John Kerry Attacks David Vitter

When John Kerry was running for president he was not too happy that the Swift Boat Vets told the truth about his exploits in Vietnam. He also ignored his anti-war days and was not happy that people were bringing it up. Kerry though, has made sport of the troubles of Representative David Vitter by reading a limerick at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) fundraiser. Kerry was undoubtedly poking fun at the Republican to focus on how corrupt they are as did the rest of the Democrats in the last election. I don’t condone corrution but there is enough of it on both sides and the donks only point to the right. I also do not condone what Vitter did but that is between him and his wife. Before all the Clinton lovers attack me, Vitter did not have sex in his office (he was not in office at the time) and he disclosed it as soon as there was evidence. Even Clinton had to fess up once there was evidence. Up until the blue dress appeared Clinton and his mafia tried to make Monica look like a stalker and a liar. When she produced that dress that Clinton had, well let’s just say left his mark on, he had to fess up. Interestingly, Kerry voted no on impeachment and dismissed what Clinton did. In the spirit of the same kind of fun Kerry likes to poke, I have a few limericks myself. I invite you to add your own in the comments section. Remember, the commenting rules when being creative.

Here was Kerry’s (The Hill):

There once was a man named Vitter
Who vowed that he wasn’t a quitter
But with stories of women
And all of his sinnin’
He knows his career’s in the — oh, never mind

We know what the last word would have been…

Mine for Clinton:

Clinton was not hard to please
Monica just got on her knees
But he made a mess
Of her pretty blue dress
And Kerry dismissed it with ease

And now one for Kerry:

There once was a man named Kerry
Played football just like a fairy
I’ll be president he gloated
Then he got Swift Boated
Which averted something real scary

Bush Misled Us Into Iraq

We have heard the countless stories of Democrats who have told us that they were misled into voting for the war in Iraq. They said that they did not see all the intelligence or that it was manipulated. I believe this is nothing more than a lack of leadership ability on their parts in that they are not man or woman enough to take responsibility for their own acts. They have called the President a liar and they are using the war as a political tool in order to get Democrats elected, security be damned. More pathetically, they are using our troops as pawns and they do not care if we lose the war so long as they win. I have stated many times that if they spent as much effort trying to win this war as they do trying to win elections we would be done and the troops would be home by now. A forum called Conserva Babes has a lot of quotes from those hapless politicians and it includes the following video. This has been around a bit but it deserves being reintroduced because of the words coming out of certain people in leadership positions and those running for the White House.

Many thanks to the Conserva Babes (link to printed quotes including some by that liar Joe Wilson).

Big Dog

This is the Problem with Liberalism

Michael Moore is holding an auction. He is auctioning off himself and the deal is the “winner” gets to have him come to his home and do his laundry. Moore wants to have some Republican pay money so he will come wash laundry. The promo says:

The “Take a Republican to See ‘SiCKO” contest states: “Can you imagine someone from the government coming to your home to help you with the laundry? Well, they do it in France and if you enter the contest this weekend you will have the chance to win the same treatment for a Republican friend of yours from Michael Moore himself!” Baltimore Examiner

I don’t need someone from the government to do my laundry regardless of what they do in France. That is the problem in this country, people rely on the government for too much. Michael’s contest makes it sound as if it is a good thing for a member of the government to come wash your clothes and it must be good because they do it in France. No, it is not good. People should do things for themselves and have as little government intrusion as possible.

We have a welfare class in this country right now because people have become so dependent on government they are unable to do for themselves. They have gotten to the point where they are owed or it is their right. Lump it in with their right to health care and anything else the government (ie the taxpayer) can fork over so long as they get what is rightfully theirs as designated by the government.

I would not have Michael Moore in my house for any reason at all. I do not like him and I certainly do not need him washing my clothes. I have managed this long and I think I will get along just fine without his “help.” Though it might be fun to film it and manipulate the film into something misleading and then call it a documentary.

After all, if he is going to be doing my job I might as well do his…

Big Dog

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Sometimes unrelated trackbacks to Outside the Beltway, Blog @, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, DeMediacratic Nation, guerrilla radio, Stuck On Stupid, Webloggin, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, third world county, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Planck’s Constant, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Public Eye, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Maryland wants to be a Progressive (tax) State

The state of Maryland has a flat tax rate in that everyone pays the same tax rate on any income over $3000. The flat tax rate for the state has been in effect for some time with the only fluctuation being in local taxes, a measure from long ago that sucks more money from the wallets of wage earners. Maryland’s new governor, Saint Martin O’Malley, wants to change the way people in this state are taxed so that people will pay their fair share. In O’Malley’s world, fair share means rich people pay a lot more than poor people and Marty wants to accomplish this by implementing a progressive tax system.

It is a fact that the wealthy already pay the largest amount, or shoulder the biggest burden, of taxes in this country. While many will make the argument that the poor pay more in things like tobacco taxes (because they are more likely to use tobacco products) this is a specious argument because tobacco use is a voluntary behavior. Mandatory taxes, as through income tax, is not something anyone can control. The bottom two quintiles of wage earners receive more government (read tax money) than the top three quintiles. In fact, the bottom two use much more in taxes than they pay in and in fact use more in raw dollars than the rich.

O’Malley and his Democratic henchmen in Maryland have spent the state into a financial abyss. There is a huge black hole of mandated programs without funding sources which has created a structural deficit. The money has to be made up somehow and the governor will start off with a progressive tax on income. There is no doubt that there will be an increase in the sales tax, gasoline tax, and a tax on services (except the services of lawyers because the legislature is made up of ambulance chasers). The progressive tax will force higher wage earners to fork over more money so that it can be redistributed to those who make less and consume more. This, of course, is socialism 101 and Saint Martin seems to be at the head of the class when it comes to income redistribution and the defeat of capitalism.

Taxes stagnate the economy and will hurt Maryland in the long run. This is especially true because the Democratically controlled legislature loves to spend money like there is no tomorrow. The only good that will come out of this is that the progressive tax will hurt Howard and Montgomery counties, Maryland’s two wealthiest. They also happen to be heavily populated with Democrats who were on the O’Malley bandwagon when he ran for office.

I can think of nothing sweeter than those rich Liberals getting socked in their wallets by the very man they voted into office. While I personally hope it makes life miserable for them I know that the reality is this progressive tax scheme will hurt every tax payer who earns a decent living. The state will attempt to balance the books off the backs of the wealthier citizens while giving away billions in tax dollars to welfare mothers addicted to crack and ILLEGAL immigrants who are here to do the jobs welfare mothers on crack won’t.

I have an idea. How about if the state of Maryland cuts unnecessary spending and gets a handle on what is going out and where it is going? How about the idea of not making a program without a way to pay for it?

Nah, that would require responsible leaders and the politicians in Maryland have shown they are not responsible and it is evident they are not leaders.

Tax Foundation Special Report (pdf)

Big Dog

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Sometimes unrelated trackbacks to Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Is It Just Me?, 123beta, DeMediacratic Nation, Maggie’s Notebook, Adam’s Blog, Shadowscope, Webloggin,, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, , Conservative Cat, Right Celebrity, Stageleft, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Nuke’s news and views, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, Dumb Ox Daily News, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Dems Trying to Act Tough

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is making the Senate stay in session all night so he can try to force Republicans to end a filibuster of their surrender bill that would bring our troops home in disgrace. I guess Harry thinks that this little stunt (yes I said it too) will sway the Republicans. I doubt it. He will only hurt Hillary Rodham and B. Hussein Obama who probably have to jet off for a fund raiser…

Interestingly, The Politico has some information that shows the Democrats are exhibiting a bit of hypocrisy and they are getting a taste of their own medicine:

The Democratic memo includes this just-add-water message template for Democratic senators to propagate: “President Bush has proven beyond any doubt that he won’t listen to the Congress or the American people unless he is forced to. While some Senate Republicans might not want to change course in Iraq, it does not gives them the right to block an up or down vote on legislation supported by a majority of the Congress and the American people.” [emphasis mine]

First things first. It is not the will of the American people. No one has said they want us to leave if it means losing. Everyone wants the troops to come home. The right, and a great deal of this country, want that to be when they win. The left wants it to be in defeat. The Democrats have deluded themselves into believing that they won the majority because of the war. While the handling of the war had something to do with it, the reason Republicans lost is because they became like Democrats. They were spending money, courting lobbyists and their corruption was the focus of the left (who actually tried to hide its own). Democrats had no plan, they hid what they wanted to do and now that they are in power they are trying to surrender. This will be their undoing. The Democrats promised to wait until September to decide but, as someone who commented here said, they can not wait because the report might be good. If it is good for America the Democrats do not like it.

Secondly, what is all this crap about an up or down vote? When the President nominated judges the then minority Democrats did not mind blocking those appointments. They routinely threatened to use the filibuster for things they did not like and shunned the idea of an up or down vote. Let me address Harry Reid and his band of idiots directly: Screw everyone of you. I don’t care how you pander to the idiots on in the anti war movement, we can not surrender. If we do surrender I pray we are not attacked again, but if we are, the attack should take out your families (and you cut and run cowards) and leaves those of us who care about this country alone.

Sometimes I think we would have been better off in this battle if that plane had hit the Capitol.