Protests Are Bothering Democrats

The Democrats knew they would catch hell during this break and so far there have been quite a few encounters with constituents that have gotten loud. None of them have gotten out of control and there was no violence like there is when liberal goons are involved. These meetings included Democrats and Republicans who were present to express their dissatisfaction with the health care overhaul.

The Democrats in office, the DNC, and the media wing of their party have been portraying the protesters as right wing extremists who are hell bent on destroying Obama. No matter what the make up of the audience is, it will be labeled as a bunch of conservatives and members of the vast right wing conspiracy. Even though people at the meetings describe themselves as Democrats, they are still identified as conservatives and helps to brand them as supremacists.

Senator Boxer said that the groups are well dressed people as if ordinary citizens cannot dress nicely. Nancy Pelosi said that the protesters are carrying swastikas and other offensive items (I challenge her to find such a thing). This is a lie and is designed to make it look like the Republicans or the conservatives are the problem.

The groups are not the right wing, they are Americans from all backgrounds and ideologies who do not believe in what is happening. The Democrats want you to believe they are united and it is the right holding things up. Keep this in mind, they have enough votes to pass it without one Republican vote. The problem is many Democrats do not want to vote for it because they are worried about reelection. The Dems are blaming this on the right to take the focus off their own members who oppose it.

As for the unruly mobs that the Democrats want you to think are involved, look at any video and you see people who are angry and talking out of turn and over each other but there is no violence. The people are only expressing themselves and are really letting their representatives have it when they hear a lie, or as the White House calls it, something fishy.

Harry Reid is not happy at all and says these protesters are trying to sabotage the Democratic process:

The Senate’s most powerful Democrat on Thursday scolded health care protesters dogging his party’s lawmakers at local meetings, arguing that some critics on the political right have run out of ideas—and ditched their civic manners. Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada accused the protesters of trying to “sabotage” the democratic process. Breitbart

Isn’t it amazing how when Democrats are out protesting, damaging property and attacking people they are being patriotic because they are dissenting but when people (identified as Republicans by Dems) are peacefully protesting the government’s actions they are “sabotaging” the Democratic process?

It is further amazing that Harry Reid would call people expressing their Constitutional rights as saboteurs. Not only are these folks exercising their right to free speech, they are also exercising their right to peaceably assemble. Harry Reid thinks this is getting in the way of progress. You read that right, a US Senator thinks that people who exercise their Constitutional rights are saboteurs. Is it any wonder we hold these people in contempt?

Stop the ACLU has a video of some of these right wing radicals. It features a bunch of senior citizens at an AARP meeting. The AARP representative is trying to explain why government health care is so great and why the seniors should like it. When people start to express their dissatisfaction the person holding the meeting ends it and leaves. The seniors all said they were going to cancel their membership in AARP and I hope they do. The AARP is only out to make money. They do not care about seniors, they care about advancing liberal positions.

I urge all seniors who belong to the AARP to cancel your memberships and ask for a refund. Then consider joining organizations like the 60 Plus Association or the American Seniors Association. Both of them believe in limited government and ending oppressive taxes. They have your interests in mind.

Keep the heat on the members of Congress. Do not let them get away with the lies about the plan. They will say anything to get this passed so they can control your lives. Don’t let them get away with telling you how great they can do things. They can’t run a post office, they can’t run Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security, all of which are out of money or will be soon.

If you like going to the Department of Motor vehicles then you will love government health care. But keep in mind, if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it is free…

As for you seniors, keep giving them hell and then vote them out of office before they pass a health care bill that will kill you off.

Big Dog

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Senior Citizens Should Unite Against Health Care Bill

The health care bill making its way through Congress is an albatross that will sink the economy and make people beholden to the government. The goal is to make everyone a slave to the government and this will be accomplished by incrementally increasing governmental involvement until there is a single payer system that everyone must be a part of. This system will cover costs by putting the elderly in hospice by using the mandatory end of life counseling to guide them in that direction. This will save money on health care and it will save money in Social Security payments.

The elderly should unite against this bill because it will mean the end of Medicare. Seniors, who enjoy pretty good coverage under Medicare, will eventually lose that coverage and be placed in the single payer system where they will be guided to an early demise by their “caring” government.

Government will also have access to bank accounts in order to extract money for payment of services. Seniors, especially those on fixed incomes, cannot afford to have government dipping into their bank accounts. Government cannot use your tax dollars wisely so you know they cannot be trusted with access to your bank accounts.

Medicare is not the greatest thing around but it is better than the health care plan being considered. With proper oversight to weed out the fraud, waste and abuse, Medicare would be a more cost efficient option.

If you are a senior citizen you need to rally against this bill before you become a casualty of the new system. If you know any seniors then tell them to oppose this bill.

Senior citizens are one of the largest and most reliable voting blocks and Democrats cannot afford to upset them so they will listen.

Seniors, it is time for you to sound off and to do so loudly.

Big Dog

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