All Show, No Go

Well, it is a fact, our Resident has no substance, and should in no way be taken seriously, at least by real men and women in the real world.
As we say in Texas, he is all hat and no cattle, someone you dismiss as not truly to be taken seriously- not a true player. He reminds me of the kid with big ears who comes up with the most outrageous lies, just to get attention. This is our leader- small “l”- because he is a small person in all except ego. To him, and probably by extension the rest of the WH, perception is reality.

Case in point- the photo op with selected “doctors” (I have the word “doctors” in quote marks, because I am not convinced that they are all, indeed, real doctors)- in order to make it more visually arresting, the WH staff handed out white lab coats so people could easily see the “sea” of white.

A sea of 150 white-coated doctors, all enthusiastically supportive of the president and representing all 50 states, looked as if they were at a costume party as they posed in the Rose Garden before hearing Obama’s pitch for the Democratic overhaul bills moving through Congress.

The physicians, all invited guests, were told to bring their white lab coats to make sure that TV cameras captured the image.

But some docs apparently forgot, failing to meet the White House dress code by showing up in business suits or dresses.

So the White House rustled up white coats for them and handed them to the suited physicians who had taken seats in the sun-splashed lawn area.

All this to provide a visual counter to complaints from other doctors that pending legislation is bad news for the medical profession.

150 doctors, if indeed they all were- from all fifty states. That works out to three doctors per state- not many are in favor of this plan.

Now we have dueling doctors- pro and anti- stethoscopes at ten paces- but this is all about perception, not substance for Nobama, because on substance, he loses every time. He is the ghost in the machine, and he’s trying his best to gum up the works for everyone else. I no longer even think he means what he says- he is too wrapped up in the illusion.

The president was flanked by four white-coated doctors at a podium as he delivered his pep talk.

“When you cut through all the noise and all the distractions that are out there, I think what’s most telling is that some of the people who are most supportive of reform are the very medical professionals who know the health-care system best,” the president said.

“I want to thank every single doctor who is here,” Obama said. “And I especially want to thank you for agreeing to fan out across the country and make the case about why this reform effort is so desperately needed.”

Underlying the strictly photo-op nature of the event, The Associated Press noted that Obama broke no new ground in his remarks.

Because there is never any new ground in an illusion- that is the nature of an illusion- it is unsubstantial at its core, and doesn’t get any more solid over time. Smoke and mirrors is just that- smoke and mirrors.

Speaking of which, now Bill Ayers, the Weather underground admitted murderer and domestic terrorist (Gee- don’t you want him for a friend? Perhaps a BFF?) admitted that the Resident did not actually write his book “Dreams of my Father”, but had Billy do it for him. I guess he was too busy organizing his “community”.

Anne Leary of Back Yard Conservative was passing through Washington, DC’s Reagan National Airport yesterday, and was surprised to come across Bill Ayers at Starbucks: “scruffy, thinning beard, dippy earring, and the wire rims, heading to order.” She struck up a conversation with him and snapped the accompanying photo. (Photo provided courtesy Anne Leary.)

I interviewed Anne this morning about it.

Ayers was in Washington, he told her, for a conference on education.

“That’s what I do, education,” he said. “You shouldn’t believe everything you hear about me… You know nothing about me.”

To which she responded, “I said, I know plenty–I’m from Chicago, a conservative blogger, and I’ll post this.”

I bet his heart skipped a beat on that one.

But he didn’t scowl, and didn’t run off as he has been known to do. Instead, unprompted, he blurted out: “I wrote ‘Dreams From My Father… Michelle asked me to.” Then he added “And if you can prove it we can split the royalties.”

Really? The authorship of that book, the one that launched our Faker in Chief’s Residential run, is in doubt?  Nobama lied? Are you really surprised? It would have been more convincing to me if the teleprompter had written it, instead of (allegedly now) Nobama. That Billy Ayers would make that claim strikes a chord of truth. It may actually be the most truthful statement we get out of anyone connected to this administration.

Was he, as she had asked, pulling our collective legs? Other sources report rumors that Ayers is very upset both about not getting any credit for helping Obama on ‘Dreams,’ and may also be put off by being summarily thrown under the bus along with Rev. Wright and everyone else who becomes an inconvenience to this President.

My understanding of communists is that most would know better and keep their mouths shut. But Ayers is a bit different. He is, as he says, a “small ‘c’ communist,” but he is also, in a certain, slimy way, an entrepreneur, as we explained in Monday’s post. (Apologies in advance to entrepreneurs everywhere.) He grew up a very rich kid, used to getting everything he wanted. Even as an adult his career has relied on a hand up from his wealthy father. His past statements and radical activities also mark him as a megalomaniac. In youth he drew attention to himself by blowing things up. As an adult “educator” he merely attempts to subvert children. But that doesn’t seem to be going so well.

He is under a lot of pressure, too. Ayers and his horrid wife Bernardine Dohrn are believed to have planned and executed the San Francisco Park Police Station bombing in 1970 that killed police sergeant Brian V. McDonnell and wounded several others. Efforts to bring them to justice have been underway for some time, as brought to light this past March in a National Press Club conference put on by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival.

Yep- just like everyone else liberal, he has an unsatisfied “inner child”- but then so does Nobama, who gets Billy to do his “homework” for him. Is there no one honest in this administration? I feel like I have the lantern in my hands,and I am looking for one, just one honest man in the administration.

I fear there is not a one- certainly Barry and the rest of his little cadre are liars one and all- their hero is obviously Josef Goebbels, with his grasp of propaganda, which just raises lying to an art form. As many “photo- ops” as his cabal have staged, a person could very reasonably be excused for not believing a single word that comes from politicians, especially the liberals in power now.

Perception is illusion- not reality.

Not with this administration.

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The Coward of the Country

Where are the spirits of Gary Cooper, John Wayne, and Jimmy Stewart? Rolling in their graves so fast that you could probably use them as an alternative energy. The spirit of goodness and the obligation to fight evil, and help the underdogs in this world, nations that have been attacked and subjugated by totalitarian regimes, is now dead in the halls of government. 

Our nation is now officially a coward, led by our sissy in chief Barry Nobama and his wussy posse. The commitment to the smaller countries of Eastern Europe for a missile shield to protect them from the missiles of Iran has now been cancelled by our Coward in Chief, caving in to the Russian A**wipe Putin and his Mafiya pals in the Kremlin.

The fact that Russia wants these satellite countries back under Russian control is well documented- the Russians feel it is their “Historic Right” to have these countries as theirs- Estonia, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, and others all have become independent after Communism fell in the 90s. All of these countries like their independence, but instead of standing up for freedom, Barry is giving the Russians free rein to take them back, and the missile defense would have made taking these countries a little harder. Now, it is child’s play, and Barry doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to do anything about it.

This is bad news for all who care about the US commitment to the transatlantic alliance and the defence of Europe as well as the United States. It represents the appalling appeasement of Russian aggression and a willingness to sacrifice American allies on the altar of political expediency. A deal with the Russians to cancel missile defence installations sends a clear message that even Washington can be intimidated by the Russian bear.

What we have in office now is a man, (and I use that term very loosely), who does not like confrontation, is scared, and very much out of his depth; a man who has believed that the sound of his voice alone could soothe the Russian Bear, when there was no evidence that this was the case. A man who has always had others to do the confrontations for him, so he never had to actually screw his courage to the sticking point and take a stand. Bluntly put- he doesn’t know how.

Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe. The move has prompted angry accusations of betrayal from Washington’s eastern European allies but delighted the Kremlin.

In one of the sharpest breaks yet with the policies of the Bush administration, Obama phoned the leaders of Poland and the Czech Republic last night to tell them that he had dropped plans to site missile interceptors and a radar station in their respective countries. Russia had furiously opposed the project, claiming it targeted Moscow’s nuclear arsenal.

Obama is to announce the reversal officially at a news conference today. This morning the Czech prime minister, Jan Fischer, revealed that Obama phoned him about it last night.

During a visit to Moscow in July the US president indicated he was ordering a 60-day review of the contentious plan. According to today’s Wall Street Journal, the findings, to be released next week, conclude that Iran’s long-range missile programme is progressing more slowly than previously thought. Citing US officials, the paper says the White House believes Iran’s short and medium-range programme poses a more potent and immediate danger.

You see, Barry just doesn’t get it- it was always about more, much more than just Iran- although they were a threat, undoubtedly.

The true threat was Russia, and continues to be so. President Bush knew this, and the invasion of Georgia peeled the curtain back on Russian intentions enough that a person has to be intellectually brain- dead not to see this as a threat that we will not be able to counter effectively, without these missiles.

Plainly  put, these missiles would have been a deterrent, and possibly could buy these smaller countries some time to begin to fight back, hopefully with the rest of the free world helping out, although that aspect is no longer as sure as it once was.

Alexandr Vondra – a former Czech deputy prime minister and ambassador to Washington intimately involved in the negotiations with the Americans – said he was surprised. “This is a U-turn in US policy,” he said. “But first we expect the US to honour its commitments. If they don’t they may have problems generating support for Afghanistan and on other things.”

Under the Bush administration the Pentagon spent years planning and negotiating to place 10 silos with interceptor rockets in northern Poland and to build a large radar station south of Prague to defend against a perceived ballistic missile threat from Iran.

The central European countries were keen to acquire the US installations and other military hardware as partial security guarantees against a resurgent Russia. Moscow claimed the project was aimed against Russia and threatened to deploy short-range nuclear weaponsin the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, which sits inside the European Union.

Obama’s climbdown is likely to be seen by Russia as a victory for its uncompromising stance.

Barry has no clue, no stones, and he is about to give away the entire area of Eastern Europe, for starters. And make no mistake, it will be just the beginning– Will Germany, or France, for God’s sake be able to do much of anything but retreat- something they have always been very good at?

And what about Britain, Ireland and Scotland? Why would Russia stop there? If you look at the historical records of Russia, even back to the Tsars (now there’s an inconvenient word) the Russians have always had world domination at the top of their list- only people ignorant of history could ignore the greater implications of Barry’s cowardice.

The decision strengthens Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, who is due to make his first presidential trip to the US next week for the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh. The Obama administration has been keen to boost Medvedev’s standing and authority at home, seeing him as a more moderate and less hostile interlocutor than Putin.

Today the Nato secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said Obama’s decision was “a positive step”. Rasmussen said he had been briefed by the US envoy to Nato about it.

But the timing of the announcement is regarded as disastrous by the Poles. Eugeniusz Smolar, a former chief of Warsaw’s Centre for International Relations, said: “We are disappointed.” But he added that the Polish government had been assured by the Americans that promises of training with Patriot missile batteries and help in modernising the Polish military remained valid.

A few weeks ago, in a cri de coeur to Washington, several senior eastern European officials and public figures wrote a public letter to Obama complaining that their security interests were being ignored by the west in order to improve relations with Moscow.

You may note that my reference material is from the United Kingdom- as an island, they are a bit twitchy about perceived threats, and this qualifies as a valid and fairly immediate threat. I can predict that the seizing of countries will begin soon- the pretexts are being put into place now, and when it happens, we will do nothing. I would say that Germany and France deserve it for consistently trying to foil us at every turn, but Spain, Portugal, and the U.K. do not deserve the possible invasion by a usurper nation- they have been our friends, but we will allow this to happen-

Because we will have our hands full with China by that time.

But that’s another post.

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The Last Refuge of Scoundrels & Democrats- Racism

As the Resident increasingly loses control of his health care debacle, and after seeing the crowd in the Mall on last Saturday, probably losing control of his bowels as well, the rest of the progressives have stepped up their strident defense of this Socialist in Chief, all while he hides behind Axlerod and Emanuel.

First up at the plate- Maureen Dowd, the perpetual screecher who has made her career on the back of President Bush, with her patented “woman scorned” vituperation. She always sounded like Bush had told her she was too ugly to be anyone’s date.

On Joe Wilson’s outburst in the Halls of Congress during the Resident’s speech, she claimed that (out of thin air) she could hear in Wilson’s words the phrase, “You lie, Boy!” 

Wow- although this is not the first time she has made up out of thin air lies and distortions (she has a delusional problem- she thinks she can write), the progressives have had a group hug and midnight memo moment, and decided that the best way to  fight the conservatives is to shout charges of “Racism” whenever any issue is raised concerning the Resident.

The famous first Socialist in Chief, Jiminy Carter, has weighed in on the issue, even though he has had Old-timer’s Disease since the Hostage Crisis in ’79. It is his feeling that people are having a hard time with a Black man in the Presidency. Not so- we have a hard time seeing someone SO  incompetent in the Presidency, and believe me- he IS  incredibly incompetent– but you can view Carter’s comments here:

And of course, you can count on good old professional tax cheat Charlie Rangel weighing in on the racist angle, but then he is desperately trying to keep the Ethics committee off his butt for failing to file tax returns on approximately one million dollars he “forgot” about- really? Charlie, Charlie, Charlie- you write the tax code here– you are in charge of the committee that actually is supposed to understand the tax code, and you maintain you didn’t know? Oh, Please!

Now Congressman Hank Wilson, of Georgia, seems to think that white hoods will be in vogue again- really? Rep. Wilson is black, and he does live in Georgia, but not, apparently in the 21st century.

Making an obvious reference to the Ku Klux Klan, Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., said Tuesday that people will be putting on “white hoods and white uniforms again and riding through the countryside” if emerging racist attitudes, which he says were subtly supported by Wilson, are not rebuked. He said Wilson must be disciplined as an example. 

Hours later, the House passed a resolution to formally admonish Wilson, who bellowed “You lie!” as President Obama delivered a health care reform address to a joint session of Congress last Wednesday. House Democratic leaders had decided days ago to move forward with the measure if Wilson did not apologize on the House floor. 

But although Wilson was widely condemned by colleagues on both sides of the aisle for breaching protocol, some went a step further and accused Wilson of being racially motivated. 

“He did not help the cause of diversity and tolerance with his remarks — if I were a betting man I would say it instigated more racist sentiment,” Johnson said Tuesday. “And so I guess we’ll probably have folks putting on white hoods and white uniforms again and riding through the countryside intimidating people. … That’s the logical conclusion if this kind of attitude is not rebuked, and Congressman Wilson represents it. He’s the face of it.”

Martin Luther King surely must be rolling in his grave so hard seismic indicators can pick up his movement- one would think that we had gotten beyond name- calling, but the memo went out, ” On the count of three, we will ALL shout “racism”- that will scare the conservative boogeyman,” when all we conservatives, independents, and increasingly, democrats who are uneasy at the trashing of our Constitution are doing, is assessing the content of the Resident’s character, and finding him to be incredibly lacking. Still, the attacks go on.

Johnson seemed to reference the protests held in Washington, D.C., on Saturday in making his claim. While many protesters were there to demonstrate against big government and federal over-spending, Johnson argued that a “fringe” element is motivated by race and that Wilson “winked” at that fringe with his behavior. 

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote in her column Sunday that Wilson’s outburst convinced her that racial angst is the underlying motive among Obama critics like Wilson. 

“I’ve been loath to admit that the shrieking lunacy of the summer … had much to do with race,” she wrote. “But Wilson’s shocking disrespect for the office of the president — no Democrat ever shouted ‘liar’ at W. when he was hawking a fake case for war in Iraq — convinced me: Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it.” 

Dowd wrote that Wilson “clearly did not like being lectured and even rebuked by the brainy black president presiding over the majestic chamber.”

Oh please! Brainy president? Spare me the unquestioning slavish devotion here- brainy? Not hardly- and Mz. Dowd obviously was doing drugs when Rep. Stark, a Democrat,  called President Bush a liar on the floor of the House twice- and got not even a mild rebuke- Which means that the standards of behavior vis a vis the two parties is waaaaaaaayyyyyy different- Conservatives are supposed to adhere to civilized standards, while the Democrats, and their moonbat “progressive” cohorts are seemingly permitted to act like spoiled children here.

Children who chant their new word ad nauseam because they know it drives the adults here crazy-

“Racist, racist, racist….”

That’s all they’ve got-
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On Ethics

Yesterday, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford called a news conference to explain his absence from his office for the past week.

He then proceeded to explain that he had had an affair with an Argentinian woman that he had know for eight years. This affair began casually, and later escalated, which brings me to a question; Why can’t people keep it to themselves? What mental defect causes them to think they are above it all? Where are the ethics every one of them so loudly proclaim?

The man was married, with four children, and he was stupid enough to think that there would be no consequences for his actions? Perhaps he thought for a moment that he was a Democrat- that might explain his mistaken temporary insanity regarding consequences- they never seem to have to answer for any criminal behavior- their side just shrugs and goes on with their lives, while Republicans fall by the wayside, doomed by their own admissions and moral lapses.

Why can we not actually have people in office who say what they mean, and do what they say. Why can we not have people in government who are actually good examples, instead of ” unindicted co- conspirator”, or “disgraced former_______” (fill in the blank).

This is not a new problem, nor is it limited to one party or the other. The entire House of Representatives once bounced more than 8,331 checks at their own bank- heck they forced it to close, and then when they had pledged to fix the problem, they promptly kited an additional 4,325 checks. And yet, none of these people had to pay an overdraft charge, as you or I would have.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” And that is just what the politicians are doing, on a scale larger than ever before, racking up a staggering $11,000,000,000,000 in national debt, with each family’s share coming in at $116,000.
Just say no- our interest payment to service this debt will be about $26,000,000,000- that is 26 billion, per month.  You might be forgiven for thinking that the head of the Treasury Department could do the math, and tell the rest of the politicians, ” Hey- perhaps we should quit while we’re behind, instead of really behind,” but noooooo. Turns out, he is math- challenged.

He’s supposedly the right man for this job, and yet he can’t figure out his tax bill, even though his employer, the International Monetary Fund, had done the math for him, and even cut him a check for the right amount, and made him sign an affidavit saying that the check was to be used for his payroll tax. How stupid is he?

Oh, and let’s not forget Charlie Rangel, the Congressman from New York who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee, the committee that actually writes the tax code. Apparently he’s not smart enough to read the code he writes, and failed to pay taxes ($75,000) in rental income from his villa retreat at the Punta Cana Yacht Club in the Dominican Republic. His excuse was that he didn’t know the tax applied to rental properties in the Dominican Republic. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

At least that is what the IRS tells us ordinary people- if it was we who had “forgotten” our tax obligations, we would be subject to the full might of the IRS in its quest to get “their” money from you.

The fact that there are serial lawbreakers in government today is a sorry state of affairs- why we tolerate them is beyond me. I personally do not care what party they claim to be from, as far as I am concerned, they belong to one class only- criminals. Where are the ethics they profess to have? Why do we tolerate these people working for us? Would you employ a known thief to clean your house? A car thief to detail your car? Why give known thieves the keys to our treasury?

James Madison is rolling over in his grave. “[Congress]… can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together. It creates between them that communion of interests and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny… If this spirit shall ever be so far debased as to tolerate a law not obligatory on the legislature, as well as on the people, the people will be prepared to tolerate anything but liberty.”

Ethics, like the Constitution, are not fluid things, but are supposedly the bedrock of our behavior, and should be doubly so for the politicians- after all, they are supposed to be representing We the People, a large group that needs good representation, not just someone who shows up for the perks. If we tolerate these crooks in our midst, we get the government we deserve.

Samuel Adams said that those who prefer the “tranquility of servitude” had best be prepared to “crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.”

He also said, in closing, “May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”
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New Miss California Has Same Opinion As Old

Carrie Prejean was unceremoniously dumped as Miss California because she gave an answer to a question that was not satisfactory to the gay guy who asked it. She answered Perez Hilton’s question about marriage by saying she believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. That answer is, no doubt, the reason she lost the Miss USA title. I know Donald Trump said differently but he is lying. The people involved are such unprofessional cowards that they did not even tell her she was fired. She found out when someone from the media called to get a comment from her.

The interesting thing is that Prejean gave the same answer that Barack Obama did when he faced a similar question. Joe Biden holds the same view as do many other liberals. The interesting thing is that the young lady who replaced Prejean, runner-up Tami Farrell, holds the same view:

[Prejean] went out and said that a marriage is between a man and a woman. Do you share that view?”

Farrell responded in the affirmative with a simple, “Uh huh.”

“You do, OK,” said Cavuto.

Farrell quickly added: “I don’t think that I have the right or anybody has a right to tell somebody who they can or can’t love. And I think that this is a civil rights issue. And I think that the right thing to do is let the voters decide.” WND

So Big Dog, how do you say Prejean was fired for her answer when her replacement holds the same view?

The official story is that Prejean was fired by Trump because she did not live up to her contract. Prejean claims this is not true and that she followed the contract to the letter of the law. She also claims that the people who handled her (with regard to her obligations) were trying to get her to make appearances and do things that were objectionable to her. She claims that she was asked if she would do a semi-nude layout for Playboy and she said she did not want to do that and that they were trying to set her up to be fired.

She claims to have been asked to attend same sex partner rallies and other gay events. She stated that she did not think it was wise to do that because right now tensions are still pretty high. She did not say she would not do it at all. I agree with her, do it later when people are not in as much of a snit. She would go and get booed and they would make a scene in order to embarrass her and she knew that. It would appear as if the handlers were trying to get her fired.

People do not have to like the answer she gave but it was not a harsh answer and it was not a condemning answer. She answered it politely and she spoke her own truth. Whether one opposes gay marriage or not there was no reason for her to be treated this way. There was especially no reason for that limp wristed twit Hilton to treat her that way. Prejean could have slapped him from one side of California to the other but she did not.

Even in dismissal Prejean was pleasant and polite and she thanked the people involved and she even thanked Trump. She had a target on her back because she said the same thing Obama did but she is not a liberal.

I look for a lawsuit to come out of this and if all goes well she can put Trump in another bankruptcy.

As for Perez Hilton, if he does not like the answers then maybe he should slip into one of his dresses and enter the contest so he can answer the questions himself.

Big Dog

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