O’Malley Should Not Even Be Considered

I understand that Martin O’Malley, former governor of Maryland, has a big announcement planned for 30 May. He will be in Baltimore, the city that suffered under his polices when he was its mayor, to announce he plans to run for president.

O’Malley is a liberal moron who does not believe people are smart enough to make their own decisions, provide for themselves or protect themselves and their families. He is anti-gun and imposed strict gun laws when he was governor. He invited countless illegal immigrants and gave them “stuff.” He is part of the nanny state leadership that only knows how to rule over people, tax them to death and then waste the money collected.

He should never be president of this or any other country though Czar of some communist nation would be more in line with his beliefs and leadership style.

He has decided to take on Hillary Clinton and he will have a formidable task ahead. She is polling well among Democrats because most are too stupid to see the crime she is involved in. O’Malley is polling at about 1% so he has a long way to go.

I think Hillary should occupy a jail cell instead of the Oval Office and O’Malley is no better. He should not be elected president, period.

He does have a few things going for him in that Bill Clinton once praised him and said he would be president someday. Clinton also claimed O’Malley was a terrific governor and that Maryland was voted best run twice while O’Malley was in office.

Not sure who they polled on that but O’Malley raised several dozen taxes (and enacted some new ones) and he went so far as to tax the rain that landed on people’s property. O’Malley’s terms in office saw an outflow of people from the state to other states because of his inept leadership and tax and spend policies. The economy was poor during his reign and only remained better than a lot of other states because of Maryland’s proximity to DC. A very large number of DC politicians and other DC federal workers, lobbyists and journalists (many with well-paying jobs) live in Maryland.

Even with nearly recession proof jobs and the flow of federal dollars from DC the state fell on hard times under the dictatorship of O’Malley.

He might be a great leader to Bill Clinton but that does not say much. Or maybe I should say Bill thinks Hillary would make a great president so that says a lot about his assessments…

[note]It will be interesting to see what Bill says about him if he does in fact jump in the race.[/note]

I do not want to see Hillary Clinton or Martin O’Malley as president. I hope O’Malley gets trounced early and bows out and that Hillary gets beaten badly with the reports of her crimes so that even if she wins the Democrat nomination she can’t win the general.

If you are a moron like Snoop Dogg and want her to win so we can have a woman in the White House you are not smart enough to vote. People voted for Obama to have a black guy in the White House and look how that worked out.

He is a disaster.

If you vote for someone because of their color or sex you should be banned from voting FOR LIFE.

If O’Malley ends up winning he will certainly continue Obama’s quest to drive America into the ground. Hillary will do the same but she is older and unhealthy so maybe she will get a visit from the Reaper…

The nightmare will be if she wins and picks O’Malley as a running mate.

Then we can only hope they fly Malaysian Air…

Why Does Obama Trust Iran?

Barack Obama is hell bent on getting a nuclear deal with Iran. Iran is getting its way in all aspects of the deal though it will not stay true to it in any regard.

Iran wants sanctions lifted so it can continue to make nuclear weapons to put it in a stronger position. Obama is placing his legacy in the hands of people who lie and do not honor agreements.

He is also putting the fate of Israel in those same hands and they are the hands of people who have said that Israel must be wiped off the map and that this is nonnegotiable.

Those same people also continue to chant “death to America” and Obama is working to give them the means.

I don’t really care about Obama’s legacy. He is a failed president and the worst this nation has ever had. He should have to carry a tree around to replace the oxygen he wastes by existing. Unfortunately, his ineptitude has consequences for our nation, not just him.

If he were dead set on sticking his tongue in an electrical socket that would be on him and he is the only one who would get hurt. However, he is set on sticking all our tongues in that socket.

I do not want the legacy of this failed moron to be one where Iran delivered a nuclear device to our nation or actually succeeded in wiping out Israel.

I pray that G-d inspires Prime Minister Netanyahu to strike Iran and wipe out all of its nuclear facilities.

I also hope and pray that if Iran ever strikes us with a nuke it hits a convention of liberals where Obama and Kerry are attending with their families.

This deal is bad and will only get worse. Obama is incompetent and he will cause a lot of death and destruction so I hope that the deal falls through before it can be implemented.

Or perhaps, and this is a big perhaps, the Republicans in Congress can grow a spine and halt the entire deal. Like NOT lifting the sanctions that Iran so desperately wants lifted. Ignore Obama and the deal.

So why does Obama trust Iran? Probably because he believes the same things they do. He is working on Death to America and he is working on getting rid of Israel. He trusts them because they are alike…

There are dark days ahead folks and Obama is responsible for them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Oscar Politics Fall Flat

The political opinions expressed by the liberal winners at the Oscars will go over big with those who are still on the liberal plantation but those opinions lack one small thing.

The Truth.

Patricia Arquette ranted about income equality for women falling back on the myth that women are paid less than men for doing the same work. Studies have shown that when all things are equal the pay is about the same. But the myth continues as liberals rebrand the issue one of equality and take up the faux fight to gin up support and voters.

I think everyone should be paid what they agree to with their employer. It is not up to the government to decide what people will be paid. If you are one of the best and brightest then you should be able to negotiate a good salary.

I do think however, that it is hard to take someone screaming about equality seriously when that person is doing so in a $20,000 wardrobe after receiving a $125,000 gift bag for nothing more than attending an award show (maybe the $250 vibrator in the bag can help ease her frustration). Arquette claimed she paid her dog walker more than she made for her work in Boyhood.

If she wants equality perhaps she should walk her own dog like the rest of us…

Then there was the duo of John Legend and rapper Common who accepted an award for the music in Selma. Legend ranted on about civil rights and claimed that the civil rights fight 50 years ago included voting rights and now voting rights are again under attack.

“We know that the voting rights that they fought for 50 years ago is being compromised in this country today,” adding, “We live in the most incarcerated country in the world. There are more black men under correctional control today than there were under slavery in 1850.” IJ Review

What planet is this moron from? Voting rights are not under attack. There is a movement to require an ID to vote and that is how it should be. You need an ID to do almost anything in society from boarding an airplane to buying tobacco or alcohol to registering your kids for little league. You even need an ID to enter government buildings and unions who oppose voter ID laws require an ID before anyone can vote in union elections.

Why is it so tough to present an ID when voting and how can that possibly equate to an attack on voting rights? The argument that people who are poor can’t get an ID is a false one. The very people who allegedly can’t get an ID seem to be able to produce one to get welfare benefits.

Voting rights are not under attack or being compromised. What is happening is people are being held accountable. After elections where more people voted than were registered in some places and where people bragged about voting more than once is it too much to ask that people show an ID?

As for the number of incarcerated black men and the claim there are more in jail than were held in slavery that might very well be correct. That does not mean that they are in jail under false pretenses though. If these guys are concerned about the number of black men in jail perhaps they should work to help communities realize that they should raise their children not to be criminals. Here is an idea, start following conservative principles and leave liberalism behind. Liberal policies have led to the breakdown of the black family and the result has been decades of men raised into crime and sent to prison. One only needs to look at the areas of the country with high crime and large numbers of blacks in trouble to notice all these areas are run by liberals.

I would also point out there are more blacks in slavery now then there were during slavery only now they are slaves to the Democrat plantation where they are held in bondage by economics rather then chains. If they step out of line they are beaten by their masters in the Democrat party until they fall back in line.

The people who stand up in these award ceremonies and spout nonsense show how stupid they really are. These are the kind of people who give us poor leaders because they vote.

Let’s face it; if voting rights were actually being compromised we would not have Obama and many others in office…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


You’d Have To Be Stoned To Vote Democrat

Paul Bedard writes an article for the Washington Examiner where he indicates that if Democrats want to retain control of the Senate or limit losses the party should push marijuana legalization initiatives in November.

The reasoning is that if these initiatives are on the ballots the young (read pot smoking) Democrat voters will be compelled to vote and while they are voting for marijuana they will also vote for Democrats on the ballot.

This is probably true. The young want marijuana legalized and they would turn out to vote if it were on the ballot (assuming they were not too high to remember to vote) but can Democrats get these initiatives on the ballots by November?

And more importantly wouldn’t they, as Bedard points out, be more likely to hold off until 2016 to help keep a Democrat in the White House and pick up Democrat seats in Congress?

I am not a marijuana user, never have been and do not intend to start now. I think it could be legal and taxed and that it is probably no more dangerous than alcohol (and no, please do not tell me it is safer because it is not) but we need a lot of things in place. How do you determine driving under the influence of marijuana (other than people driving at 4 miles an hour)? THC (the active component in marijuana) is fat soluble and stays in the body long after the intoxicating effects have subsided. This is particularly true for habitual users.

How will law enforcement be able to determine if one is high or not when THC levels are present? This is important. States that have legalized marijuana have undoubtedly had an increase in use of the drug and that means more people are driving under the influence. They are a danger to others.

But I digress. The issue is should Democrats put marijuana on the ballot to increase Democrat voter turnout (especially among the young)?

Enticing voters with pot kind of signals desperation and would only bolster the impression that politicians will do anything to keep power.

Democrats would love to offer pot as an incentive. They like their voters to be zombies who follow along without question.

And they also know one has to be stoned to vote for a Democrat.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


More Obamacare Fallout

While Obama’s labor folks claim they have not heard any businesses complain about the impact of Obamacare the reality is that many businesses are feeling the heat. I suppose it is possible that there are not as many complaints as there could be since Obama has granted quite a few waivers to his minions so their businesses are not feeling the pinch. Others though, are downsizing or cutting hours so that they will not be stung by the huge financial impact Obamacare will have.

This started almost as soon as Obama was declared the winner of the tainted 6 November election and has been going strong ever since. Even some liberal professors (are there really any other kind) are feeling the pinch.

A community college in Pennsylvania is cutting back the hours of its adjunct instructors so that they will not fall under the definition of workers who have to be covered by their employer. The Community College of Allegheny is cutting all its part time folks back to 25 hours so that they are under the 30 hours Obamacare defines as full time for purposes of employer provided health care coverage. I wonder how many of these folks voted for Obama…

This is what happens when government mandates things that it has no business being involved in. When government makes rules that apply to businesses with 50 or more workers many small businesses that have slightly more than 50 workers scale down to below 50 to avoid the requirements. Obamacare has cutoffs and many businesses are cutting employees or scaling hours in order to avoid being bitten by the high costs of the law.

Other businesses are adding a surcharge as an individual line item specifically for Obamacare.

This is wise because it lets people know that the increase is because of the cost of Obamacare and it lets them know that cost is being passed on to them, just as all costs including tax increases, are.

I truly hope that this happens all over the country and that people are left to fend for themselves. All the mindless drones who voted for Obama and his vision of big government are likely unaware that they will have to buy health insurance and that Obamacare is not free. I want them to suffer sticker shock and outrage. I also want them to be in pain for the entire time they are required to follow the law.

Pain is a great teacher and I hope these morons are in great pain for what they have done to this country.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
