The Story Change We Can Believe In

This is our time, this is the our moment, change is on the way. And with words like these Barack Obama rode a wave of excitement all the way to an election victory marking the first time a black person has won that office and demonstrating that the Constitution means little to him.

Barack Obama’s change we need seems to be everything but what he promised people. The change they thought they were getting is a change of politics as usual in DC but it turns out that Obama is more of the same. He has selected a bunch of retreads from the Clinton years and he has backtracked on a number of his promises. The moonbats are very upset with him because he is now saying different things than he did when he wanted votes.

It also seems that the change he meant was that his people would change their stories in order to keep him from being further linked to bad things like the corruption that Illinois, particularly Chicago, is famous for. Twenty percent of the governors from that state have been indicted or convicted and the current criminal chief executive is no different. Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested yesterday after FBI agents used a LEGAL wiretap to intercept his calls. Seems the Governor was holding an auction for the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. The governor made it clear that Obama has sex with mothers and that the seat was open to the highest bidder. Blagojevich made it clear that he wanted money.

One of the candidates for the seat was a person Obama wanted to get it but the governor was not happy about that stating that Obama would only give him some appreciation instead of a position in his administration. One would have to believe that Obama had spoken with the governor about his [Obama’s] preference and since the governor knew Obama was only offering praise it only makes sense to conclude that it must have been discussed. In other words, how did Blagojevich know he would only get gratitude if he had not discussed it?

But hold on now. There is no way that we are going to tie Obama to any of this. As a matter of fact, Obama said he had not spoken with the Governor and that he was not involved in any of it.

The problem is, a few weeks ago David Axelrod, Obama’s senior adviser, told Fox News Chicago that Barry had spoken with the governor:

While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a “kingmaker,” Axelrod said, “I know he’s talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.” [emphasis mine]

As is usual, the Obama team came out and denied this. They say that Axelrod merely misspoke when he was on Fox. Axlerod himself confirmed this. Yes, since it disputes what The One has said then it must have been a misstatement.

The problem is, Axlerod said I KNOW he’s talked to him. He did not say I think he did, or he might have, or I am unsure, he said I KNOW. How can this be a misstatement? If he said that Obama had spoken with him and then it turns out that he did not then he could have misspoken but in this case he said he knew it.

I believe that he did know it because nothing that Obama does happens without Axelrod knowing. This is exactly how he KNEW it. But, the story has to change because if it does not then Obama is a liar and we can’t have that when it comes to the Messiah. Obama, as is his pattern, threw Axelrod under the bus. Axelrod had to fall on his sword to ensure Obama was not caught in a lie.

When he said that he would bring change to Washington he meant that they would change their stories to whatever is convenient. Instead of change we can believe in we have changed stories that are hard to believe.

Obama spoke with disgraced governor Rod Blagojevich about this issue but The Sainted One is trying to distance himself from the controversy and he did that with a lie. Obama backed Blagojevich each time he ran for office and had good things to say about him. Turns out that he was not such a great guy after all. When will we hear; “Rod Blagojevich is not the governor I knew”? Hey you, get under the bus.

What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it? The governor already said that Obama would not pay to play so that means Obama knew about the game Blagojevich was playing. Why did Obama not go to the authorities? Of course it is because it is Illinois and this is how politics is done there so for Obama it was business as usual.

The guy is not even really the president elect yet. He has won the election but the Electors do not meet until the 15th to cast their votes. At that time he will be the PE. No, he is nothing yet and already we have scandals coming out that involve him even if it is in some tangential fashion. At the least it is a distraction and at the most it demonstrates the climate from which he came (and will undoubtedly take to the White House).

I wonder, at what point in his term will he surpass the number of scandals Clinton had? I also wonder if Axelrod feels stung by having to call himself a liar. If you are working for The One you had better get used to it because everyone else goes down before Obama.

Axelrod demonstrated that we can never trust his words again and he showed us that Obama is a liar who will cover his tracks at the expense of others.

As a challenge, someone find where anyone mentions that the governor is a DEMOCRAT…

As an aside, today is the day all the gays are calling out of work to protest the success of Proposition 8. They call it “A day without a gay.” To me that sounds great. We should have those everyday…

Ben Smith’s Blog | ABC Political Punch | My Way News

Big Dog

The Obamessiah

I have written about this more than once. The left wonders why we refer to Obama as The One. They wonder why we mock him as some spiritual being. The halos around his head, his claim that he will make water recede, the claims he will heal the Earth, the claims that the clouds will open and there will be an epiphany, and the fact that Obama is Jesus is part of the Congressional Record might have something to do with it all.

The way his followers serve him in a cult like fashion leaves us to believe he is the messiah of the left. Obama (PBUH) has bought into all of this himself.

Yes, now you to can get faith merchandise from Barack Obama. This merchandise is designed to show friends and neighbors that you still have faith in The One. The nifty T-shirts will show the world that you are a follower of the Church of Barack. You must have faith, my children.

The One has spoken…


Big Dog

Pelosi 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his second begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish (unless aborted), but have everlasting Hope and Change. Pelosi 3:16

It is interesting that the Obama folks all go bonkers when John McCain airs ads calling him “The One” and equating him to characters of Biblical proportion. The reason it is interesting is because the Democratic party does everything it can to make Obama look like he was sent here by God to fix the Earth. To listen to the Democrats (both the elected and the moonbats who support them) one would think that Obama was the second coming of Jesus Christ. Nancy Pelosi did nothing to change the perception of Obama as the one when she stated that God sent him to us:

He was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called him “a leader that God has blessed us with at this time.” [emphasis mine]Politico

Wow, a Democrat invoking the name of God in politics. Try that in a public school and see what happens. How disturbing is it that the Speaker of the House actually said that God has blessed us with Obama? The Democrats who think Obama is the messiah should be happy that they were not in power when Barry was born. If Roe v Wade had happened two decades earlier Obambi might have ended up as a blob of cells on a platter. If a guy like him had been in office he could have been killed even after he was born.

But I digress. I am having a hard time understanding the Democrat’s ire at McCain’s portrayal of Obama when the Democrats look at him in the same light in which he was portrayed in the McCain ad.

This past week Americans were fixated on Michael Phelps and his history making feat of winning eight gold medals in the Olympics. As impressive as that was, in order to be at Obama level Phelps would have also needed to receive frankincense and myrrh.

If Obama is a gift from God then we must have really ticked him off. Bring us locusts, grasshoppers and black sores anytime. Those plagues would have to be better than the plague of Socialism Barry will inflict upon us.

Big Dog

Obama Is Like An Empty Shell, No Nuts

Jesse Jackson made the startling revelation this week that he wanted to cut off Barack Obama’s nuts but that would presuppose that Obama actually has a pair of them to remove. Obama has given a number of hints that he lacks testicular fortitude. It is has been evident each time he has thrown someone under the bus and it is obvious in his inability to take a position and stick with it.

Perhaps the strongest indicator that Obama lacks a set of testicles is his reaction to the recent cover of the New Yorker. Now, I understand what the magazine was doing and I can see what they are getting at. I can also see how it would upset Obama but he is running for the presidency and should man up. If he ignored the thing it would go away and that would be it. By complaining about it he allows it to get more and more air time and it makes him look petty. Wonkette probably said it best:

“Who cares about the stupid New Yorker cover? It just makes the silly-sallies at the Obama campaign look like, uh, silly-sallies, and makes the New Yorker look terribly unfunny, which it is, except for that Anthony Lane who is a stitch.”

It is not like the New Yorker has never done this before. George Bush has been the object of their satire on a few occasions as have members of his administration and other politicians. Barack Obama is the only one who has thrown a fit over it and that is because he lacks the ability to man up an accept the fact that when one is in the public eye he is fair game.

It really isn’t all his fault because the media has given him a pass thus far and people have treated him as the messiah for so long that he actually believes it.

Big Dog

Obamessiah Addresses Allegations About His Wife

There is a rumor that a video exists of Michelle Obama using a disparaging term for white people but that video has not been made public. Rumors are that the Clinton camp desperately wants it because it would certainly give her a tremendous shot in the arm. Certainly the Republicans want it and would hold it until after the Democratic convention. It would likely be released as an October surprise.

Barry O was asked about the rumors today and he took the chance to blast the reporter who asked it. Obama indicated that this has been going on all along; someone gets a bogus email and it gets played up until a reporter asks about it. Obama, as is his pattern, called this a distraction. Any time someone addresses something that Obama does not like it is a distraction. He also has a pattern of blowing off all the riff raff in his life by saying that the person they are now is not the person he knew. Wright, Pfleger, and Rezko are not the people he knew.

Anyway, the issue at hand will be interesting especially if a video actually exists and is shown. Obama denied it and he said that just because it came in an email it was not true:

“Frankly, my hope is people don’t play this game,” Obama said. “It is a destructive aspect of our politics. Simply because something appears in an e-mail, that should lend it no more credence than if you heard it on the corner. Presumably the job of the press is to not to go around and spread scurrilous rumors like this until there is actually anything, an iota, of substance or evidence that would substantiate it.” The Politico [emphasis mine]

I think the possibility of such a video existing is very slim. If one existed it would have been all over the Internet by now. It is nearly impossible to keep stuff like this from being aired. However, if the MSM got it first it would be destroyed just to protect him. Until one pops up, I have to believe this is a rumor.

Obama made a great point. He said that just because it comes in an email it is not necessarily true. I agree with him 100%. As a matter of fact I keep getting emails from his campaign telling me that Obama will change America, that he has the hope and that he can run this country. I have gotten emails from them telling me he is best qualified and that Barry does not accept money from the lobbyists and special interests and that he is just a downright wonderful guy.

As Barry himself said, just because it is in an email does not make it true. The only truth to them is that Obama talks change and he is full of hope. Newsflash: ALL CANDIDATES TALK ABOUT CHANGE. Additionally, Hope is not proper mission planning. Obama cannot hope that things will be OK or that he can do the job and it happens. Certainly, people’s lives will not be better just because they hope so. Obama is an empty suit. He is long on rhetoric and short on plans and experience.

The MSM is in the tank for this guy so he will get a pretty good ride in the general election. The MSM will ignore the shortcomings of this man and the questionable things he has done just like they did for Bill Clinton. Remember Gennifer Flowers? The media ignored that story and called her a liar. Turns out she was telling the truth (Bill had to admit that). The media continued to ignore or failed to investigate Clinton and they will do the same with Obama. The media will be having Obasams and ignoring his problems or will fail to fully investigate him while they produce hit piece after hit piece on McCain. They turned on Clinton in order to help Obama so imagine what they will do to McCain.

Obama is right that things should have a bit of proof attached before they become an issue. However, Obama has absolutely no right whatsoever to dictate what is a distraction, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Obama is not supposed to dictate the terms, the people are. Therefore, the media has every right to look at everything, to ask anything, and to fully investigate each candidate.

I think we know they will only do that with one candidate and it won’t be Obama. He will tell them their limits and they will obey like the lapdogs they are.

Big Dog