Stupidity To The Left, More Stupidity From The Left

Oh Boy! How’s that stimulus working out for all you Americans out of work? Seen any “created” jobs lately? Not many, unless you are Chinese- they are getting a large part of stimulus cash to make wind turbines and sell them to the “Gwai-loh”, or barbaric Americans. That’s right, instead of keeping the manufacturing jobs of building the wind turbines and blades here at home, where jobs would actually have been created, (can’t have that- how are you supposed to keep people believing that they are victims, if you help them?), the administration has chosen to send all that money and jobs overseas, where it helps us not at all.

A consortium of Chinese and American companies announced a joint venture Thursday to construct a massive 600-megawatt wind farm in West Texas, using wind turbines manufactured in China.

$1.5 billion wind farm would be funded largely by Chinese financiers, with an assist from the United States government in the form of loan guarantees and grants from the federal stimulus package.

“This wind farm project came about thanks to the openness of the United States for investments in the field of renewable energy,” said John Lin, the chief operating officer of Shenyang Power Group, an industrial group in China focused on renewable energy projects.

No, actually the project came about because our feckless leader is a traitor who lies as easily as waking up- all of these jobs could have stayed here in the US, but since we (actually Nobama’s administration) owe China sooooooooooooooo much money, the pressure was applied, and everyone in the WH began learning Mandarin- all the better for talking whilst being bent over and driven to Shanghai by the Chinese.

“Created or saved jobs”- the big lie. There are no jobs created here by this venture- certainly no manufacturing jobs. I would think the unions would be howling with outrage- they certainly would if this was done by Dubya. But since they have been getting stroked by the WH for the last several years, like lizards rubbed on the belly, it may take them awhile to wake up.

According to a recent article in The New York Times by Keith Bradsher, China required 80 percent of the materials used to construct its first solar power plant earlier this year come from China.

Foreign manufacturers of wind turbines have struggled to gain entry into the Chinese market, Mr. Bradsher reported.

Well, in this instance, it is not the Chinese market that we are trying to “enter”- it is our own, and we should be able to do this better, with more innovation, and keep the jobs at home. We could do this, but noooooooooooooo.

Instead, (perhaps because all the WH loves Mao) the Chinese get the lion’s share of the work. And as for jobs, well, I will let this article say it all-

The project would mark the first instance of a Chinese manufacturer exporting wind turbines to the United States market, according to the vice mayor of the city of Shenyang, Yang Yazhou, who spoke at a news conference announcing the joint venture.

The farm is to be built on 36,000 acres in western Texas — an exact location was not specified — and will use 240 2.5-megawatt turbines manufactured in China. Construction is expected to begin next March. The project will create an estimated 300 temporary construction jobs, and 30 permanent jobs.

300 temporary jobs and 30 permanent jobs. Somehow, I believe if we were manufacturing these turbines ourselves, there might be more than just *30* permanent jobs. That is not very many, even by the White House’s dubious accounting methods of “saved” jobs. And you know that a bunch of the 300 temporary jobs will go to illegal aliens- that’s a given, considering who is in the White House.

All in all, this deal benefits a select few, most of them either Chinese, or the leeches in the administration, like Jeffery Immelt, the CEO of GE, who gets a cut of this deal. 

The turbines for the Texas wind farm, although slated for construction in China, will use technology from the United States and Europe, including a turbine designed by German wind power manufacturer Fuhrlander and gear box design by General Electric.

Yes, in most logical societies, Jeffery Immelt’s being inside the WH should disqualify him and/ or his company from deals involving him and the government- a conflict of interest, you see. If this was Haliburton and Cheney, the howls of outrage would be heard coast to coast, but not from this liberal crowd- they can’t see the hypocrisy here.

When it comes to liberal hypocrisy, they are blind, deaf, and dumb.
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Here Come Those Lies Again

Okay, in the political world they call it spin, but if it is not the truth (and the truth is not a variable, but an absolute), then it is, by strict definition, a lie. And boy oh boy, can they lie- they have had years- in Chicago, they learn to lie before they have finished breast- feeding, and Hussein has learned from the best (or worst) Chicago has to offer, and as far as we know, he didn’t even have to sacrifice a child or small animal to do this.

The administration is trumpeting the .1% change in the jobless numbers as a sign that the economy is recovering- yeah, right- as if I found a nickel on the concrete and said my situation vis-a-vis the economy had improved. The reason they are loudly saying that the worst is past us is so perhaps we will allow them to pass this obamanation of a Health-scare bill. The administration wants to use the illusion of an improving economy when the truth is that a bunch of people who have been unemployed, have just quit looking, therefore they are not counted.

President Obama touted today’s surprising drop in jobless numbers as a positive sign that the recession has bottomed out, but cautioned that the nation still has “a steep mountain to climb” to full economic recovery.

“I’m convinced we can see a light at the end of the tunnel,” he said in remarks from the White House after the news that the U.S. unemployment rate dropped slightly to 9.4% in July.

The rate went down from 9.5% in June — the first decrease since early 2008 — despite the loss of 247,000 jobs nationwide as a larger number of people stopped looking for work, the Labor Department reported today. The drop surprised economists, who largely had predicted it would increase to 9.6%.

“The dawn of an economic recovery is here,” said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at California State University-Channel Islands. “The sharp contraction in employment has moderated, pointing to the end of the recession.”

Hallelujah- Praise the Lord, and pass the chicken! We are saved! Pope Barama has spoken, and it was bull-****. Only in Hussein’s world could we loose 247,000 jobs and have an “uptick” in the numbers- they have a serious problem with logic here.

Yea, right- wish in one hand, and… well, you know the rest. The facts all indicate that this is not only a small uptick, but a false one as well- just as September’s number will be deceiving as well, due to college students going back to school and some of the current jobless people able to take some of these “summer” jobs. 

This economy reminds me of a lava lamp- the liquid flows back and forth, giving the illusion of movement, but the liquid is still confined to the lamp itself, and actually goes nowhere.  The real truth is we are running out of jobs to lose.

Although the job loss is continuing, and forecast to continue into next year, the pace has slowed considerably. The economy lost 443,000 jobs in June — revised from an earlier estimate of 467,000 — and averaged 645,000 jobs lost a month from November through April. The unemployment rate has essentially remained flat for three months, although economists noted it still is likely to rise before reversing course for good.

“It’s unlikely that we’ve actually peaked yet on the unemployment rate. . . . I suspect we’ll probably still lose jobs for the rest of the year, but at a slower pace. The unemployment rate maybe won’t go quite as high as we thought it would,” said Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist for IHS Global Insight, who has forecast the rate to hit 10.3%. “The huge increases are now behind us. We’re in the process of beginning to flatten out here.”

Now, Hussein, when he was asking for the stimulus, promised that without the money, we would hit double digit job losses, but with it, our losses would not exceed 8%. As it turns out, that was not the truth, and he continues to lie about the situation so he can ram through the Healthcare BS that does nothing more than exert control over one sixth of our total economy.

One provision to do this is one whereby the government can reach into your bank account in order to pay for your care, whether you give your approval or not. Rather Communistic, is it not? It was not a coincidence that the banks are the first things he wanted to control. This is illegal, having our government in our private enterprises.

 I think so, but then I read our Constitution, and none of these “Laws” are Constitutional- not the “Healthcare”, not the “Cap and Trade”, not the stimulus- none of it is legal according to the Constitution, which was purposely designed by our Forefathers expressly to prevent government infringement into our lives, exactly as it is happening now.

States pay for standard unemployment benefits, generally offering 26 weeks of checks. But in dark economic times, the federal government often steps in and pays to extend those benefits. Congress has acted three times during this recession to temporarily extend benefits, with workers in California and other states with high unemployment eligible for up to 79 weeks of benefits. All told, about 9 million people are receiving unemployment checks, with about 2.7 million of those getting the extended federal benefits, which begin to phase out at the end of next month.

But as the recession continues, about 80,000 Californians and 540,000 people nationwide will run out of benefits by the end of September, with the clock running out on an additional million by the end of the year, according to the National Employment Law Project. The organization wants Congress to provide 10 more weeks of benefits for unemployed workers in all states and 20 weeks for those in states such as California with jobless rates above 11%.

In July, the number of people who had been without work for at least 27 weeks increased by 584,000 to a total of 5 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The National Employment Law Project said the number of long-term unemployed was at an all-time high.

“You have this desperate situation with long-term unemployment, and now folks are running out in big numbers of unemployment benefits,” said Maurice Emsellem, the group’s policy co-director. “There’s a real need to get something done by September.”

If the Federal government continues to provide these benefits, they are superseding the job of the states, and they will make it very hard for the states to continue to pay out at those levels without federal assistance, and that’s the problem. The federal government wants the States to be reliant on the Federal government for their existence.

That is unconstitutional, to say the least.

Actually, nothing more should need to be said.
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The Stimulus Had A Lot Of Pork In It

Now we know why they call it the Porkulus… (from the front page of Drudge)


There sure is a lot of pork in that bill…

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack released a statement indicating that the quantities of pork purchased were much higher. He said the pork came in 2 pound packages and they bought 760,000 pounds of it and that is why it cost so much. He said it was about $1.50 a pound.

Food lion has pork for 0.79 a pound. Seems to me if they are going to buy 380 tons of pork they could get a better price than Food Lion.

These might be legitimate costs (if they are telling the truth) but there are plenty that are not. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace a (one) door and a (one) dumbwaiter as well as install a traffic light. I saw many items where the available money equaled the bid, how convenient!

Perhaps, if they want to keep from creating confusion, they could actually put a quantity purchased on the bills so we know what was bought and can assess if the money was spent wisely.

I also want to know how buying all this food (which includes tons of cheese) is creating jobs. Sure, farmers have to produce more but how many people are being put to work?

Big Dog

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Democrats Now Realize Stimulus Will Fall Short

The Democrats passed a spending bill that will end up costing more than a trillion dollars and in the run up to it they made a lot of claims as to why it was necessary. Obama said it had to be done immediately and promised that it would create or save (fraud alert: no one can measure a saved job) millions of jobs and that it would stimulate the economy. This monster passed even though many Republicans opposed it and said that it was full of wasteful spending. The bill was nicknamed the Porkulus bill.

The economy is not in crisis but it is in a tough down turn. The reality is that we could have done NO spending and the economy would recover. It would recover much faster if the government took a bold step and reduced the corporate tax to zero for a year and then brought it up by half at the end of the year. If we reduced capital gains to zero for a year and then brought them up to half it would have a big impact as well. If government felt it had to intervene it would have done better to have a smaller spending program with items that would provide immediate impact. Instead it went for a monster saying it was necessary to avoid a crash we could not get out of. After it was all done they started to lower expectations as to how long it will be to see a difference and then Obama said it really wasn’t as bad as he thought. They can’t cut taxes or follow what Republicans say because if it works they are done.

Now they are in a bind. The Republicans have been saying that the porkulus was full of political payoffs. It was full of things that will not stimulate the economy or create jobs and it was passed using the crisis to get it through with the purpose of making political payoff. All of this is an accurate assessment. The public is none too happy about the continuing loss of jobs and the slide of the stock market, Obama’s poll, and they are starting to get the message.

Democrats are seeing the different polls indicating that economists give Obama a failing grade and the online poll at MSNBC that gives him an F for what he has done so far. Obama and the Democrats have been saying that another stimulus might be needed but the public is not buying it. They know that the last one has not had time to work and that nothing should be passed until we see how this abortion is going to end up.

But the Dems, who backtracked on the second stimulus (at least publicly) really want to pass another one. They want to pass one with items that will affect the economy and jobs more quickly. They want to do what Republicans wanted to do the last time. They want to do this because they know the first bill will not provide what they promised and they need to do something to deliver or they will be toast.

Say no to a second stimulus. They said this one would work and Obama said it had to be enacted right away and then they said it might take a while. Well then we wait a while and not throw more money at this problem. We wait and see if what they said pans out. If that means they have to wait until next year then so be it.

They forced us to spend the money and now they are not going to use more of our money to cover their ineptitude and failures.

No more money on stimulus packages.

Big Dog

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Law Enforcement and Bad Economy Cause Illegals To Leave

The bad US economy is causing a tough environment for people who want jobs. It is particularly hard for illegals because even if they will do the jobs Americans won’t, it makes little difference if there are no jobs. Now that law enforcement has increased the number of raids and arrests many illegals are saying it is not worth being here and they are going back to Mexico.

And they say they have no intention of coming back.

After going months without a full-time job, Daniel Ramirez has decided it’s time to return to family in Mexico.

Vicenta Rodriguez Lopez says she can’t afford to live in Colorado any more because her husband was deported.

Roberto Espinoza is going back, too. After 18 years as a mechanic for a General Motors dealership in Denver, his work permit wasn’t renewed and he didn’t want to remain in the country illegally.

All are leaving Colorado in time for Christmas — joining a traditional holiday migration that will number almost 1 million people, says Mexico’s interior ministry. But they have no intention of returning to Colorado, a place that promised prosperity.

Layoffs, dwindling job opportunities, anti-immigrant sentiment and the crackdown on illegal immigrants are forcing hard choices on many Mexican nationals in Colorado. Though not an exodus, some are returning to a nation they haven’t seen in years.

“You despair. You think, ‘I used to earn $600 a week and now I’m getting half of that a week?'” said Ramirez, 38, who lost his Denver construction job in August. He left last week, driving to San Luis Potosi in central Mexico.

Mexico’s consul general in Denver, Eduardo Arnal, said more people like Ramirez are going home for good. Yahoo News

The law enforcement aspect would have eventually had the same effect especially if immigration continued to go after employers as well as the illegals. The bad economy, while tough for America, has a good side in that illegals are leaving because they cannot make money.

We have been saying all along that if the incentive to be here were removed they would not come and those here would leave. We need to keep the pressure on them and ensure that even when the economy gets better we do not give them an incentive to come here.

If enough of them leave then there will be plenty of jobs for Americans who want to work. Given that Obama wants to put everyone on the government payroll (sucking up tax dollars to give out jobs) to rebuild roads and bridges, there should be plenty of work for people so they do not have to sit around on their lazy rears drawing welfare.

Big Dog

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