And So It Begins

The insurance premiums people pay will go down and businesses will see their insurance rates go down. Obama said it would save about $2500 per year.

Well not so fast. The Market Ticker has a quote from its forum and it would seem as if the insurance companies did not get the memo:

“So I just got a call from my health insurance provider. My family rates are going up $200/month … $2400/year per employee effective April 1st. Didn’t take long after signing to get this s**t going.

So much for the “my plan will save Americans” $2500/year in Healthcare premiums.

F***ing liar in chief. “

So this person has to pay $2400 more a year for each employee.

Nice, very nice. So much for the savings.

This bill will cost Caterpillar 100 million dollars a year in additional costs and Zoll will pay about 7.5 million dollars in taxes on its medical equipment. Does anyone think they will be hiring, giving pay raises or NOT passing the cost on to consumers?

Seventeen states have filed lawsuits or shortly will and there is a good chance that the mandate will be ruled unconstitutional. If that happens the whole health care bill begins to unravel because the mandates are designed to force people to pay so more money is available for those with preexisting conditions.

If the mandate gets thrown out the CBO numbers mean nothing…

Big Dog


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Preexisting Conditions

The health care takeover is on life support and all the socialist medicine in the world might not be able to save it. This has not stopped Barack Obama from campaigning around the country and it has not stopped those who think they have a right to government paid health care from holding rallies.

At a recent rally those with the microphone led crowds in chants about free health care for all.

Many young people do not understand that they will be required to buy their own health insurance. They complain that health insurance is too expensive but they will be forced to buy health insurance and there is no way the cost will go down.

The mandate to buy health insurance is needed to cover people with preexisting conditions. Insurance companies routinely refuse to cover people with preexisting conditions. I think there should be reform to require them to cover the preexisting conditions but also allows them to charge more for the insurance. Why should people, many of them young and healthy, be required to pay huge amounts of money in order to cover the elderly and those with preexisting conditions?

The left likes to tell us that since government can force you to have car insurance it is legal for it to force you to have health insurance. This is untrue because you have a choice NOT to drive. Since they use that analogy, let’s go with it a bit further. Car insurance companies require bad drivers to pay more money for car insurance. If this is allowed then why not require those with preexisting conditions to pay more for health care coverage?

The funny thing is that the same liberals who applaud employers who refuse to cover their workers who smoke (to keep costs down) demand that government require insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions which are not covered to, wait for it…

Keep costs down.

The health care takeover bill is losing Democrats and the trust issues and parliamentary manipulation might just well bury this thing in the graveyard of bad legislation.

Right where it belongs.

Big Dog


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Obama Says It Is Not About Him

It is always about him…

Barack Obama, responding to a statement that failure to pass health care reform could be his Waterloo, stated that this was not about him. Tonight he claimed (in his news conference) that the resistance he sees from Republicans is about politics and that he has not blamed them for things (a lie). He always discusses the obstruction of Republicans without discussing the FACT that it is his party that is causing the delay. The Democrats have enough votes in both chambers to pass anything without one Republican voting yes. If it is not going anywhere it is because of the Democrats.

Obama is playing this game as if he is the all knowing, all seeing, man with the plan who is trying so hard for our chirren while people are trying to take him down. It is not about me, he says. So one has to ask, if politics is not part of his game and he only has the best interests of the country in mind, why would he tell Democrats that if they fail on this it will destroy his presidency?

“Let’s just lay everything on the table,” Grassley said. “A Democrat congressman last week told me after a conversation with the president that the president had trouble in the House of Representatives, and it wasn’t going to pass if there weren’t some changes made … and the president says, ‘You’re going to destroy my presidency.’ ” National Journal Congress Daily

If this is not about him or politics, why would he make this claim?

The media and the Obama supporters have set high expectations for this guy and he helped with the whole mess. He set an aggressive agenda to take advantage of his popularity because he knew it would not last and that he needed to get it done before he lost his political capital.

Obama admitted he has not read and does not know what is in the bill. No matter what they come up with he will not read it and neither will any member of Congress. They will slip all kinds of things in there and screw us badly.

A few points:

Obama tonight stated that if we can make health care cheaper than it is now (even if it is just a few thousand dollars per person) that this would be money that could go back into the pockets of workers. This is wrong. In his opening he said that they were going to pay for this with the savings their plan produces. It will not produce savings but allowing it for the sake of argument, the entire saved amount will go back to the system to pay for it which means that we still spend the same amount of money and still not cover everyone.

It is claimed that 45 million people have no insurance. This is misleading. When those who can afford it and choose not to have it are subtracted along with those who are illegal aliens (who will be covered by Obama’s plan) then the actual number of uninsured who cannot get (or afford) insurance is about 12 million. Why are we restructuring the entire health care system for a very small portion of the population? Surely we can come up with something to take care of those who truly cannot afford health care (if for some unknown reason they are not eligible for programs already on board) without mandating that everyone get a government run program and without forcing business to provide health insurance. Surely we can do this better without spending another couple trillion dollars.

Part of Obama’s problem is that he has lost some credibility. When he said that we had to rush to pass the stimulus now or the world would end he told us that the plan would have immediate results. He specifically said that unemployment would not go above 8% with the stimulus but would go above 10% if we did not pass it. He actually said if we did nothing but this is a strawman argument. The Republicans were offering ideas that would produce jobs and help the economy but Obama and the Dems would not listen. Obama is now backtracking and saying that the stimulus is on track because it was supposed to be long term. This is different than when he said it would have an immediate impact. The unemployment numbers show that he was wrong. Joe Biden said they guessed wrong. No one understood the gravity of the situation.

We need to oppose this and we need to keep on the so called Blue Dogs. Members who vote for this need to have a target on their backs during the next election. We already have the traitors on the right who voted for the stimulus and they need to be gone. Next we target all the ones who vote for this power grab that is designed to give government more control and give Obama a legacy.

And remember this folks. When given the opportunity to make it legally binding for members of Congress, their families and their staff to enroll in this boondoggle only 3 Democrats voted for the idea. None of them want it and none of them will have it. They want to be able to go to hospitals where they have private suites reserved for them with private chefs who prepare their meals. This is what they have reserved at Walter Reed at a cost of nearly a million dollars a year. About 9 beds are there and they are hardly ever used but if a member of Congress gets sick that is where he will receive care. While we wait in line for our substandard, rationed government care, they will be getting treated like royalty.

It is time to take this country back. Screw the Canadian system, screw socialized medicine and screw any liberal who does not like it and that includes the jug eared Socialist at the top.

One day this country is going to have another revolution. That is a legacy that Obama will not be happy with.

Big Dog

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