I Guess It Will Service The Slow Trains

The Wilmington Amtrak station in Delaware underwent major renovations and will be dedicated on Saturday as the Joseph R. Biden Jr. Station. This is to honor Biden because he used the train to commute to and from DC while he was a Senator.

I guess they ran out of people to name stations after. I think the name of the town was appropriate so people would know where they were (I assume the name Wilmington will be visible to passengers) but it looks like the 20 million dollars from the Stimulus that helped fund the renovation was enough to get the station named after the gaffe prone VP.

Since it is named after Biden will all the slow trains stop there?

And will those trains be prone to mishaps?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Any Wonder They Question Our Motives?

Vice President Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. He is a gaffe a minute and every time he opens his mouth there is a great probability that something stupid will come out. People target Sarah Palin and call her stupid and if she made the same number and types of gaffes as Biden we would hear it non stop. Biden is a Democrat so he gets a pass.

Biden was selected by Barack Obama because of Biden’s foreign policy experience which is one of the many things that Obama has no experience in. Remember, Obama is the least experienced guy in any room he enters.

So if Biden is such a genius in foreign policy why would he insult the government of Afghanistan and at the same time feed the belief that we are imperialists who believe we are rulers of everyone? The people of Afghanistan (and Iraq) see us as occupiers who will force our ways on people because we know best. We have spent a lot of time on public relations trying to convince those concerned that we are not the bad people we are made out to be.

Biden basically insulted the Afghanistan government by saying that daddy was going to take the training wheels off and they had better practice. This was stated in regard to the transfer of security to the Afghan government by 2014:

“Daddy is going to start to take the training wheels off in October — I mean in next July, so you’d better practice riding.” ABC

Could this jackass have been any more condescending? Using the word Daddy makes it sound as if we believe the Afghan government to be a bunch of children who are being looked after by big daddy America. It is an insult. Since training wheels are used on CHILDREN’S Bicycles, the analogy reinforces his assertion that they are children being looked after by “daddy.”

Yeah, the genius on foreign policy. This moron should keep his mouth shut and let the real adults run the place though finding a real adult in the Obama administration might be a hard thing to do.

Regardless, someone needs to put a muzzle on Biden before he sets foreign relations back 50 years.

One has to wonder if his brain is in gear before he engages his mouth.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Who Is The Biggest Boob, Reid or Biden?

Harry Reid and Joe Biden are the gifts that keep on giving. Each is a gaffe machine and each passing day reminds us that both of them suffered brain damage in the past. Within the last few days Joe Biden, who Obama cannot stand, said that he was second in line for the presidency. Astute readers will note that Biden is first in line with regard to presidential succession. Joe is first in line and Nancy Pelosi is second. Yea, the man who once proclaimed he was the smartest man in the Senate is a moron.

Harry Reid must have decided that he could not let his old buddy Biden demonstrate more brain damage so Reid decided to make a sexually suggestive comment about Kirsten Gillibrand, junior Senator from New York.

The Nevada Democrat referred to New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand “the hottest member,” which apparently made Gillibrand blush, according to two Democratic sources familiar with the incident. CNN

It is true that Gillibrand recently came in third in The Hill’s 50 most beautiful people in Washington list but I fail to see where she was named hottest and I fail to see how Reid making the comment (which actually dealt with how the men in the Senate refer to her) is not an instance of sexual harassment. In order for there to be a problem the person about whom it was said must have a problem or it must create an uncomfortable workplace environment. Though Gillibrand played it off, there is no way that this is not inappropriate.

Reid and Biden are the heart and soul of the Democrats and each day they demonstrate how liberalism is a mental disorder.

They are both mentally deficient and should not be allowed out in public without safety headgear.

Folks in Nevada, now is your chance to get rid of Reid. Do it and put us out of our misery.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Millionaire Slaves And Millionaire Spies

An interesting weekend where we have discussions about some basketball player named LeBron James who evidently decided that he did not want to play with one team so he agreed to take less money in salary to go to a team that has a better chance of winning a championship and spies who were swapped out just like in the Cold War days.

Professional athletes change teams all the time and owners and fans get upset. It is part of the game and there is nothing unusual about it unless of course one of the players is a black basketball professional (which is a redundant statement) and he is called a coward by the owner of the team he left.

LeBron James put on a big show about his decision and ESPN had an entire show dedicated to that decision and when he decided to go to Miami instead of staying with Cleveland the Cleveland owner and the fans went nuts.

And this is where things get strange (if you can believe it). Jesse Jackson, the race baiting poverty pimp, says that poor LeBron was treated like property and the words of the owner were just like the words of a slave master.

“He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers,” the reverend said in a release from his Chicago-based civil rights group, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. “His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship — between business partners — and LeBron honored his contract.” ESPN

First of all, the owner sounds like a guy who felt betrayed by his star player and one could have any number of interpretations. Perhaps he felt as if LeBron was like a son to him and that he felt betrayed by a son. Jackson though, had to dive right into the slave master thing.

Here are a few questions for Jackson. How many slaves do you know of who make MILLIONS of dollars a year? How many slave masters do you know of who pay MILLIONS of dollars a year?

Jackson is a race baiting poverty pimp who sees racism in everything. He has to in order to make money. He extorts money from companies by threatening boycotts and protests, he invents racism out of thin air and he is always willing to make race an issue and he does this in order to make money.

Jackson and hs pal Sharpton have carved out good lives with lots of money all at the expense of the black community because these clowns are not in it to make things better. They need it to be worse in order to get money.

I imagine Jackson will find some way to focus attention on the Cleveland owner and then extort money from him.

To those of us in the real world, LeBron James is a good ball player who took a business decision that involved less money for a chance to win a title. That decision did not sit well with fans in Cleveland, black and white, who burned his jerseys and it did not sit well with the owner who felt betrayed.

It had nothing to do with slavery, a slave master mentality or anything else racial. Jackson is a moron who wants to horn in on the publicity of the James decision and race is the only thing he really knows.

Interestingly, Rush Limbaugh predicted last week that James would select Miami or another team in a state with no taxes and said that James would not select New York to avoid the 12-20 million dollars in state taxes. Looks like Rush was correct.

Speaking of Rush, VP Joe BiteMe equated him with the Russian spies while appearing on the Leno show. BiteMe was on Leno discussing with Leno the spy swap that just took place. We found 10 Russian spies who had been living here for a long time and who evidently did not gather much intelligence. I think they liked living here and did as little as possible.

In any event, Leno was asking the VP why we only got 4 spies when we gave up 10. During the discussion Biden indicated that a little known aspect of the deal was they wanted Russia to take Limbaugh. So Biden equated Limbaugh with the spies.

I do not think Limbaugh is the issue. We should send gaffe a minute Biden to Russia though he might have been there in the past to work on anti American agendas with John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, who knows.

There are a number of entities or people Biden could have mentioned including The New York Times and Senator Leahy and the fact that he chose Limbaugh shows how much this man gets under their skin.

Limbaugh clearly bothers Biden, Obama, and the rest of the regime.

Then again, maybe Joe is jealous that Limbaugh sold his New York Penthouse for nearly 12 MILLION dollars.

That was the last thing Limbaugh needed to do to break free of the city after he left for Florida a few years ago in order to escape the punishing taxes of New York. With that penthouse sold the city will no longer rob Limbaugh of millions.

LeBron James must have been listening…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Biden; We’re Allies, They’re Nazis

The left spent eight years calling George Bush a Nazi and took every opportunity to compare him to Hitler. One would not know this now by the way they act each time they become upset over some slander against Obama. Nancy Pelosi said she had never heard rhetoric like this. Of course not.

So it comes as no surprise that Joe Biden compared the Republicans to Nazis. No, he never used the word Nazi, he just said that the GOP would be mounting a blitzkrieg and then said the Democrats were people’s allies.

Comparing GOP tactics to the tactics of the Nazis and then calling the Democrats allies (the good guys of WW II) is a subtle way of calling the GOP Nazis.

The words were part of a fund raising letter sent out as worried Democrats try anything to keep the tsunami from leveling them in November.

No Joe, we are not Nazis, we are the A Bomb and we are going to level you and end this class warfare you guys are engaged in.

I can see November from my porch…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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