Democrats; Terrorist Approved

At the Gathering of Eagles in DC this weekend one of our folks had a sign that read “Who would the terrorists vote for?” This is a poignant question because the people who the terrorists would support are definitely not the ones that we want running this country. The left in America is hell bent on allowing the enemies of the west to determine our fate. The left panders to them as evidenced by Pelosi and Kucinich visiting Syria and attempting to undermine our position on the war on terror. People like this who go to our enemy’s countries and call the war illegal or talk badly about our president harm this country. This appears to be a defect coded in liberal DNA because the left’s history demonstrates time and again that they will talk badly about the US while visiting other countries, particularly our enemies. Clinton in Russia and Kerry in Vietnam coupled with today’s traitors are examples of the lengths these people will go to in order to bring defeat upon us.

World Net Daily has an article up that spells this out very clearly. The terrorists look at Cindy Sheehan as a beacon of light for their cause. Her position (which is the position of many on that side) gives hope to the enemy that the US will change its Mid East policies. The enemy is enamored with Sheehan’s words because they are the same words the enemy uses. They are words against our Republic and our way of life and they are damaging to this country. If this were the 1940s and Sheehan were around spouting off and Hitler found hope in her words, how many Americans would be happy about it?

Sheehan, of course, is off her rocker. She has gone mental and she follows all the voices in her head (that must sound remarkably like the Democrats leading this country). She was their useful idiot so after they won they distanced themselves from her and the promises they made and that she believed. The Democrats do want to end this war but not with a victory and not because they think we won. They want it to end because it is a political liability to them. They know that if this war is still in progress, if they take office in 2009, they can not end it or the defeat will come on their watch. They want it to end now, with defeat so that they can use the defeat as political fodder for their quests for power. They know, and make no mistake about it, that if they win they will have to keep troops in Iraq and that is why they want it done now. They do not care about the troops that have died, they do not care about the Iraqis who have died and they do not care about being in the middle of a so-called civil war. They only worry about the effect of this war on their chances of election. It is a double edged sword because people like Hillary have promised that id the president does not bring the troops home, she will when she is president.

Big words but like her hubby’s, these are calculated. He promised a middle class tax cut and then when elected he said that he was now able to look at everything and there are things that show he could not keep that promise. She will do the same, assuming she wins. She will get in there and say that after being able to look at the big picture she is unable to bring the troops home. That will be that and she will not care because she will be in office, the only goal she has. However, it will cost Democrats if they fail to bring troops home after winning the White House, as they promised. The reason they want it ended now is because they believe that it will help them win but if it is still going on after a win it will cost them because they know they will not be able to end it.

Cindy Sheehan and her ilk are useful idiots. They (and she in particular) were useful idiots to get the Democrats elected and now they are useful idiots for the terrorists. We need to ask ourselves who we want running this country, those who the terrorists despise or those with whom the terrorists agree. It is a simple choice for me.

I know there are many who believe the tired protest slogans from the 60s but, as one sign read at the rally, We gave peace a chance and we got 9/11.

The Democratic Party, terrorist approved.

Big Dog

BTW, I forgot the obligatory “Cindy Sheehan’s son died in Iraq” clause that the MSM uses. I feel sorry for him because he had to carry her DNA.

Big Dog Salute to Raven for sending the article.

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General Petraeus Draws Moonbats to DC

In watching the report of General Petraeus one things strikes me about the two sides with regard to this war. The people who oppose this war were at the hearing and they stood up screaming and interrupting the process. All those who were disruptive were removed and those who remained were told they would be prosecuted if they disrupted the proceedings.

Congressman Ike Skelton, a Democrat, has been fair with regard to his treatment of the General and the Ambassador and he has been no nonsense with regard to handling those who oppose the war by disrupting this hearing. I appreciate this guy and the way he has approached this process.

I also note that those who disrupted the process were all anti war people like the two nut jobs who represented Code Pink. The gathering of Eagles has thousands of people in DC for this hearing and none of them have been escorted from the building and none would have even if the General stated that we needed to come home yesterday. That is the difference between those who have served or have family members and friends who serve. We respect the process and we act like professionals.

This is not to say that we cannot mix it up with the anti war crowd if needed but there is a time and place for everything. Many, many more of us will be in DC on the 15th for Operation Eagle Justice. We will counter the moonbats who show up with their Communist propaganda and expect the world to listen to them without question.

The silent majority is silent no longer.

Eagles Up!

Big Dog

Senators Want Taxpayers to Bail Out Mortgage Problems

Christopher Dodd and Charles Schumer want the White House to take action in regards to the sinking sub-prime mortgage market. Sub-prime mortgages are ones that people who do not qualify for regular mortgages get. These mortgages are risky (as we are seeing now) and in some cases they involve people who are not very good at handling their finances and businesses that have deceptive practices. Senators Dodd and Schumer seem to think that because people did not have sense in their finances they should be bailed out.

I think it is wrong and a gross misuse of taxpayer money to bail out people or businesses (Chrysler should have been allowed to sink). The Congress has no authority to spend our money fixing the personal financial mistakes that people have made. If these folks are unable to pay their loans then they should sell their houses or they should take one of the jobs Americans are not willing to do as a second or third job to pay their bills. It is not the responsibility of the taxpayer to bail out people who cannot take care of their finances just as it is not the responsibility of the taxpayer to pay for the health care for others or to provide just about anything that people are responsible for providing for themselves.

It is a matter of personal responsibility but Dodd and Schumer are showing us once again that the Democratic Party believes it is its job to be a nanny to everyone and that people should not be held accountable for their decisions. It is indeed unfortunate that these two moronic Senators feel that the government is supposed to care for us all.

We need fewer people in government and we need 535 new ones in Congress. As for the folks who are having problems with their mortgages, take a little responsibility and work it out.

Federalist Patriot

Big Dog

CIA Held Key; Bush Told Truth, Wilson Lied

During a State of the Union Address President Bush uttered the now famous sixteen words that critics have insisted showed he exaggerated his case for going to war with Iraq. Those words; “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa” have been a focal point for those on the left who claim that Bush lied us into war. The fact is, President Bush did not say that Iraq actually had uranium, he only stated that they tried to obtain it. This information came from several intelligence agencies but it seems that in this matter only one source was considered reliable and that source was Joe Wilson.

Joe Wilson, a deeply partisan man, was recommended by his CIA agent wife for a trip to Niger to investigate the claims. Joe Wilson went to Niger, sipped some Mint Julep tea and then wrote a report stating that Iraq did not try to get uranium and that the administration lied about it. This led to a firestorm when the administration investigated Wilson after he lied by stating that the Vice President had sent him on the trip. In the process it was learned that his wife sent him and that she was an employee of the CIA. Wilson and his wife, Plame cried foul and said her supposedly covert status had been compromised, a “crime” for which no one has ever been convicted (Libby was found guilty of perjury, not outing Plame). The Washington Post had this to say about Wilson’s report:

Wilson’s central assertion — disputing President Bush’s 2003 State of the Union claim that Iraq was seeking nuclear material in Niger — has been validated by postwar weapons inspections. And his charge that the administration exaggerated the threat posed by Iraq has proved potent.

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Democrats are in Attack Mode

It was obvious from the moment that word started spreading that the troop surge was working that Democrats needed a way to defeat and lessen any good news that might come from Iraq. They have spent a lot of energy in helping the enemy and in trying to paint all things Iraq as bad. They put a lot of stake in the idea that the surge would not work and that they could then get what they wanted with regard to de-funding our troops and bringing them home. They lack the testicular fortitude to just come out and do it without a reason because then they would look weaker on national security than they already do.

Democrats agreed to the surge and agreed to let General Petraeus give a report on the effort before they took up the issue again. When the news from Iraq began to get better and it looked like the surge was working Democrats began to insist that it was not working and that they needed to do something right now, rather than wait to the agreed upon time. Since they got nowhere with that (and since they did not want to interrupt their month long vacation) they shelved it. During the time they have been out of session they, and their minions in the media, have been finding other ways to discredit the effort. They have all begun dissing the report before it has even been given. Idiots like Stolz have declared it a failure and John Kerry (he served in Vietnam) chimed in with his assertion that the surge had failed. The Democrats are in full attack mode and they need desperately to make this look like a failure no matter what because a success would be a bad thing for them. They have already publicly admitted that if the surge is a success it will be a bad thing for their party. As Rush says, if it is good for America, it is bad for the Democrats.

The Democrats have now resorted to calling the report the “Bush Report” in an effort to get their drones, like the boot lickers at the Daily Kos, chiming in unison in hopes that if it is repeated enough people will believe it. The Democrats are basically calling into question the integrity of a four star general officer in the Army, a man who knows better than any of the cut and run Democrats, how to fight an insurgency. The Democrats know no honor and when it comes to their quest for power and their desire for America to lose they will tarnish the good name of anyone, including highly decorated officers, in order to achieve their goals.

They agreed to a time line for the surge and the report and they tried to break it. They declared the surge a failure very early on in order to diminish the positive outcomes we have experienced and now they are questioning the integrity of the military officer who will deliver the report. They have no shame and they need to know our displeasure.

I will be in DC next week with the Gathering of Eagles for Operation Eagle Justice where tens of thousands of us will make our feelings known about the war and the cut and run Democrats who are determined to give our enemies a victory. We will be heard and there will be no doubt in the minds of the people in Congress that we are there and what we expect. There will also be no doubt in the minds of the anti war crowd that they no longer speak without opposition. We told them we were coming in March and then we showed them and they cowered. We showed them time and again and watched as Sheehan ran for cover and we will show them next week that we are here to stay and that they are no longer the voice of America.

I always like these events. It is fun to watch the anti war zealots walk around with their tails between their legs when they realize that they no longer have the market on demonstrations. They seem to lose their toughness when the people they deride are there face to face.

Big Dog

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Sometimes unrelated trackbacks to: Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, Right Truth, Nuke’s News & Views, Shadowscope, Webloggin, Leaning Straight Up, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Right Celebrity, Faultline USA, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, CommonSenseAmerica, High Desert Wanderer, Right Voices, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.