Obama Untruthful About Bonuses; Frank To Endanger AIG Employees

Barack Obama and his lackeys have been running around screaming about the perfectly legal bonuses that some AIG employees received. I understand the uproar but the politicians have created an atmosphere of hatred and it is getting dangerous. Employees of AIG have been threatened as have their families and this is all because of the frenzy whipped up by the administration and the members of Congress who actually allowed the bonuses to happen.

Today the CEO of AIG was being grilled by Congress and limp wristed Barney Rubble, I mean Frank asked for the names of the employees who had received bonuses. Mr. Liddy said he would not give them unless he could be assured they would not be made public and Frank said he would make no such promise and that he would issue a subpoena for the names if he had to. Then Liddy read some of the hate mail that had been received including one that said the employees and their families should be strung up by piano wire. Frank said that he thought that it was just talk and he wanted the names.

No one treats it as just talk when people make any statement about Obama that in any way can be interpreted as a threat. I am willing to bet that if letters and emails started arriving at Frank’s office saying that he should be killed he would have protection and he would have investigations to find out who it is. And if there is anyone who should be strung up by piano wire it is that light in the loafers jackass. Frank seems not to care too much about the employees and their families.

If he releases the names and anything happens to those people Frank should be executed immediately. However, it is unlikely he would be held accountable for his actions. He is a major reason we had the economic collapse and he is still in office.

As for Obama, he is playing fast and loose with the facts. He claims that he only learned of the bonuses last week but a number of media outlets are reporting that he was aware of them before he took office. A number of people in government, many who are now feigning righteous indignation, knew about this months ago. It was not until the story enraged the public that most became upset.

The AP reports, via Yahoo News:

While administration officials insisted Tuesday that neither Obama nor Geithner learned of the impending bonus payments until last week, the problem wasn’t new. AIG’s plans to pay hundreds of millions of dollars were publicized last fall, when Congress started asking questions about expensive junkets the company had sponsored. A November SEC filing by the company details more than $469 million in “retention payments” to keep prized employees.

Back then, Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, D-Md., began pumping Liddy for information on the bonuses and pressing him to scale them back. “There was outrage brewing already,” Cummings said. “I’m saying (to Liddy), ‘Be a good citizen. … Do something about this.’ ”

Around the same time, outside lawyers hired by the Federal Reserve started reviewing the bonuses as part of a broader look at retention and compensation plans, according to government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The outside attorneys examined the possibility of making changes to the company plans — scaling them back, delaying them or rescinding them. They ultimately concluded that even if AIG’s bonuses were withheld, the company would probably be sued successfully by its employees and be forced to pay them, the officials said.

Obama had to know about this or he is even more incompetent than I thought. All his players knew about it and it was part of SEC filings. The article goes on to explain how there were a number of discussions about how to stop it and that when the stimulus bill was being crafted they passed up a chance to stop the bonuses and instead inserted a Dodd amendment that allowed them. Dodd initially denied he added the amendment but today fessed up and said he was responsible for the loophole that allowed the bonuses to be paid. It looks like the Democrats are losing even more credibility by the minute.

Obama’s time line does not square with what is being reported. Like I said, he had to have known or he is completely incompetent. I think it is both but if he continues to deny knowing then he is admitting that he does not know what is going on and that is a sign of an incompetent “leader.”

Then again, he showed that he was incompetent when he signed a bill he did not read.

Obama is not getting a honeymoon period because he and his minions have used most of his political capital. The only people who are steadfastly sticking to him are the toadies who worship the ground he walks on.

Most others are starting to wake up and, like the hungover college kid who awakens next to an ugly woman, ask themselves what did I do?

Obama gets caught in a lie just about every week. He is caught breaking campaign promises just about every week and he is using the fabricated crisis to push through things that would never pass muster during times of tranquility.

One thing is certain and that is Obama and his toadies knew about the bonuses and they made them possible by adding amendments to bills and signing things that were never read.

It is a piss poor way to run a country if you ask me.

Shep Smith at Fox goes off on Congress and the Administration.

Barney Frank defended Fannie and Freddie while they were sinking but making Democrats rich and now it looks like they will be paying bonuses. Will Congress go after them as well? Stay tuned…

Big Dog

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Obama Scoffed When McCain Said It

Back during the campaign John McCain talked about taxing health care benefits provided by employers. I am not in favor of taxing benefits such as health care that employers provide and think it is counter productive. Taxing it would make employers less inclined to provide it. The left was not impressed with it either and Obama scoffed at the idea and called it a large increase on the middle class. Obama failed to mention that McCain intended to offset the tax with a tax credit for their health care.

The International Herald Tribune is reporting this regarding Obama’s position at the time:

In television advertisements last fall, Mr. Obama criticized his Republican rival for the presidency, Senator John McCain of Arizona, for proposing to tax all employer-provided health benefits. The benefits have long been tax-free, regardless of how generous they are or how much an employee earns. The advertisements did not point out that Mr. McCain, in exchange, wanted to give all families a tax credit to subsidize the purchase of coverage.

The article goes on to state that Obama might regret his position if he were to win and now it appears that their concern had merit. Barack Obama is open to taxing the health care benefits that employers provide as a way to obtain money to pay for those who do not have health care. Once again, this rookie is working to require those of us who pay our bills to pay the bills of others. We have to pay for their houses so why not their health care?

Obama, at the time of the campaign, called McCain’s proposal the the largest tax increase on the middle class in history but now it looks as if he is open to imposing the largest tax increase on the middle class in history. Once again we see that Obama is not doing what he promised. He is now aligning himself with the policy of a rival, a policy he clearly denounced.

Will the media pick this up and run with it? Will they denounce this and scream about how unfair it is? Will they attack Obama like they went after McCain?

Of course not and his toadies, some of whom comment here, will excuse this and say it is for the good of the nation. They will not look at it as a flip-flop, or worse a lie, but will instead discuss how much this guy cares for people.

I think Obama had these kinds of plans in mind when he was debating McCain. Obama wants to have all health care provided by the government and the way to do that is to destroy the private sector and force employers to abandon health care benefits for employees. If he intended to do this all along then he was lying back then.

One thing is certain, he described it as the largest tax increase on the middle class which means he is not being truthful when he says he will cut taxes for 95% of the people.

This is just another example of spreading the wealth. It is also another example of Obama not being able to do what he said or to stand up for what he said were his beliefs. He is a typical politician and this is not change we can believe in.

They are painting Republicans as the party of NO but it looks like Obama is the leader with NO (scruples, truth, or convictions).

I hope those of you who voted for this guy are learning something though I seriously doubt that you can teach them much. The Kool Aid is very strong.


Big Dog

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Democrats Now Realize Stimulus Will Fall Short

The Democrats passed a spending bill that will end up costing more than a trillion dollars and in the run up to it they made a lot of claims as to why it was necessary. Obama said it had to be done immediately and promised that it would create or save (fraud alert: no one can measure a saved job) millions of jobs and that it would stimulate the economy. This monster passed even though many Republicans opposed it and said that it was full of wasteful spending. The bill was nicknamed the Porkulus bill.

The economy is not in crisis but it is in a tough down turn. The reality is that we could have done NO spending and the economy would recover. It would recover much faster if the government took a bold step and reduced the corporate tax to zero for a year and then brought it up by half at the end of the year. If we reduced capital gains to zero for a year and then brought them up to half it would have a big impact as well. If government felt it had to intervene it would have done better to have a smaller spending program with items that would provide immediate impact. Instead it went for a monster saying it was necessary to avoid a crash we could not get out of. After it was all done they started to lower expectations as to how long it will be to see a difference and then Obama said it really wasn’t as bad as he thought. They can’t cut taxes or follow what Republicans say because if it works they are done.

Now they are in a bind. The Republicans have been saying that the porkulus was full of political payoffs. It was full of things that will not stimulate the economy or create jobs and it was passed using the crisis to get it through with the purpose of making political payoff. All of this is an accurate assessment. The public is none too happy about the continuing loss of jobs and the slide of the stock market, Obama’s poll, and they are starting to get the message.

Democrats are seeing the different polls indicating that economists give Obama a failing grade and the online poll at MSNBC that gives him an F for what he has done so far. Obama and the Democrats have been saying that another stimulus might be needed but the public is not buying it. They know that the last one has not had time to work and that nothing should be passed until we see how this abortion is going to end up.

But the Dems, who backtracked on the second stimulus (at least publicly) really want to pass another one. They want to pass one with items that will affect the economy and jobs more quickly. They want to do what Republicans wanted to do the last time. They want to do this because they know the first bill will not provide what they promised and they need to do something to deliver or they will be toast.

Say no to a second stimulus. They said this one would work and Obama said it had to be enacted right away and then they said it might take a while. Well then we wait a while and not throw more money at this problem. We wait and see if what they said pans out. If that means they have to wait until next year then so be it.

They forced us to spend the money and now they are not going to use more of our money to cover their ineptitude and failures.

No more money on stimulus packages.

Big Dog

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The Contradictions Of Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a charismatic man who is well spoken and is usually coherent so long as he has a teleprompter from which to read. Obama is a man of contradictions which might be a polite way of saying he is a liar.

Barack Obama pushed through a trillion dollar spending bill that he called a stimulus package. It was so critical it had to be done yesterday. The Congress acted so quickly that none of them read it. Obama then went on holiday and eventually signed it four days later.

Interestingly, after he spent wealth that has not yet been earned, he gave a speech where he said we had to spend money wisely and that there needed to be fiscal restraint. He promised that they would not spend money without a funding source (usually whomever he decides is rich). How contradictory is that? He says they won’t spend money they don’t have after he spends more money than anyone in the history of government and it was money that will not be earned until our grandchildren get jobs.

Today, Obama signed a 450 billion dollar omnibus package which wrapped up all the things Congress did not get to last year. It is the unfinished business for the year. I guess Congress was too busy taking all those days off last year to get this done. In this bill there were about 9000 earmarks. This is money that is wasted by our government. This is money we do not have and it is being spent after Obama said we would not do that.

About 126 million dollars in earmarks going to Massachusetts will be spent on structures honoring the Kennedys. That’s right folks, the US government is spending millions of dollars to stroke the egos in the Kennedy family. This is a blatant waste of money and Barack Obama should have vetoed the bill. He was obligated to do so by his own words. No, not the lie about spending money we don’t have but another, now apparent lie, he told during the campaign.

Barack Obama said that that he would fix the broken earmark process to ensure our money was being spent wisely. Then he allowed Congress to insert 9000 earmarks in a bill and he signed it. He did not keep his word about earmarks which is another one of those pesky contradictions.

I also read that Obama used a signing statement on the bill. That is something he said George Bush abused and all indications were that he would not do that. Guess it is different when you actually have to govern.

Interestingly, Obama and his minions claimed that this bill cleaned up last year’s mess and that things would be different when they submit their first official budget for next fiscal year (begins 1 October 2009).

This is a cowardly way of addressing the issue and it shows that Obama does not possess leadership skills. What better way for him to signal this change thing he talked about then to veto it and tell them to send it back when it had no earmarks? He could have sent a strong message to the American public and to Congress. Instead he allowed Congress to abuse him like a $2.00 hooker.

This man is clueless and he is spending us into a black hole. I never want to hear the Democrats cry about Bush and his spending again. Yes he spent a lot and I wrote about that several times but Obama is on a pace to well exceed Bush and he will do it in a much shorter period.

A community organizer is not a leader. Barack Obama has never been in charge of anything. He has never been a leader. He has never had to be the decision maker.

It shows.

Big Dog

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Wikipedia Scrubs Negatives From Obama Entry, Bans Users

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia where people can enter items. The items are supposed to be sourced and verifiable but there are often entries that are inaccurate or contain opinion rather than fact. I, as well as a number of people, use Wikipedia as a source for information but I do not accept it as the sole source and often poo poo people who cite it when the information conflicts with more reliable sources.

The Wikipedia people would have you believe that they are concerned with accuracy and that they monitor entries to ensure that only truthful information is added. However, their practice is far from the truth.

Wikipedia is scrubbing the entry on Barack Obama to ensure nothing about him is negative. When a negative entry is made it is scrubbed within minutes even if it is 100% accurate. The person making the entry is banned from entering items for three days. The Obama entry has been scrubbed of any items containing information about the controversy surrounding his birth certificate. One can argue if he is a citizen or not and it would be conjecture or opinion because it has not been proven but mentioning that the controversy exists and that there have been lawsuits over it is factual.

Additionally, there is no mention of Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers. One entry with Ayers’ name was deleted and the user banned for three days. This was the entry:

“He served alongside former Weathermen leader William Ayers from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project, and also from 1994 to 2002 on the board of directors of the Joyce Foundation. Obama served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge from 1995 to 2002, as founding president and chairman of the board of directors from 1995 to 1991. Ayers was the founder and director of the Challenge.” WND

There is nothing in this entry that is disparaging and it contains completely factual information that was all discussed during the campaign. Obama did not deny any of this and it is a matter of public record.

The problem seems to be that Bill Ayers is mentioned. It seems that the administrators at Wikipedia do not even want that name mentioned so any information, no matter how accurate or relevant, is deleted.

This is a matter of rewriting history. The Wiki folks are presenting a glowing picture of Obama by ignoring the other facts that make the man who he is. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who think Wiki is the be all, end all in information and they will take what is written there as gospel.

Google scrubbed a Googlebomb about The Evil Won (the same Googlebomb about George Bush that it left up for years) and now Wiki is ignoring anything that is now glowingly positive about the Dear Leader. George Soros put up phony websites including one that depicts Obama as pro life. How far will the Obama followers go to hide the truth and to keep the world from knowing the real Obama? In Google’s case, it was not a matter of hiding the truth as it was protecting their guy when they allowed a certain practice for his predecessor.

Wiki asks for donations to keep the site running and, at times, the request is at the top of the page. I would hope that people will think twice before they donate to this group of hacks.

Then again, maybe Obama has already taken care of them…

Big Dog

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