Iran Drops Nuclear Bombshell

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has disclosed that his country has a second nuclear enrichment facility that was built underground and could be enriching Uranium by next year. This is a bombshell disclosure and was made ONLY because the secrecy of the program had been breached by Western Intelligence Agencies. Ahmadinejad found that his cover was busted so he is disclosed the information (which contradicts his country’s earlier claims that it had no undisclosed programs).

Iran revealed the existence of a covert uranium enrichment facility to the U.N. nuclear watchdog this week after it discovered the project’s secrecy had been breached by Western intelligence agencies, FOX News has learned. Fox News

Barack Obama will have a press conference today to announce this stunning information and will say that the West has been tracking it for years. This is a cover your tail event because, despite Obama’s claims, we were caught by surprise.

President Obama will call attention to the existence of the underground facility in an early-morning statement to reporters here before the opening of the G-20 economic summit in Pittsburgh, and will say that Western intelligence agencies have been tracking the facility for years. WaPo

I don’t think it is correct to say Obama will call attention to it. Ahmadinejad already did that. Obama is going to speak so it looks like this was no surprise. He can’t let it look like he is in over his head.

The left has been enabling Iran for years with regard to its nuclear program. As George Bush was making his case a now discredited report was released that stated Iran had no nuclear program and had abandoned its ambitions. The left went nuts and drank that up like it was fresh Obama Kool Aid. They believed that it showed Bush was itching for a reason to attack Iran and that he was trumping up reasons like he did (in their minds) to invade Iraq.

On the campaign trail, then candidate Obama, said that Iran was a small country and not of real concern. He did not perceive them as much of a threat and dismissed their impact on the world. He back peddled on that statement when his rivals pointed out his naivete.

So which is it Mr. Obama? Are they not a threat with no nuclear program of which to speak (as the report claimed) or have we been tracking them for years? If we have been tracking them for years how could a report come out claiming they had abandoned their program? Both cannot be true.

Iran is a dangerous country because it is headed by a fanatical psychopath who is hell bent on wiping Israel off the map and ushering in the appearance of the twelfth Imam.

It is dangerous because the Democratically controlled Congress has dismissed warnings for several years and it is more dangerous because while Obama was out apologizing for America and working on one world governance the leaders of that country kept working in secret to build its nuclear program.

The fact that Obama keeps opposing Israel, a nation that has no problem taking out its enemies, is another impediment to stopping Iran and does nothing more than enable Ahmadinejad and his henchmen.

How is that Hope and Change working out for you?

Big Dog

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North Korea 2; Democrats 0

The North Koreans play the Democrats like a cheap fiddle. First Bill Clinton negotiated with Lil Kim and ended up giving him all the things he needed to make nukes. With a wink and a nod Clinton gave Kim all the stuff he needed on a promise from Kim that he would not use them to make nuclear weapons. The ink was not dry on the paper when Kim began developing a nuke. The left likes to blame the nuclear weapon development on Bush because it was tested when Bush was in office but it began when Clinton was there and the NorKs used the tools that Clinton let them have.

There have been talks with North Korea for a number of years now. These six party talks are on again and off again depending upon what mood Kim is in and which of the voices in his schizophrenic head is doing the talking. We have tried these six party talks and we have tried sanctions when Kim detonates a nuke but nothing seems to work because it is difficult to get international support. The Chinese have a great deal of influence but they seem uninterested in intervening.

George Bush did not help things when he decided we could remove North Korea from the state sponsor of terrorism list. North Korea is dangerous and poor. That country will do anything for money and that includes selling nuclear components to terrorists. The idea that sitting down with them and discussing the issue will help is ridiculous because each time we engage in diplomacy it is after we have done something to appease them and it gives them more time to work on their weapons. We always end up in a stalemate with North Korea because once it gets what it wants it goes back to developing nuclear weapons.

The Obama administration has done an about face and said that it will now engage directly with North Korea.

The US shifted its policy today, saying it is now willing to meet one on one with North Korea if that is helpful to bring Pyongyang back to the nuclear negotiations. ABC News

Evidently, the six party nations have given the go ahead because they are not doing well in their attempts to negotiate. If these six nations cannot effectively negotiate with Kim what makes anyone believe the US can do any better?

Obama said he was willing to meet our enemies face to face and without preconditions. His lack of experience in foreign affairs was evident when he made that statement on the campaign trail but it made no difference. So now the US will meet with North Korea in order to get it to stop making nuclear weapons.

Good luck with that. North Korea will demand something and the US will give it and then the negotiations will fall off, or stall, or be dragged on to provide time while the NorKs refine their weapons.

I would hope that we could negotiate with North Korea but the leader has demonstrated that he is mentally unstable and that he is not interested in capitulating to the demands of others.

How will it look if we give them more of what they want and they still test a nuke or send one in the direction of Japan?

Will the left discuss the failed polices of Obama like it did Bush? We will have to wait until the next nuclear detonation (and there will be one) but I doubt it will be viewed through the same lens that was used when liberals watched George Bush.

Time will tell but I think the US already appears weak. We blinked and gave in and now Kim has the upper hand. I know Obama is Mr. Charm and all that but he is being played like a fool.

This might come back to bite him in his tail and that is just fine.

The problem is, it might bite the rest of us as well.

I would like to see successful negotiations and if it works out then good for Obama and his team. I think history has shown us that this will not have a good outcome and we will regret the decision.

Of course, Clinton was there not too long ago. He might have greased a few skids (no, skids are not North Korean women) so that the path for Obama would be easier. Maybe Kim already got his payoff and will make Obama look good.

Until he makes him look bad…

Big Dog

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Obama Took His Eye Off The Ball

When George Bush was president we were attacked on 9/11/2001 and not long after we were at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. During that time the North Koreans used technology they acquired from Bill Clinton and enriched Plutonium. They then tested their nuclear program with an underground detonation. This took a lot of people by surprise because our intelligence agencies said North Korea was not close to having a device.

After the test the Democrats went nuts. The same Democrats who balked at Bush’s tough stance on Iran’s nuclear program were upset that he was not tough enough on North Korea. I know that we have to cut them slack because national security is not a strong point for the Democrats. They are the ones who believed a trumped up report indicating that Iran had stopped its program only to say that Iran is now engaged in nuclear development and a serious threat (though Obama said they were not a threat before he said they were).

When North Korea detonated its device the Democrats said that George Bush had failed in diplomacy and that he had taken his eye off the ball because he was distracted by Iraq.

“Today’s announcement is further evidence that President Bush has taken his eye off the ball, allowing a member of the so-called ‘axis of evil’ to allegedly test a nuclear weapon,” said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. DNC

“They have taken their eye off the real ball… ,” Kerry said of the Bush administration. “They took it off in North Korea and shifted it to Iraq.” And, Kerry suggested that, if Bush was reelected, the attention of the United States would continued to be misdirected — with an emphasis on military adventures in the Persian Gulf rather than diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula. The Nation

In an interview, he argued that President Bush’s preoccupation with Iraq let the North Korean crisis fester to the point that there were now indications that the country might be preparing to test a plutonium bomb. He presented his charges in a 15-minute telephone call he made to The New York Times. NYT

Yes, the minute North Korea detonated a nuke the left went nuts and accused Bush of taking his eye off the ball. No discussion ever included the deal Clinton made with the NorKs or that they were violating their promise to use reactors for peaceful purposes before the ink on the deal had dried. No, this was all Bush’s fault because he was too focused on Iraq and ignored the NorKs and diplomacy.

Barack Obama has been occupied of late. He has been busy for the last 6 months ramming bills through Congress in order to remake America (a goal of his) and to barrage the public with so many things that it becomes fatigued. He had the Stimulus, the Omnibus, the Cap and Trade, the takeover of the banks and financial system as well as the acquisition of a couple of major automobile manufacturers. Now he is working feverishly to get a health care bill passed so the government can control even more of our lives. His attention has been on these undertakings and his surge in Afghanistan where more US service members are being killed.

So it now looks like Obama took his eyes off the ball with regard to North Korea. Today that country announced that it was in the final stages of enriching Uranium which it claims will give it a second path to nuclear weapons. Barack Obama’s focus on remaking America has caused him to take his eye off the ball in North Korea and amounts to failed diplomacy.

Obama allowed the North Koreans, the same people the Democrats said were dangerous and unwatched when Bush was president, to get to the final stages of Uranium enrichment and now the world is a more dangerous place.

This is Barack Obama’s failed diplomacy. A nuclear weapon delivered from North Korea (or sold by them) will be his fault.

If it was true for Bush then it is true for Obama.

Other Sources:
World Sentinel
Washington Post

Big Dog

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It Is Time For Exams

During the last presidential campaign Joe Biden warned the country that Obama would be tested:

“It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you – not financially to help him – we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.” Politico

It has not been quite 6 months but it looks like the child prodigy in the White House is getting tested all the same. Here are a few of the subjects on the table.


Netanyahu ignores Obama

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rebuffed U.S. calls for a full settlement freeze in the occupied West Bank and vowed not to accept limits on building of Jewish enclaves within Jerusalem.

Netanyahu’s defiant stance set the stage for a possible showdown with U.S. President Barack Obama, who, in talks with the new Israeli prime minister in Washington last week, pressed for a halt to all settlement activity, including natural growth, as called for under a long-stalled peace “road map”.

“The demand for a total stop to building is not something that can be justified and I don’t think that anyone here at this table accepts it,” Netanyahu told his cabinet, referring to Jewish settlements in the West Bank, according to an official. al-Reuters

North Korea

Tests nuclear weapon and missiles
North Korea made its second test of a nuclear explosive on Monday and declared it was more destructive than the first, an advance that is likely to further embolden Kim Jong Il’s regime in its standoff with the U.S. and other countries pushing for it to halt its weapons program. WSJ

Weapon more powerful than in 2006
North Korea claimed it carried out a powerful underground nuclear test Monday — much larger than one conducted in 2006 — in a major provocation in the escalating international standoff over its rogue nuclear and missile programs. Newsmax

Obama says threat to national security
North Korea said it conducted its first nuclear test in three years and also launched three short- range missiles, acts President Barack Obama said constitute a “threat to international peace and security.” Bloomberg

More powerful than Hiroshima
North Korea today risked further international isolation after it claimed to have successfully tested a nuclear weapon as powerful as the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Guardian UK

Causes international outrage
There have been expressions of international outrage after North Korea said it had successfully carried out a underground nuclear test. BBC

North Korea threatens more if intimidated
The source said new nuclear tests would take place “if the United States and its allies continue the policy of intimidation against North Korea,” Tass reported. Yahoo News

Country warned it would resume nuclear tests after condemnation
North Korea, incensed by the condemnation of the April 5 rocket launch, had warned last month that it would restart its rogue nuclear program, conduct an atomic test and carry out long-range missile tests. My Way News


Not to be outdone by North Korea…

Iran rejects nuclear freeze proposal
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected on Monday a “freeze-for-freeze” proposal put forward by the West in a bid to resolve a row over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear aims.

“Our talks (with major powers) will only be in the framework of cooperation for managing global issues and nothing else. We have clearly announced this,” he said when asked about the so-called “freeze-for-freeze” proposal.

“The nuclear issue is a finished issue for us,” Ahmadinejad told a news conference. al-Reuters

Sends warships to project power
Iran has sent six warships to international waters, including the Gulf of Aden, to show its ability to confront any foreign threats, its naval commander said on Monday. World Bulletin

It looks like Obama is now confronted with a number of “tests” that Joe Biden warned us about. Remember what Joe said, it will not look like they are doing the right thing (though I would argue that it has not looked like that since they took office).

North Korea has nukes, Iran either has them or will shortly and the ones that Pakistan has are in danger of falling into the wrong hands. North Korea needs money and there are a lot of bad people who would pay a great deal of money for nuclear devices that they could use against the United States. Iran will probably send its nuclear weapon to a surrogate for use on Israel. This is happening before our eyes because, as I said before, Obama took his eye off the ball. Obama has been busy warning, no threatening, Israel to keep it from attacking Iran’s nuclear sites. I wonder if he will get the same response as with his last request…

He failed to pay attention to the rogue states, the Axis of Evil, if you will. He believed that Bush’s methods were wrong and that if he sat around holding hands and singing songs with the leaders of these nations that they would be enchanted with Obama’s smile and the hypnotic charm of hope and change would take effect.

He believed an unclenched fist would demonstrate friendship but those who would do us harm saw it as weakness.

Unfortunately, in the real world where the big boys play this is not a real way to deal with things. But Obama is now at the point where he is getting tested.

The Jews told him screw you.
The North Koreans told him screw you.
The Iranians said screw you.

Two of those three pose a serious threat to the US and the world.

I wonder if Obama will address the situation with those “dangerous” Jews first…

Test time Obama. You don’t need sharpened Number 2 pencils because they will not help. Joe Biden told me it would not look like you were doing the right thing.

That is probably one of the few things he has been correct about.

Big Dog

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This Would End Birth Certificate Debate

The North Koreans are planning on launching a rocket ostensibly to put a satellite into space but analysts believe this is a test for a ballistic weapon. The NORKS have already played around with nuclear bombs. If they come up with a rocket that could deliver a nuclear payload they would be more trouble than they already are.

One US offical believes that the North Korean rocket could reach the state of Hawaii.

Asked if the North Korean rocket could reach the US states of [sic] Hawaii or Alaska, Admiral Mike Mullen told CNN: “In some cases, yes, they could probably get down to Hawaii.” Breitbart

Well, if it hit the Bureau of Records it would destroy Obama’s birth certificate (the real one, not the COLB they have been passing around) and end any hope of ever seeing it.

Then again, it is under lock and key and probably in a safe. Perhaps rescue workers could dig it out…

I wonder if this is the test Joe Biden told us about…

Big Dog

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