Obama and Clinton Ignore Facts

While making a point about the loss of jobs during a speech in San Francisco, Barack Obama not only insulted a bunch of small town people but he demonstrated elitism and his belief that people who believe the Constitution and who practice religion are out of touch. Obama was making his speech when he said:

“You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said.

“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” al-Reuters

What Barry is saying here is that losing jobs is a problem and that people get upset by these problems. Nothing wrong so far but then he says that because there are problems people cling to guns or religion and become racists. This is no different than saying that people get upset and turn to alcohol and other drugs. To Obama, people only cling to religion or guns when there is badness in their lives as if it is a bad thing to cling to any of these things, especially religion. The only people I worry about clinging to religion are the Muslims and people who attend churches like the one Obama belongs to. Attending a racist and hate filled church for 20 years is a better definition of clinging.

In any event, there is nothing wrong in clinging to religion in good times and bad. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to own guns. I have to assume he meant owning guns and not clinging to guns for violence because he was talking about small towns. There are very few gun crimes in small towns. Most of the gun violence, if that is what he meant, is in the large, mostly black and Hispanic, cities. The small rural towns are mostly white and people don’t go around shooting each other and they have a strong religious conviction.

And yes, Obama was calling people racists when he described antipathy for those who are not like them. I can certainly see why people have anti immigrant (ILLEGAL immigrant) feelings and I can understand why they are suspicious of outsiders. There is nothing inherently wrong with these feelings. Obama has antipathy for those who do not look like him.

All Barry did was vocally express his actual feelings and how he envisions society. He wants to remove religion, guns and bring in more ILLEGALS.

As for Hillary, she laid into Obama for his elitist views. She discussed how important the Second Amendment is and that it conveys an individual right, something that conservatives have known since the thing was written. The problem is that Hillary vehemently opposes guns and she worked very hard in 1999 to get strict gun control laws passed. Hillary Clinton was getting ready to run for the Senate in New York where they like gun control (at least the most populous city does) so she was right with them. Pennsylvania has more gun owners and conceal carry permits than just about any other state (and none of them are running around shooting each other). It only follows suit that Hillary would have to pander to the beliefs of the people in PA even if her words were at odds with her feelings and past actions.

There is not a measurable bit of difference between these two. They are both big government Socialists who believe that the common person is unable to run his own life. They believe that people can only accomplish things when the government is involved.

I met a woman recently who is 60 years old. She told me that she used to pick through the dump for clothes for her family. Now she is a millionaire because of hard work and perseverance and none of it involved welfare or government intervention. People are most successful when they are unencumbered by government.

Hillary and Barry do not understand this. To them, we are a bunch of rubes who can’t breathe without their interventions.

In either case, Obama is pandering to those in San Fran at the expense of those in PA and Hillary was for gun control before she was against it. With either one we get Socialism and government intervention that will stifle growth. The last thing we need is for them to run our lives. I am pretty sure I can do a much better job of it.

I have so far…

Chelsea, Get A Real Job and Pay More Taxes

Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend’s wife said that hedge fund managers aren’t doing real work during a round table discussion. This must come as a shock to Chelsea Clinton who works for a hedge fund where I am sure she feels she works pretty hard. It is amazing that Hillary Clinton would tell people she has been a mother longer than a politician after the suggestion she was pimping out her daughter and then say her daughter does not do real work. This is another example of how Hillary will say and do anything, including pimping out and insulting her own daughter, to get elected.

Hillary was trying to pander for votes by telling people that Wall Street investment managers who make 50 million dollars on actually pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than do people who make 50 thousand a year. This is a patent lie. If we take a 50k income and assume married filing joint with 2 children and the taxes paid are about $3,073 or 6%. This assumes no itemized deductions.

A person who makes 10 million dollars1 (one fifth the amount she cited in her remarks) with the same assumptions pays $3,466,874 or 34.67% in taxes. We can assume that the 50 million dollar earner will stay at the 35% range and pay significantly more in total dollars. Of course these folks might not get their income in dollars. They might get it in stock in which case there is no disposable income and they have to pay taxes on the dividends. Even with itemized deductions there is no way the millionaire pays less in percentage than the 50k a year worker. Given that the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) will probably kick in it is unlikely that the millionaire will have many itemized deductions.

Hillary told a lie because she knows there are many people who will believe this crap. It is classic class warfare and it is shameful. Additionally, Hillary Clinton is a millionaire and has refused to release her income tax reports. Is this because she has found a way to pay far less in taxes than most (percentage wise)? Is she citing herself as the proof of her claim? If Hillary is paying less in taxes than she thinks she should be why does she not send money to the treasury? As I pointed out before, they take donations.

Hillary is not the only Democrat to play this game and she will not be the last. They all talk about tax cuts for the rich as if there is such thing as tax cuts for the poor. The bottom 40% of wage earners pay absolutely no taxes so how could their taxes possibly be cut at all. The tax cuts affected all people who pay taxes and since the top 25% of wage earners pay 84% of the taxes in this country, they are going to be the ones who benefit from a tax cut (notice that even the bottom 50% of earners get a 0.5% benefit from tax cuts even though they pay less than 4% of the nation’s income taxes). It is very simple but the masses do not seem to understand this and politicians like Hillary are more than happy to exploit the ignorance.

How do tax cuts benefit those who pay no taxes? There is more income for those who do and they are the class that creates jobs. Additionally, those who pay no taxes benefit from government services used. These folks use a far greater amount of those services than they pay for (since they are not paying taxes) and the tax payers use far fewer of those services. Everyone is eligible for the same government benefits regardless of what they paid.

In reality though, the tax payers are not entitled to as much even though they pay more. Wealthy people who retire cannot draw Social Security because their retirement income is too high, however they still pay Social Security all their working lives. If Social Security were privatized a great number of the working class would actually retire with a decent amount of money and not have to rely on the government to survive. Of course, the government does not want this because they need to control people to retain power.

Liberals realize this and this is why they engage in class warfare. They like to pretend they are just like the rest of us but like most politicians from either party, they are wealthy. None of them understand how it is to actually work for a living and the feeling of living paycheck to paycheck. The real dirty little secret is that all these folks who want to tax the rich work real hard to pay as little as they can to the IRS.

Chelsea must really feel good knowing that her mother thinks she does not have a real job. Maybe the fact that mommy dearest sent her to Hawaii to campaign took a bit of the sting out of the slap but it had to hurt nonetheless.

It would be interesting to see how many hedge fund managers donated money to Hillary. It would be even more interesting if they asked for it back.

National Taxpayer’s Union
Tax Foundation

Big Dog

1The tax calculator I used only allows an income up to 10 million dollars to be entered. It must not have been designed for hedge fund managers or members of Congress.

Hillary’s Next Tactic, Victim of Her Man

We have seen the tearful Hillary as she panders for votes while duping the less informed but what will be her next make over? I believe the answer lies in a recent article at AFP where It discusses Hillary’s anguish ten years after the Lewinsky affair. Hillary had differing emotions but never doubted that Bill loved her even though he was putting little Billy in someone else’s double-wide. Hillary was upset, (even though she knew well before she said she did) but it was not about Bill catting around as much as it was the prospect of them losing power.

This anguish she still experiences is designed to play out in the south where she can say she stood by her man. Women in the south have not warmed up to Hillary as much as the liberal elitists in the north and the older women who want to see a woman president before they die. The south is full of patriotic people who love God (and not just when it is convenient) and it might be tougher to convince women there that Hillary is just one of the gals.

However, she will try to garner sympathy as a wronged woman hoping that it will strike a chord among the women of the south. If that does not work she still has the covert racism that comes from her campaign and she can use that to stir up race in the south. She will also continue to release items about Obama just before elections to cast doubt upon him.

If that all fails she has Bill at each event getting red in the face and holding court among the peeps screaming and hollering while wagging that stubby little finger of his. He will accuse, he will lie, and he will do anything to cast doubt on Obama and get his wife in the White House. As poorly as he has looked lately he might not last through 50 states if he has to wag fingers and get all worked up.

It would be just like that schmuck to drop dead while campaigning for her just to get sympathy. Of course, he is just as likely to die in the company of a hooker…

Big Dog

Obama Shows His Ignorance of the Constitution

B. Hussein Obama is running for the presidency against a well oiled political machine that will do and say anything to destroy opponents. Hillary Clinton has hammered Obama on his experience and he has fought back with the promise of change. Unfortunately for Obama, he has looked inexperienced in foreign policy and now he has made a statement, while pandering to immigrants, that shows he has little knowledge of the Constitution. Here is what he said:

He outlined his position on immigration, essentially the same as the bill that passed the Senate and died in the House last year that would beef up border security while providing avenues for existing illegal immigrants to get legal.

But, he said, “I’m not going to change the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution says if you’re born here, you’re a citizen.” LV Review Journal

The Constitution says no such thing and I would think someone who is a lawmaker in this country would know that. The 14th Amendment was written to exclude those who were not subjects of this country (either citizens or emancipated slaves). The authors of the Amendment specifically stated that people born to illegals would not be citizens. A footnote to a Supreme Court Ruling has been used to pervert the Amendment so that people are rewarded for ILLEGAL behavior.

It does not matter how the Amendment has been applied the fact is our Constitution does not say if you were born here you are a citizen. Any time B. Hussein Obama would like to debate that issue all he has to do is let me know. He should do it after he has won or been eliminated from the primary process.

If Hussein Obama lacks knowledge of our Constitution in this regard it is a good bet that he thinks it says other things that it does not. Liberals already misinterpret the 2nd Amendment and they have bastardized the First especially with regard to religion. We cannot afford to have a President who bestows Constitutional protections upon those who are not so entitled.

It is a good thing for Obama that Hillary Clinton is also pandering to ILLEGALS or she would eat him alive with his ignorance. It also does not hurt that much attention has been focused on the Clinton’s racism.

It is amazing how many lawyers and lawmakers do not know the Constitution. Is it any wonder they continually violate it? How can they swear to uphold something they are obviously unfamiliar with?

Hillary Was Right; We Can’t Afford Her

Hillary Clinton, in one of her last mutations, told us that she has so many plans for America that we could not afford them all. She was absolutely right. Not only can we not afford her plans financially, we can not afford to have them as part of our economy. Hillary, while pandering for votes, is to announce a $70 BILLION dollar economic stimulus plan aimed at, who else, the poor. That is Billion with a “B” and it will come from the hard work of taxpayers.

Hillary will infuse money to slow the rate of foreclosure, a crisis that came from people buying more house than they could afford from people who were only concerned with making money. Ultimately, the responsibility rests on the shoulders of the people who made the loans. Those loans are contracts that are legally binding and people who made them should be held accountable. Having said that, there are ways to help with this without bilking taxpayers out of their money. I pay my bills and I expect everyone else to do the same. Forcing finance companies to have a set interest rate and refinancing loans over longer periods will help. But whatever they do it should not involve picking the pockets of the rest of us.

Hillary wants to put some money aside to help with the rising cost of fuel. I know that many utility companies have programs where people donate money to help those who cannot afford their utility bills. This is fine and it is voluntary. If the government is going to set money aside for people in this fashion, which I am opposed to, then there needs to be other steps. People who get assistance must have thermostats installed so that they cannot raise the heat or lower the AC. They must be set at 68 degrees. These folks must also give up cable TV, cell phones, and other luxury items. Additionally, they may not take out credit or buy any luxury items. If they can afford those, they can afford their utilities. Once again, I pay my bills and I expect others to pay theirs.

Hillary also wants to expand unemployment coverage for those struggling to find a job. Once again, taxpayer money will be used to pay people who do not work. There are jobs out there and if the government would stop creating a climate where businesses leave the country there would be even more jobs. No program should pay a person so long as there is a job whether it is greeter at Wal Mart or burger flipper at McDonald’s.

There are other parts of her plan but this is designed to make people want to vote for her. It is a huge vote buying scheme based upon the tax and spend philosophy so prevalent in the Democratic Party. Seventy BILLION dollars is a lot of money and when you add this to the other expensive plans she wants to impose, like universal health care, then we can rapidly conclude that we cannot afford Hillary Clinton.

She will spend us into bankruptcy and she will tax EVERYONE who earns money. This idea that the rich will be the only ones to suffer is a bunch of BS. It is easy for her to say that because her definition of rich is anyone who earns money and pays taxes. Most of the taxes in this country are paid by the top wage earners in this country and the only way she will get more money is to keep moving the line that defines rich lower and lower.

Anyone who subscribes to these ideas or who votes for this woman is an idiot. We have problems in this country but spending more money that we do not have, on social programs is not going to solve any of them. The Congress (and mostly Democrats over the last 60 years) has spent TRILLIONS of dollars on social programs and we still have the same rates of poverty and we have even higher deficits.

If we want to get our economy on track why don’t they decide to end so called free trade and impose tariffs on the items other countries send here. That would bring money in and reduce the tax burden. We could also get rid of the ILLEGALS and free up some jobs for those having problems finding one. That would also decrease the burden on our social program dollars.

Clinton and the rest of the Democrats are turning the issues into class warfare and one day the wealthy are going to stand up and say enough is enough. Pretty soon, those who earn money and pay taxes are going to insist on some accountability. Anyone who receives these services will have to have a strict accounting of what they got and what it was spent on.

Hillary Clinton is a socialist and she will complete the job of ruining this country that her husband started.

Hillary is Satan.

The Politico

Big Dog