class and poor had their taxes lowered by much greater percentages and that the cuts ended up increasing revenue to the Treasury. This is not a matter for debate here and anyone who is willing to invest time can look at the government’s own numbers to see that it is true.

[note]The reason that tax cuts end up costing us more is not because of a decrease in revenue. It is always because politicians spend even more when revenues increase.[/note]

The bottom line is that Democrats always rejected the idea that the Tax Cuts helped those who are not rich. No, they were ALWAYS Bush’s tax cuts for the rich. Listen to any debate and read any transcript and you will see how these tax cuts were defined by the left. For the rich, period…

So if these tax cuts were only for the rich and since Obama and the Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich, why not just let the tax cuts expire and the net effect will be a tax increase on the rich?

Sounds perfectly logical since the tax cuts were ONLY (according to the left of years gone by) for the rich, letting them expire will only affect the rich.

Except it won’t. You see, the Democrats are now forced to admit that the Bush Tax Cuts were not tax cuts solely for the rich and that they were for everyone across the board. Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to remove the wealthy from any extension of the cuts thereby preserving the part that applies to those who are not rich.

You see, if they had been honest back then they might have credibility now but they were not. They played their second favorite game of class warfare (first favorite is using the race card) in order to demonize George Bush and the rest of the Republicans as the party of rich people.

By now recognizing and fighting for the tax cuts that apply to those who are not rich the left has admitted that they were wrong. It has admitted that the Republicans cut taxes for everyone and it has admitted that they were lying in order to win.

If what they said in the past was actually true they would just let the taxes expire but they can’t.

They are caught up in their web of lies regarding taxes and tax cuts.

The Democrats have shown us that they are lairs and that they cannot be trusted with regard to this issue (or any other for that matter) so why should we even listen to what they have to say on the matter?

They lied then and because they did those who are not wealthy are about to see a huge increase in their taxes.

And please, don’t let some liberal tell you that they always meant the part that applied to the rich. They never acknowledged any tax cuts for those who were not rich and always portrayed the cuts as cuts for the rich. They don’t get to change that now just because they got caught up in their lies.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Did Not Ask For An Argument

No, he picked a fight…

Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) gave a Royal Proclamation yesterday in announcing that his monarchy would no longer follow the law and instead would do what it wanted. He proclaimed that illegal children who were brought here by their parents would not be deported but would instead be given a legal status, be allowed to attend college, and be given a work permit. It must be a Royal Proclamation because he has now done what he once said he did not have the power to do, thus he has become a dictator…

[note]My friend Kender MacGowan points out Legal status=legal residence=legal driver’s license=motor voter registration=illegals voting in elections…[/note]

Obama violated the US Constitution with his decree because Article II Section 3 clearly states:

“…he [president] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…”

The law says if an illegal is captured he is to be processed and deported. Obama changed that with his Royal Proclamation and that is a violation of the Constitution, period…

The big uproar happened when a reporter interrupted Obama to ask a question. Obama got testy, wagged his finger and acted like a petulant child. I would agree that it was rude to interrupt with the question but the reporter later explained that he thought Obama had finished or was wrapping up and wanted to get his question in before he turned and went back into the White House. As it turns out, Obama addressed the question as he wrapped up but did not take any other questions.

No matter what the cause or who was wrong the typical liberal morons were out in full force decrying the interruption and they all blamed it on one thing, wait for it, yup, racism. Obama was interrupted and a question yelled at him while he was speaking because he is black and the right is full of racists.

The left is playing a game with this one. The liberal media are saying that the leaders of the right have not denounced the reporter and therefore are saying it was OK. This is nothing more than them trying to get one of the leaders to capitulate like McCain would and say it was wrong. By doing so they can continue to press their narrative and take the light away from Obama’s unconstitutional move. They can also push their narrative that it is based on race.

Tucker Carlson pointed out that Sam Donaldson was not admonished for his “heckling” Ronald Reagan. Yes, heckling is the word that the left has given to describe a reporter asking a question so Carlson had to describe it that way. Donaldson took issue with the description and pushed the narrative that it was because Obama is black.

Once again, I do not know if what took place was proper but I know the guy who did it said he mistimed his question thinking Obama was wrapping up (similar to what Donaldson said he used to do), so I will reserve judgement other than to say if he did it on purpose it was rude and if not he made a mistake so move on.

My purpose is twofold. One it is to point out that Obama is usurping the Constitution with his illegal amnesty (and face it, that is what it is).

The second is to point out that the left can’t help but play the race card whenever anything happens to poor little Barry Obama. It never occurred to them to look into the unconstitutional act that Obama is engaging in because they are too blinded by race to do their jobs objectively.

Let me help them. Obama’s race has nothing to do with the fact that he sucks.

He sucks because he is a Socialist who is pandering for votes and he refuses to follow the Constitution while he leads the country down the path to destruction.

But the narrative has been set and the left will continue to drivel on as to how this never happened to any other president. But, since Sam Donaldson was mentioned, this exchange took place between him and George W. Bush:

On August 2, 2006, during the last White House Press conference in the briefing room before undergoing major renovations, Donaldson shouted, “Mr. President, should Mel Gibson be forgiven?”, referencing reports of the actor/producer’s alleged anti-Semitic remarks. President Bush laughed and looked up to see who had asked the question. Bush joked, “Is that Sam Donaldson? Forget it…you’re a ‘has-been’! We don’t have to answer has-beens’ questions.” Donaldson replied, “Better to have been a has-been than a never was.” Wikipedia

Was Sam Donaldson a hater because of this? Did he treat Bush this way because he is white? That same behavior toward Obama would have Donaldson labeled a racist…

We also know that a foreign reporter threw two shoes at George Bush (which Bush successfully dodged) and the left did not condemn those acts. I know they have no control over how foreign reporters act but couldn’t they at least condemn the act? Some blamed Bush and said he failed to see why it happened.

Did anyone blame Obama for the ill timed question shouted by Neil Munro of the Daily Caller? Did anyone claim that Obama was out of touch and that he did not understand the frustration of the majority that opposes what he did with illegals in this country? Did anyone blame Obama for anything?

No, because he is not Bush and because he is a liberal.

And because he is a “black”* man.

Yes, it is the left that is racist here because the left always looks at things through the prism of color. The left blames Obama’s failures on the alleged racists who can’t come to grips with his color. The left is obsessed with making race an issue where it should not be.

The right does not care what color he is. The right is concerned with his polices, policies that are destroying our country.

And his blanket amnesty that usurps the Constitution is one such policy in a long line of them.

*Barack Obama is half black and half white but to the race baiters his white half never figures in the equation. In fact, give his Communist background I think it is fair to say that Obama is black and white and red all over….

Will this act by Obama lead to a Constitutional crisis?

Revolutionary Times?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bill Clinton Knows What He Is Doing

There is a lot of buzz about what Bill Clinton (the Nation’s first black president) has been saying because what he says is the opposite of what Obama wants to do. Obama wants to end the Bush tax cuts and he wants to portray Mitt Romney as a vulture who wrecked businesses.

Bill Clinton said that the tax cuts should be extended at least into next year and that Romney was a sterling business guy who passes the needed qualifications to be president (which he did according to the Constitution no matter what his record was).

Clinton was called into the Corey Booker (who is now dead to the Obama campaign) woodshed where he was reeducated by the Obama brown shirts and he readjusted what he said. He now says that the rich should pay more and that he did not realize he was going off message.

Clinton is not stupid. He might be dialing it back to look like he is on board with the program but he already did the damage he intended to do. You see, Clinton is not happy with Obama and wants him to lose. Clinton believed his wife would have been a better president (I think she would have been better than Obama as well) and should have won the nomination. He now knows that Obama is a hack who is ruining the country but Clinton can’t very well come right out and say that or the Democrats will disown him (even though a lot of them probably feel the same way). To top it off, Clinton has never forgotten that Obama played the race card on him.

There is no doubt that Clinton wants him to lose.

So Clinton goes out and says things that are damaging to Obama and then feigns ignorance and “changes” his tune. But Clinton did the damage. He gave the Romney folks great soundbites to use against the messiah. When ads play about Romney’s time at Bain then Romney can have ads using Clinton’s words about Romney having a sterling business record. They can add in Booker’s words and really kill the Obama message.

An ad with Clinton talking about how the tax cuts should be extended will play well in the fight over the next debt ceiling issue (if it hits before the election) and it will play well as a Romney ad.

Clinton is a skilled politician. He knows you cannot unring a bell and that he has provided the needed soundbites to help defeat Obama.

He is on a stealth mission to unseat the man who insulted him and who beat his wife.

And so far, he is doing a good job of it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Is Race Always The Excuse For Failure?

Even though Barack Obama secretly flew to the Osama bin Laden compound, fast roped into it, fought his way to the room housing the terrorist before shooting him and then flew back to America in time to clean up and make a national speech about his heroics, he is struggling.

An inmate took a lot of votes in the West Virginia primary, a relatively unknown Democrat in Arkansas gave Obama a run for his money (of which he spent a lot) and in Kentucky “uncommitted” received a lot of votes. In other words, Obama is not showing well in some states. If his policies and his performance were actually good he would be mopping the floor with any challengers. Actually, he would not likely have any challengers in the first place.

But Obama has lost jobs, unemployment has remained high, he has added to the deficit and the debt, he has failed to close Gitmo, he passed Obamacare against the wishes of a majority of the country and he “evolved” to a position of supporting gay marriage. All these things are not sitting well and far too many Americans are out of work and the economy is in a mess.

So Obama is not doing well.

While I clearly indicated why Obama is having difficulty, many Democrats see a different reason for these problems. It is racism.

Yep, the Democrats think that Obama did poorly in these places because white Democrats in these hayseed states don’t like a black guy running the store. They don’t consider that these folks might be dissatisfied with Obama’s job performance because they think he is doing just fine so the only explanation MUST be that they are racists.

The same group that ignores the New Black Panther Party, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the other racists and race hustlers concludes that white Democrats in certain states are not voting for Obama because they are racists. The idea that these Democrats might be a bit more conservative and are not on board with the far left liberal platform of Obama will not cross their minds because they are unable to comprehend Democrats who do not toe the party line and follow the Messiah like good Democrats should.

Are there racists? Yes (and in both parties) but if racism was that bad Obama would never have won.

This is not new. The linked article leads one to believe that Obama lost these same areas to Hillary in the primary because they must be racist. Perhaps the Democrats in those areas actually knew Hillary Clinton had more experience and leadership potential than Obama who never held a real job. It would appear that these folks were right as Obama has been out of his league since he won in 2008.

I am tired of racism being the excuse for failure. There are plenty of reasons that Obama is doing poorly not one of which is racism.

This group only knows the blame game. Obama blames Bush and his minions blame racism.

And my friends, this is not leadership…

The Hill

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Show Me The Racism – Kender’s Musings

After a five day excursion into the complex tax codes of this country I am back on board and wish to share this piece from my friend Kender MacGowan at Kender’s Musings:

Show Me The Racism

Racism: noun; a belief that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior. Source

I have been thinking a lot about John Derbyshire’s Taki column that got him booted from National Review. I’ve also been having some conversations on the column and race in America, both in person and via the Internet. In this time when screaming “racism” at every turn as a means to stifle one’s opponent has become commonplace, my rule of thumb is to demand that the accusers “Show Me The Racism.”

While Derbyshire’s column was not pleasing in tone, there was nothing that was clearly of a racist nature and only a very little that could be spun and “interpreted” to be so. The one argument Derbyshire makes that seems to be causing the greatest uproar is his recognition that Blacks tend to score lower on IQ tests than people of other cultures in America. The uproar appears to be over the sensitivity that people have to the notion that to speak the truth about these scores might encourage bigots to conclude that these low IQ scores are a product of Black peoples’ mental inferiority.

But that is not what Derbyshire said. Ignoring or obfuscating the facts in order to prevent bigots from using the facts in an inappropriate manner neither serves the truth nor does Derbyshire’s refusal to do so in any way make him a racist. Nowhere did it advocate being racist. People are naturally sensitive to marking an entire group of people not as smart as another group of people, yet no whites that I have heard of are complaining about Derbyshire’s pointing out the fact that Asians, as a group, score higher than whites on those same IQ tests. The fact that Asians DO score higher than whites, on average, points out that the tests are not culturally biased, or if they are they must be culturally biased in favor of Asians.

Where Derbyshire went wrong is in not mentioning that the most likely reason for the IQ test score averages are cultural. The sad fact is that the black community does not put a high priority on education, as evidenced by any number of objective statistics not least of them the high drop out rate in the African-American community. Few deny that Asian-Americans score unusually high on similar aptitude tests and fewer still ascribe it to traits inherent to their race or skin color.

I defy anyone to show me the racism in Derbyshire’s column, or even a single lie or an instance of where he was dead wrong. The fact that the left threw Derbyshire under the bus is to be expected. The fact that the right did it so easily is a terrifying reality of life in America today, as it proves you are not allowed to point out uncomfortable truths. The right’s willingness to look no further than the tone and accept the charge of Derbyshire’s racism is proof positive that no matter the talk on the right about seeking the truth when it comes to being called names, and wrongly being called those names, those on the right are just as weak willed as always.

Here are perhaps the most outrageous facts from Derbyshire’s article summed up for the sake of expediency. “The mean intelligence of blacks is much lower than for whites.” While this could have been couched in more diplomatic terms, if standard IQ tests are a fair arbiter, than Derbyshire’s statement is nothing other than the reporting of an unpleasant truth. Many have also taken Derbyshire to task for writing: If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.” Given the relatively new phenomena of “Flash Mobs” and that these violent mobs have been, almost without exception, comprised almost exclusively of black youths, Derbyshire is only applying prudent advice to objective facts. The charge of “racism” could posssibly apply if Derbyshire had attempted to explain the cause of black Flash Mobs. But he didn’t. Does anyone out there deny the existence of Flash Mobs? Is the claim that these Flash Mobs are almost exclusively predominently black? So how, exactly, is being aware of and responding prudently to the facts an act of bigotry? And finally, “Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians.” This one is simply common sense. Those areas run by black politicians tend to have a high black population and statistics show, as has been mentioned, that crime is higher in an area with a higher black population. Detroit has been run by black politicians for years, and by not one standard is it considered a decent place to live. Again, there is no racism here, simply common sense.

In order to make their point, a number of the anti-Derbyshire people I’ve spoken with have engaged in intellectual dishonesty. They acknowledge the accuracy of the things the author claims, but take exception to the fact that in raw numbers it is whites who commit more crimes or drop out of school more, etc. Of course they do, there are far more of them in general. When a community of perhaps 12 percent of the population commits eighty percent of the murders the raw numbers may be lower, but clearly there’s a cultural pattern.

Of course, no discussion on racism in America would be complete without asking why the left is so ready to yell racism and shut down the dialogue. The short answer is the left has a vested interest in identity politics, of playing groups against each other and keeping Blacks on the modern plantation of welfare, food stamps and government housing. It equals control and virtually guarantees votes for the side promising to punish the rich and give to the poor.

You will notice we hear the left scream “KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER” when it comes to immigration, but the same hue and cry is singularly absent from the welfare system, where it is exceedingly hard for someone to get welfare if dad is present. Let the father leave, however, and the deadbeat dad laws kick in with program after program to help the single mother and her offspring while the state does everything in its power, up to and including taking away the father’s ability to make a living, to punish the man for leaving and not supporting those children. The schism in chasing the father away so the kids may have a roof and food is fodder for another whole series of columns, and I digress.

The racism one sees in America is not from the right in some column on a website whose very description reads:

We at Taki’s Magazine take our politics like we take life—lightly. We believe political labels such as conservative and liberal are as outdated as flared trousers and Nazis. Ideology is a false god, a secular religion that seeks vainly to create a paradise on Earth. Our only ideology is to be against the junk culture foisted upon us and mirages of a new world order. Think of us what you will, but read us. Our writers are never boring.

It is seen from the left, who push identity politics, dividing groups by various demographics, promising to punish those who have in order to reward those who don’t, and shutting down the dialogue for fear of the exposure which would surely have those most harmed by their policies running from them in droves. The left’s position on race is one of “you’re not as capable, so somebody owes you,” and THAT is racism defined.

So far nobody has been able to show me definitive proof of racism in Derbyshire’s column outside of Derbyshire’s own admittance to being a racist, albeit a mild and tolerant racist. So even though the words came from a self-proclaimed mild and tolerant racist, there was nothing wrong in his column: no lies, half-truths, fabrications or indeed anything outside of facts. In case it escapes you–and no matter what the left claims–facts are simply facts and cannot be racist.

Derbyshire’s column, instead of getting him fired and blackballed, should have opened up a dialogue on the underlying causes of those higher crime rates and lower test scores. Until we can leave the knee-jerk rhetoric behind and stop yelling “RACIST” at anyone who speaks to these issues, we will never be able to have an honest discussion on the subject and that is the saddest truth to come from this whole debacle.

I know Kender welcomes your comments either here or at his place.