Code Pink is Absolutely Right

Code Pink has been outside a Marine recruiting station in Berkeley California for some time now. They have gotten special treatment from the town government and they have been allowed to protest the Marines. They have been loud and obnoxious and they are lucky that someone has not wiped the street up with them and despite their dwindling numbers and the relative ineffectiveness of their protests, they continue on. They have themes to liven things up and add some spice to their otherwise boring lives of unemployment. They have a theme for tomorrow and for the first time I must say that Code Pink has hit the nail on the head. They are 100% correct with their theme and I actually agree with them.

Tomorrow’s theme is witches, clowns, and sirens. I can think of few other themes that would fit Code Pink and its members as accurately as this one. Those that I can come up with are not suitable for mention in polite company so these are the next best and describe these people to a tee. They are witches, they are certainly clowns and they act like sirens1 in that they would love to lead our military (and our country) to destruction by continually singing a tired old tune.

Yes America, as much as I hate to admit it I agree with Code Pink 100% and they have my complete backing with their theme for tomorrow. I could not agree more with them and I think they have finally spelled out what they really are.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Fox News

1 any of a group of female and partly human creatures in Greek mythology that lured mariners to destruction by their singing. [emphasis mine]

Big Dog

But Don’t Hang Bad Guys

Stephen King’s Mist has been made into a movie and the ending was changed. King likes the ending so much he thinks anyone who reveals it should be killed:

Frank wrote a new ending that I loved. It is the most shocking ending ever and there should be a law passed stating that anybody who reveals the last 5 minutes of this film should be hung from their neck until dead. First Showing

It is too bad these Hollywood types don’t feel the death penalty is warranted for actual criminals. They all cried about Hussein, they cried about Tookie Williams and they protest every time some murderous thug is set to be executed.

No, they will protest killing a murderer and will protest the “right” to murder an unborn child. And now, God forbid anyone discloses the ending to a King movie.

Big Dog

Toto, I Don’t Think We’re in Berkeley Anymore

Not long ago a group of anti war hags from Code Pinko vandalized a Marine recruiting station in Berkeley California. They put their anti war crap all over the outside of the place and their intent was to drive the recruiters out of that bastion of liberal stupidity. Anti war protesters from CodePINK, Grandmothers Against the War, Berkeley East Bay Gray Panthers, Women in Black as well as others ran into a little roadblock this week when groups of pro America patriots who support the troops and their mission showed up to counter the protest.

The anti war moonbats were outnumbered 2:1 and were kept far away from the recruiting station by people who support the military and its mission. About 500 people showed up to keep the moonbats at bay and to ensure they did not vandalize the station again. Of course, they could still sneak back under cover of darkness and put up their communist propaganda but the message was loud and clear, this is not your father’s Berkeley.

One of the grannies complained that she was manhandled by one of the good guys. I was not there but I have doubts about this. The good guys do not usually get physical unless they are attacked first. When I have gone with the Gathering of Eagles it is usually the peaceful people who push, shove and taunt the pro troop counter protesters. If I had to bet I would say granny tried to get past them to the recruiting office and was stopped. Here is what granny had to say:

One of the peace advocates, Sheila Goldmacher, a Berkeley woman with Grandmothers Against the War, said she was pushed and shoved by the flag-wavers. “They have a right to be here — they do not have the right to be thugs,” she said. Contra Costa Times

As I stated, I doubt she was assaulted because no one was arrested and I am sure that if the police there would have seen any abuse they would have taken care of it. In any event, let us restate granny’s words to put them back on her. Granny, you have a right to be there but you do not have the right to vandalize the recruiting station.

Any questions?

Big Dog