Fighting Back

The new immigration law in Arizona has the panties of liberals tied up in knots and they spare nothing to tell us how evil the law is and how it might lead to racial profiling. Ignoring the fact that Hispanic (the group most concerned) is not a race, why is a law bad because it might lead to an undesired consequence? All laws COULD have consequences we do not like but we handle them as they occur. If a police officer profiles a person illegally then the officer should suffer the consequences. We cannot ignore the people actually breaking the law because those who enforce the law might also break the law. How about we give the benefit of the doubt to the people who are enforcing the law instead of those breaking it?

The most disturbing thing about this is that many of the people in Obama’s regime who have spoken against the law have not read it.

The president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, is not happy with the law because it cracks down on the people he sends here and he views this as bad, as if he has a say in the matter.

Obama showed solidarity with his guest of honor, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who called Arizona’s law discriminatory and warned Mexico would reject any effort to “criminalize migration.” The United States and Mexico share a significant economic and political relationship that stands to be damaged the more the nations are at odds over immigration, which affects millions of people on both sides of the border. My Way News

This guy is doing the same thing that all the proponents of the invasion of illegals do and that is refer to illegals entering this country as migration or immigration. It is neither of these, it is ILLEGAL entry into our country. It is that simple.

Calderon is right when he says this affects millions on both sides of the border. However, he gives the impression that Americans are somehow affected when they sneak into Mexico. We know that millions of Americans are not illegally entering Mexico. Millions of Mexicans are however, coming here. He is right because the law will affect millions of illegal aliens by getting rid of them and it will affect millions of Americans because they will not be bothered by all the crime and the drain on our economy. Calderon wants his Mexican amigos to come here because they send billions of dollars back to his country. He does not care if the people sending the money are in America illegally as long as they continue to send money to Mexico.

Besides, who is Calderon to oppose this law and why do we care if he opposes it? He needs to go back to Mexico and clean up that craphole he has for a country and mind is own business. He has NO say so, to put it politely, shut up.

Some cities in America are boycotting Arizona because they would rather side with lawbreakers than with a sovereign state. I think there will be serous fallout from this because there are many more Americans who oppose illegal entry and who will begin to boycott companies based in cities that boycott Arizona. Those cities had better understand that the illegals will not be the ones keeping companies afloat.

Arizona is fighting back in its own way. The city of Los Angeles voted to end some contracts with Arizona. The contracts total about 7 million dollars which might hurt the state a little but Arizona might decide to end a contract of its own. Arizona power companies supply LA with about 25% of its electricity. There is a threat to end that contract and cut power to LA. This would be devastating to LA because it consumes a great deal of power and would likely suffer blackouts.

Good for Arizona. Next thing Arizona should do is end the contracts it has for holding California criminals in Arizona jails. Then the state could place those criminals in buses and ship them back to California. I recommend dropping them off in LA.

While they are at it, perhaps police in Arizona should place pamphlets (written in Spanish) in all places where illegals would likely do business. The pamphlets would inform them of the cities in California that are sanctuary cities and give them directions on how to get to each of them.

It is time for Arizona to fight back and that means it is time for those of us fed up with illegal aliens to fight alongside them.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Mexico Issues Arizona Travel Alert

The new law in Arizona is already having a good effect in that Mexico has issued a travel alert to its citizens warning them about travel to Arizona without proper documentation. In other words, they are being warned not to get caught there illegally. Part of the message to Mexicans is:

“There is an adverse political environment for migrant communities and all Mexican visitors,” Mexico’s ministry said. “It’s important to act carefully and respect the local laws.” Bloomberg

Notice how the Mexican government thinks it is important to respect the laws in order not to get caught but has no such feeling about respecting the law that involves coming here illegally? Mexico has helped its people sneak across the border. That government has encouraged people to sneak in and printed books to assist them in doing so. The government there was not too concerned about respecting the law then.

Now that Arizona has finally clamped down on illegal immigration the government of Mexico wants its people to respect the law but only to avoid getting caught.

There are a lot of people upset about this law but it is a good one and it is written so as to prevent people from being profiled. The people who are upset are those who broke the law and are here illegally and those who believe in open borders and want to assist those who break the law.

About 70% of the legal residents in Arizona think the law is good and that matters more than what those who are here illegally think and it certainly matters more than what those who are assisting those who are here illegally think.

The Obama administration is looking into legal action against Arizona with regard to this law. Good luck with that.

The same people who will require us all to prove we have health insurance are loathe to require people to prove they are here legally.

And that about says it all with regard to the ineptitude of our government.

Yahoo News

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Now, Here Is Part Of The Problem

In the Healthcare debate, a small part of the discussion is the illegal alien component that has disproportionate costs relative to benefits. And actually, the only benefit is that of a compassionate, feel- good nature, like helping an old lady across the street- only in this case, the “old lady” in question has cost a Las Vegas hospital around 24 million in lost revenue. I don’t care who you are- that’s a chunk of money that aint ever coming back.

A Las Vegas hospital providing emergency dialysis services to 80 illegal immigrants says that accounts for much of its operating deficit.

The University Medical Center says the treatment will cost it about $24 million this fiscal year, aggravating a budget deficit that is expected to approach $70 million.

UMC’s chief operating officer, Brian Brannman, said the hospital is required by federal law to treat anyone who shows up in an emergency but receives no reimbursement from federal, state or local governments for doing it.

Now, keep in mind here, this is only the cost for 80 immigrants, and only for dialysis- this does not take into account other services they may need, but do not pay for- and this is just one hospital out of hundreds. Now, not all hospitals will incur the same level of deficit spending regarding immigrants- some will be less, some will be more, but all will have some out of pocket expenses regarding illegal immigrants that they still, at the end of the year, have to reconcile with their budgets, and if this aspect of the problem isn’t effectively addressed, there will still be a huge hole in the Healthcare budget.

“Our people are really torn,” Brannman told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “We want to take care of people who are ill. We’re proud that we can save lives. But our employees are also worried about the survival of UMC. They know that the appetite of taxpayers for helping undocumented immigrants is limited.”

The cost of providing dialysis to illegal immigrants doubled last year, with twice as many seeking the treatment two or three times a week, officials said.

They come here to the U.S. because (1)- we have the cutting edge services, which gives them a head start on surviving, and (2)- They do not have to pay- we are a compassionate nation, and we do not turn them away. This is misplaced compassion, because what this means is the possibility of reduced services for our citizens who should be our first priority.

It’s time to do some population triage- we need to prioritize our services for citizens first, and others if we have service surpluses. I know that this sounds cruel, but if Mexico got off of it’s butt and reformed its system, it could be the model for Central and South America, and people (especially Hispanic people from Central and South America) would flock there.

Why Mexico does not do this is a puzzlement to me- I have been to Mexico, both coasts and Mexico City, also Monterey and Veracruz. I am familiar with the people, and have seen that their country is filled with resources that they make scant use of, simply because they seem to lack the political will to escape the third- world mentality that is pervasive there.

Until that happens, not much will be done, because the families in power do not wish to relinquish power, and so schools and hospitals are crude things down south, fated to stay in the early 20th century until people there begin to demand their own change.

One patient said she had nowhere else to turn.

“I am so thankful to this hospital for doing this for someone who is not a citizen,” Marta Berrera told the newspaper through an interpreter. “Without this help, I would die and my four children would be without a mother.”

UMC professionals say taxpayer-supported hospitals are strained to the breaking point and need to be part of the discussion on how to reform the nation’s health care system. If this problem isn’t solved, they say, others can expect to wait longer or pay more for their own emergency services.

“There’s no question that these illegals who come for dialysis treatment at emergency rooms back everything up,” said Dr. Dale Carrison, UMC’s head of emergency services. “And there’s also no question that they need help. But this isn’t how emergency rooms were meant to be used.”

No kidding- ERs were never meant to be a primary care facility, but that is exactly what the illegal aliens do, because they know they cannot be turned away- at least for now- but if we have to make the choice of rationing care, these illegals will be the first to go, and when the ERs have to turn them away or shut down the hospital, they will turn them away.

I have an idea- let’s bill Mexico for their care- after all, it is the Mexican government that has, for years. encouraged illegals to make the trek north. They even printed brochures that described techniques and “rest stops” on the migration north.

Now, they should be willing to pay some of the cost of caring for their populace in this foreign land.

That would be a part of the solution.

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Swine Flu On The Decline?

As I have been saying all along, the H1N1 Swine Flu does not appear to be the massive killer that people feared. Mexico is reporting that the flu is on the decline and that the worst might be over. It would appear as if people are cautiously optimistic that there will not be widespread outbreak and death.

Officials are now saying that the H1N1 might be no more of a problem than the normal flu we experience during flu season.

However, the head of the World Health Organization is saying that she would rather be overly cautious than unprepared and that the virus might reappear with a vengeance in a few months.

“We hope the virus fizzles out, because if it doesn’t we are heading for a big outbreak.” But she said: “I’m not predicting the pandemic will blow up, but if I miss it and we don’t prepare, I fail. I’d rather over-prepare than not prepare.”

There is a possibility the flu will die down during the warm summer months and then return when the weather gets cooler and it is certainly a good idea to keep looking for a vaccine and way of combating an outbreak. People should remain vigilant and wash hands frequently.

So far everything I have discussed in past posts has been accurate including predictions that this will not be terribly bad.

My Way News

Big Dog

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Mexico Upset With Burger King

The folks in Mexico are a bit upset about a Burger King ad that they claim is stereotypical and degrading. There is also uproar because the Mexican in the ad is wrapped in a Mexican flag.

An advertisement for Burger King’s chili-flavored “Texican” burger that has run in Europe shows a small wrestler dressed in a cape resembling a Mexican flag. The wrestler teams up with a lanky American cowboy twice his height to illustrate the cross-border blend of flavors.

“The taste of Texas with a little spicy Mexican,” a narrator’s voice says.

The much-taller cowboy boosts the wrestler up to reach high shelves and clean tall windows, while the Mexican helps the cowboy open a jar.


One of the things that most angered Mexican officials was a print edition of the ad showing the wrestler wearing what appear to be a Mexican flag as a cloak.

“We have to tell these people that in Mexico we have a great deal of respect for our flag,” Zermeno said. Breitbart

First of all this is an ad and nothing else. Considering the unrest in Mexico and the collapse the country is experiencing perhaps they should be worrying less about an ad and more about getting things in order.

As for the flag issue, too fricking bad. You have a great deal of respect for your flag, good for you. However, you people have very little respect for the American Flag which Mexicans routinely disrespect and they do so while in this country. They step on it, burn it, hang it upside down and hang the Mexican flag above it. These are all disrespectful acts but I never hear any Mexican Ambassador expressing outrage and telling the Mexicans to stop.

We have a great deal of respect for our flag as well (well, the conservatives do) and we don’t appreciate the way your people treat it.

So before you get all ticked off over an ad think about your own acts.

And if you are really upset don’t eat at Burger King.

Try Taco Bell.

Big Dog

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