Michelle Obama is not too Proud to Lie

Recently there was a big stink about something Michelle Obama, wife of Senator Obomination, said. She told people that for the first time in her adult life she was proud to be an American. This caused an uproar and the spin started and the Obamas wanted us to know she only meant what she said in relation to the political process. I heard what she said and it did not appear that way to me. Michelle Malkin wrote an excellent piece about it and she hit the nail on the head.

It appears that even though Mrs. Obama has not been proud of this country, she is not too proud to lie. In Ohio she told a group of women not to go into corporate America. Now there was nothing wrong with her suggestion that these folks become teachers, social workers and nurses. However, it is her contention that getting the education required to work in corporate America is too expensive and saddles people with debt they pay for years. How does she think people become teachers, social workers or nurses? All of these professions require a college education and it can be just as expensive. Here is where the lie comes in:

“The salaries don’t keep up with the cost of paying off the debt, so you’re in your 40s, still paying off your debt at a time when you have to save for your kids,” she says.

“Barack and I were in that position,” she continues. “The only reason we’re not in that position is that Barack wrote two best-selling books… It was like Jack and his magic beans. But up until a few years ago, we were struggling to figure out how we would save for our kids.” NRO [emphasis mine

What Mrs. Obama fails to mention in the speech is that she had a salary of just over 100 thousand dollars a year that went up to over 300 thousand a year after her hubby was elected tot he Senate. With a salary like that she could certainly afford to pay her loans back much easier than the less well connected who graduate with massive debt. Barack Obama’s books might have provided a great deal of wealth and made their lives easier but they were not hurting in any way shape or form and could certainly pay their bills. She lied, his books were not the ONLY reason they are not saddled with debt. If they could not pay the loans on her salary then there is no way we should let them around a federal budget.

It would appear as if deception is a trait in the Obama family. Barack Obamination’s campaign is reported to have contacted the Canadian ambassador to the US and told him that the campaign would be saying some rough stuff about NAFTA but it was just campaign rhetoric and he did not intend to mess with the trade agreement. Obama’s campaign did not deny it, they instead said the news was inaccurate. To me this means there is some substance and CTV News is sticking to the story. Yes there were denials from both sides of the border. I guess that should set it straight because we all know that politicians and ambassadors do not lie (I never had sex with that woman) and would never deny something that was true. I don’t know if this is true but it does not pass the sniff test.

While I am discussing Obama, let me throw in a little tid bit I read at Big Lizard’s. Barack Obama has talked about the politics of old and discussed how he is not a man of the past. He talks about how dirty politics have no place in the process and discusses the dirt of the Clintons as either politics as usual or the signs of a campaign in dire circumstances. Dafydd at Big Lizard’s points out that Obama has a pattern of dirty politics. From his first run for office in Illinois to subsequent campaigns, he has been suspect with regard to the dirt and unethical behavior that is more often associated with the Clintons. Now, Obama is from Illinois and it is not unreasonable to suspect that he has been involved in the type of dirty politics synonymous with Chicago. I recommend reading the article as it is pretty eye opening.

It seems that the Obamas are nothing more than elitist Democrats who pander to the emotions of the poor and less fortunate while living lives of luxury and steamrolling anyone who gets in the way. I can understand that they started off with debt and had a hard time. As pointed out in her speech:

Mrs. Obama also bemoaned the amount of money she has to spend — nearly one-third of the median household income in Zanesville — on piano, dance, and other lessons for her two children.

Must be tough for people who have to figure out how to buy food for their children to hear how tough Michelle Obama has it paying for her daughter’s necessary lessons. Reminds me of a story I heard (I think about the Great Depression) where school children were asked to write about poverty. A child from a wealthy family wrote; Being poor is tough. The butler is poor, the cook is poor, the maid is poor, the…”

The Obamas want to spread hope. They just hope you do not wise up and realize what they really are.

Big Dog