If Letterman Is Sincere, Let it Be

I remember when Don Imus made an off the cuff remark about a woman’s basketball team. The outcry of racism was loud and the race baiters called for his head. He apologized day in and day out and he met with the team to apologize. He groveled on Sharpton’s radio program and he still ended up being fired.

At the time I wrote that Imus had made a mistake and he apologized and that the apology should be accepted. I indicated that he should not lose his job because he showed true remorse for what was a distasteful joke. His apology, while possibly accepted, did no good and he was fired.

David Letterman made some seriously distasteful jokes (that were well scripted) that called Sarah Palin’s daughter a hooker and made sport of the idea of her being raped. Letterman handled the flap over it very badly and the voices calling for him to be fired are getting louder.

Yesterday Letterman made what appeared to be a heartfelt apology. I only read the transcript but it seems that this time there was no sarcasm or half hearted apology. Though it was filled with excuses it seems that he got the message.

If the Palin family is satisfied that Letterman is sincere and that he gave an adequate apology then the matter should be over and he should not be fired. As much as I think it would be fair after what happened to Imus, I would be a hypocrite if I expected him to be fired after apologizing when I did not hold Imus to that standard.

If Letterman is sincere and the Palin’s are content then let’s move on.

Sarah Palin could go on Conan’s show and boost is ratings way above Letterman’s but there are ways for us to voice displeasure with his content as well and the best way would be to stop watching his show.

Letterman Apology

Big Dog

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Zo Is Right On The Money Again

Zo has a new video out which is getting a lot of attention at Big Hollywood.

I guess Zo is one of the people who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. At least according to the skank Garofalo.

Big Dog

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Governor Jindal Might Just Say No To Stimulus Bucks

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has indicated that his state might not take the $4 Billion that it is slated to get under Obama’s Generational Debt Plan. Jindal stated that he would have to review the money and see where it is to go and what strings are attached to accepting it. I imagine he would be more willing to take it if it were designated for infrastructure and not so much if it were designated for welfare.

This is a wise move since the federal government might tie all kinds of conditions to the money or state exactly where it has to be spent. This country was set up with a centralized federal government and (eventually) 50 separate and distinct state governments. The states are supposed to be responsible for a lot of the spending that goes on within their borders. If the feds start handing out money like candy then the states become wards of the federal government which can then attempt to dictate how certain things are done.

It is irresponsible for states to make up their budget deficits off the backs of the taxpayers from other states. People in 49 other states had nothing to do with the failed policies that led to the collapse of California. That state needs to fix its own problems. Forcing us to pay for their problems (or the problems of any other state) does nothing more than enslave taxpayers. A portion of our earnings, the fruits of our labor, is being confiscated from us and given to states that cannot manage a budget.

Bailout money to the states keeps them from being forced to take the tough decisions that need to be made in order to become fiscally sound. Instead of making appropriate cuts in spending and workforce, the states will sit back and give residents more of the same stuff that caused the problem in the first place. Governor O’Malley of Maryland and his Democratic legislature are sitting around salivating at the chance to sink their teeth into the bailout money so they can spend, spend, spend. It is shameful and demonstrates a complete lack of leadership.

While Jindal has indicated that he might not accept the federal money the welfare king Ray Nagin said he will take all the money the state does not want. I guess the hundreds of millions of dollars that were forcefully extracted from taxpayers from other states and sent New Orleans did not quite meet the needs of of Nagin and his cronies. Now he wants 4 billion more to waste on his poverty torn hell hole. It was wrong to send taxpayer money to NO in the first place and it would be a travesty for him to get anything else. However, I would not oppose taking the 4 billion and spending it on construction crews to use bulldozers to fill in NO.

I hope Jindal sticks to his guns and works out his state’s problems without taking the money. It would be refreshing to see a responsible politician for a change, I mean in addition to Sarah Palin.

Palin? That woman that makes the left cringe. The one who they think is dumb? The one who was savagely attacked by the media?

Yep, that is she. Her state of Alaska has enough money squirreled away to weather the economic problems even if they extend for a few years.

There is an interesting thing to see. The governor that the left is so afraid of that they engaged in character assassination has run her state so well that it is in better shape than states run by their wonderful Democrats or the RINO in California. In addition, her state is doing better than New York, Maryland, Kansas, and a number of others who are standing around waiting to put their hands in our pockets.

To be sure, Palin said that her state would take the approximately 1 billion dollars in stimulus money if it were designated for the right things like infrastructure and transportation. She is wary of accepting it for social programs that the state will have to pay for once the money is gone. It is going to be tougher for Palin because the price of oil is down but since the state saved some of the money it made when oil prices were up it is in better shape to ride out the economic storm.

The state currently has $6.6 billion in its constitutional budget reserve fund that it could tap into. A few billion dollars more also is available from other pockets, said Juneau economist Gregg Erickson, a longtime Alaska budget watcher.

Given Alaska’s robust reserves, the state is well-prepared to weather the next two years, Erickson said. As to how long reserves will last after that, there are too many factors involved to say for sure. AP

We will see how well she does in the tough times but she is smarter than liberals give her credit for. She is at least smarter than all the governors who are running in the red.

As an aside, why does California not just spend a bunch of money? It has about 45 billion dollars in debt so it should spend 2 or 3 hundred billion more to get back on sound footing.

After all, that is what Obama is doing to fix the problems in the rest of the country.

Big Dog

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Obama And The Democrats Lie About Drilling

During the latter part of the campaign season gasoline rose to about $4.00 a gallon while oil was pegging at $150 a barrel. This all took place under the Democrats who had control of Congress at the time. Now I don’t particularly think any member of our government has control over oil prices but our friends on the left seem to believe that the “oil men” Bush and Cheney controlled oil prices. I would not normally attribute oil prices to a political party but Nancy Pelosi made the promise in 2006 that if we voted Democrats in control they had a plan to lower gas prices. Since she said that they would do it then it means she could do it. Since it did not happen then it stands to reason the Democrats caused it not to.

During the same period of $4.00 gas the Democrats were getting hammered from all sides on the subject of drilling for our own oil. The call to drill here and drill now drowned out the cries of the tree huggers. Sarah Palin brought some sense to the issue because, unlike all the others, she actually has experience in this area. It did not take long for Obama to change his stance and say that he too was in favor of responsible drilling. The Democrats began to say they were willing to work with Republicans to drill responsibly. They even let the offshore drilling ban expire.

I warned at the time that they were lying. They had no intention of allowing drilling and they only said and did those things to influence people to vote for them. The high cost of gas was turning voters away and the Democrats said and did things to turn that trend around. I knew all along and stated in several posts that the Democrats expected to win the White House and make big gains in Congress and that they would put a stop to drilling and would reinstate the ban. It looks like that is taking place and Obama, Mr. I’m all for responsible drilling, not opposed to this effort. Democrats are working very hard to ensure we will never be able to drill for oil on any of our property including Alaska, a state rich in resources. Sarah Palin has written an article taking Democrats and Obama to task for breaking their word on drilling.

As I traveled throughout the country campaigning for vice president, I was glad to hear politicians, including Barack Obama, promise that “everything was on the table” to address America’s great challenges. I also found that when Americans were apprised of the facts, most people became supporters of responsible oil and gas drilling in Alaska. So, I want to remind our national leaders of this promise and make the case against this legislation:

•Oil from ANWR represents a huge, secure domestic supply that could help satisfy U.S. demand for more than 25 years.

•ANWR sits within a 20 million-acre refuge (the size of South Carolina), but thanks to advanced technology like directional drilling, the aggregated drilling footprint would be less than 2,000 acres (about one-quarter the size of Dulles Airport). This is like laying a 2-by-3-foot welcome mat on a basketball court.

•Energy development is quite compatible with the protection of our wildlife and their habitat. For example, North Slope caribou herds have grown and remained healthy throughout more than three decades of oil development. Most of the year, our coastal plain is frozen solid and thus characterized by low biological productivity.

•ANWR development would create hundreds of thousands of good American jobs, positively affecting every state by providing a safe energy supply and generating demand for goods and services. Star Tribune

The entire article is worth the read and it shows that Palin has a better grasp then all these beltway bandits who have little experience in the real world. Barack Obama said he was open to drilling and other responsible methods of energy independence but the reality is he and the Democrats are working on a bill that will take away part of the argument. The bill means that Democrats are not willing to drill responsibly and they are not open to discussion. They lied.

Our country has a lot of resources but the Democrats are committed to the environmental lobbyists and their desire to use alternatives that are either expensive or have not been developed yet. We have oil and we should continue to use it until we have better options.

It only makes sense to use our own. Since it makes sense it will not happen.

Lying seems to be a common theme in this administration. Like I always say, never trust a Democrat.

Big Dog

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Wanted: Senator, No Experience Necessary

It will be interesting to see the number of left wing lunatics who will rationalize Caroline Kennedy’s qualification to take the Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton. Caroline Kennedy has no political experience other than she comes from a family full of people who have sponged off the government and have never worked real jobs in their lives. If they claim she learned by being there then it will contradict the argument that Hillary had gained no experience just by being the wife of the president. That is what the Obama campaign put out and what his supporters ran with (I happen to agree with that assessment).

There are a lot of folks who are really on board with the idea of Caroline Kennedy going to the Senate. They do not care that she has absolutely NO experience whatsoever. The very people who are in love with the idea of her serving are dismissing her lack of experience as insignificant and saying that it would be refreshing to have a regular person who is not a DC insider serving. These are the same morons who blasted Sarah Palin because they viewed her as unqualified. Palin’s regular, outside the beltway, persona was off putting to the elitist twerps who dug through trash to see what they could get on her. This was mostly because of fear but it shows the double standard that the left employs. They are good at it because the media are always willing accomplices when it comes to liberal hypocrisy.

One moron at Huffington said there was no comparison because Palin was running to be the next in line for the presidency and Kennedy would be one of a hundred. The reader is supposed to believe that Kennedy’s lack of experience is OK but Palin’s is not because of the seriousness of the job. This totally ignores the fact that Palin has political experience and it ignores the fact that she has more than Barack Obama or Joe Biden when it comes to executive service.

The morons who make this argument ignore the absolute fact that they supported Barack Obama with his lack of experience for the position of president. They voted for a man who has less experience than Palin while stating that she was not qualified to be next in line for the job. This is the stupidity that comes from the liberal mind. They lack the ability to use logic and to reason things out. As long as they win and can push their socialist agenda, they are happy.

As for Kennedy, I really don’t care who New York puts in that seat but I am opposed to political dynasties. The Kennedys have been in American politics for decades and it seems that more and more of them get elected and earn their livings off the backs of the taxpayers. We need to end this cycle of family members succeeding family members and put the Congress back in the hands of the people.

Does America really need another Kennedy in government? I will argue that she is unqualified but only because of the way the left went after Palin. The fact is that many are not very qualified when they are first elected. But if the left can deride the experience of Palin while ignoring the lack thereof with regard to Obama and Caroline Kennedy then it is only fitting we point this out and hold them to their own standard.

Will the hypocrisy of the left never end?

Camille Paglia