How Can We Get Michael Moore To Visit Peru?

Perhaps we can tell him that he needs to go there and check out some socialist plan of Utopia. Regardless, we need to get him to go to Peru.

Any suggestions on how to get him there?

Comments welcome.

Big Dog

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Bring Me The Head Of Michael Moore

There is a new potential blockbuster on the horizon for Hollywood, and really, all anyone has to do is follow the porcine Michael Moore around with a camera (not too closely) for about three months- even leftists who support Chavez should be able to find Mr. Moore by then, and they are really dumb- look at who they support, while a formerly good and decent country is dragged down to third- world banana status.

It’s all about pride, and the perception that Hugo Chavez is something other than the idiot he seems to be- well, Chavistas can’t have that, so they attack anyone and anything that poses a problem for poor old Hugo. A jar of salsa can’t be opened by the great man? Line it up against a wall and shoot the top off. That’s one of their solutions to a resistance to Chavez. Third world banana republic tinpot dictators are like that, you know. Aw, shoot- I’m profiling again, aren’t I?

But they go further than that- Michael Moore’s comments on a Jimmy Kimmel show have made the Chavistas mad- he dared to portray El Gordo (the fat one) as less than God- like.

During a recent appearance on ABC’s late-night program “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Mr. Moore gave an account — apparently tongue in cheek — of how he drank a bottle-and-a-half of tequila with Mr. Chávez at the Venice Film Festival in September, and how he mistook Venezuela’s burly foreign minister, Nicolás Maduro, for a bodyguard.

Those comments have created an uproar here among some of Mr. Chávez’s loyal supporters, known as Chavistas.

Goodness- such a slam- the Chavistas were furious, but not because of just that one comment- wait!- there’s more-

Ms. Golinger and other Chavistas took particular umbrage at Mr. Moore’s suggestion that he had imbibed with Mr. Chávez (the president is a noted teetotaler) while giving him some speechwriting advice. The advice, Mr. Moore said in the appearance, had been accepted.

Mr. Moore’s comments “about President Chávez asking him to ‘help’ write his United Nations speech demonstrate Moore’s extreme ego,” Ms. Golinger wrote.

“President Chávez is one of the most brilliant speakers in the world, with an immense capacity to bring together a variety of ideas while being coherent,” she added. “We know that nobody writes his speeches, not even him! He speaks from his heart, and not from a teleprompter!”

Yes, Chavez’ words rain down from heaven, yada, yada, yada- Chavez is a blowhard, that much is true, and the people who follow him are clueless lemmings, but, as I said at the outset, we might have a documentary/ snuff film/ comedy/ thriller on our hands. Oh, to have a handle on all those genres, and demographics, and all we have to do is get a few cameras and follow Mr. Moore around- the Chavistas have such a fragile ego collectively, that they resemble the White House, so we can expect the attacks to commence very soon.

But here its not the Chicago Way- its the Caracas Way- and they will use assassination- oh, they will need armor- piercing ammo, in order to penetrate that layer of blubber he protects himself with. Mickey D’s make for good kevlar- like protection- all those chemicals and preservatives, you know.

Perhaps they will use a harpoon, but that might bring the wrath of Greenpeace upon them. Wouldn’t that be cool? And if the Sierra Club got in on the chase, figuring that he needed to  be banded and studied, and his natural environment ( a padded room) should be protected. Imagine the cast of characters, the twists and turns!

This could be done with non- union labor, just like Michael Moore does- oh, the irony, as we capture the final moments of his life, I can hear the cheering in the theaters. Doctors will be in the theaters during the last five minutes! Those who are weak of heart should not attend, for fear that the joy might be too much.

And just think- for once in his life, Chavez might actually have done something positive for this world and the environment.

I am sure however, the Venezuelans would stake a claim on Moore’s fat body, and designate it as an alternative energy source.

After all, whale oil used to be all the rage.
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Random Thoughts

Michael Moore has new movie out and it is a movie that is anti capitalism. Moore adds to his list of distorting films, F911 and Sicko (how much money did the anti capitalist make off them), with this movie about the evils of capitalism. But Moore will earn money from the movie. How is it possible for a person against capitalism to make money off his work? Yes, some folks will see it for free but Moore is in business to make money. He owns Halliburton and oil company stocks. Moore also does his post production work in Canada to avoid having to use union workers in the US and thus pays less for the service. Something tells me that his movie will not include these tid-bits about him.

Barack Obama said that we had to pass the stimulus bill now or we would get in a spiral from which we might not recover. We had to do it NOW.

Obama has been saying that we must pass health care reform (his takeover bill) NOW. He had a deadline of August but that came and went but he continues to say that it is imperative that we do this now. There is no time to wait, we must do it NOW. If it is so important to do NOW, why does it not take effect until 2013?

Interestingly, Obama took longer to decide on a family dog than he wants to allow for debate on the issues that he says we must do now.

The one thing that needs to be done NOW is resourcing our troops in Afghanistan. Health care takeover – NOW, read and respond to the troops request, not right now. Obama will push that off for a while as he takes time to study it. Can anyone explain why we don’t have time to read bills and why we must vote on them NOW but that we can delay the request of combat leaders until Obama has a chance to study it?

It has been 9 months since he took office. He talked about Afghanistan for several years before that. One would think he would have already put a plan in place but now, the man who said he would listen to commanders on the ground, is putting his request for more troops on hold.

Seems to me Obama is giving people a tobacco smoke enema. He has his priorities out of order.

Did you notice that a few thousand left wing morons protesting in Pittsburgh were unruly and had to be confronted by police? Did you notice that this small number of people made a mess and vandalized things? Did you notice how Obama said that compared to past G20 summits this one was tame and not well attended?

Did you notice that hundreds of thousands of protesters were in DC on 9/12 and none of them were arrested? Did you notice they left no trash and cleaned up after themselves? Obama did not notice them either claiming that he did not know about the protests. For that matter, the MSM ignored them. The MSM sure gave the G20 protesters a lot of air time though.

Left wing protesters and the 9-12 crowd. One group is good for America, the other is a bunch of lawbreakers who should be in jail. The people at the G20 should have been rounded up and sent to Gitmo (not because they protested but because they engaged in civil unrest that involved breaking the law and vandalized things while throwing rocks at police). They are fortunate they were not shot. Which means they are fortunate I was not in charge of the police there.

Did you notice that the Obama backed Pittsburgh Steelers are 1-2 so far this season?

The Census has added a question this year. They want to know if you and the people in your house are covered by insurance (and they list several kinds for you to indicate). Since Obama will fine or jail you for not having insurance, is it smart to answer this? Also, what does it have to do with the census and the provisions of the Constitution? For that matter, why do they need to know how many bathrooms I have?

I intend to answer only the questions that deal with the number of people in my family. The Constitution allows for the census to determine numbers of people for apportionment of representatives. There are no other provisions in there for all these other questions. If they want to know my income they can ask the IRS. If they want to know how many bathrooms (or other rooms) are in my house they can check with the county clerk who issued the building permit. If they want to know if I have health insurance they can suck wind because it is none of their business.

Anyone who answers all those questions is allowing them to usurp the Constitution.

As for census takers, they should be very careful about the questions they ask and about leaving when they are told to.

Big Dog

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Long August Brings Out Best, And Worst, In America

August was a stressful month for members of Congress as they had to go home and face their constituents. They did not want to face them because a large number of them do not want government run health care and they do not want the government to completely overhaul the health care system. Most people want the problems with the system to be addressed while leaving those things that work, alone. Anti capitalists want the government to run the whole shebang and drive private insurance companies out of business.

Speaking of anti capitalist, and completely off topic, Michael Moore has a new movie out that is against capitalism. He claims that it is bad, causes people to be poor and is evil (and has members of the clergy agree with him). Isn’t it rather funny that this moron, who makes his fortune off capitalism, has a movie against it? Michael Moore owns stocks in companies (including Halliburton) and he invests his money in order to make more money. Yet, this slob (who really should have been aborted) is railing against capitalism. The real way to have lots of poverty is to attempt to redistribute people’s money. Socialism is fun until you run out of someone else’s money. al Reuters

Back to the health care debate. The town hall meetings were pretty contentious. Yes people raised their voices and some of them became extremely vocal but they were not violent and for the most part, were respectful (at least they were as respectful as the person deserved). I cannot blame some folks for getting pretty peeved because their Senator or Representative lied to them or tried to blow smoke in a dark place. Frank Kratovil’s office told me he had not made up his mind and a few days later he was out hawking the Obama plan. Obviously, his office lied.

As people became more vocal members of Congress became more reclusive. Many of them did not hold town hall meetings and some, including Harry Reid, held events that were by invitation only and that cost money to get in. As things heated up, Barack Obama mobilized his army of thugs in the unions and in his other groups and asked them to get in the game and bust a few heads. Then, union thugs began taking up many of the seats at town hall meetings. They began harassing those who disagreed with the health care overhaul. Obama’s jack booted thugs became physical and tried to intimidate the opposition, Chicago style.

People were threatened, people were beaten and there was a lot of bad behavior. This was perpetrated by the thugs Obama mobilized to “get in our faces.”

Then a funny thing happened. People started bringing guns to these events. This was done in accordance with the law and no one broke any law whatsoever when carrying a weapon despite the panic of those on the left and in the media (but I repeat myself). Chris Matthews lost the tingle in his leg and became upset that someone would carry a gun to this kind of event. One media outlet cropped a video and made and issue of white people carrying guns to events now that we have a black man in the White House, you know racist Republicans and all that. Turns out the guy with the gun was black and the video was doctored to deliberately deceive the public. Propaganda from the media wing of the Democratic Party.

While all these bed wetters were crying about guns being carried at events they ignored the Obama thugs who had beaten people for opposing health care overhaul. Kenneth Gladney is a black man who was so severely beaten by Obama’s thugs that he had to use a wheelchair for a while after the beating. Where was Matthews and the rest of the media decrying this beating? They were nowhere to be found because Obama’s thugs were doing the beating. You can bet that if it had been a liberal black guy beaten by conservative whites the news would have played it 24/7.

After this beating people began carrying guns and there were relatively few incidents. John Hawkins at Town Hall has an article up with the 7 most embarrassing town hall moments for the Democrats. One of the items he writes about is the Gladney beating:

A black man [Gladney] at a political rally was assaulted by white thugs who used racial epithets. The man was beaten so badly that he was forced to use a wheelchair and the response from liberals was…well, we’re actually still waiting for a response. The conservative response was to start bringing guns to the town hall meetings. Since then, for the most part, the unions have decided to behave themselves. It’s just more proof than an armed society is a polite society.

The conservative response was to bring guns. Notice how the Obama union thugs did not beat anyone else after conservatives started bringing guns. I know the liberal bed wetters were all upset about the guns and how horrible it was but the reality is that people have a right to protect themselves and if Obama is going to send his goons out then people need to have protection. It was Obama who said if they bring a knife, we bring a gun and in that light I say if they send union thugs, we take a gun.

Remember, there were no other incidents of union thugs beating people up after conservatives started carrying guns. The thugs think twice about bullying people if there is actually a chance that there will be resistance.

There was however, an incident where a man lost his finger. A man who is opposed to government run health care got into a fight with a man who supports it and the deranged lunatic bit off the man’s little finger. There is no telling if the perpetrator was a union thug because he ran away but all indications are that he was some half baked liberal in the crowd of Move On supporters who did not like the fact that a citizen opposed the sainted one’s health care plans. The lunatic violated the personal space of William Rice who says he felt threatened and popped the guy in the nose. The fight ensued and Rice lost a finger (which could not be reattached) and the coward ran away.

If Rice had a gun strapped to his side it is doubtful the lunatic would have harassed him.

September is here and on Tuesday the Congress reconvenes after its month long recess. The recess was anything but the peaceful vacation they expected to have as in years past. This time they (those who actually ventured out in public) got an earful from constituents who know that it is unconstitutional for the government to get involved in health care and who know that any involvement by the government will be a disaster.

Government run Social Security is nearly out of money. Government run Medicare and Medicaid are broke and spending more than they take in. Government run programs are always over budget and poorly run and there is no reason to believe that the government can run health care any better than private companies could if they were unencumbered by ridiculous regulations and mandates that drive up the cost of the plans they offer.

Health care needs to be fixed but not in the way the Democrats want to “fix” it. They want to control your lives and taking over health care is the best way for them to do it.

If they get control of health care we will need to carry guns to the doctor in order to get properly treated…

Of course, gun control is also on their list. Though I think they should try union control instead.

Big Dog

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Michael Moore Is An Idiot

…As if people did not already know that.

The auto bailout bill went down in flames last night and the news has been filled with stories about how the Republicans killed it. Every story discusses how Republicans were responsible and that the Democrats can’t do it without Republican support. Michael Moore called the Republicans blood suckers who were taking it out on blue collar workers.

What Moore and the others have not stated, and what has not been mentioned in the media (not directly) is that the Republicans gave enough votes for the thing to pass. The Democrats control the Senate 51-49 which means that 9 Republicans would have to vote in favor to get the 60 votes needed. I could not find a breakdown of who voted for the thing and who against but I read that 10 Republicans voted for it:

Moments later, the Senate fell short of the 60 votes need to bring up the auto rescue plan for consideration. The Senate voted 52 to 35, with 10 Republicans joining 40 Democrats and 2 independents in favor. International Herald Tribune

If the vote was only 52 in favor and 10 of those were Republicans then that means 40 Democrats and 2 Independents (who caucus with them) voted in favor. This means that 9 Democrats did NOT vote for the bill. Anyone want to bet it was the Democrats from southern states that have foreign auto plants in them?

How come Michael Moron blamed the failure on the Republicans when it was the Democrats who caused the defeat? If Harry Reid could have gotten all his Democrats to support it then it would have passed. Instead, they were probably allowed a pass to protect them while the Democrats laid blame on the Republicans. This is what they did with the original financial bailout. Pelosi could not get all her Democrats to vote for it (and she told the vulnerable ones to vote against it) and then they blamed the failure on the Republicans. Here is how the auto bailout failure is typically presented:

But the UAW stopped biting its tongue after Republicans sank a House-passed bill Thursday night that would have loaned $14 billion to cash-poor General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC to keep them out of bankruptcy protection. Yahoo News

This is how the Democrats play the game. Their member’s political careers are more important than the people. I am not in favor of the bailout and am glad it was defeated. However, morons like Michael Moore and the people in the MSM blaming this on Republicans, should not get a free pass. They are lying.

Let’s face it. The Democrats are unable to lead. They cannot get their folks to do what leadership wants. Then, when things go bad, they blame it on the other party.

I read that George Bush was handed a stinging defeat by his party. No, the Democrats screwed the pooch on this one.

I really would like to see Michael Moore just disappear off the face of the Earth. Perhaps we could find a nice deep hole to shove him in…

Big Dog