A Message To Convey

Josie the Outlaw has a video up with a message to police officers. It is under 8 minutes long and the message boils down to one question;

Will you, a police officer, keep or violate your oath?

Watch the video and see if you think she makes good points.

There are many good officers serving communities all over the country. Unfortunately, there are far too many who use excessive force resulting in the death of people who should not have died all to enforce unjust or minor laws.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What Happens When Legislation Is Rushed Through

By now most people know what happens when legislation is rushed through because we have the glaring example of Obamacare. Nancy Pelosi said we had to pass it to see what was in it and things come to light each day. Hell, Obama said there was nothing in Obamacare to prevent doctors from asking about guns in the home but he must not have read the thing because there is (page 2308). A section dedicated to the rights of gun owners prevents such questions and prevents establishing databases.

The state of New York enacted even tougher gun control after the tragedy at Sandy Hook. The legislation was rushed through as New York Governor Cum-o waived requirements (calling it an emergency) so it could pass and be signed quickly. The first problem is that there was no emergency that required waiving the three day legislation requirement (there were no school shooting rampages in New York) and it is obvious this was done for political reasons. Cum-o wanted to get it passed before opposing views could be presented and he wanted to sign it quickly to avoid a rush on gun purchases.

This is all about controlling people and not addressing the issue of criminals using guns illegally to do things that are against the law. Keep in mind that every time someone uses a gun to commit a crime he is already breaking a bunch of laws. The reality is that liberals want to take guns away so they can impose tyranny on the country. Unarmed people are slaves and the Democrat Party is the party of slave owners.

The problem NY faces is that the legislation was rammed through so quickly that there was no exemption on the size of magazines police officers can use. This means that police officers will be in violation of the law.

I am not opposed to that as I do not believe that the police should be allowed to have higher capacity magazines than law abiding citizens. In fact, since we all know that these laws only affect the law abiding, the criminals will be the only ones with higher capacity magazines. This is something that has not escaped the notice of the police in NY:

State Senator Eric Adams, a former NYPD Captain, told us he’s going to push for an amendment next week to exempt police officers from the high-capacity magazine ban. In his words, “You can’t give more ammo to the criminals” WABC

This statement is a direct admission that the new law will do NOTHING to prevent criminals from keeping higher capacity magazines. It is an admission that the law will only affect the law abiding. It is an admission that the goal is to disarm the law abiding and an admission that criminals do NOT obey the law.

How many NY police leaders stood with Cum-o and agreed with him? How many are OK with law abiding citizens being shackled while criminals are left untouched? How many realize that the law they want an exemption to will affect people the way they want to avoid?

This law should not be amended unless the amendment is to repeal it. The police in New York should suffer the same fate as those they are supposed to serve. There is no reason for the police to have more ammo than the average citizen when we all know the criminals will always have more and that the police will arrive afterthe crime has been committed.


Related Items:
Obama regime does not have time to enforce current law
Will the GOP cave on Second Amendment?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



How Will More Gun Laws Help?

This nation has tens of thousands of guns laws on the books and those laws have made no difference in gun crimes. Unless, of course, those laws are ones that allow freer expression of Second Amendment rights. Places with laws allowing carry of firearms have lower crime. Places like Chicago and DC, where the gun laws are the strictest, have out of control crime.

After the Aurora CO theater shootings the liberals were screaming for more gun laws. Mind you, these well intentioned liberals only want common sense gun laws and not anything that would infringe on your rights (nod, nod, wink, wink).

Faced with the reality that the theater was a no gun zone which means that a rule was in place to keep guns out, the liberals had to think of some other reason to enact these sensible laws. The shooter did not follow the rule about taking a gun in the theater (but everyone else did much to their detriment) so banning guns won’t fly. Hmm, the guy bought thousands of rounds over the internet so maybe we need to ban that. Upchuck Schumer of New York is trying that but it must be a bad idea because it was slipped into another bill. The guy used fewer than one hundred rounds so it matters not how many he bought over the Internet, he could have bought a hundred at a Wal Mart on the way to the theater.

Wait now, the libs are pointing out that the shooter had a mental health issue and that a more extensive background check could solve the problem.

Hell, the recent shooting at the Sikh Temple involved a whack job skinhead so a better background check might have kept him in check as well.

Really? Let us see. There is a report that the psychiatrist treating the Aurora shooter reported him to campus police.

There is a report that federal law enforcement had the Sikh shooter on its radar but did not deem him a threat.

So what we have are two police agencies that were aware of the potential for disaster from two people who ended up being mass murderers and those police agencies did absolutely nothing to prevent the massacres from happening.

How in the name of all that is good would a more stringent background check have prevented any of this if the police already knew about the potential problems but did not act?

In fact, the shooter of Congresswoman Giffords had been in trouble with the law and was known to have issues but the law enforcement agency in the area swept that away because his mother worked there.

So tell me again how more government involvement will curb the killings?

It won’t. The government has been more and more involved in the effort to disarm us for a long time and in all the places where government has successfully infringed on our rights the number of gun crimes has gone up. The aforementioned Chicago and DC are prime examples. New York is another.

Guns are banned in Chicago and severely restricted in DC and New York (ironically, Chuck Schumer has a carry permit for New York) and look at the carnage. Chicago is more dangerous than Afghanistan.

We do not need more gun laws. We need the laws we have enforced and we need those entrusted to uphold the law to act when they have credible reports that someone is evil.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Abusive Police State

The police in Richmond VA have a new initiative to help citizens avoid being robbed. While it is nice that the police want to be proactive the initiative is nothing but harassment.

How’s that? How are the police going to harass taxpaying citizens in the land of the free? Well, the midnight shift will go around neighborhoods looking in cars and if the cars have items in them that might entice a criminal to break in, the cops will knock on the doors of the car owners and awaken them in the middle of the night to inform them they are at risk.

This is nothing more than harassment. If people want to leave things in their cars and those things get stolen then it is their problem. If the police feel compelled to look in cars and inform people (who have no obligation to correct what the police find) then they should leave a note or contact the owners during normal hours.

The police are contacting them in the middle of the night to harass them so they will not leave items again.

When contacted about this an officer in the department said he really did not care about the inconvenience that it causes for people.

Isn’t that nice. The moron who is paid with the money confiscated from taxpayers does not care that his actions are an inconvenience to those people. I have to believe that he also does not care that he is likely violating the people’s rights as well.

We are moving toward a police state where the law abiding are harassed by those who are supposed to protect them, not from themselves but from those who prey upon them.

Perhaps if the midnight shift spent more time looking for people out looking in cars in the middle of the night they could catch those who are breaking into them. Perhaps if the justice system did not keep letting the ones who get caught back on the streets with a slap on the wrist then people would not have to worry about what they leave in their cars.

People in New York are falling asleep on the subway and then thieves are taking their things. Perhaps the police there can ride the subways and wake people up instead of nabbing the criminals who are robbing them.

Maybe this moron cop in Virginia can explain to people how his officers have nothing better to do than to look in cars. Is crime in Richmond so low that the police need to harass the taxpayers who are not breaking laws?

And maybe he can explain how it is that his officers can be in neighborhoods looking but when they are called it takes forever for them to respond…

We are moving toward a police state and something terrible is going to happen. Some elderly person will die of a heart attack because of the middle of the night intrusion or someone will get hurt because they thought the knock was coming from someone intending to do them harm.

What will the police do then?

Probably tell us that it is an inconvenience and they really don’t care much about it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The New Black Panther Vigilante Party

The lawbreaking racists of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) have weighed in on the killing of Trayvon Martin. The NBPP has decided that George Zimmerman, the guy who shot Martin as Martin was allegedly beating him, is a child killer and has issued a “Wanted: Dead or Alive” poster for Zimmerman.

Never mind that the NBPP, taking its cues from the MSM, has published a 5 year old picture showing Martin as a child rather than the thuggish looking photos from his Facebook page and never mind that the police are investigating the issue and can arrest Zimmerman at any time should the situation warrant it. No, the NBPP has decided that it will play vigilante and has published the poster. The NBPP has also stated it will recruit 10,000 men to hunt Zimmerman down.

Remember how the left focused the blame for the Gifford’s shooting on the right and talk radio? Remember how Sarah Palin was blamed for this and how quickly the MSM toned it down when it was discovered that the shooter was fairly apolitical but his beliefs echoed the left? Look at how the left has blamed Rush Limbaugh and other talk hosts for the shooting of Martin.

Ignoring the fact that the left always finds someone else to blame for something, who will they pin the blame on if the NBPP or one of the mush heads who follows that racist group ends up killing Zimmerman?

Will they blame talk radio or will they place the blame where it belongs and that would be in the hands of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Barack Obama, the NBPP and a number of others who have incited violence by refusing to allow the police to investigate the shooting and to gather all relevant facts in the case. A witness says that the 6’2″ Martin attacked Zimmerman and was on top of him beating him as Zimmerman screamed for help. It was then that Zimmerman shot Martin which seems to me to be a pretty open and shut case of self defense. This might play out differently but the important thing is to let the police investigate.

Zimmerman is in danger from radical black racists who are intent on exacting vigilante justice. It has issued a Dead or Alive poster and there is now a great possibility that one of the morons who follow that group will kill Zimmerman. Will the media call it justified and will we then issue wanted posters for those who kill Zimmerman? When will it stop?

Suppose groups of people issued wanted posters for the blacks who have raped and murdered white people across this nation. There are plenty of examples of this happening with no rallies from the race baiters and certainly no presence of the NBPP calling for the death of the criminals. I imagine that if wanted posters went out the race baiters would then rally to defend the murderers.

Imagine what would have happened if a wanted poster had been issued for the NBPP morons who threatened people at the voting polls in Philadelphia thus violating their right to vote.

Do you think Barack Obama and his racist Attorney General would get involved then?

There is no need for the hype surrounding this case but the stakes get higher each day as the race baiters are allowed to incite violence. This would include the race baiters in the media who continually referred to the shooter as a white man when he is clearly a Hispanic.

Let the police do their jobs and let the facts in this case come forward absent the threats of violence.

If we truly want justice then we need the race baiters to tone it down and stop inciting violence.

If the NBPP ends up killing Zimmerman there will be all kinds of hell to pay in this nation as race relations get set back decades.

UPDATED: The NBPP has offered a 1 million dollar bounty for Zimmerman. These morons are blaming white America. Better be careful what you ask for guys. Where is Obama and his pleas for civility?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
